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На этой странице собрано около (~) 26440 публикаций, конспектов, лекций и других учебных материалов по направлению: Образование. Для удобства навигации можете воспользоваться навигацией внизу страницы.

Globalization. The Institutions of Globalization

Globalization, a comprehensive term for the emergence of a global society in which economic, political, environmental, and cultural events in one part of the world quickly come to have significance for people in other parts of the world. Globalization is the result of advances in communication, transportation, and information technologies. It describes the growing economic, political, technological, and cultural

Laissez-faire Versus Government Intervention

Historically, the US government policy toward business was summed up by the French term laissez-faire – ‘leave it alone’. The concept came from the economic theories of Adam Smith, the 18th-century Scot whose writings greatly influenced the growth of American capitalism. Smith believed that private interests should have a free rein. As long as markets were free and competitive, he said, the actions of private

Task VI. Match the verbs on the left with a suitable object on the right to make correct word-combinations. Say in what connection these collocations are mentioned in the text.

1. to be eroded by a. serious economic problems 2. to face b. additional shipping access 3. to stabilize c. a limited role 4. to emphasize d. a wide variety of businesses 5. to play e. the creation of the EU 6. to provide f. the importance of education and training 7. to stress g. more authority 8. to include h. financial markets 9. to pass and sign i. private

Higher Education: Special Interest or National Asset?

The deepening financial crisis that is now affecting markets and people around the globe gives new context to what our nation is facing. Americans cannot think of business as usual in any sector of public or private life, including higher education. President-elect Barack Obama will have very little financial latitude and enormous immediate problems, beginning with the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, a troubled

British and American English

English is an Indo-European language belonging to the West Germanic branch. It is the native language of over 300 million people and is acquired as a second language by many more. In the number of native speakers it is second only to Chinese. Speakers of English nowadays comprise a very large number of people across the globe. Figures vary considerably, but it is believed that nearly one quarter of the world’s

A Brief History of the United States

The demand for Asian spices, textiles, and dyes spurred European navigators to dream of shorter routes between East and West. Acting on behalf of the Spanish crown, in 1492 the Italian navigator and explorer Christopher Columbus sailed west from Europe and landed on one of the Bahama Islands in the Caribbean Sea. For the next 100 years English, Spanish, Portuguese, Dutch and French explorers sailed there for gold

Task V. Do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to the text?

1. Alaska and the island state of Hawaii are separated from the main mid-continental group of 50 states. 2. It’s impossible to generalize about the weather, the landscape and the way of living as the USA occupies most of the South American continent. 3. As a result of massive immigration the United States today has one of the world’s most varied populations. 4. American Indians and Afro-Americans have long been

The United States of America Today: General Outlook

A. Pre-Reading Activities Task I. The vocabulary below is essential for understanding the gist of the text: access (n) – доступ affairs (n) – дела, вопросы affluence (n) – достаток, богатство amendment (n) – поправка annual (adj) – ежегодный, годовой appoint (v) – назначать apportion (v) – распределять, делить

The Economy of the United Kingdom

Pre-Reading Activities Task I. Go through the following list of words that will help you to understand the contents of the text: account for (v) – отвечатьза automotive (adj) – автомобильный barley (n) – ячмень beef (n) – говядина beverage (n) – напиток bulk (n) – основная масса, большая часть clay (n) – глина coal (n) –

Given the Cost of Higher Education, Should I Bother Going to University?

Yes, says Andrew Oswald, Professor of economics at the University of Warwick. Research shows that going to university is likely to make you richer, healthier and happier. These gains, for the typical British person, will outweigh the costs of university education. Interestingly, doing a degree will probably also make you a little more left-wing and make you live slightly longer. However, there are caveats that need

Task V. The text contains a number of verb-noun partnerships. Match up these verbs and nouns to make collocations. Recall the contexts in which these combinations are used.

1. award a. academic standards 2. apply b. duplication of effort 3. establish c. a certain level of income 4. submit d. undergraduate fees 5. attain e. a loan for maintenance 6. accept f. a degree 7. eliminate g. a wide array of services 8. offset h. an application 9. provide i. through UCAS 10. be entitled to j. a conditional offer Task VI. Read the text

A Brief History of the United Kingdom

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a country of great history rich in important events and entertaining legends connected with them. They say that in prehistoric times Britain was joined to Europe. So the first people came there over dry land. The present English Channel which separates Britain from Europe appeared at the end of the Ice Age. In the New Stone Age the hunters crossed the sea

Task VI. Say whether these statements are True or False according to the text. Give reasons for your answers.

1. Great Britain consists of four countries: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Their capitals are London, Cardiff, Edinburgh and Belfast respectively. 2. The British Isles have an easy contact with mainland Europe. 3. As the United Kingdom is an inland state the climate there is very specific. 4. There is a contrast between the relatively high relief of western and northern Britain and the lowland areas

The United Kingdom Today: General Outlook

A. Pre-Reading Activities TaskI. Study the meaning of the words from the text which may cause difficulty of understanding: affairs (n) – дела, вопросы ages-old (adj) – очень древний, столетний bilingual (adj) – двуязычный, говорящий на двух языках charge (v) – поручать, возлагать ответственность

High-Tech: Is IT the Answer to the Financial Crisis?

Several entrepreneurs have proven it is possible to rapidly develop a business focused on innovation. The last economic crisis in 1998 catalyzed the expansion of Russia’s information technologies sector. Can it happen again? In 2007, it seemed clear Russia was not a shining star among emerging markets when it came to high-tech. Neglected scientists, a lack of state support, bloated state companies, corruption and

The Economy of the Russian Federation

A. Pre-Reading activities TaskI. Study the vocabulary notes that will help you to understand the text better: arrear (n) – задолженность, просрочка average (v) – составить в среднем balance of payments – платежныйбаланс cod (n) – треска combat (v) – бороться consumer (n) – потребитель copper (n) – медь co-product (n) –

Russia Wants its Brains Back

The Government would like to entice the thousands of Russian scientists who have left for better-paying jobs abroad to return to Russia for good. But in a pinch, it appears that officials will settle for a few months a year. The Education and Science Ministry has opened a tender for 100 scientists working abroad to come to Russia, offering them a chance to lead scientific teams and conduct scientific seminars. Those

Professional Training in Russia: Geared to the Future

First of all, Russia is one of the leading countries in terms of associate or higher professional education participation: the current percentage of the population with associate or college degrees is 63.67%. This means the rate is 630 people per every 1,000, while the average participation rate in the United States is 510 per 1,000, and about the same level in Finland. The situation is largely attributable to a

Higher Education in the Russian Federation

A. Pre-Reading Activities Task I. The words in the list below are essential for understanding the text. Learn their meaning and pronunciation: admission (n) – прием (вучебноезаведение) agenda (n) – повестка дня allocate (v) – предназначать, отводить apply (v) – подавать заявление aptitude (n) – склонность,