Now listen to the recording. For questions 1-6, choose the right answer, A, B, C or D. Reproduce the context of the answers
- Keith feels heliskiing should not be permitted in the UK because:
a) many people have been killed;
b) heliskiers are to far from help;
c) it is banned elsewhere;
d) weather conditions are unsuitable.
2. Keith says that the most important choice to make to ensure safety when skiing is that of:
a) the slope;
b) your companions;
c) your equipment;
d) the helicopter.
3. Helena argues that the locations heliskiers use are:
a) prone to avalanches;
b) very close to resorts;
c) not as steep as stairs;
d) generally fairly safe.
4. Keith agrees with Helena that:
a) heliskiing represents an environmental threat;
b) the dangers at home are just as great;
c) other extreme sports are not as risky;
d) the risk of avalanche is fairly minimal.
5. What does Keith describe as difficult to foresee?
a) snow quality;
b) weather conditions;
c) wildlife activity;
d) danger levels.
6. Helena is worried that:
a) people take unnecessary risks;
b) danger is subjectively assessed;
c) other sports may be banned;
d) skiing might get a bad name.
Render the interview keeping the main details and facts from it.
2. Do you think dangerous sports should be banned? Divide into 2 groups: the first one must provide the pros of the extreme sports and the second one – the cons.
You and ten other students went on a school trip to a summer sports camp which promised a wide variety of sporting activities and instruction in each sport. It was the first time your school had been to this particular camp, and on your return your teacher asked you to compare notes on the trip. Read the original advertisement and the comments you have collected and write a MEMO to the other student who went on the trip with you asking them to read over your report and suggest any changes that should be made (about 75 words).
Rockridge Summer Sports Camp Rockridge is definitely for the adventurous. As well as all the popular indoor and outdoor team sports, we offer instruction and close supervision in: · Rock-climbing & abseiling · White-water rafting · Hang-gliding & paragliding · Orienteering · Moto-cross (18yrs & above) Situated in rugged countryside, Rockridge is all you could want of the ‘great outdoors’. Accommodation consists of ranch-like bungalows (sleeping 6) and our refectory provides three full meals a day (and we have frequent barbecues and camp fire nights). For those who want to cater for themselves there is fully-stocked mini-market. At Rockridge we firmly believe in sports as promoting cooperation and team work and self-discovery – not to mention meeting like-minded new friends. If you want fun, excitement and adventure, Rockridge is the place for you. |
Your comments:Sport (outdoor) Ok for football, rugby and hockey (no cricket) & athletics, (indoor) gym an old hall with poor amenities – could just about play a game of basketball. No instructors for hang- or paragliding & orienteering instructor got lost – otherwise very good.
Accommodation Not bad. Comfy beds, log fire, one bungalow leaky roof, a bit cold at night.
Food Simple but good & lots of it – only two barbecue nights. Limited choice at market but adequate for roughing it. General Middle nowhere – little to do evenings/ weekends for a change. One communal TV (so long arguments about what to watch) – have to take own entertainment. Agree had a good time but disappointed by above problems.
See the corresponding example in Appendix 3 “Writing samples”.
1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit:
- Вместо того, чтоб восстанавливаться после полученных переломов, я думал о том, как я мог жить без экстремальных видов спорта.
- Трудно описать словами тот прилив адреналина, который испытываешь, когда прыгаешь с парашютом. Первый прыжок всегда незабываемый. Однажды даже другой парашютист столкнулся с моим парашютом.
- Ты когда-нибудь занимался паркуром? – А что это? – это быстро растущий по популярности экстремальный вид спорта, в котором повседневные городские пейзажы рассматриваются как препятствия для преодоления.
- В паркуре очень важно научиться правильно двигаться, т.к. если Вы двигаетесь вперед и делаете это с большим разбегом и при этом не вращаетесь правильно, то повредите себе ноги.
- Если Вас одолевает страх, ваши мышцы становятся ригидными и Вы, наверняка, потеряете координацию.
