Переведите предложения на английский язык, обращая внимание на перевод выделенных слов.
1. Если кто-нибудь опоздает, мы не будем ждать, все должны прийти вовремя. 2. Я ничего не вижу здесь. 3. Все крепко заснут, как только доберутся до постелей. 4. Расскажите нам что-нибудь интересное, хорошо? 5. Пойдем в магазин. Мне нужно купить что-нибудь к ужину 6. Вас кто-то ждет в вашей комнате. 7. Попросите его, пожалуйста, говорить громче. Мы здесь тоже ничего не слышим. 8. В моем рассказе есть что-нибудь смешное? 9. Если вы не начнете работать над своими ошибками сейчас, ничто не поможет вам потом (позже). 10. Вас кто-нибудь приглашал на этот вечер? 11. Сейчас слишком поздно что-нибудь делать. 12. Этот человек никогда ничего не боится. 13. Он сейчас где-нибудь у моря. 14. Желает (хочет) ли кто-нибудь еще принять участие в обсуждении? 15. Почему никто из вас не слушает? 16. Никто не забудет этого. 17. Разве никто из вас не знал, что он приезжает сегодня? 18. Я нашел чью-то ручку. 19. Они все выступали на собрании? — Нет, для всех не хватило времени. 20. Все было сделано, чтобы спасти жизнь этого человека.
36. Ответьте на вопросы.
а) 1.Which of you has been to a doctor recently? Why did you have to go? 2. Did anyone accompany you or did you go alone? 3. How long did you have- to wait your turn? 4. Did the doctor see what was the matter with you immediately or did it take him some time to find out?
b) 1. Have you even been operated on? 2. Who performed (did) the operation? 3. Was it serious? How long did you have to stay in hospital after the operation? 4. Who looked after you (took care of you) when you came home?
с) 1. When did you last watch an interesting football match on TV? 2. Were you surprised at the result of the match or had you expected it?3. Were there any unpleasant incidents during the match? 4. All the players did their best, didn't they?
d) 1. When do the days get longer (shorter)? 2. Which is the longest (shortest) day in the year? 3. Is it getting cold outside? 4. When is it usually cold in the part of the Soviet Union where you live?
e) 1. What's your idea of how to teach a child to speak the truth? 2. Is it enough only to explain to the child that it's bad to tell lies or is it necessary to remind him about it several times? 3. What would you like your son (daughter) to become?
Грамматическое приложение.
174 English irregular verbs7
Неопределённая форма | 2-я форма глаголов | 3-я форма глагола | перевод | ||||
arise [ə`raɪz] | arose [ə`roʊz] | arisen [ə`rɪzn] | возникать, появляться | ||||
awake [ə`waɪk] | awoke [ə`woʊk] | awoken [ə`woʊkn] | будить, просыпаться | ||||
be [bi:] | was; were [wɒz], [wɜ:] | been [bi:n] | быть, находиться | ||||
bear [bɛə] | bore [bɔ:] | borne [bɔ:n] | носить, выносить | ||||
beat [bi:t] | beat [bi:t] | beaten [bi:tn] | бить | ||||
become [bɪ`kʌm] | became [bɪ`keɪm] | become [bɪ`kʌm] | становиться | ||||
begin [bɪ`gɪn] | began [bɪ`gæn] | begun [bɪ`gʌn] | начинать(ся) | ||||
bend [bend] | bent [bent] | bent [bent] | гнуть(ся) | ||||
bet [bet] | bet [bet] | bet [bet] | держать пари | ||||
