II. Answer the questions to the text. 1. Why did winter games naturally play an important part in organized winter recreation?

1. Why did winter games naturally play an important part in organized winter recreation?

2. What was the first Russian success in international figure-skating competitions?

3. What did Alexander Panshin win?

4. When did Moscow become the centre of organized skiing?

5. What can you say about ice hockey?

III. Put some more questions to the text and answer them.

IV. Complete the sentences.

1. Winter games naturally played ___

2. During that part of the year when the rivers were icebound ___

3. In effect, the first skating club ___

4. In 1883, A.P.Lebedev won ___

5. In the first decade of the 20th century, the great Russian figure-skater ___

6. In speed-skating, too, Russians continued ___

7. In 1910 and 1911, Nicolai Strunnikov ___

8. Moscow became the centre of organized skiing ___

9. Long-distance skiing became very popular ___

10. Ice hockey was another game ___

11. Somewhat later, the Society of Amateur Skaters sent its members ___

12. Alexander Panshin won the Austrian speed-skating championships ___

IV. Find the Russian equivalents for the following words and expressions.

to win the unofficial world figure-skating title; to win the men’s title; speed-skating championships; the world title

V. Give a short summary of the text.



to originate to pay attention pace capacity somersault rail to exhale range происходить обращать внимание шаг емкость, объём сальто жердь выдыхать диапазон, амплитуда

I. Before you read the text discuss these questions.

1. What kinds of movement in sport do you know?

2. What rules should we follow while running or walking?


Movements can be classified as follows: 1) stepping, 2) running, 3) leaping, 4) somersaults, rails, 5) on all fours (while on the back, on the stomach, on the side or while rolling).

The main thing while walking or running is to maintain natural, relaxed movement. This movement originates from the hips, feet gliding over the surface of the ground, hands relaxed and hanging loose, knees slightly bent, exhaling on every step as it touches the ground. Inhalation must be natural. Do not think about it.

Movement within stances: from the hip, the knee moves in step with the supporting leg, the movement of the feet is not the main thing, so do not pay too much attention to feet positions. The main impetus of the movement comes from the pelvis.

Exhale with every pace. Inhaling must be as natural as possible. Do not think about it. Breathing in a human can be divided into three levels:

- middle range: this is the typical breathing pattern of everyday life and the natural state of the organism;

- deep or full range: in this type of breathing, a man takes deep breaths, filling the lungs to capacity, thereby ventilating them, saturating the blood with oxygen and pumping up the energy level of the body;

- shallow range: this type of breathing when we have decrease of oxygen in the blood and a corresponding increase in carbon dioxide a person being completely debilitated.

While running, one must breathe in the so-called «dog breathing» way, which is to exhale to the lower level and breathe at the shallow range. When you begin to feel tired, take several deep breaths. Such a method of breathing must become part of your daily life. When you sit down, exhale. When you bend down, exhale and so on.

II. Characterize each level of breathing.

1. middle range

2. deep or full range

3. shallow range

4. “dog breathing”

III. Find the English equivalents for the following words and expressions. carbon paper, oxygen mask, oxygenous; exhalation; be out of breath; hold ones breath second breath; breathe a new life into; breathing mask; breathing space; breathless; cold blood; hot blood; group blood-horse

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