- Как только Вы усовершенствуете движения, Вы сможете выполнять столько много разнообразных прыжков и рискованных стоек на руках на краю зданий, сколько Вы пожелаете.
- Когда мы играли и веселились, какой-то мальчик отбил мячик через забор, и мяч прямиком прилетел в окно. Мы были совершенно испуганы.
- Занимаясь таким видами спорта, как регби, виндсёрфингом, кайтингом, фигурным катанием, Вы непременно должны иметь специальную экипировку.
- Для занятий по альпинизму Вы непременно должны купить скальные туфли, веревки и специальный защитный костюм.
2. Translate the article from Russian into English:
Экстрим – это образ и стиль жизни людей любящих риск и адреналин
Каждый человек в своей жизни подвержен риску и, даже сам того не подозревая, получает выплеск адреналина в кровь в простейших жизненных ситуациях. Но есть люди, которые осознавая весь риск и понимая свое в нем состояние, испытывают от него только позитивное влияние и идут на него осознанно. В процессе ежедневных тренировок чувство риска притупляется, и здесь начинается профессионализм.
Практически каждый вид спорта может быть экстремальным. И конечно же, для начала мы коснемся авто мотто спорта, так как спорт связанный со скоростью уже сам по себе несет чувство экстремальности. В наше время, когда прогресс шагнул так далеко, техника развивает огромную скорость опасную для жизни человека, однако, люди смогли ее обуздать и соревнуются на запредельных скоростях. Это еще не говоря о том, что есть такие гонки, а именно мотокросс, где спортсмены не только едут на большой скорости, но и летаю на мотоциклах, что делает этот вид спорта еще более красочным и экстремальным.
Мы не можем не коснуться темы «нелегальных гонок». Они набирают все больше и больше популярность в народе в связи с тем, что многим, до ужаса, хочется погонять.
И уже не редкость услышать рев двигателей разнообразных моделей автомобилей, которые претерпели изменения для гонок на городских дорогах.
Наш сайт Extreme Вам расскажет о таком экстремальном виде спорта, как парашютный спорт. Человек с древних незапамятных времен пытался покорить просторы небосвода. Но сейчас летают в небе самолеты, вертолеты, и многие другие летательные аппараты. Но это всего лишь техника прогресса двадцатого века, а тот неописуемый экстаз свободного падения до момента раскрытия парашюта можно получить, лишь выпрыгнув с летательного аппарата, надев на себя парашют. Этот вид спорта по праву считается экстремальным, несмотря на то, что постоянно ведутся работы по усовершенствованию прыжков и риск свелся до минимума.
В тот миг, когда отталкиваешься от самолета и с огромной скоростью паря спускаешься к земле в затяжном прыжке, ты понимаешь, насколько силен прилив адреналина, и как незабываемо захватывает дух. Это Вы сможете почувствовать лишь тогда, когда Вы сами прыгните, а словами, как не стараться этого ощущения свободного парения передать невозможно.
На нашем сайте Extreme найдут для себя нужную информацию и те кто только хочет сделать свой первый прыжок в жизни.
Наш сайт Extreme рассказывает и о таких красивых видах спорта, как серфинг и сноубординг. В них так же присутствуют экстремальные моменты. И профессионалы катаются не только там где минимум риска, но и в тех местах, где службы спасения запрещают, поэтому такой серфинг или сноубординг называется «нелегальным». Но истинных ценителей экстрима это не останавливает, и с каждым годом они покоряют штормовые волны и съезжают с гор, уходя из под лавин.
Наши спортивные обозрения со всего мира расскажут Вам о достижениях человека в этой области.
Look up the translation of the following words and word combinations in the dictionary:
1) appalled (adj) When Bill proposed to Ruth on the radio, his mother was shocked and appalled.
2) be like chalk and cheese (phr) Ben and Tony are very different – in fact they’re like chalk and cheese.
3) carry around (phr v) A lot of people carryphotos aroundof their family.
4) challenge (v) If you challengesomeone’s opinions, you do not always accept or agree with them.
5) frown (at sb) (v) When you frown atsomeone, you look at them as if you are annoyed.