bid [bɪd] | bid/bade [bɪd/beɪd] | bidden [bɪdn] | велеть, просить | ||||
bid [bɪd] | bid [bɪd] | bid [bɪd] | предлагать | ||||
bind [baɪnd] | bound [baʊnd] | bound [baʊnd] | связывать | ||||
bit [bɪt] | bit [bɪt] | bitten [bɪtn] | кусать | ||||
bleed [bli:d] | bled [bled] | bled [bled] | кровоточить | ||||
blow [bloʊ] | blew [blu:] | blown [blu:] | дуть | ||||
break [breɪk] | broke [broʊk] | broken [broʊkən] | ломать | ||||
breed [bri:d] | bred [bred] | bred [bred] | разводить | ||||
bring [brɪŋ] | brought [brɔ:t] | brought [brɔ:t] | принести | ||||
build [bɪld] | built [bɪlt] | built [bɪlt] | строить | ||||
burn [bɜ:n] | burned/burnt [bɜ:nd/bɜ:nd] | burned/burnt [bɜ:nd/bɜ:nd] | жечь, гореть | ||||
burst [bɜ:st] | burst [bɜ:st] | burst [bɜ:st] | взорваться | ||||
bust [bʌst] | busted/bust [bʌstɪd/bʌst] | busted/bust [bʌstɪd/bʌst] | разорить(ся) | ||||
buy [baɪ] | bought [bɔ:t] | bought [bɔ:t] | купить | ||||
bet | bet | bet | держать пари | ||||
cast [kɑ:st] | cast [kɑ:st] | cast [kɑ:st] | бросать, кидать | ||||
catch [kætʃ] | caught [kɔ:t] | caught [kɔ:t] | ловить | ||||
choose [tʃu:z] | chose [tʃoʊz] | chosen [tʃoʊzn] | выбирать | ||||
cleave [kli:v] | cleft [klieft] | cleft [klieft] | рассечь | ||||
cling [klɪŋ] | clung [klʌŋ] | clung [klʌŋ] | цеплять(ся) | ||||
clothe [kloʊð] | clothed/clad [kloʊðd/klæd] | clothed/clad [kloʊðd/klæd] | одеть | ||||
come [kʌm] | came [keɪm] | come [keɪm] | приходить | ||||
cost [kɒst] | cost [kɒst] | cost [kɒst] | стоить | ||||
creep [kri:p] | crept [krept] | crept [krept] | ползать | ||||
cut [kʌt] | cut [kʌt] | cut [kʌt] | резать | ||||
deal [di:l] | dealt [delt] | dealt [delt] | торговать | ||||
dig [dɪg] | dug [dʌg] | dug [dʌg] | копать | ||||
dive [daɪv] | dove/dived [doʊv/daɪvd] | dived [daɪvd] | нырять, погружаться | ||||
do [du:] | did [dɪd] | done [dʌn] | делать | ||||
draw [drɔ:] | drew [dru:] | drawn [drɔ:n] | рисовать, тащить | ||||
dream [dri:m] | dreamed/dreamt [dri:md/dremt] | dreamed/dreamt [dri:md/dremt] | видеть сны, мечтать | ||||
drink [drɪnk] | drank [drænk] | drunk [drʌnk] | пить | ||||
drive [draɪv] | drove [droʊv] | driven [drɪvn] | водить, гнать | ||||
dwell [dwel] | dwelt/dwelled [dwelt/dweld] | dwelt/dwelled [dwelt/dweld] | обитать | ||||
eat [i:t] | ate [et] | eaten [i:tn] | кушать, есть | ||||
fall [fɔ:l] | fell [fel] | fallen [fɔ:lən] | падать | ||||
feed [fi:d] | fed [fed] | fed [fed] | кормить(ся) | ||||
feel [fi:l] | felt [felt] | felt [felt] | чувствовать | ||||
fight [faɪt] | fought [fɔ:t] | fought [fɔ:t] | бороться | ||||
find [faɪnd] | found [faʊnd] | found [faʊnd] | находить | ||||
flee [fli:] | fled [fled] | fled [fled] | бежать, спасаться | ||||
fling [flɪŋ] | flung [flʌŋ] | flung [flʌŋ] | швырять | ||||
fly [flaɪ] | flew [flu:] | flown [floʊn] | летать | ||||
forbid [fə`bɪd] | forbade [fə`beɪd] | for`bidden [fəbɪdn] | запретить | ||||
forget [fə`get] | forgot [fə`gɒt] | forgotten [fə`gɒtn] | забыть | ||||
forgive [fə`gɪv] | forgave [fə`geɪv] | for`given [fəgɪvn] | простить | ||||
