Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выберите правильный ответ к предлагаемым ниже вопросам.


Задание № 1. Выберите форму глагола соответствующую данному предложению.

1. When we got to the theatre the performance … already.

1.was started 2.has started 3. will start 4. had started

2. When … this house built?

1.is 2.was 3.has 4. will

3. She … to the bank when I met her.

1. goes 2. is going 3. was going 4. will go

4. I am sure that they … their work on time.

1. complete 2. will complete 3. will be completing 4. are completed

5. The steamer … still.

1. unload 2. be unloaded 3. is being unloaded 4. will be unloaded

6.He said that he … the book by all means.

1. has found 2.will find 3. finds 4.would find

7. My friend … for a job since last year.

1. is looking 2.looks 3.has been looking 4.will look

8. … you watching the news program at 9 o’clock yesterday?

1. were 2. was 3.did 4. do

9. These leaflets … tomorrow at 3 p.m.

1.will print 2. are printing 3. are printed 4.are being printed

10. If it … raining we will go for a walk.

1. stops 2. will stop 3. will have stopped 4. stopped

11. I hope the next mail … news from home.

1. brings 2. will bring 3. will have been brought 4. will be brought

12. How long … for me before I came?

1. did she wait 2. had she been waiting 3. has she waited 4. she waited

13. My brother … in the garden now.

1. is working 2. works 3. worked 4. has been working

14. The problem … by Russian scientists.

1. has solved 2. was solving 3. has been solved 4. is solving

15. He usually … to the institute 10 minutes before ten.

1. comes 2. will come 3. come 4. is coming

16. An interesting exhibition ... in a month.

1 hold 2. will be held 3. holds 4. has been held

17. They . . . this report when I came in.

1. are discussing 2. discussed 3 were discussing 4. have discussed

18. The secretary . . . two letters today.

1. posted 2. has posted 3. posts 4. was posting

19. If I ... free, I'll go to the party.

l. was 2. shall be 3. have been 4. am

20. There ... a lot of people in the park now.

1. are 2. is 3. were 4. will be

30. He was sure they … on the 1st of May.

1. will return 2.would return 3. returned 4. have returned

31. If I get the tickets, we ... this performance.

1. shall see 2. see 3. have seen 4. saw

32. The bridge . . . ten years ago.

1. is being built 2. built 3. was built 4. is built

33. She ... no letters from him lately.

1. has received 2. received 3. receives 4. shall receive

34. Listen! Somebody ... at the door.

1. knocks 2. was knocking 3. had knocked 4. is knocking

35. The telegram . . . five minutes ago.

1. arrives 2. is arriving 3. arrived 4. has arrived

36. When . . . your brother come back to Moscow?

l. has 2. did 3. do 4. is

37. I'll speak to him when I... him.

1. met 2. shall meet 3. meet 4. meets

38..He said that he … met that man before.

1. had not 2.did not 3. is not 4.has not

39. Let … learn this rule by heart.

1. they 2. their 3. them 4. themselves

40. A new stadium … in our district now.

1. is built 2. is building 3. builds 4. is being built

41. This plant … with new machinery now.

1. is re-equipped 2. is being re-equipped 3. is re-equipping 4.re-equips

42. … information really important?