6) get a story (phr) The tabloid press have been waiting for us to split so they can get a story.
7) lovers (n pl) Two loversare two people who have a romantic or sexual relationship.
8) make sb’s life hell(phr) The tabloid press wouldn’t leave us alone and made our lives hell!
9) mess about (phr v) When you mess about, you behave in a silly way.
10) precious (adj) This photo is preciousbecause it reminds me of why I’m sponsoring Amanda.
11) run a competition (phr) A radio station was running a competitioncalled “Two Strangers and a Wedding”.
12) sponsor (v) Debra is sponsoringa child in India through Action Aid.
13) spot (v) Clare spottedStan at the airport immediately – he looked just like his photo.
14) stare (at) (v) Ruth and Bill can’t walk down the street without people staring atthem.
15) tabloid press (n) The tabloid pressare newspapers that are not very serious.
16) Tension (n) Chris and his girlfriend were playing the part of lovers so there was a lot of tensionon the set.
Adjectives of Character
1) ambitious Someone who is ambitiouswants to be successful.
2) amusing Someone who is amusingmakes you laugh.
3) arrogant Someone who is arrogantthinks they are better or more important than other people.
4) artistic Artisticpeople are creative and sensitive.
5) big-headed “Big-headed” is a word that means the same as “arrogant”.
6) bossy Someone who is bossylikes telling other people what to do.
7) broad-minded Someone who is broad-mindedaccepts different opinions and ways of behaving.
8) cheerful Someone who is cheerfulis usually in a good mood.
9) confident Someone who is confidentbelieves in themselves and is not nervous or frightened.
10) considerate Someone who is consideratethinks about what other people want or feel.
11) controlling Someone who is controllinglikes to control or dominate situations.
12) creative Someone who is creativehas imagination and new ideas.
13) demanding Someone who is demandingneeds a lot of attention.
14) down-to-earth Someone who is down-to-earthis practical and realistic.
15) dull Someone who is dullis not very interesting.
16) easygoing Someone who is easygoingis relaxed and calm.
17) faithful Someone who is faithfulsupports their partner and does not have relationships with anyone else.
18) generous Someone who is generoushappily gives other people their time or money.
19) hardworking Someone who is hardworkingworks hard to achieve things.
20) helpful Someone who is helpfulis ready to help other people.
21) impractical Someone who is impracticalis not sensible or good at doing practical things.
22) independent Someone who is independentprefers to do things by themselves.
23) kind Someone who is kindbehaves in a way that shows you care about other people.
24) loyal “Loyal” is a word that means the same as “faithful”.
25) mean Someone who is meanis unkind or unpleasant.
26) miserable Someone who is miserableis unhappy or always in a bad mood
27) modest Someone who is modestdoes not tell other people about their abilities or achievements.
28) narrow-minded Someone who is narrow-mindeddoes not accept different opinions or ways of behaving.
29) optimistic Someone who is optimisticis cheerful and thinks that good things will happen.
30) outgoing Someone who is outgoingis friendly and likes meeting other people.
31) polite Someone who is politebehaves towards other people in a pleasant way that does not offend them.
32) practical Someone who is practicalmakes sensible decisions or choices.
33) realistic Someone who is realisticaccepts and understands things as they are.
34) relaxed Someone who is relaxeddoes not easily get upset or annoyed.
35) reliable Someone who is reliabledoes what they say they will do.
36) romantic Someone who is romanticbelieves that things are better or more exciting than they are.
37) rude Someone who is rudesays or does things that offend other people.
38) self-assured “Self-assured” is a word that means the same as “confident”.
39) self-centered Someone who is self-centeredis only interested in themselves and does not think of other people.
40) selfish “Selfish” is a word that means the same as “self-centered”.
41) sensitive Someone who is sensitiveis aware of the needs of other people.
42) serious Someone who is seriousthinks carefully about things and does not laugh much.
43) shy Someone who is shyfeels nervous or embarrassed when they are with other people.
44) sociable “Sociable” is a word that means the same as “outgoing”.