forsake [fə`seɪk] | forsook [fə`sʊk] | forsaken [fə`seɪkn] | покидать | ||||
freeze [fri:z] | froze [froʊz] | frozen [froʊzn] | замерзать | ||||
get [get] | got [gɒt] | gotten/got [gɒtn/gɒt] | получать, становиться | ||||
gild [gɪld] | gilt [gɪlt] | gilt [gɪlt] | позолотить | ||||
give [gɪv] | gave [geɪv] | given [gɪvn] | давать | ||||
go [goʊ] | went [went] | gone [gɒ] | идти, ехать | ||||
grind [graɪnd] | ground [graʊnd] | ground [graʊnd] | точить, молоть | ||||
grow [groʊ] | grew [gru:] | grown [groʊn] | расти, выращивать | ||||
hang [hæŋ] | hung [hʌŋ] | hung [hʌŋ] | висеть, повесить | ||||
have [hæv] | had [hæd] | had [hæd] | иметь | ||||
hear [hɪə] | heard [hɜ:d] | heard [hɜ:d] | слышать | ||||
hew [hju:] | hewed [hju:d] | hewn [hju:n] | рубить, тесать | ||||
hide [haɪd] | hid [hɪd] | hidden [hɪdn] | прятать(ся) | ||||
hit [hɪt] | hit [hɪt] | hit [hɪt] | ударить | ||||
hold [hoʊld] | held [held] | held [held] | держать, проводить | ||||
hurt [hɜ:t] | hurt [hɜ:t] | hurt [hɜ:t] | ранить, обижать | ||||
keep [ki:p] | kept [kept] | kept [kept] | держать | ||||
kneel [ni:l] | knelt [nelt] | knelt [nelt] | становиться на колени | ||||
knit [nɪt] | knit [nɪt] | knit [nɪt] | вязать | ||||
know [noʊ] | knew [nju:] | known [noʊn] | знать | ||||
lay [leɪ] | laid [leɪd] | laid [leɪd] | класть | ||||
lead [li:d] | led [led] | led [led] | вести | ||||
lean [li:nd] | leant [lent] | leant [lent] | опираться | ||||
leap [li:p] | leapt [lept] | leapt [lept] | прыгать | ||||
learn [lɜ:n] | learned/learnt [lɜ:nd/lɜ:nt] | learnt [lɜ:nt] | учить(ся) | ||||
leave [li:v] | left [left] | left [left] | оставлять, уезжать | ||||
lend [lend] | lent [lent] | lent [lent] | давать взаймы | ||||
let [let] | let [let] | let [let] | позволять | ||||
lie [laɪ] | lay [leɪ] | lain [leɪn] | лежать | ||||
lose [lu:z] | lost [lɒst] | lost [lɒst] | терять | ||||
light [laɪt] | lit/lighted [lɪt/laɪtɪd] | lit/lighted [lɪt/laɪtɪd] | зажигать, освещать | ||||
make [meɪk] | made [meɪd] | made [meɪd] | делать, создавать | ||||
mean [mi:n] | meant [ment] | meant [ment] | значить, подразумевать | ||||
meet [mi:t] | met [met] | met [met] | встретить | ||||
mow [moʊ] | mowed [moʊd] | mown [moʊn] | косить | ||||
pay [peɪ] | paid [peɪd] | paid [peɪd] | платить | ||||
plead [pli:d] | pleaded/pled [pli:dɪd/pled] | pleaded/pled [pli:dɪd/pled] | заявлять | ||||
prove [pru:v] | proved [pru:vd] | proven/proved [pru:vən/pru:vd] | доказывать | ||||
put [pʊt] | put [pʊt] | put [pʊt] | класть | ||||
read [ri:d] | read [red] | read [red] | читать | ||||
rid [rɪd] | rid [rɪd] | rid [rɪd] | избавлять | ||||
ride [raɪd] | rode [roʊd] | ridden [rɪdn] | ездить верхом | ||||
ring [rɪŋ] | rang [ræŋ] | rung [rʌŋ] | звонить | ||||
rise [raɪz] | rose [roʊz] | risen [rɪzn] | подниматься | ||||
run [rʌn] | ran [ræn] | run [rʌn] | бежать | ||||
saw [sɔ:] | sawed [sɔ:d] | sawed/sawn [sɔ:d/sɔ:n] | пилить | ||||
say [seɪ] | said [sed] | said [sed] | сказать | ||||
see [si:] | saw [sɔ:] | seen [si:n] | видеть | ||||
seek [si:k] | sought [sɔ:t] | sought [sɔ:t] | искать | ||||
sell [sel] | sold [soʊld] | sold [soʊld] | продавать | ||||
