Ex. 6. Give English equivalents of the following word combinations and reproduce sentences in which they are used in the text

вьючные животные соломенные крыши другой тип керамики высокое плодородие собирать в качестве налогов простые смертные каменные орудия попасть куда-л. (оказаться где-л.) даровать право на правление похожий на

Ex. 7. Paraphrase the italicized parts:

1. China was not rich in native plants that could be cultivated.

2. An ancient legend proved by archaeological evidence says that the Chinese people inhabited the banks of the Yellow River.

3. Thanks to the Yellow River the soil was good for agriculture.

4. Southern pottery and grave gifts differ from northern ones.

5. Animals from other regions emerged inChina at that period.

6. Crops were the main food for the ancient Chinese.

7. The Shang dynasty was the first to be mentioned in chronicles.

8. There was a saying among the Chinese " Only Yu saved us from being fish."

9. Buildings with roofs made of straw stood upon a foundation of pressed earth.

10. Powerful aristocrats lived throughout China eager to gain their prestige and wealth by making war or alliances.

Ex. 8. Complete the sentences:

1. The remains of silkworm cocoons ...

2. An ancient legend says that...

3. The Shang rulers taught their subjects ...

4. A square of buildings with thatched roofs ...

5. The buildings of the town were wooden ...

6. The Shang emperors claimed that...

7. The Yellow River provided...

8. The Chinese began to cultivate the crops that furnished ...

9. Legend has it that the first important...

10.Animals from other regions of Asia...

11.When the emperors died ...

Ex. 9. Agree or disagree. Prove your answer:

1. Erlitou was a town of large buildings, palaces and mainly stone structures.

2. The Xia was the first known Chinese dynasty.

3. The Chinese were taught that they were at the center of the world with barbarians surrounding them.

4. Yu the great was not only a mythological figure and it was confirmed from archaeological findings.

5. The production of silk was known to the Chinese at early date.

6. China was rich in native plants and animals that could be domesticated.

7. An ancient legend confirmed from archaeological findings says that the Chinese people settled along the Yellow River about seven thousand years ago.

8. Similar to India there were no great forests to clear before they began to cultivate crops.

9. Anyang was one of the Shang capitals that has survived.

10. Shang emperors took the title Sons of Heaven.

11. Unlike the pyramids of Egypt those of China were rather small.

12. The first Chinese historical records date from the Shang dynasty.

Ex. 10. Give definitions to the following notions, so that your groupmates could guess what the word is:

sericulture, native plants/animals, domesticated plants/animals, a beast of burden, grave gifts, a mythological figure, mere mortals.


Ex. 13. a) Translate the following questions and answer them to see if you understand every word in the text:

1. Желтая река сыграла решающую роль в развитии Китая, не правда ли?

2. Что рассказывает древняя легенда о появлении китайцев на берегу Желтой реки?

3. Каково другое название Желтой реки?

4. Что говорят археологические находки о древней культуре Яншао?

5. Чем отличается земледелие Китая от земледелия Индии?

6. Китайцы выращивали местные растения или те, что были привезены из соседних государств?

7. Что подтверждает наличие производства шелка в древнем Китае?

Кто был первым императором династии Шань, чем он был знаменит?

. Что вам известно о ранних городах Китая?

10. Как представляли китайцы устройство мира во время правления династии Шань?

11. Почему не сохранились здания в городах древнего Китая?

12. Как называли себя императоры династии Шань и почему?

b) Ask your groupmates to answer these questions.

Ex. 14. Develop the ideas of Ex. 4 and discuss them with your groupmates.

Ex. 15. Make up a plan of the text, provide each point of the plan with necessary words and word combinations. Compare and discuss your plans in the classroom.

Ex. 16. Retell the text using your own plan and expressions from Ex. 5, 6,15.

Ex. 17. Give the gist of the text.

Ex. 18. Role play.

Two groupmates have to pass an exam in Ancient History, one of them has missed a lecture on Prehistoric China. Choose the roles and make a dialogue.


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