Answer the following questions. 1. The protection of the environment is an important problem, isn't it?

1. The protection of the environment is an important problem, isn't it?

2. Are there any laws and decisions on this question?

3. Do our state organizations pay attention to the problem of the protection of the environment?

4. We are against the pollution of environment, aren't we?

5. Why is the problem of protecting the nature so important now?

6. Do you know anything about terrible earthquakes in our country?

7. Is it possible to forecast earthquakes?

8. Radiation is a very important problem, isn't it?

9. What has happened in Chernobyl?

10. Do you love your Motherland?

11. What can we do for protecting water and air?

Make up 10 questions of your own on the text.

Combine words into sentences and translate them into Russian.

1. Our, is, Earth, our, home.

2. State, pay, organizations, to, attention, problem, this.

3. Our, aim, main, is, protection, the, of, environment, the.

4. Radiation, not, is, for, good, of, health, people.

5. Our, try, scientists, forecast, to, earthquakes.

Make a short summery on the text.

Grammar Presentation

Времена группы Indefinite

The Present Indefinite Tense

She usually goes to school by bus. (with always, never, seldom, often, usually, every day, sometimes). (повторяющееся действие)

Stars arehotter than planets. (общеизвестные факты)

The concert startsat seven. (согласно расписанию)

He will go to the cinema if he has free time. (в придаточных времени и условия)

The Past Indefinite Tense

It rained yesterday. (two hours ago, at 3 o’clock, when I was walking home… )

Mary tookthe key, opened the door and entered the room. (последовательные действия)

When did you leave Kurgan?

The Future Indefinite Tense

He will take French lessons next year. (действие или событие в будущем)

I think, I’ll returnbefore midnight. (решение принимается в момент речи)

Don’t worry. I’ll helpyou with the task. (предложение)

Will you come up to me, please? (= Come up to me, please.)

Shall I clean the blackboard? (= Do you want me to clean the blackboard?)

Grammar Exercises

Make the sentences interrogative.

1. Ann goes to school every day.

2. Children went to school yesterday.

3. The students do this exercise orally.

4. My brother will enter the Institute this summer.

5. My mother works at a hospital.

Transform the sentences into the Past.

Model: We have an English lesson today. (yesterday)

We had an English lesson yesterday.

1. I go to the South. (last summer)

2. Mike is a first year student. (last year)

3. The students have exams. (last month)

4. We go to the concert. (last week)

5. Ann meets me. (a week ago)

Use the Future Indefinite Tense.

Model: We have an English lesson today. (tomorrow)

We shall have an English lesson tomorrow.

1. I go to the Crimea. (next summer)

2. We have three exams. (next month)

3. Ann passes exams. (in summer)

4. The students have a practice. (in spring)

5. I am a second year student. (next year)

Choose the regular verbs from the text.

Choose the irregular verbs from the text.

Additional Text

Protection of Environment

It is a small world we live in, and it is high time for all of us to realize it. Since ancient times people have been trying to produce more and more to increase human wealth. Nobody noticed that we were destroying Nature by using it as the source of raw materials, and as the garbage can for our waste. Nature seemed to be boundless and endless. Far from it as it turned out.

Millions of cars and smoky factories pollute and spoil the air we breathe in. Pollution is hanging over big cites like an ugly brown cloud. It is hurting our lungs as well as the life of animals, birds and plants.

People need wood and paper, so we cut down our forests.

We don't know what to do with waste materials of our industry, so we pour them into water, bury them into soil, shoot them into atmosphere. We pollute the water we drink, and the land we live in.

People build nuclear power stations and carry out nuclear tests. As a result, radiation represents one of the main problems nowadays.

The rapid growth of population in the world may turn into another grave problem very soon.

The speed with which we are using up our non-renewable resources like oil and gas, is appalling.

With the development of our civilization we have become dangerous to the planet and to ourselves. What must we do not to find ourselves in a dirty desert in the near future? This question cannot be ignored.

Some scientists are pessimistic about our problems. They suppose that we have already reached the point of no return. Others are more optimistic and believe that our ecological problems are solvable because more and more people begin to understand how dangerous they are. There is increasing awareness of people of the real state of the planet. In many countries environmental protection agencies and research centres are set up. Such organizations as 'Green Peace' and 'Friends of the Earth' try to put pressure upon those governments that do not care for ecology in their countries.

The humankind will be able to survive only if we all understand that environmental protection is our universal concern.

Active Words and Word Combinations

wealth - благосостояние, богатство

source of raw materials - источник сырья

garbage can - мусорный бак, помойка

seemed to be boundless - казалась без­граничной

far from it as it turned out - как оказа­лось, это совсем не так

pollute and spoil - загрязняют и портят

is hurting - вредит, наносит вред, ущерб

soil - почва

nuclear power station - ядерная электро­станция

nuclear tests - ядерные испытания

growth of population - рост населения

non-renewable resources - необновляющиеся, невосполнимые ресурсы

appalling- пугающий

find ourselves - оказаться, очутиться

cannot be ignored - нельзя игнориро­вать

are pessimistic/optimistic - настроены пессимистично /оптимистично

reached the point of no return - достиг­ли точки, откуда невозможно вернуться

solvable - разрешимый, решаемый

increasing awareness - растущая осве­домленность

state - состояние, положение

environmental protection agencies - ор­ганизация по защите окружающей среды

put pressure - оказывать давле­ние

survive - выживать

universal concern - общая, всеобщая забота


1. Translate into English, using the text:

1. Некоторые ученые настроены пессимистич­но в отношении наших проблем.

2. Что мы должны делать, чтобы не оказать­ся очень скоро в грязной пустыне?

3. Этот вопрос нельзя игнорировать.

4. Природа казалась безгранично и неисчер­паемой.

2. Answer the following questions:

1. Why is pollution dangerous?

2. What is the result of numerous nuclear tests?

3. Why do some scientists believe that ecological problems are solvable?

4. Do you think that our planet is in danger now?

Unit 4

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