send [send] | sent [sent] | sent [sent] | послать | ||||
set [set] | set [set] | set [set] | ставить | ||||
sew [soʊ] | sewed [soʊd] | sewn [soʊn] | шить | ||||
shake [ʃeɪk] | shook [ʃʊk] | shaken [ʃeɪkən] | трясти | ||||
shave [ʃeɪv] | shaved [ʃeɪvd] | shaved/shaven [ʃeɪvd/ʃeɪvən] | брить(ся) | ||||
shear [ʃɪə] | sheared [ʃɪəd] | sheared/shorn [ʃɪəd/ʃɔ:n] | стричь | ||||
shed [ʃed] | shed [ʃed] | shed [ʃed] | проливать (слёзы) | ||||
shine [ʃaɪn] | shone [ʃoʊn] | shone [ʃoʊn] | светить, сиять | ||||
shoe [ʃu:] | shod [ʃɒd] | shod [ʃɒd] | обувать, подковывать | ||||
shoot [ʃu:t] | shot [ʃɒt] | shot [ʃɒt] | стрелять | ||||
show [ʃoʊ] | showed [ʃoʊd] | shown [ʃoʊn] | показывать | ||||
shrink [ʃrɪŋk] | shrank [ʃræŋk] | shrunk [ʃrʌŋk] | сжиматься | ||||
shut [ʃʌt] | shut [ʃʌt] | shut [ʃʌt] | закрывать | ||||
sing [sɪŋ] | sang [sæŋ] | sung [sʌŋ] | петь | ||||
sink [sɪŋk] | sank [sæŋk] | sunk [sʌŋk] | погружаться, тонуть | ||||
sit [sɪt] | sat [sæt] | sat [sæt] | сидеть | ||||
slay [sleɪ] | slew/slayed [slu:/sleɪd] | slain/slayed [sleɪn/sleɪd] | убивать | ||||
sleep [sli:p] | slept [slept] | slept [slept] | спать | ||||
slide [slaɪd] | slid [slɪd] | slid [slɪd] | скользить | ||||
sling [slɪŋ] | slung [slʌŋ] | slung [slʌŋ] | метать | ||||
slink [slɪŋk] | slinked/slunk [slɪŋkt/slʌŋk] | slinked/slunk [slɪŋkt/slʌŋk] | красться | ||||
smell [smel] | smelt [smelt] | smelt [smelt] | пахнуть, нюхать | ||||
sow [soʊ] | sowed [soʊd] | sown [soʊn] | сеять | ||||
speak [spi:k] | spoke [spoʊk] | spoken [spoʊkən] | говорить | ||||
speed [spi:d] | sped [sped] | sped [sped] | мчаться | ||||
spell [spel] | spelt [spelt] | spelt [spelt] | писать, читать по буквам | ||||
spend [spend] | spent [spent] | spent [spent] | тратить | ||||
spill [spɪl] | spilt [spɪlt] | spilt [spɪlt] | расплескать | ||||
spin [spɪn] | spun [spʌn] | spun [spʌn] | прясть | ||||
spit [spɪt] | spit/spat [spɪt/spæt] | spit/spat [spɪt/spæt] | плевать | ||||
split [splɪt] | split [splɪt] | split [splɪt] | расщепить(ся) | ||||
spoil [spoɪl] | spoiled/spoilt [spoɪld/spoɪlt] | spoiled/spoilt [spoɪld/spoɪlt] | портить | ||||
spread [spred] | spread [spred] | spread [spred] | распространиться | ||||
spring [sprɪŋ] | sprang [spræŋ] | sprung [sprʌŋ] | возникнуть | ||||
stand [stænd] | stood [stʊd] | stood [stʊd] | стоять | ||||
steal [sti:l] | stole [stoʊl] | stolen [stoʊlən] | красть | ||||
stick [stɪk] | stuck [stʌk] | stuck [stʌk] | липнуть | ||||
sting [stɪŋ] | stung [stʌŋ] | stung [stʌŋ] | жалить | ||||
stink [stɪŋk] | stank [stræŋk] | stunk [stʌŋk] | вонять | ||||
strew [str:] | strewed [str:d] | strewn [str:n] | усеять | ||||
stride [straɪd] | strode [stroʊd] | stridden [strɪdn] | шагать | ||||
strike [straɪk] | struck [strʌk] | struck/stricken [strʌk/strɪkən] | ударить | ||||
string [strɪŋ] | strung [srtʌŋ] | strung [strʌŋ] | нанизать, натянуть | ||||
strive [straɪv] | strove/strived [stroʊv/straɪvd] | striven/strived [strɪvən/straɪvd] | стараться, стремиться | ||||
swear [swɛə] | swore [swɔ:] | sworn [swɔ:n] | клясться | ||||