45) talkative Someone who is talkativelikes talking a lot.
46) thoughtful Someone who is thoughtfulthinks carefully about what other people want or need.
47) thoughtless “Thoughtless” means the opposite of “thoughtful”.
48) tolerant Someone who is tolerantis willing to accept different ways of behaving or thinking.
49) trustworthy Someone who is trustworthycan be trusted to do what they say they will do.
50) unfaithful Someone who is unfaithfuldoes not always support their partner and has relationships with other people.
51) unfriendly Someone who is unfriendlydoes not like other people or want to help them.
52) unrealistic Someone who is unrealisticdoes not accept or understand things as they are.
53) unreliable Someone who is unreliabledoes not do what they say they will do.
54) unselfish Someone who is unselfishthinks of other people rather than themselves.
55) witty Someone who is wittysays amusing things and makes people laugh.
1) aunt (n) Your auntis the sister of your mother or father.
2) brother/mother-in-law etc (n) Your brother/mother-in-lawis the brother/mother of your husband or wife.
3) child (n)/children (pl) Some people name their childrenafter famous people.
4) cousin (n) Your cousinsare the children of your aunt or uncle.
5) ex-boyfriend/wife etc (n) Your ex-boyfriendis the boy or man you used to go out with. Your ex-wifeis the woman you are divorced from.
6) grandchild/grandparents etc (n) Your grandchildis the child of your son or daughter. Your grandparentsare the parents of your mother or father.
7) great-aunt/grandfather etc (n) Your great-aunt/grandfatheris the aunt/grandfather of your mother or father.
8) half-brother/sister (n) A half-brother/sisteris a brother/sister who has either the same mother or the same father as you.
9) husband (n) Your husbandis the man you are married to.
10) nephew (n) Your nephewis a son of your brother or sister.
11) niece (n) Your nieceis a daughter of your brother or sister.
12) only child (n) An only childdoes not have brothers or sisters.
13) partner (n) Your partneris the person you live with but who you are not married to.
14) relative (n) Your relativesare the people in your family.
15) second husband/wife (n) She’s been married before. Dave’s her second husband.
16) single parent (n) A single parentlooks after their children alone and has no partner.
17) stepfather/stepmother etc (n) Your stepfatheris your mother’s second husband. Your stepmotheris your father’s second wife.
18) (identical) twin (n) Ben and Tony are identical twins.
19) uncle (n) Your uncleis the brother of your father or mother.
20) wife (n) Your wifeis the woman you are married to.
1) be looking for Mr Right (phr) Clare is still single and looking for Mr Right.
2) deserve someone special (phr) Liz is so lovely – she deserves someone special.
3) discuss things (phr) In a relationship, it’s important to discuss things.
4) get in touch (phr) Clare and Stan got in touchthrough an online dating site.
5) get married (v) My mother-in-law hasn’t spoken to us since the day we got married!
6) give each other space (phr) If partners give each other space, they allow each other to have some freedom and time alone.
7) go your separate ways (phr) Couples soon go their separate waysif they don’t have anything in common.
8) love at first sight (n) Do you believe in love at first sight?
9) the man/woman of your dreams (phr) When Clare got in touch with Stan, she thought she had found the man of her dreams.
10) smb’s new man/woman (phr) What do you think of John, Liz’s new man?
11) online dating site (n) Clare and Stan got in touchthrough an online dating site.
12) propose (to sb) (v) Bill proposed toRuth on the radio, with 50,000 people listening!
13) split up (phr v) We didn’t have much in common and split upafter 6 months.
14) There was no real spark. (phr) Their relationship didn’t work out – there was no real spark.
15) be together for 6 months/a year etc(phr)We’ve been together for a yearand are having a party to celebrate.
Supplementary Reading
1. Discuss in pairs:
- What are the advantages/disadvantages of being born first, middle or last in a family?
- Do you think it is good to be an only child? Why/why not?
2. Read and translate the text:
Who Comes First?
