Choose the correct variant to complete the sentences.

1) Where were the Americans having dinner one day?

A. on board a ship

B. at the hotel

C. at a party

D. in a café

2) What did the young man hope to find in the fish?

A. a watch

B. a ring

C. some money

D. diamond

3) Where was the young man sent to work?

A. to England

B. to London

C. to New York

D. to Canada

4) When had the young people decided to marry?

A. when he returned home

B. During the journey

C. Before he left home

D. On the way back home

5) What did the young man buy for his girl?

A. A beautiful dress

B. A fur coat

C. A gold watch

D. A diamond ring

6) Why didn't the girl answer his letters?

A. She was very ill

B. She wanted to join him

C. She wanted to marry another man

D. She was angry with him

7) How did the young man react to his friend's news?

A. He was very happy

B. He was very lonely

C. He was very angry

D. He was very unhappy

8) What did the young man do with the present?

A. He gave it to another girl

B. He threw it into the sea

C. He sold it

D. He lost it in the street

9) What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?

A. They had soup

B. They had pudding

C. They had meat

D. They had fish

10) What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?

A. A fruit stone

B. A fish bone

C. An egg shell

D. A diamond ring

IX. Nasreddin and the Smell of Soup

One day, a poor man, who had only one piece of bread to eat, was walking past a restaurant. There was a large pot of soup on the table. The poor man held his bread over the soup, so the steam1 from the soup went into the bread and gave it a good smell. Then he ate the bread. The restaurant owner was very angry at this and he asked the man for money, in exchange for the steam from the soup. The poor man had no money, so the restaurant owner took him to Nasreddin, who was a judge at that time. Nasreddin thought about the case for a little while. Then he took some money from his pocket. He held the coins4 next to the restaurant owner’s ear and shook them, so that they made a jingling noise . «What was that?» asked the restaurant owner. «That was payment for you», answered Nasreddin. «What do you mean? That was just the sound of coins!» protested the restaurant owner. «The sound of the coins is payment for the smell of the soup», answered Nasreddin. «Now go back to your restaurant».

Unknown words:

1. steam [sti:m] — пара

2. judge — суддя

3. case — справа (у суді)

4. coins — монета

5. jingling noise — брязкіт

I. Choose the correct answer to the question.

1) What food did the poor man have?

a) A piece of a pie. b) Soup. c) Bread. d) Nothing.

2) How did the poor man give the bread a good smell?

a) He put his bread into the soup. b) He held his bread over the soup.

c) He ate his bread and soup. d) He heated the soup.

3) What was there inside the pot?

a) Tea. b) Milk. c) Soup. d) Juice

4) Why did the restaurant owner take the poor man to Nasreddin?

a) Because Nasreddin was his friend. b) Because Nasreddin was a judge.

c) So that Nasreddin could pay for the soup. d) Because Nasreddin was the poor man’s relative.

5) What did Nasreddin take from his pocket?

a) Nothing. b) Coins. c) A piece of bread. d) A pot of soup.

6) Why did Nasreddin shake the coins next to the restaurant owner’s ear?

a) He didn’t want the restaurant owner to see them. b) So that the coins made a jingling noise.

c) Nasreddin had done it before he gave the coins to the restaurant owner.

d) In order to give the coins to the poor man.

7) Why did he hold the bread over the soup?

a) To make it warm. b) So the steam from the soup would go into the bread.

c) In order to warm his hand. d) He wanted to make the restaurant owner angry.

8) What did Nasreddin pay for with the sound of the coins?

a) For the restaurant. b) For the soup. c) For the smell of the soup. d)For the bread.

2. Mark the following statements «True» (T) or «False» (F).

1) The poor man in the story was walking past a shop.

2) The poor man gave his bread to the restaurant owner.

3) The restaurant owner took the poor man to the police.

4) Nasreddin said that the jingling noise of the coins was payment for the steam of the soup.

5) The poor man put his bread into the soup.

6) The restaurant owner took the poor man to the judge.

7) Nasreddin gave some money to the poor man.

8) The restaurant owner didn’t like Nasreddin’s decision.

3. Match the words the words with their descriptions. There are two options you don’t need to use.

1)A pot. a)The person who was a judge at that time.

2) A piece of bread. b)The container of soup that was on the table in the restaurant.

