Give Russian equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Ancient Greeks; to suffer; ruler; to live in peace; a neutral state; feast; to compete; in the course of time; to take an oath; to be awarded; to survive; craftsmen; to be allowed; to excel, to inspire artists and sculptures; to admire; revival; importance; amateur sportsmen; to be responsible for; representatives; to be held separately; to celebrate; to host the Games; tourist destination; to approve; new venues.

Give English equivalents for the following words and word combinations.

Вести войны; жить в мире с соседями; переговоры; до нашей эры; борьба; принимать участие во всех видах соревнований; получать кубки и венки; сопровождаться; под страхом смерти; статуи из мрамора и бронзы; запрещать; объединять народы; количество участников; происходить; високосный год; самый подходящий; спортивные сооружения; принимать олимпийские игры; горноклиматический курорт; транспортная инфраструктура; располагаться вокруг центральной зоны.

Join the parts to make a sentence.

1. The ruler of such a small state, Elis,

2. In the beginning this feast lasted one day,

3. Best athletes arrived from many Greek states

4. In our time sportsmen often get cups and wreaths

5. Women were not allowed even to watch the competitions at the stadium

6. The Olympic Games had been held for about eleven hundred years,

7. Pierre de Coubertin understood the importance of sports

8. The International Olympic Committee decides upon

9. At the Winter Games many teams from different countries

10. Thousands of athletes, journalists and guests come to the Games,

a. for winning the first place in sports competitions.

b. and it takes great efforts to arrange everything.

c. which unified peoples of the world and served the cause of peace like in ancient time.

d. wanted to live in peace with all neighbours.

e. the programme of the games, the number of the participants and the city-host for the Games.

f. but later a whole month was devoted to it.

g. under the fear of death penalty.

h. take part in competitions in figure-skating, skiing, hockey and other winter sports.

i. until the emperor Theodosius banned them for religious reasons in 394 A. D.

j. to Olympia to compete in running, long jumps, throwing of discus and javelin and wrestling.

Some sentences have mistakes. Find and correct these sentences.

1. Long ago ancient Greeks often waged wars.

2. The games were held every five years in Olympia on the territory of Elis.

3. All athletes took an oath that they had been preparing badly for the Games and promised to compete honestly and not keep the rules of the sacred Olympics.

4. Both men and women could take part in the Olympic Games.

5. The revival of the Olympic Games began long time afterwards, in 1893, when a young French teacher Pierre de Coubertin made a public speech.

6. On the 23rd of June 1894 the International Congress of amateur sportsmen made an important decision: to revive the Olympic Games and to establish the National Olympic Committee of France.

7. The first International Olympic Committee consisted of 11 members.

8. The modern Olympic Games began again in 1894.

9. Summer and Winter Olympic Games are held separately, but in the same country.

10. Since 1963 the opening ceremony has been celebrated by lightning a flame which is called "Olympic Flame".

11. On July 04, 2007 the city of Sochi was elected as the host city for the XXIV Olympic Winter Games in 2014.

12. On December 12, 2007 the State Duma of the Russian Federation approved an eight-year program of the Olympic objects construction and development of Sochi as mountain-climatic resort.

Translate the following articles from English into Russian.

Idea contest declared for Sochi-2014

To mark the anniversary of the 1980 Moscow Olympic Games’ closing ceremony, organizers of the Sochi Olympics decided to declare a contest for the best 2014 closing ceremony idea. The winner was unveiled in mid December and got two tickets for the official opening of Sochi games.

The solemn XXII Olympic Games closing ceremony is still remembered even by those who failed to attend the event at the Luzhniki stadium that day. Millions of people watched a live broadcast of the ceremony that became a symbol of its time. The most frequently recollected moment was the appearance of a giant balloon featuring Misha the Bear, the 1980 Olympic mascot, in the middle of the stadium. Misha waved his paw to the audience and flew away.