A child’s place in the family birth order may play a role in the type of occupations that will interest him or her as an adult, new research suggests. In two related studies, researchers found that only children – and to a certain extent first-born children – were more interested in intellectual, cognitive pursuits than were later-born children. In contrast, later-born children were more interested in both artistic and outdoor-related careers.
These results fit into theories that say out place in family birth order will influence our personality, said Frederick T.L. Leong, co-author of the study and professor of psychology at Ohio State University. ‘Parents typically place different demands and have different expectation of children depending on their birth order,’ Leong said.
‘For example, parents may be extremely protective of only children and worry about their physical safety. That may be why only children are more likely to show interest in academic pursuits rather than physical or outdoor activities. Only children will tend to get more time and attention from their parents than children with siblings. This will often make them feel special but the downside is that they may suffer occasional pangs of jealousy and loneliness when friends discuss their brothers and sisters and family life.’
The first-born is an only child until the second child comes along – transforming them from being the centre of attention, to then sharing the care of parents. Parents will also expect them to be responsible and ‘set an example’. The change from being the focus of a family may be quite a shock and so shape the first-born’s subsequent outlook on life. Therefore first-borns may try to get back their parents’ attention and approval by achieving success and recognition in their careers. It has been noted that first-borns are significantly more often found as world political leaders than any other birth order position.
‘As they have more children, parents tend to become more open and relaxed and that may allow younger children to be more risk-taking,’ Leong said. ‘If the first-born or only child wants to be a poet, that may concern parents. But by the fourth child, parents may not mind as much.’
Being the youngest in the family can sometimes be a stifling and frustrating experience, especially if they’re looking to be taken seriously and treated like an adult. The last-born is more likely than the other birth order positions to take up dangerous sports. This may be a sign of the last-born’s rebellious streak – a result of being fed up with always being bossed about by everyone else in the family.
Middle children, however, have different issues. ‘Middle child syndrome’ can mean feeling sandwiched between two other ‘more important’ people – an older sibling who gets all the rights and is treated like an adult and a younger sibling who gets all the privileges and is treated like a spoilt child. Middle-borns have to learn to get on with older and younger children, and this may contribute to them becoming good negotiators – of all the birth order positions they are most skilful at dealing with authority figures and those holding inferior positions.
Leong said the biggest differences in the study were between only children and later-born children. ‘First-born children are difficult to classify because they start out as only children but later give up that positions. It may be that the length of time a first-born child is an only child makes a difference in his or her personality.’
Exercises on the text:
1. Find the equivalents for the Russian words and word combinations in the text:
Брат или сестра; выказывать интерес к профессиям, связанным с наукой; возлагать различные надежды; в определенной мере и степени; интересоваться профессиями, связанными с искусством и открытым воздухом; интересоваться профессиями, связанными с познанием и интеллектуальным трудом; плохо обходиться с кем-либо, подавая ненужные приказы; порядок появления на свет в семье; подавать пример; предъявлять различные требования; признак бунтарства; страдать от приступов ревности и одиночества, случающихся время от времени; синдром среднего ребенка; удушающее и разочаровывающие переживание; формировать последующее мировоззрение; чувствовать себя переходным звеном между двумя главными элементами.
2. Scan the text. Are these statements true (T) or false (F)?
1. Parents usually expect different things from their first and last children.
2. Only children and first-born children often follow similar types of career path.
3. The results of this research contradict existing research into the effects of birth order.
4. The researchers found first-born children easier to analyse than the other groups.
5. Younger children tend to take more risks as a result of their parents’ attitude towards them.
- Only children often prefer more physical occupations.
3. Scan the text once again. Find the answers:
- Say which type of child it is best to be (i.e. first born, middle born, last born, only child).
- Give advice to parents about dealing with each type of child.
- Describe the possible career consequences according to the position you are born in the family.
- Advise children how to cope with their positions in the family.
4. Discuss in pairs: Which points of the text are true for your family or other families you know?
1. You will listen to people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer, A, B, or C:
1. You overhear a girl talking about her new boyfriend. What does the girl like best about him?
a. his looks;
b. his intelligence;
c. his character.