3) Nasreddin. c) The only food the poor man in the story had to eat.

4) The poor man. d)The person who asked the poor man for money.

5) The restaurant owner. e ) It was payment for the smell of the soup in the story.

6) The sound of coins.

7) The steam

II частина


Grammar Tests

1. How is the world, ... good friend?
a) a
b) an
c) -
d) the

2. What time do you go to ... school?
a) an
b) the
c) a
d) -

3. At ... first sight we didn't recognize each other.
a) a
b) -
c) an
d) the

4. As ... result he didn't pass his exam.
a) a
b) an
c) the
d) -

5. What ... shame! She couldn't help her brother to do the sum.
a) an
b) a
c) the
d) -

6. Their flat is … than ours.
a) more large
b) larger
c) the larger

7. Concord was … plane in the world.
a) fast
b) fastest
c) the fastest

8. These jeans are too small. I need … size.
a) a large
b) a larger
c) a largest

9. It is … to go for a walk, than to watch TV at home.
a) good
b) the best
c) better

10. For me mathematics is … physics.
a) more easy as
b) easyer than
c) easier than

11. He ______ to see us tomorrow.
a) mays come
b) may comes
c) may come

12. The right time ______ never come.
a) mights

b) will might
c) might

13. You ______ wait here.
a) may
b) might

c) can

14. People mustn’t ______ lessons of history.
a) forget
b) to forget

c) forgot

15. She ______ look after her little sister.
a) has to
b) have to
c) haves to

16. ... I have one of these cakes?
a) could
b) must
c) have to
d) may

17. I ... leave the party early last night. I wasn’t very well.
a) have to
b) was to
c) had to
d) must

18. Jack ... go to hospital yesterday.
a) must
b) should
c) had to
d) has to

19. You are _____ who asks me this stupid question.
a) fifth
b) the fiveth
c) the fifth
d) five

20. 47 _____ live in Ukraine.
a) millions people
b) millions of people
c) million of people
d) million people

21. Margie and her sister ____ wonderful voices.
a) does
b) has got
c) have got

22. ____ Jane Smith (speak) ____ English?
a) Is ... speak
b) Does ... speak
c) Do ... speak

23. We ____ a car, but we are going to buy it.
a) don't have
b) aren't have
c) hasn't

24. Can you help me? I (not/know)____ the way to the market.
a) am not know
b) not know
c) don't know

25. ____ I (answer) the question?
a) Shall
b) Will
c) Shall not

26. Diana (come) to the party tomorrow?
a) Shall Diana come
b) Will Diana come
c) Does Diana come

27. Do you think it (rain)?
a) rained
b) will be rain
c) will rain

28. Tom isn't playing tennis tomorrow afternoon, he (not/play) tennis yesterday.
a) doesn't play
b) didn't play
c) didn't played

29. Jack (try) to remember what he had done last April.
a) was tried
b) tried
c) tryed

30. Yesterday Mr. Watson (drink) too much at the party.
a) drunk
b) drinked
c) drank

31. Listen! Somebody (sing) a lovely song.
a) sings
b) is singing
c) are singing

32. Why you (put on) the coat? It's sunny today.
a) are you putting on
b) do you put on
c) will you put on

33. He (go) to speak to his parents.
a) went
b) is going
c) goes

34. Since then I ____ my job several time.
a) changed
b) has changed
c) have changed

35. ____ you ever ____ to Africa?
a) Have ... travelled
b) Are ... travelled
c) Did ... travel

36. ___ you ___ dinner already?
a) Did ... have
b) Were ... having
c) Have ... had

37. Do you know ..... good restaurants near here?
a) some
b) any

c) no

38. Gerald has ..... excellent computer games.
a) some
b) any

39. ____ car is much cheaper than _____ .
a) Me .. you
b) My ... yours
c) Mine ... yours

40. Jack always helps _____ wife to look after _____ children.
a) hers ... our
b) his ... their
c) he ... ours

41. There is too … salt in the soup.

a) much

b) many

c) a few

42. There are … skyscrapers in our city.

a) much

b) a little

c) a few

43. I have got … albums of this singer.

a) much

b) a few

c) a little

44. My job allows me to travel …

a) much

b) many

c) a few

45. We have got … free time.

a) little

b) many

c) few

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