Ex1. Answer the following questions
1. What was U – 99?
2. Why did she have to lie “doggo” at the bottom of the sea?
3. Who was Peter and what secret did he have?
4. What was the tragedy of the twentieth century?
5. How did the four shadowy figures manage to get into the lighthouse? Who were they?
6. What was their purpose?
7. Why didn’t Peter believe their words? What was wrong with the visitors?
8. What did they make Peter do?
9. Why didn’t Commander Pickering take any measures immediately?
10. What did the patrol boats find near the coast?
Ex 2. Translate the following into English
1. Именно в этот момент командир немецкой подлодки 99, расположенной в трех милях к северу, после того, как через перископ убедился, в том, что поблизости нет патрульных лодок, поднялся на поверхность и стал искать маяк.
2. Он стал размышлять, действительно ли ему суждено потерпеть неудачу из-за своего пожилого возраста.
3. Была лишь одна вещь, которую он не замечал, незначительная вещь для военного времени, ослепительная красота здания.
4. Бернштейн поменялся в лице.
5. Он вскочил на ноги, зажег лампу и подошел к окну.
6. Затем, его будто осенило, как будто кто-то пролил лучи света на слова, которые он собирался сказать.
7. Внезапно раздался телефонный звонок, который заставил Бернштейна подняться.
8. Капитан Пикеринг был неуверен, стоит ли ему придавать значение странному посланию от старика.
9. Возможно, Питер всего лишь увидел стаю морских свинок, которые его ужасно напугали.
10. Он не желал посылать флотилию эсминцев на бессмысленную охоту.
Test paper
I. Give the equivalents of the following expressions:
Держаться на плаву, портовые власти, курс судна, плохая видимость, проходить через пролив, судовая роль.
II. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Трюм номер один - очень большой. Мы можем погрузить много груза в него.
2. Между Англией и Францией есть пролив. Он называется Английский Канал.
3. Который час? – На моих часах 12.45.- Твои часы отстают (спешат)
4. Когда они плыли вдоль побережья Бразилии, они обнаружили маленький остров.
5. Капитан командует судном и экипажем.
6. Порт, в который судно направляется, это порт назначения.
7. Они отбуксировали поврежденное судно в порт сегодня.
8. Зубной врач сказал, что он может запломбировать дупло.
III. Read the text and translate it in writing:
Rear Admiral Daniel Vincent Gallery ( July 10, 1901- January 16, 1977) was a distinguished officer in the United States Navy who saw extensive action during World War II. He fought in the Second Battle of the Atlantic , and his most notable achievement was the capture of the German submarine U-505, on June 4, 1944. In the post-war era , he was a leading player in the so-called “ Revolt of the Admirals “ the dispute between the Navy and the Air Force over whether the U.S. Armed Forces should emphasize aircraft carriers or strategic bombers . Gallery was also a prolific author of both fiction and non-fiction.
In 1917, at the age of sixteen, Daniel V. Gallery entered the U.S. Naval Academy at Annapolis, Maryland. He graduated a year early, in 1920, and competed in the 1920 Olympics in Antwerp on the U.S. wrestling team.
Gallery was an early naval aviator. He flew seaplanes, torpedo planes, and amphibians. He won first place at the National Air Races in a race-tuned Douglas Devastator torpedo plane in the late 1930s.
IV. Answer the following questions in details:
1. What was Gallery’s achievement during World War II?
2. Where did he compete in 1920?
3. What planes did he fly as a naval aviator?
V. Make up a dialogue on the following situation, get ready to reproduce it:
You ask your friend about his coming voyage. You wonder if it is his first voyage abroad. Ask him what countries he will see , what ports his vessel will call at .what seas and oceans his vessel will cross, when he will be back home.
VI. Compose a story about a maiden voyage. Use the following words and expressions:
To be bound for; a cargo of containers; on the way to; thick weather; visibility; radar; to call at a port; to take a pilot; to moor alongside berth No ;to stay at a port for 10 days.
