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Обозначение темы, цели, длительности презентации

The topic of my presentation is… Тема моей презентации … The purpose of my talk is to illustrate… Цель моего доклада – обрисовать картину… I’d like to give you an overview of… Я хотел(а) бы дать общее представление о… My talk will be in three parts. Мой доклад состоит из

Припереводестепенидокторанаукзаменяемслово Candidate наслово Doctor.

Должности и звания работников вузов по-английскипрофессорско-преподавательскийсостав faculty / professional and teaching staff / teaching staff аспирант Postgraduate аспиранткафедры Postgraduate at the Department of декан Dean директор Director докторант Doctoral Candidate доцент

Основные признаки и характеристика предмета исследования

1. Если нужно рассказать об основных характеристиках изучаемого предмета, процесса, явления, вещества, способа, теории, прибора и т.п., можно использовать следующие существительные и сочетания: – feature – черта; – characteristics –

Task 3. Match elements of a reference letter 1-6 with its parts a-f.

1. describing the applicant 4. giving more information on the applicant 2. conclusion 5. opening 3. summary of what has been written 6. describing the referees position Task 4. Look through the letter of reference again. How do you know it is a positive letter? Find expressions that are used to do the following: 1. describe the professional skills of the applicant 2. describe the applicants personal qualities and

Task 6. Tick the features of a formal, academic letter.

1. Colloquial expressions, that is expressions used in speaking, are numerous (What's up? Cheers!). 2. Full words, not contractions, are used (will not instead of won't). 3. Words and phrases that connect sentences meaningfully are used._____ 4. The sentences are rather complex._____ 5. Shortened versions of words are used (u instead of you, r instead of are). 6. Emotional words like great, superb, etc. are

Alternative analysis hypothesis opportunities problem programs similar standards

A The stomach contents of the red eft, red-backed salamander, and dusky salamander living in the same area were identified. An 1____ of the food eaten shows that the feeding habits of the red eft and the red-backed salamander were different. These two salamanders showed 'niche segregation'. These two salamanders ate 2_____ food when living in different areas but fed on different food when the two species lived in

Task 3. The texts below are all intended for different categories of reader. Read them quickly and identify their target readership. What helps you to decide?

A The Oxford Review of Education is a well established journal with an extensive international readership. It is committed to deploying the resources of a wide range of academic disciplines in the service of educational scholarship, and the editors welcome articles reporting significant new research as well as contributions of a more analytic or reflective nature. The membership of the editorial board reflects these

What do the presenters try to achieve with the different endings?

Task 26Unscramble the sentences to make typical sentences from a conclusion.1. Well, /the end of/today/brings me/to/my talk/that 2. Before l/key issues/go over/the/stop./let me/again 3. As a/means/let me say/for us/what this/final point, 4. Finally, /like to/issue/highlight/I would /one/key 5. To sum/looked at/product range/up then, /the new/first/we 6. That/logistics/just about/to say/about/l

Match the two parts to make sentences used to talk about visuals.

1. Let's now have a look 2. The black line gives us 3. Each line on the graph indicates 4. In the upper right-hand corner 5. The graph on the following slide 6. Now I'd like you to take 7. The names of the new models are listed 8. You can see the test results in the 9. This aspect of the problem is illustrated in 10. I'd Ike to draw your a) shows our revenues sinces 2004. b) the next pie chart. c) at how the new

What is important when presenting visuals? Which opinion(s) do you agree with?

(1) Karen Hamilton, Marketing Manager I think to be effective a good visual must focus on only a few points. It is important not to have too much information on one slide or transparency. Slide overload is bad because people will then spend time reading the slide rather than listening to the presenter. I normally use bullet points to structure information -1 never write complete sentences. Headlines are important

Structuring a presentation (1)

Most formal - and many informal - presentations have three main parts and follow this simple formula: 1. Tell the audience what you are going to say! = Introduction 2. Say it! = Main part 3. Tell them what you said! =Conclusion Task 3Complete sentences 1-8 with the correct form of the verb and a sentence ending from below.you on the proposed training project you up to date on SEKO’s investment plans you how the

Task 4. Match the words (1-9) with the definitions (a-h).

1.presentation goal 2. lecture 3. briefing 4. demonstration 5. seminar 6. workshop 7. press conference 8. conference presentation 9. commercial presentation a) formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students b) an occasion when a teacher or expert and a group of people meet to study and discuss something с) a meeting of people to discuss and/or perform practical work in a subject

Task 5. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with the words you found in task.

1. In a number of European states, however, ______England and Holland, the freedom with which researchers could defend the Copernican system stands in surprising contrast with the criticism faced by Galileo. 2. According to the research, the setting up of a stock exchange was indispensable for enhancing the flow of capital and for the creation of a market in securities, ______for protecting the interests of venture

Task 5. Match the words (1-7) with the correct definition of the word as it is used in the announcements.

1. session a) a formal meeting or series of meetings of an organization such as a parliament or a law court b)a period of time or meeting arranged for a particular activity 2. key a) a piece of metal that is used for opening or closing a lock, starting a car engine, etc. b) any of the set of controls that you press with your fingers on a computer or musical instrument to produce letters, numbers or musical notes

Science and technology in modern society

About 200 years ago the pace of technological change in western society began to quicken. Wind, water, and animal power, with their limitations of place and capacity, were supplemented and then replaced by the steam engine, which went on to power the factories of the industrial revolution. The railroad made it possible to move things and people quickly over great distances. The telegraph and, later, the telephone


Lead-in: Science is important to most people living in the modern world for a number of reasons. In particular, science is important for world peace and understanding, for understanding technology, and for understanding the world. Science is important for world peace in many ways. On the one hand, scientists have helped to develop many of the modern tools of war. On the other hand, they have also helped to

Знания – залог будущего успеха

Образование — это результат обучения. Образованный человек — человек, который овладел определенным объемом систематизированных знаний и, кроме того, привык логически, выделяя причины и следствия, мыслить. Главный критерий

Tell the story of the pictures.

  The ArchitectMade Houses.   The WriterMade Poetry.   The Scientist Made Discoveries   The Teacher Made Them ALL.   . READING BTask 18Read the text, try to catch its essentials and be ready to do the tasks.The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. Carl RogersWhat is Education? What is education? Is it knowledge in basic skills, academics,

Financial Stability and Dignity of Life

Another importance of education is that it helps you gain sufficient academic qualification so that you are able to get suitable employment at a later stage. A decent employment would be combined with hard-earned remuneration or salary through which you can look after your personal expenses. While you earn for yourself, you gradually begin to realize the true worth of money and how hard it is to earn it. You realize