sweat [swet] | sweat/sweated [swet/[swetɪd] | sweat/sweated [swet/swetɪd] | потеть | ||||
sweep [swi:p] | swept [swept] | swept [swept] | мести | ||||
swell [swel] | swelled [sweld] | swollen/swelled [swoʊlən/sweld] | вздуться, раздуваться | ||||
swim [swɪm] | swam [swæm] | swum [swʌm] | плыть | ||||
swing [swɪŋ] | swung [swʌŋ] | swung [swʌŋ] | качаться | ||||
take [teɪk] | took [tʊk] | taken [teɪkən] | взять, брать | ||||
teach [ti:tʃ] | taught [tɔ:t] | taught [tɔ:t] | обучать | ||||
tear [tɛə] | tore [tɔ:] | torn [tɔ:n] | рвать | ||||
tell [tel] | told [toʊld] | told [toʊld] | рассказывать | ||||
think [θɪŋk] | thought [θɔ:t] | thought [θɔ:t] | думать | ||||
throw [θroʊ] | threw [θru:] | thrown [θroʊn] | бросать | ||||
thrust [θrʌst] | thrust [θrʌst] | thrust [θrʌst] | толкать | ||||
tread [tred] | trod [trɒd] | trodden [trɒdn] | ступать | ||||
understand [ʌndə`stænd] | understood [ʌndə`stʊd] | understood [ʌndə`stʊd] | понимать | ||||
wake [weɪk] | woke/waked [woʊk/weɪkt] | woken/waked [woʊkən/weɪkt] | просыпаться | ||||
wear [wɛə] | wore [wɔ:] | worn [wɔ:n] | носить | ||||
weave [wi:v] | wove/weaved [woʊv/wi:vd] | woven/weaved [woʊvən/wi:vd] | ткать | ||||
wed [wed] | wed/wedded [wed/wedɪd] | wed/wedded [wed/wedɪd] | вступать в брак | ||||
weep [wi:p] | wept [wept] | wept [wept] | плакать | ||||
wet [wet] | wet [wet] | wet [wet] | мочить | ||||
win [wɪn] | won [wʌn] | won [wʌn] | выигрывать, побеждать | ||||
wind [waɪnd] | wound [waʊnd] | wound [waʊnd] | виться(ся) | ||||
wring [rɪŋ] |
| выкручивать | ||||
| wrote [roʊt] | written [rɪtn] | писать |
Stative Verbs List. 8, 9
Some verbs are only (or mostly) used in simple tenses, and are not used in continuous tenses. These verbs are called stative, or state verbs. A verb which isn’t stative is called a dynamic verb, and is usually an action. Often stative verbs are about liking or disliking something, or about a mental state, not about an action.
adore обожать
agree соглашаться
appear казаться
appreciate ценить
believe верить, полагать
belong принадлежать
concern касаться, интересоваться
consist состоять
contain содержать
depend зависеть
deserve заслуживать
detest не мочь терпеть
disagree не соглашаться
dislike не любить
doubt сомневаться
exist существовать
feel (=have an opinion)
fit подходить, соответствовать
forget забывать
hate ненавидеть
hear слышать
imagine понимать, предполагать , воображать
impress производить впечатление
include включать
involve вовлекать
know знать
like любить
look выглядеть
love любить
to keep продолжать
mean означать
measure (=be long)
mind возражать, замечать, обращать внимание
notice замечать
need нуждаться
owe быть должным
own владеть
prefer предпочитать
promise обещать
realize понимать
recognise узнавать
remind напоминать
remember помнить
see видеть
seem казаться
smell чувствовать запах, пахнуть
sound казаться, представляться, звучать
stink вонять
suit подходить
suppose предполагать
surprise удивлять
taste являться на вкус
think думать
understand понимать
want хотеть
weigh (=have weight)
wish желать
Modal verbs are also stative.
