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Предания о короле Артуре в английской литературе

Артуровская легенда прочно утвердилась в литературной традиции Британии. Повествование о короле Артуре занимает примерно третью часть обширной поэмы Лайамона «Брут» (13 в.), посвященной историческому прошлому Англии и близкой

Образ короля Артура в легендах

Юный король Артур В ранних английских исторических хрониках упоминается о жизни и подвигах кельтского вождя по имени Артур, который боролся с англосаксонскими завоевателями («История бриттов» Ненния, конец 8 — начало 9

Боевые подвиги короля Артура

Боевые подвиги короля Артура Грозный король Артур Бой с саксамиКогда был убит Константин, правитель Британии, у него осталось два юных наследника - Аврелий Амброзий и Утер Пендрагон. Долгое время никто не мог решить, кто же

E.G. I shall study at St. Petersburg University.

My grandfather graduated from Oxford UniversityУпр. 41. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.1. Teckle comes from ... very old country on ... Nile. It is called ... Ethiopia. ... Ethiopia is ... beau­tiful mountainous country. Teckle is ... young man. He wants to become ... engineer. He is very happy to be ... student of ... St. Petersburg University. He spends ... lot of time at ...

The United States of America

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandThe NetherlandsThe UkraineThe CrimeaThe Congo.Упр. 34. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.1.... Moscow is situated on ... Moscow River. ... Moscow is a river that moves very slowly. There is ... canal called ... Moscow-Volga Canal which joins ... Moscow to ... Volga. ... Volga runs into ... Cas­pian Sea. 2. Several rivers run into

Упр. 26. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо.

1. What ... colour is your new ... hat? — It's ... red. 2. Is there ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? 3. Where is ... refrigerator in your ... kitchen? — It is in ... corner of ... kitchen. 4. There are ... flowers in our ... living-room. ... flowers are in ... beautiful vase. 5. I have ... tea in my ... cup. 6. He has no ... coffee in his ... cup. 7. What ... book did you take from ... library on ...

To have (cook, make, prepare) breakfast

Упр. 20 Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. I go to ... school in ... morning, so I get up early. I usually get up at ... quarter past seven. I go to ... bathroom, turn on ... water and wash my face and hands. My father and mother also get up early in ... morning. My mother works at ... of­fice. She is ... typist. My father is ... doctor. He works at ... polyclinic. We have ...

E.G. Put the book on the table.

Упр. 7. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. What's ... weather like today? — ... weather is fine. 2. ... sun is yellow. 3. ... sky is grey today. 4. ... earth is ... planet. 5. We had ... English lesson yesterday. ... teacher asked me many ... questions. ... questions were difficult. 4. Where is your ... brother? — He is at ... home. He is in his ... room. He is sitting at ...

E.G. This is a book. The book is interesting.

E.g. This is a book. The book is interesting.исчисляемое в единственном числеThis is meat. The meat is fresh.неисчисляемоеThese are books. The books are good.множественное число Упр. 3. Вставьте артикль, где необходимо. 1. This is ... pen. ... pen is red. 2. These are pencils. ... pencils are black. 3. This is ... soup. ...

The Discovery of the Sumerian Civilization

TEXT SIXRead the text and discuss the following questions in your group.College Teachers1. Before I came to college, I was told not to expect my professors to care much about me or my work: indeed, I was told that I would be lucky if any of them even knew my name! But when I came to the university, I soon learned that these generalizations were too broad. Not all teachers are the same. In fact, I have found that

Great Britain minus Scotland?

Here’s the plot for a thriller: the invincible agent 007, James Bond, decides to challenge the London establishment and works to achieve disintegration of the United Kingdom. I used to associate James Bond with Sean Connery. As a matter of fact, the latter is also an activist of the Scottish National Party and has recently ac­cused opponents of Scotland’s inde­pendence of “verbal terrorism”. “Let them

Read and translate the following text without a dictionary.

Few states in the modern world have constitutional arrangements that are more than a century old. Indeed, the vast majority of all the world’s states have constitutions written in the 20th century. This is true of states such as Germany, Italy, and Japan that were defeated in World War II and of other states, such as the successor states of the Soviet Union, Spain, and China, that have experienced civil war and

Translate the following into English and check it with the Russian key. Comment on the main points of the text.

В 1925 году 25-летняя женщина взошла на престол великой империи. Королевский сан предполагает власть, но в действительности Елизавета II принимает мало участия в политике. И все же большинство ее подданных предпочитают сохранить

Answer the following questions to check how well you have read the text:

a) What does the term “state” imply? b) What is the difference between the Greek and the Roman ideas of the state? c) Speak of the modern concept of the state that emerged in the 16th century. Try to compare different points of view. d) How did the 17th century reformers reexamine the origins and pur­poses of the state? e) How did Hegel develop the idea of freedom in the state? f) What changes did the concept

You have a list of opinions and a list of philosophers. Match the opinion to the philosopher who held it.

1. They emphasized the profound differences in the minds and works of humans in different cultures. a) Voltaire and Montesquieu 2. For him the proper object of historical study was the state. b) Oswald Spengler 3. A civilization may prolong its life indefinitely by successful responses to the various internal and external challenges that constantly arise to confront it. c) Niccola Machiavelli d)

Read the text and find important ideas.

CivilizationCivilization is an advanced state of a society possessing historical and cultural unity. Specific societies, because of their distinctive achieve­ments, are regarded by historians as separate civilizations. The historical perspective is used in viewing a civilization, rather than a country. Since the Middle Ages, most European historians have adopted either a religious or national perspective. The

Write an essay of about 200 words or speak on any non-Western historiography.

TEXT FIVETranslate in writing the text into Russian.From Tax Audits to Poetry Since the time of the first cave drawings in 35,000 B.C., humans have revealed their nature by scratching, painting and otherwise representing the world around them. But not until 3 200 B.C., with the rise of the first city-states in Mesopotamia, did rulers show a need for intricate records of taxation, tributes and inventories – and for

Translate in writing the text.

The greatest Arab historian and one of the most penetrating thinkers about historiography in any time or place was undoubtedly Ibn Khaldun. The introduction to his Kitab al-‘ibar a universal history (begun in 1375), is, in A. J. Toynbee’s judgment (1934), “the greatest work of its kind that has ever yet been created by any mind.” Ibn Khaldun had absorbed all the learning accessible to a Muslim of his time.

Summarize the text in a paragraph of about 200 words.

TEXT THREETranslate in writing the text.Two major tendencies in the writing of history are evident from the beginnings of the Western tradition: the concept of historiography as an accumulation of records and the concept of history as storytelling, filled with explanations of cause and effect. In the 5th century ВС the Greek historians Herodotus and, later, Thucydides emphasized firsthand inquiry in their efforts