Answer the following questions. 1. Does television have a negative or bad influence on children?

1. Does television have a negative or bad influence on children? If you think it does, tell how?

2. What are the effects upon the vulnerable and developing human organism of spending a significant proportion of each day engaged in this particular experience (watching TV)?

3. How does the television experience affect a child’s language development, for instance?

4. What good or positive influences does television have on children?

5. How does television stimulate children’s curiosity?

6. How does the availability of television affect the ways parents bring up their children?

7. Are new child -rearing strategies being available to parents for relief?

8. How does watching television for several hours each day affect the child’s abilities to form human relationships?

9. What happens to family life as a result of family members’ involvement with television?

Write a newspaper criticism of a TV programme that you have seen of any of the following types: a. a new programme, current affairs review, etc; b. a documentary; c. An entertainment programme, show, etc; d. A children’s programme; e. A film show on TV; f. A sport programme; g. An educational programme or any other.

Read the following text. Make up 20 questions to the text.


is a network connecting many computer networks and based on a common addressing system and communications protocol called TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/InternetProtocol). From its creation in 1983 it grew rapidly beyond its largely academic origin into an increasingly commercial and popular medium. By the mid-1990s the Internet connected millions of computers throughout the world. Many commercial computer network and data services also provided at least indirect connection to the Internet.

The Internethad its origin in a US Department of Defense program called ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network), established in 1969 to provide a secure and survivable communications network for organizations engaged in defence-related Researchers and academics in other fields began to make use of the network, and at length the National Science Foundation (NSF), which had created a similar and parallel network called NSFNet, took over much of the TCP/IP technology from ARPANET and established a distributed network capable of handing far greater traffic.

Amateur radio, cable television wires, spread spectrum redio, satellite, and fibre optics all have been used to deliver Internetservices. Networked games, network monetary transactions, and virtual museums are among applications being developed that both extend the network’s utility and test the limit of its technology.

Electronic mail,addreviation E-mail, are messages transmitted and received by digital computers through a network. An efectronic-mail, or E-mail, system allows computer users on a network to send text, and sometimes souns and animated images to other users.

On most networks, data can be simulteniously sent to a universe of users or to a sleep group or individual. Network users typically have electronic mailbox that receives, stores and manages their correspondence. Recipients can elect to view, print, save, edit, answer, or otherwise react to communications. Many E-mail systems have advanced features that alert users to incoming messages or permit them to employ special privacy featires. Large corporations and institutions use E-mail systems as an inportant communication link among employees and other people allowed on their networks. E-mail is also available on major public on-line and bulletin board systems, many of which maintain free or low-cost global communication network.

Контрольная работа № 6

для студентов IV курса заочного отделения.

(практика устной и письменной речи)

Составители: Волкова Е.Л.

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