Can мочь
Dare сметь
may мочь
must долженствовать
need нуждаться
Some verbs can be both stative and dynamic:
be be is usually a stative verb, but when it is used in the continuous it means ‘behaving’ or ‘acting’
you are stupid = it’s part of your personality
you are being stupid = only now, not usually
have have (stative) = own I have a car
have (dynamic) = part of an expression
I’m having a party / a picnic / a bath / a good time / a break
see see (stative) = see with your eyes / understand
I see what you mean
I see her now, she’s just coming along the road
see (dynamic) = meet / have a relationship with
I’ve been seeing my boyfriend for three years
I’m seeing Robert tomorrow
taste (also: smell, feel, look)
taste (stative) = has a certain taste
This soup tastes great
taste (dynamic) = the action of tasting
The chef is tasting the soup
think think (stative) = have an opinion
I think that coffee is great
think (dynamic) = consider, have in my head
what are you thinking about? I’m thinking about my next holiday
Spelling and Pronunciation of the ending-ed.10
There are several irregularities regarding orthography (spelling) for the ending ed of regular verbs. Similarly, there are different ways to pronounce this ending.
For regular verbs ending in the vowel -e, add -d.
Hate –hated
Hope - hoped
For the very few English verbs that end in a vowel other than -e, add -ed.
Ski- skied
For regular verbs that end in a vowel+y, add -ed.
Survey surveyed
For regular verbs that end in a consonant+y, change the -y to -i and add -ed.
Dirty – dirtied
Magnify - magnified
For regular verbs ending in a consonant+vowel+consonant, double the final consonant before adding -ed.
Beg – begged
Strip - stripped
In American English, when the regular verb has more than one syllable and the syllable stress is on the final syllable, the final consonant is doubled.
Regret – regretted
Compel - compelled
In these verbs, the syllable stress is not on the final syllable so the consonant is not doubled.
Listen – listened
Orbit – orbited
There are three ways to pronounce the final -ed of regular verbs. This pronunciation is determined by the final sound of the verb in the base form: Is it a voiced consonant, an unvoiced consonant, or a vowel sound?
Note that in all the examples below the first column represents the IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) symbol for the final sound of the verb in its base form.
After unvoiced sounds such as p, f, s, k, , and
the final -ed is pronounced like t as in the word cat. Note that the -e remains silent. Click on the words to hear the sound files.
Help – helped
Stuff - stuffed
After voiced sounds such as b, g, v, z, ,
, m, n, ŋ, l,
, and r the final -ed sound is pronounced like d as in good. Note that the -e remains silent.
Grab – grabbed
Hug – hugged
The final -ed is also pronounced like the d in good after all vowel sounds. Note that the -e again remains silent.
Stay- stayed
Free – freed
For verbs ending in d and t the final -ed is pronounced Id as in the final two letters of the word did.
Add – added
Decide – decided
Exit – exited
Object – objected
Spelling and Pronunciation of the ending-ing.12
There are several irregularities regarding orthography (spelling) for the ending ing.
For verbs ending with the letter -e, eliminate the -e before adding -ing.
Joke – joking
Infiltrate –infiltrating
For verbs ending with the letters -ie, replace -ie on -y before adding -ing.
Lie - lying
If a verb is composed of one syllable which ends with (one vowel + consonant), double the final consonant before adding -ing.
Hit – hitting
Plan – planning
When the verb has more than one syllable and the final syllable is stressed, the final consonant is doubled before adding -ing.
Unwrap – unwrapping
Begin – beginning
When the stress is not on the final syllable, the consonant is not doubled.
Listen – listening
Consider – considering
Spelling and Pronunciation of the ending-es.13
Note that the third person singular form has the morpheme -s added to the base form of the verb. All the other persons are the same. There are a few irregularities regarding the third person singular .
For verbs that end in -ch, -o, -s, -sh, and -x, add -es to create the third person singular.
