Ex 1. Answer the following questions.

1. Who was the commander of the Jarak?

2. How many members did the crew of the Jarak consist of?

3. What was the task of the Jarak?

4. Where did the Jarak meet the enemy fleet?

5. Did the enemy destroy the Jarak?

6. How many members of the Jarak’s crew were wounded?

7. Was the situation dangerous?

8. What decision did the captain take when the ship was damaged?

9. Where did the crew find shelter after leaving the ship?

10. What navigational aids were at the crew’s disposal on the Setia Berganti?

Ex2. Translate the following sentences into English.

1.Когда судно следовало в порт Сингапур, его атаковали японцы.

2.Во время боя капитан и несколько матросов были ранены.

3.Несмотря на то, что капитан был ранен, он не оставил своего поста и

продолжал командовать судном.

4.Положение было очень опасное.

5.Судно было повреждено, и машины вышли из строя.

6.Капитан, механик и весь экипаж старались сделать все, что от них


7.Но все их усилия были напрасны.

8.Когда капитан понял, что положение совершенно безнадежное, он

приказал спустить лодку для людей, чтобы добраться до берега.

9.Что касается судна, капитан приказал потопить его.

10.После этого капитан и команда благополучно добрались до острова.

11.Оттуда они проследовали в Сингапур.


Test paper

I. Give the equivalents of the following expressions:

штормовые ветра, на полном ходу/ «полный вперед», спускать и поднимать шлюпки, вспомогательные механизмы, осадка, смазывать насосы, отправляться в плаванье.

II. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Когда судно подходило к порту, начался сильный шторм.

2. Будущие механики должны знать, как смазывать и чинить оборудование машинного отделения в случае повреждения.

3. Корпус судна был серьезно поврежден.

4. Если судно прибудет не вовремя, мы начнем погрузку через два дня, так как порт перегружен.

5. Несмотря на то, что видимость была плоха, корабль шел на полном ходу.

6. Мы не заходили в этот порт с прошлого лета.

7. Спасательная шлюпка, поднятая моряками, имеет течь. Капитан объявил аврал.

III. Read the text and translate it in writing:

The boatswain works in a ship's deck department as the foreman of the unlicensed deck crew. The bosun is distinguished from other able seamen by the supervisory roles: planning, scheduling, and assigning work.As deck crew foremen, the boatswain plans the day's work and assigns tasks to the deck crew. As work is completed, the boatswain checks on completed work for compliance with approved operating procedures.

Outside the supervisory role, the boatswain regularly inspects the vessel and performs a variety of routine, skilled, and semi-skilled duties to maintain all areas of the ship not maintained by the engineering department. These duties can include cleaning, painting, and maintaining the vessel's hull, superstructure and deck equipment as well as executing a formal preventive maintenance program.

A boatswain's skills may include cargo rigging, winch operations, deck maintenance, working aloft, and other duties required during deck operations. This master mariner is well versed in the care and handling of lines. A boatswain will have knowledge of and ability to use knots, hitches, bends, whipping, and splices as needed to perform tasks such as mooring a vessel. Competencies extend to the safe operation of a windlass. Duties may require operating the basic functions of a windlass. Moreover, a boatswain may be called upon to lead firefighting efforts or other emergency procedures encountered in the inherently dangerous environment of a ship. Effective boatswains are able to integrate their seafarer skills into supervising and communicating with members of deck crew with often diverse backgrounds.

Originally, on board sailing ships the boatswain was in charge of a ship's anchors, cordage, colors, deck crew and the ship's boats. The boatswain would also be in charge of the rigging while the ship was in dock. The boatswain's technical tasks have been modernized with the advent of steam engines and subsequent mechanization.

IV. Answer the questions:

1. What does a boatswain do on the ship?

2. What skills should the boatswain have?

3. What is boatswain in charge of?

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