That was a farewell to the Moscow Olympics, recollects Maria Chernova who has never seen anything like that again in her life:

"That was so touching, given that the games were held without a hitch and became one of the greatest events for every Muscovite. Most of us cried looking at the bear balloon that was getting higher and higher before it disappeared. I always recollect this moment during all other Olympic Games held in other cities and think that the ascending Misha the Bear balloon was the best ever idea."

The 1980 games closed on August 3rd. Organizers of the upcoming Sochi Olympics invented a contest of scenario ideas for the closing ceremony. The best one may provide the basis for the festival’s final scenario to be worked out by a team of Russian and foreign producers.

The decision to hold a contest of this kind emerged after the Organizing Committee encountered a flow of creative proposals. Some of the ideas for closing the winter games in Sochi have excited sincere admiration among professionals. Moscow, for instance, suggested making a live bird flag to fly over the stadium.

Olympic mascot trio

Leopard, Polar Bear and Bunny Rabbit are the official mascots of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia. For the first ever time, the mascots were picked by a popular vote and not by a national Olympic committee.

A proverb has it that good things should come in threes, which is probably why the Sochi 2014 Organizing Committee decided upon three mascots. Each of them matches the Olympic principles of friendship, respect and strive for perfection, the committee’s head Dmitry Chernyshenko said on Channel One television after the vote.

Athens had three Olympic mascots, Beijing had five and Vancouver had three.

Olympic champion Maria Kiselyova agrees that there is a happy number:

“All of the three mascots personify the Winter Olympics. The polar bear is widely associated with the brown bear – the mascot the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. Here the bear is white, clearly, because it’s for the Winter Games. The bunny rabbit is so very cute. And the leopard is just wonderful - white as snow, it reminds one of winter. Besides, it’s a rare animal species that needs to be protected and taken care of. I hope these mascots will help our athletes to win.”

Of the 24,000 mascots sent to an all-Russian Olympic mascot competition, the jury picked 11 finalists.

Russia’s Santa Claus – Father Frost - was pulled out of the mascot contest before the voting began, though it had been leading the race. But in case of victory, Russia`s Olympic Committee would have got ownership rights for this traditional Russian New Year symbol.

The winning trio received 62% of the vote, with leopard being among the leaders from the very start. It was especially popular in Sochi, where a unique program to preserve leopard population has been implemented since 2009.

Fire boy and Snowflake Girl were chosen as mascots of the Sochi Winter Paralympics. The choice was made by Paralympics champions of the previous years. “These fantastic characters will provide energy and support to our future champions and will contribute to the development of Paralympics sports in Russia”, secretary of Russia`s Paralympics Committee Mikhail Terentyev said.

The authors of winning mascots were presented with entrance tickets to the opening and the closing ceremonies of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Translate into English.

Олимпийские игры – самое яркое спортивное событие в мире. Сотни атлетов готовятся к этому старту всю жизнь. Те, кому удается взойти на олимпийский пьедестал, становятся примером для миллионов. Их достижения навсегда остаются в истории спорта и Олимпийского движения.

Современные Олимпийские игры имеют тысячелетнюю историю и сейчас находятся на пике своего развития.

В октябре 2009 года в Копенгагене прошел XIII Олимпийский конгресс – беспрецедентный по своему масштабу. По итогам конгресса были приняты решения, которые определили вектор развития Олимпийского движения на ближайшие 15 лет.

Одним из них является решение расширить программу Олимпийских летних игр: с 2016 года поклонники регби и гольфа смогут болеть за своих любимых спортсменов на олимпийских соревнованиях.

Соревнования Олимпийских Игр в Сочи пройдут по 7 зимним видам спорта:


-Бобслей: бобслей и скелетон


-Хоккей на льду

-Санный спорт

-Конькобежный спорт: фигурное катание, шорт-трек и скоростной бег на коньках

-Лыжный спорт: горные лыжи, лыжные гонки, лыжное двоеборье, трамплина, фристайл и сноуборд

Unit VI


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