Teach – teaches
Go – goes
Focus – focuses
Wash - washes
For verbs that end in a vowel + y, add -s.
Say - says
If the verb ends in a consonant + y, change y to i and add -es.
Study - studies
Note that a change only occurs with the third person singular. All other persons have the same conjugation.
There are two ways to pronounce the final –s of regular verbs. This pronunciation is determined by the final sound of the verb in the base form: Is it a voiced consonant, an unvoiced consonant, or a vowel sound?
After unvoiced sounds such as p, f, k the final -s is pronounced like s as in the word cats.
Help – helps
Stuff - stuffs
After voiced sounds such as b, g, v, z, ,
, m, n, ŋ, l,
, and r the final -s sound is pronounced like z as in goose.
Grab – grabs
Hug – hugs
The final -s is also pronounced like the z in goose after all vowel sounds.
Stay- stays
Free – frees
Ending in –es is always pronounced like iz.
Verb BE14 and HAVE
The verb BE is the most important verb in the English language. It is used as a main verb and as an auxiliary verb, and it is also used in the passive voice. BE is the only English verb that has special conjugations in the simple present (am | are | is) and in the simple past (was | were).
Here are the conjugations for BE in the simple present.
singular | plural | |||
1st person | I | am | we | are |
2nd person | you | are | you | are |
3rd person | he, she, it | is | they | are |
Here are conjugations for the verb BE in the simple past.
singular | plural | |||
1st person | I | was | we | were |
2nd person | you | were | you | were |
3rd person | he, she, it | was | they | were |
The verb HAVE is irregular. Note that -ve is replaced with -s forthe third person singular in the simple present.
singular | plural | |||
1st per | I | have | we | have |
2nd per | you | have | you | have |
3rd per | he, she, it | has | they | have |
1.Практический курс английского языка. 1 курс: учебн. для студентов вузов/[В.Д. Аракин и др]; под ред В.Д. Аракина. - 6-е изд., доп. и испр. - М.: Гуманитар. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2006. - 536 с.:ил. - (Учебник для вузов).
2.Практический курс английского языка. 2 курс: учебн. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений/под ред В.Д. Аракина. - 6-е изд., доп. и исправл. - М.: Гуманитар. изд. центр ВЛАДОС, 2003. - 520 с
3.Бонк Н.А., Котий Г.А., Лукьянова Н.А. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 1. - Издательство "ГИС". 1992. 637[3] с.
4.Бонк Н.А., Лукьянова Н.А., Памухина Л.Г. Учебник английского языка. В 2-х ч. Часть 2. - М: Деконт+ - ГИС, 1998. 511[1] с.
5.Английский язык. Учебник для I курса филологических факультетов университетов./Т.И. Матюшкина-Герке, С.П. Балашова, Н.Н. Броссе и др. - 4-е изд., перераб. - М.:Высш.шк., 1990. - 527 с., ил.
6.Практическая грамматика английского языка с упражнениями и ключами К.Н. Качалова, Е.Е. Изралевич: БАЗИС КАРО, Спб, 2010, стр. 128 - 131.
7. http://www.englishvseiarusi.com/resursy/174-vazhnejshix-nepravilnyx-glagola-anglijskogo-yazyka/
10. http://www.elearnenglishlanguage.com/blog/learn-english/grammar/simple-past-regular-verbs/
Введение Прошедшее время Past Indefinite Present Perfect Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect Continuous Настоящее время Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect Continuous Будущее время Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect Future Perfect Continuous To Be Going To Обзорные упражнения Грамматическое приложение Библиография | ...................................3 ……………................4 ...................................4 ...................................8 ...................................13 ...................................17 ...................................20 ...................................24 ...................................24 ...................................32 ...................................37 ...................................42 ...................................42 ...................................47 ...................................51 ...................................53 ...................................58 ...................................60 ...................................81 ...................................98 |
Учебное издание
Ирина Романовна Васильева
Учебно-методическое пособие по английскому языку
для студентов
технических специальностей
Подписано в печать 11.04.14 Формат 60x84/16.
Гарнитура Times New Roman. Усл. печ. л. 2,6. Уч.-изд. л.2,2.
Тираж 50 экз. Заказ ? 191/175
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