2. Listen to a man talking about being an only child. What does he express?
a. You regret not having brothers or sisters when you are a child;
b. You regret not having brother or sisters when you are an adult;
c. You regret not having brother or sisters when your parents die.
3. Listen to a girl talking to her mother. Why is the girl disappointed in her friend?
a. They don’t enjoy the same activities any more;
b. Her friend made fun of her;
c. Her friend can’t keep a secret.
4. You switch on the television and hear a man speaking. What is he?
a. a politician;
b. a newsreader;
c. a chat show host.
5. A woman is talking to her friend Julia. How does Julia usually get on with her flat mates?
a. She finds them easy to live with;
b. They irritate her;
c. She likes them initially, then goes off them.
6. Listen to an interview with a man who lives on an island. Why can’t he find a girlfriend?
a. All the women where he lives are his relatives;
b. He knows all the available girls too well;
c. His parents won’t allow him to go out at weekends.
7. Listen to a woman talking about how she met her husband. Where did they meet?
a. at a nightclub;
b. at a private party;
c. at school.
8. You hear a father talking to his son. What does the man want his son to do?
a. to stop buying CDs;
b. to learn to look after money;
c. to wash the car in exchange for weekly pocket money.
1. Today the online relations are becoming more common. Read the comments about Internet relationships. Is each one an advantage or disadvantage?
1. Nobody can judge you by the clothes you wear.
2. You can say things that you’d be too shy to say face to face.
3. You can’t be sure if the other person is telling the truth about their sex, age or appearance.
4. You can ‘meet’ your second half without leaving the house.
5. You can have friends all over the world.
6. You can’t see each other’s faces when you’re chatting online.
2. Discuss the questions with the students:
- Can you fall in love with somebody without meeting them face-to-face?
- In what ways can online relationships be dangerous?
- Do you know anybody who has started a relationship online? Was it successful?
1. Write an article to the magazine comparing two ways of getting acquainted: online and face-to-face. Bring out all advantages and disadvantages of both.
1. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the vocabulary of the unit:
1. Я повсюду ношу с собой фотографии моих близняшек. Хоть они и однояйцовые, но они абсолютно разные. Один из них похож на меня, а другой на моего мужа. Один из них серьезный и надежный, а второй общительный и любит дурака повалять.
2. Людям следует чаще оказывать финансовую поддержку детям из бедных стран. То, что ты делаешь что-то хорошее, может быть неоценимым.
3. Это была любовь с первого взгляда. Мы были единственными, кто сидел на пляже в тот вечер. Ее лицо утопало в солнечных лучах, излучало удовольствие. Она ни разу не нахмурилась. Мы начали общаться и выяснили, что у нас много общего. В итоге все закончилось свадьбой. Вот такие вот превратности судьбы.
4. Я пытался познакомиться через сайт знакомств, в итоге, когда мы встретились, я был просто шокирован и потрясен. После этого я через интернет не знакомлюсь. А однажды на L-радио объявили конкурс «Незнакомец + незнакомец=свадьба!». Я решил рискнуть. Я отчаянно пытался найти свою единственную и неповторимую.
5. Наконец-то я нашла человека своей мечты: после работы я мчусь домой, чтобы проверить почту, он всегда возражает против моих аргументов, поэтому мы можем разговаривать часами и нам не станет скучно.
6. Мой идеал должен быть надежным, спортивным, умным, творческим, остроумным, общительным, уверенным. Моя же бывшая эгоистичная и наглая.
7. Существует теория, что порядок появления детей на свет в семье в будущем может сыграть большую роль на предпочтения в профессиях, а также объясняет различия характеров детей. Дети, появившиеся первыми, должны подавать пример, для младших, помогать родителям, поэтому среди них чаще всего появляются лидеры. Средние дети очень часто оказываются потерянными и чувствуют себя посредниками между звеньями. Поэтому они довольно спокойные и вежливые. Младшие очень часто вырастают эгоистами и любят привлекать к себе внимание. Чаще всего они более рискованные.
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