1. Are 2. Were 3. Is 4.Does

43. They promised that a new car … the next week.

1. will be delivered 2. was delivered 3. would deliver 4. would be delivered

44. Why … to get there on time?

1. it is important 2. is important 3. is it important 4. was important

45. By the time she returns from her business trip the experiment … .

1. will have been finished 2.finihes 3. is finished 4.will be finished

46. He … learning foreign languages all his life.

1. has 2. is 3. has been 4. are

47. You promised that you … tickets for the new play.

1. will get 2. would get 3.got 4. have got

48. When we came home our son … on the computer.

1. was playing 2. played 3.has played 4. is playing

49. He … playing tennis tomorrow, because he is ill.

1. will not 2.is not 3.are not 4. was not

50. I thought Kate … the letter already.

1. translated 2. had translated 3. is translating 4. will translate

51. Don’t call on my brother tomorrow, he … for his exams.

1.will be reading 2.are reading 3. will read 4. reads

52. Why ... to learn foreign languages?

1. necessary 2. it is necessary 3. is necessary 4. is it necessary

53. When I entered the conference room she ... a report.

1. makes 2. was making 3. made 4. has made

54. If you ... the book, let me know.

1. won't get 2. hadn't got 3. don't get 4. wouldn't get

55. How many novels . . . ?

1. he has written 2. has he written 3. is written 4. he wrote

56. An interesting problem ... at the conference tomorrow.

1. will be discussed 2. will discuss 3. has discussed 4. was being discussed

57. She showed me the article which her brother ....

1. translated 2. had translated 3. translates 4. has translated

58. When you … from the party give me a call please.

1. will return 2.returns 3. return 4. returned

59. Only after all the details … the contract was signed.

1. have been discussed 2. had been discussed 3. were discussed 4.discussed

60. The operator assured us that a new program … the following week.

1. will be installed 2. installed 3.would be installed 4. installs

61. Why … to study mathematics at school.

1. is necessary 2. is it necessary 3. it is necessary 4. it was necessary

62. A new school … in our district by the time your son goes to school.

1. will be built 2. will have been built 3. will built 4. is built

63. They … play golf every day.

1. don’t 2. doesn’t 3. hadn’t played 4. wasn’t

64. They … since last holidays .

1. haven’t met 2.didn’t meet 3. don’t meet 4. had met

65. What new words . . . ?

1. did you learn 2. you learnt 3. you have learnt 4. have you learnt

66.1 ... him for three years.

1. know 2. was known 3. have known 4. has known

67. When I ... free, I'll come to see you.

1. shall be 2. am 3 be 4. was

68. He ... his work before I returned.

1. finished 2. has finished 3. finishes 4. had finished

69. The letter . . . just... .

1. has been typed 2. has typed 3. is being typed 4. is typing

70. We . . . an interesting TV program some days ago.

1 shall watch 2. watched 3. watch 4. have watched

71. The students said they … less time on the translation of this text than the previous one.

1. had spent 2.spend 3. spent 4. were spending

72…. all the students from your group invited to the conference last month.

1. Have 2. Was 3.Were 4. Did

73. No news … good news.

1. is 2. are 3.were 4.have been

74 . Tomorrow at this time he … to Paris.

1. will fly 2. will be flying 3. would fly 4. have been flying

75. After the new equipment … to the audience the conference started.

1. was shown 2. had been shown 3. had shown 4. showed

76. They … for Athens the day after tomorrow.

1. are leaving 2. have left 3. will have left 4.shall leave

77. He said that a new plant … not far from his office.

1. was built 2. has been built 3. was building 4. was being built

78. If her husband … to France, she will go with him.

1. is sent 2. will be sent 3. sends 4.will send

79. … your friends go to the seaside last year?

1. were 2. have 3. do 4.did

80. While the mother was cooking dinner, the children … in the garden.

1. played 2. were playing 3.are playing 4. was playing

81. They … in the reading room for three hours already.

1. work 2. are working 3. have been working 4. worked

82. She … her homework since morning.

1. has been doing 2. has done 3. does 4. is doing

83. Tomorrow by this time we … home.

1. will return 2. are returning 3. returned 4. will have returned

84. In some places ..... almost every day.

1. it is raining 2. there is raining 3. it rains 4. there rains

85. After he ..... an Olympic gold medal he became a professional boxer.

1. have won 2. had won 3. was winning 4. would win

86.We …..never been to France.

1. has 2.did 3.were 4.have

87. If you … ice in warm water it soon melts.

1. will place 2. would place 3. place 4. placed

88. The new price lists … tomorrow and will be available in a few days.

1. are being printed 2. are printed 3.were printed 4.will print

89. He told us that he … for a new job.

1. has been looking 2. is looking 3.had been looking 4. will look

90. Mr. Brown … head of this department for ten years.

1.has been 2.is 3. was 4. will be

91. When the mail ... I’ll bring it to your office.

1. will arrive 2. arrives 3.have arrived 4. is arriving

92. She ….. when her parents returned from the theatre.

1. was sleeping 2. slept 3.has been sleeping 4. will sleep

93. …..you invited to the birthday party yesterday?