VII. Home-reading. Read and translate the story orally and do all tasks in written form:
In 1942, Gallery took command of the Fleet Air Base in Reykjavik , Iceland where he was awarded the bronze Star for action against German submarines . It was there that he first conceived his plan to capture a U-boat.
In 1943 Captain Gallery was appointed commander of the escort carrier USS “ Guadalcanal” (CVE-60) , which he commissioned . In January 1944 he commanded antisubmarine Task Group 21.12 ( TG 21.12) out of Norfolk , Virginia with “ Guadalcanal “ as the flagship. TG 21.12 sank the German submarine “ U-544”
In March 1944 Task Group 22.3 was formed with “ Guadalcanal” as the flagship. On this cruise Gallery pioneered 24-hour flight operations from escort carries ( By this time , U-boats were remaining submerged during daylight to avoid carrier-based aircraft) . On April 9, the task group sank “ U-515” ( commanded by the top U-boat ace Kapitanleutnant Werner Henke). After a long battle the submarine was forced to the surface among the attacking ships and the surviving crew abandoned ship. The abandoned “ U-515 “ was hammered by rockets and gunfire before she finally sank. Captain Gallery saw that this would have been a perfect opportunity to capture the vessel. He decided to be ready the next time such an opportunity presented itself. The next night aircraft from the task group caught “ U-68” on the surface, in broad moonlight, and sank her with one survivor, a lookout caught on-deck when the U-boat crash dived.
On the next cruise of TG 22.3, Captain Gallery took unusual step of forming boarding parties, in case of another chance to capture a U-boat. On June 4 , 1944 the task group crossed paths with “U-505” off the coast of Africa. “ U-505” was spotted running on the surface by twoF4F Wildcat fighters from “Guadalcanal” . Her captain, Oberleutnant Harald Lange dived the boat to avoid the fighters. But they could see the submerged submarine and vectored destroyers onto her track.
The experienced antisubmarine warfare team laid down patterns of depths charges
that shook “ U-505” up badly, popping relief valves and breaking gaskets, resulting in water sprays in her engine room.
It should be noted that “ U-505”'s crew was demoralized . She had a good start under her first commander, but then became known as a “bad luck boat”. After a long spring of aborted patrols due to sabotage, her second commander, Kapitanleutnant Peter Cszhech shot himself during a depth charge attack.
Thus when leaks appeared in the engine room, the engine gang panicked and rushed into the control room, yelling that the hull was cracked and the boat was sinking. Lange had no choice but to surface and try to save his crew. Thinking the boat was mortally wounded, he ordered her abandoned and also scuttled ( by taking the cover off the sea strainer, standard procedure in scuttling).
The incident was the last time that the order “ Away All Boarders!” was given by a U.S. Navy captain. Lieutenant Albert David, who led the boarding party, received the Medal of Honor for his courage in boarding a foundering submarine that presumably had scuttling charges set to explode- the only Medal of Honor awarded in the Atlantic Fleet during World War II. Task Group 22.3 was awarded the Presidential Unit Citation and Captain Gallery received the Distinguished Service Medal for capturing “U-505”. He also received a blistering dressing-down from Admiral Ernest J. King, Chief of Naval Operations. King pointed out that unless “U-505”'s capture could be kept an absolute secret, the Germans would change their codes and change out the cipher wheels in the Enigma. Gallery managed to impress his crews with the vital importance of maintaining silence on the best sea story any of them would ever see. His success made the difference between his getting a medal or getting a court- martial.
Toward the end of World War II Captain Gallery was given command of the aircraft carrier USS “Hancock”
Ex.1 Answer the following questions:
1. Where did Gallery conceive his plan?
2. How did the task group sink “U-515”?
3. What did Captain Gallery decide to do the next time?
4. What step did he take on the next cruise?
5. Where did TG22.3 cross paths with “U-505”?
6. Where did the antisubmarine team do when they spotted the submerged submarine?
7. What damage was caused to “U-505”?
8. What is scuttling?
9. What was the only Medal of Honor awarded in the Atlantic Fleet during World War II?
10. What award did Captain Gallery receive?