Прочитайте и переведите текст. The revolution in science and technology and the rapid development of the productive forces of society have intensified the impact of man’s economic

The revolution in science and technology and the rapid development of the productive forces of society have intensified the impact of man’s economic activities on the natural environment, and have considerably widened the sphere of his intervention in natural processes. The intensive utilization of natural resources and the pollution of the planet’s biosphere have brought the human race to the brink of a serious ecological crisis. Consequently, the protection of the environment and the rational utilization of natural resources have become urgent global problems of the modern age.

Naturally, these problems cannot be solved by the efforts of individual States alone. National measures to protect the environment must be combined with wide international cooperation at the global and regional levels. International law is called upon to play a leading role in establishing and developing such cooperation and regulating the measures undertaken by various States to protect the environment.

The international legal protection of the environment is a relatively new but rapidly developing part of modern international law. At the present time, there are a number of international treaties of different kind governing various aspects of the protection of the environment and the rational utilization of natural resources. These agreements primarily concern the following:

1) the prevention of the pollution of maritime waters, the protection and rational utilization of the sea’s living resources;

2) the protection of the waters and resources of international (multinational) rivers;

3) the protection of the Earth’s atmosphere and outer space from pollution and other unfavourable influences;

4) the protection and rational utilization of the animal and plant world on land;

5) the protection of unique natural objects and complexes and of individual ecological systems;

6) the protection of the Earth’s environment from radioactive contamination.

The international legal regulation of the environment protection measures undertaken by different states has unquestionably been influenced by the many universal international treaties which either contain important provisions relating to the protection of the environment, or else are directly or indirectly contributing to the improvement of the planetary environment.

In addition to international treaties, international custom also plays an important role in the protection of the environment.

An important role in the development of the international legal protection of the environment is played by resolutions adopted by international organizations, and above all by the United Nations and its specialized agencies.

Переведите следующие словосочетания из текста.

1) rapid development of the productive forces

2) man’s economic activities

3) intervention in natural processes

4) natural resources

5) ecological crisis

6) urgent global problems

7) to intensify the impact on the environment

8) rational utilization of natural resources

9) unfavourable influences

10) pollution of maritime waters

Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты русским словосочета-


1) вносить вклад в

2) окружающая среда

3) загрязнение биосферы планеты

4) защищать окружающую среду

5) принять меры

6) предотвращение загрязнения

7) неблагоприятное влияние

8) радиоактивное загрязнение

9) расширять сотрудничество

10) насущные мировые проблемы

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What has intensified the impact of man’s economic activities on the natural environment?

2. What has brought the human race to the brink of a serious ecological crisis?

3. What are the most urgent global problems of the modern age?

4. Can these problems be solved by the efforts of individual States alone?

5. That must national measures to protect the environment be combined


6. Is the international legal protection of the environment a relatively new part of modern international law?

7. What do modern international treaties on the protection of the environment concern?

8. What is the role of the United Nations in the development of the international legal protection of the environment?

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