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По организации дистанционного обучения

В среде Moodle В соответствии с планом работы Управления образования администрации МР «Усть-Куломский» на 2017 год, в целях формирования модели дистанционного обучения учащихся образовательных организаций МР «Усть-Куломский» на

Администрации муниципального района

УПРАВЛЕНИЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯАДМИНИСТРАЦИИ МУНИЦИПАЛЬНОГО РАЙОНА«УСТЬ-КУЛОМСКИЙ»П Р И К А З« 07»декабря 2017 г. № 700 О реализацииМуниципального проектаПо организации дистанционного обученияВ среде Moodle В соответствии с планом работы

О - А в безударных корнях -кос- - -кас-

А перед суффиксом -а- касаться прикасаться касательная О перед -сн- прикоснуться прикосновение Правописание корней -гар- - -гор-, -зар- - -зор-, -клан- - -клон-, -твар- - -твор- Под ударением Без ударения -гар- загар огарок

Курсовая работа второго и третьего годов обучения

2.2.1 Курсовая работа второго и третьего годов обучения – это оригинальное, самостоятельно выполненное научное сочинение, которое должно опираться на основательную эмпирическую базу (архивные изыскания, опубликованные

Курсовая работа первого года обучения

Санкт-Петербургский филиалФедеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение высшего профессионального образования "Национальный исследовательский университет "Высшая школа экономики" Факультет

Рефлексивная карта готовности к учебной и производственной практики

(по профилю специальности) и результатов учебной и производственной практики (по профилю специальности) по ПМ 03 Классное руководство Ф.И.О.студента______________________________________________ Уважаемый студент! Оцените свой уровень

Лист согласования учебной и производственной практики

Лист согласования учебной и производственной практики(по профилю специальности) специальности 44.02.03 Педагогика дополнительного образования ПМ 01 Преподавание в социально-педагогической области дополнительного образования


Even if sports are not very important for you, you sure think of how to stay in good health as long as possible, how to have a high energy level, enthusiasm and zest for living, how not to feel tired after school. If you are going to say that it is not your obsession, I will not believe you. So, what do you do to keep fit? Do you go to a fitness club? They are very popular in the USA. Lots of people of different

Text 1. What is better watching sports or participating in sports?

Nowadays sport and recreation have become an important feature in the people's life. But tastes differ and different people have different attitudes to sport and recreation. Some people prefer to watch different sports events, others choose to participate in them actively. Watching other people playing is a popular leisure activity. Large crowds attend numerous national and international occasions; millions watch

Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. Use the topical vocabulary.

Сегодня Олимпийские Игры посещают тысячи любителей спорта. Мало людей знают о том, что однажды Олимпийские игры были запрещены римским императором Феодосием I, который посчитал их языческим ритуалом. Пьер де Кубертен сумел

Write an essay on the topic “The Ancient Olympic Games”. Be ready to speak on the topic “The Ancient Olympic Games”.

Text 2: The Modern Olympic GamesLook through the list of some new vocabulary notes and try to match them with the Russian words and phrases given below.a)to provide an opportunity, a sport-lover, to abolish, a pagan rite, to ban, due to religious reasons, renewal, educator, to manage to do smth., to persuade, the International Olympic Committee, to be set up, a motto, to adopt, “Faster, Higher, Stronger”,

Look through the list of some new vocabulary notes and try to match them with the Russian words and phrases given below.

a)ancient, to take place, to invite, to emphasize physical fitness and strength, education of youth, a contest, discus and javelin throwing, chariot racing, to hold (held, held), to honour the winners, olive wreaths, deeds, to halt, origin, to be closely connected with, in honour of, supreme, peculiar, selected participants, to take an oath, to compete honestly, to keep the rules, sacred, to follow the principle, to

Dialogue A. Sightseeing in London

There are a lot of places of interest in London. One of them is the Tower of London. Thousand of tourists visit it every year to see the Crown Jewels and the famous Beefeaters**. There is not only one tower of the site. You can notice several towers with different names: the White Tower, the Bloody Tower, the Green Tower and others. There is much to see in the Tower of London. Natasha and Jane are there now.

Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary Exercises

Exercise 1.Give the English for: 1. бeсплатный курс обучeния; 2. государствeнныe школы; 3. частныe учeбныe завeдeния; 4. стрeмиться получить высшee образованиe; 5.постeпeнно; 6. оставляeт жeлать лучшeго; 7. витают в облаках сeйчас; 8. учeбная программа

Unusual and Eccentric British Sports

Aunt Sally – involves the under-arm throwing of the dolly (a truncheon shaped stick) at a suspended target. Each player in the team has 6 throws. The best score out of 24 wins. Barrel Walking – To stand on top of a small barrel and walk it forward. The distance walked before falling off is measured. Cheese-Rolling - competitors race down a steep hill, attempting to catch a huge piece of cheese which has been set

Prepare a report on one of the topics mentioned below. Use any additional literature or internet.

1) UK Political System 2) Education in the UK 3) Holidays, customs and traditions in the UK 4) Famous people of the UK 5) London – a capital of Great Britain Write a composition on the topic Great Britain. Sport in Great BritainTell about Great Britain and Sport in Great BritainSupplementary texts and tasksSports and Pastime.Athletic sports include running, boxing, row­ing, jumping, fencing, diving, swimming,

Give the full answers to the following questions, do it in the written form

1) Where is the United Kingdom of Great Britain situated? 2) What is the total area of British Isles? 3) What is the population of the United Kingdom? 4) What is the United Kingdom made up of? What are their capitals? 5) What is the capital of the United Kingdom? 6) What is the highest mountain? 7) What is the longest river? What is the deepest and the most important river? 8) What is the climate of the British

IV. Read and translate the dialogue and then play it out with your partner.

“Sightseeing” A: Is it possible to see anything of Moscow in one or two days? B: Well, yes, but, of course, not half enough. A: What do you think I ought to see first? B: Well, if you are interested in churches and historic places you should go to the Kremlin and Red Square. Do you like art galleries? A: Rather! B: Then why not go to the State Tretyakov Gallery? A: I’m told one ought to see the Museum of Fine