1. will 2.was 3.has 4.were

94. If he ….. ask him to wait.

1. comes 2. will come 3. came 4.would come

95. ... he going to be an economist?

l. has 2. will 3. does 4. is

96. What will you do if your computer . . . ?

1. doesn't work 2. won't work 3. didn't work 4. wasn't working

97. When we came back she . . . coffee.

1. will make 2. was making 3. makes 4. would make

98. She … such a clever man before.

1. has not met 2. did not meet 3. will not meet 4. don’t meet

99. The delegates … a five star hotel last year.

1. were offered 2. are offering 3. has offered 4. is offered

100. He has never … such a beautiful girl before.

1. saw 2. seen 3. sees 4.see

101. All your expenses … by the company.

1. will pay 2. had paid 3. are paying 4. will be paid

102. I believe they … the solution to the problem.

1. have been found 2. is finding 3. will find 4. has found

103. I will explain to him everything as soon as he … .

1. will come 2. had come 3. comes 4. will have come.

104. His sister promised that she … him with his work.

1. would help 2. will help 3. helps 4. has helped

105. The writer said he … his book for 3 years.

1. has been writing 2. had been writing 3. wrote 4. has written

106. We were sure the manager … his best.

1. does 2. will do 3. has done 4. would do

107. I … this wonderful film when I was 16.

1. have seen 2. had seen 3. saw 4. see

108. They … the possibility of signing a new contract now.

1. are discussing 2. had discussed 3. has been discussed 4. will be discussed

109. The article … three years ago.

1. published 2. has published 3. was published 4. will publish

110. This is the second time I … London.

1. have visited 2. am visiting 3. visited 4. had visited

111. When we … to a big city, I’ll send you a postcard.

1. got 2. will get 3. would get 4. get

112. He told me that he … on business to Latvia.

1. had been going 2. is going 3. was going 4. has gone

113. By the time the secretary returned the fax… .

1. had been sent 2. was sent 3. sent 4. has been sent

114. When I entered the office, most people … at their desks.

1. worked 2. were working 3. has worked 4. have been working

115. Letters … to all our clients every week.

1. send 2. are sending 3. are being sent 4. are sent

116. I was sure he … his theses very quickly.

1. will write 2. would write 3. is writing 4.will be writing

117. Someone … to speak to you on the phone.

1. is wanting 2. want 3. wants 4. have wanted

118. At the moment we …a composition.

1. are writing 2. write 3. have been writing 4. wrote

119. He will be late for the train, if he … at once.

1. didn’t start 2. doesn’t start 3. won’t start 4. wouldn’t start

120. … something strange in this situation.

1. There is 2. It is 3. This is 4. That is

Задание № 2. Выберите правильный вспомогательный глагол:

1.... they discussed your essay yet? 1. were

2. …he enjoy the play at the theatre yesterday? 2. had

3. … they leaving Moscow for Paris on Saturday? 3. have

4.When . . . the device be tested? 4. did

5. … there anybody in the library now? 5. will

6. … you discussing an interesting subject, when I came into the room? 6. has

7… you phone me when you return? 7. does

8. … this product produced at your plant a year ago? 8. do

9. … it cold today? 9. are

10. …they often invited to participate in the contest? 10. is

11. … he in the office now? 11. was

12. ... he published his book by the end of the last year? 12. am

13. … he been told the news before we learned about it?

14. … it been hot for a long time?

15. … she come and see me tomorrow?

16. … I forgiven?

17. … there anything interesting in the magazine that you were reading so attentively?

18. How long … they been working at the problem, before they got any results?

19. … I asked to come again?

20. …she know anything about it now?

21. … he settled the matter yet?

22. … you still doing your homework?

23. … he leaving tomorrow morning?

24. … she ever been to Rome?

25. What time … you usually go to bed?

Часть 3

Задание № 1. Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. will write 2. writes 3. has written 4. wrote

5. had written 6. is writing 7. was writing 8. would write

1. Том сказал, что напишет сочинение завтра.

2. Что он делает? – Он пишет письмо родителям.

3. Она обещает, что напишет статью на следующей неделе.

4. Когда я пришел, мой брат писал письмо.

5. Стивен написал две статьи в этом месяце.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. read 2. were reading 3. to read 4. are reading

5. had read 6. will read 7. have read 8. would read

1. Вы собираетесь читать эту книгу?

2. Мы прочитали книгу к концу недели.

3. Что они делали вчера в 7 часов? – Они читали газету.

4. Мери и Диана много читают.

5. Я надеюсь, что дети прочитают книги русских писателей.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. played 2. was playing 3. has played 4. would play

5. is playing 6. has been playing 7. will play 8. plays

1. Мартин играет в шахматы с детства.

