Out-of-Class Writing Assignment. What advantages have computers brought to academic life?

What advantages have computers brought to academic life?

Write a short organized response to the following statement: Computers have become an important part of everyday life. In many areas, they have become invaluable in doing tasks more efficiently and effectively. What advantages have computers brought to academic life? Discuss three advantages of computers in academic life. Support the discussion fully with specific examples, details and personal experience (300–350 words every other line).


seek out approach confidence opinion
improvement conversation to identify to deserve
to evaluate to revise benefit to interrupt
benefit to require ground rule clarification
to cover extensively to improve major problem
assertion evidence impression citation

Unit 3
Support in Expository Paragraphs

Unit Topics:

Thesis statements & Topic sentences

Relevant and convincing support

Outlining skills

Thesis Statements &Topic sentences

Objectives In this unit you will: learn what topic sentences are;
  learn the rules for composing effective topic sentences;
  know how to evaluate topic sentences;
  know how to choose topic sentences for assignments; know how to write topic sentences for paragraphs; know the difference between thesis statements and topic sentences.

Starting up

Ex. 1. Read the following extract and answer the question: What is the difference between topic sentences and thesis statements?

Just as a single paragraph has a topic sentence which introduces the paragraph topic and the writer's opinion and method, so a thesis statement is the most important element of an essay. Thesis statements contain the writer's limited subject, opinion or attitude, and possibly a list of main points which you will discuss in the body of the essay.


The main idea of each paragraph is usually expressed somewhere in the paragraph by one sentence (the main or topic sentence). This sentence is usually found at the beginning of the paragraph, but can come at the end or even in the middle of the paragraph. The rest of the paragraph generally expands the theme contained in the main sentence, and each idea round the main theme is supported by information and evidence (in the form of illustrations and examples), and by argument.


This is a period when education faces many disturbing circumstances originating outside it. Budgets have been drastically cut throughout the country affecting every type of education. Enrolments are dropping rapidly, because the children of the post-World War II "baby boom" have now completed their schooling, and we are feeling the full effect of the falling birth rate. So there are fewer opportunities for new teachers, and the average age of teachers is increasing.

Rules for Composing Effective Topic Sentences

1. Topic sentences must be limited and correctly focused on the topic assigned.


Assignment: Computers are used in almost every area of life, such as business, science, and the home. Choose one area in which computers are used and discuss the benefits.

Problem: Off Topic Pursuing a degree in business is beneficial for several reasons.

(This sentence should introduce one area in which computers are used, not one area in which it is beneficial to get a degree.)

Problem: Off Focus It is easy to learn how to use a computer.

(This sentence is about computers, but the assignment is not to explain how to operate a computer.)

Correct Focus Computers have become essential in the home these days for three

major reasons.

(This sentence is about one area in which computers are used these days, so it follows the assignment.)

2. Each topic sentence must be about one topic.


Ineffective San Francisco has many tourist attractions and is a cosmopolitan city

Effective San Francisco has many tourist attractions that families enjoy seeing.

(Enumeration of Places/Description)

3. Topic sentences must be arguable (express an opinion) and include signals which indicate the method of development and writer's purpose.


Effective Dolphins and porpoises differ in several major ways. (Contrast)

Operating a word processor is an easy procedure if you follow these

steps. (Process)

4. Topic sentences must be concise and complete sentences in statement form.


Incomplete The benefits of television to children. (Fragment)

Complete Television benefits young children in three major ways.

(Enumeration of Benefits/Effects)

Question Why are grades important?

Statement Grades are important for several major reasons. (Enumeration of


Not Arguable I want to write about ways to maintain the health.

Arguable Maintaining good health is crucial. People can maintain their

health in many ways. (Process/Enumeration of Suggestions)

5. Topic sentences must not be too specific because very specific statements are factual, not argued.


Too Specific Abraham Lincoln was the sixteenth president of the United States.

Effective Abraham Lincoln's most outstanding quality was his honesty.


6. Topic sentences must not be too general because broad statements are difficult to support.


Too General Overeating is bad.

Effective Overeating contributes to several health problems.

(Enumeration of Effects)

Thesis statements are expressed in much the same way as the topic sentence patterns!

Out-of-Class Writing Assignment. What advantages have computers brought to academic life? - student2.ru Listening

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