2. Что сейчас делает Джон? – Он играет в футбол с друзьями.

3. Вчера он играл в карты.

4. Линда играла в теннис вчера с 2 до 4.

5. Она сказала мне, что охотно сыграет в шахматы.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. are listening 2. had listened 3. listen 4. will have listened

5. were listening 6. will listen 7. have listened 8. listened

1. Студенты прослушают эту лекцию к 12.00.

2. Все студенты сейчас на лекции. Они внимательно слушают профессора.

3. Они прослушали эту лекцию на прошлой неделе.

4. Они не услышали, как зазвонил телефон, так как слушали громкую музыку.

5. Мы часто слушаем радио.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. will fly 2. flies 3. has flown 4. will be flying

5. is flying 6. flew 7. had flown 8. was flying

1. Сара улетела в Париж в прошлый вторник.

2. Белинда летела в Лондон, когда началась гроза.

3. Завтра в это время мы будем лететь над Атлантическим океаном.

4. Он сказал, что летал на Конкорде раньше.

5. Мой друг редко летает на самолетах.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. would talk 2. are talking 3. talked 4. have been talking

5. talk 6. had been talking 7. will talk 8. were talking

1. Когда я вернулся, мои родители разговаривали на кухне.

2. Стелла и Джоанна разговаривают по телефону с 3 часов.

3. Они обещали, что поговорят с начальником завтра.

4. Мои коллеги говорили о контракте вчера вечером.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. painted 2. would paint 3. paints 4. has painted

5. is painting 6. was painting 7. has been painting 8. will paint

1. Джек красит потолок с самого утра.

2. Моя дочь – художница. Она рисует очень хорошо.

3. Он сказал, что покрасит стены в зеленый цвет.

4. Я уверен, что Джордж нарисует твой портрет лучше всех.

5. Моя сестра красила пол, когда начался дождь.

Выберите правильный вариант перевода подчеркнутой формы глагола.

1. build 2. were building 3. have built 4. will have built

5. would build 6. had built 7. are building 8. have been building

1. Они построят дом к концу ноября.

2. Строительные компании построили 12 домов в этом году.

3. Что это за шум? - Рабочие строят новый дом.

4. Наши соседи сказали, что построят дом в деревне.

5. Майк с другом строили сарай, в то время как их отец чинил крыльцо.

Задание № 2

Прочитайте текст и устно переведите его. Выберите правильный ответ к предлагаемым ниже вопросам.

France is often perceived as a nation of contrasts and exceptions. The French are perpetually engaged in a process of modernization. Innovative ideas, new technologies, brash new departures in architecture, all are welcomed yet translated into a characteristically French idiom. France as a country leans towards long-term planning, yet French managers are adaptable, willing to accept change and have a reputation for rapid, improvised solutions. Moreover, the French are markedly individualistic yet have a strong tendency to centralize decision making.

The role of the centralized state in coordinating and directing economic growth and development - so-called dirigisme - has been crucial to the post-war success which has transformed France from an economic backwater into a leading industrial nation, whose gross domestic product (GDP) per capita is die seventh highest in the world and the third highest in Europe. France is often seen as the home of protectionism and interventionist industrial policy. Indeed, the state-industry partnership has produced excellent results in select fields such as high-speed trains, Concorde, Airbus, Ariane or Minitel. However, although this interpretation highlights a traditional French preference for institutional solutions promising order and logic rather than the vagaries of market mechanisms, it exaggerates the power of the French state per se. A specific management style for both the economy and firms can be seen but is the result of an extensive intermeshing of the political, administrative and business do-mains. Such a style allows solutions which may be seen as characteristically French solutions and which have few parallels around the globe.

  1. French management is characterized by:

a) the dual approach;

b) adopting everything unchanged;

c) going to extremes in modernization.

  1. French managers:

a) are reluctant to accept change;

b) prefer only long-term planning;

c) are quick to make creative decisions.

  1. dirigisme is:

a) economic growth and development;

b) coordinating and directing the economy;

c) an economic backwater.

  1. The role of the centralized state was crucial for:

a) the economic growth of the post war France;

b) European Union per capita income;

c) Gross national product as the highest in Europe.

  1. The state- industry cooperation has done good to:

a) light industry

b) agriculture

c) heavy industry

  1. France is famous for :

a) protectionist industrial policy;

b) unwillingness of industries to cooperate with state;

c) order and logic.

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