Choose the correct position to complete the sentences.

Example:The computer is on the table.

Choose the correct position to complete the sentences. -

1. The lamp is … the computer.

2. The table is … the window.

3. The letter is … the envelope.

4. The mouse is … the envelope.

5. The magazine is … the television.

6. The apples are … the box.

7. The pencils are … the floor.

8. The cat is … the chair.

9. The chocolates are … the chair.

10. The box is … the table.

Where are the things now? Look at the picture and write sentences.

1. The computer…

2. The television…

3. The lamp…

4. The apples…

5. The cat….

6. The chocolates…

7. The mouse…

8. The letter…

9. The envelope…

10. The pencils…

Translate into English.


1. Этот курсант отсутствует, потому что (because) он болен.

2. Я не готов к урокам сегодня, потому что я плохо себя чувствую.

3. Они опаздывают на работу, потому что их машина не в порядке.

4. Тот моряк сейчас не занят, потому что он не на вахте. Он свободен.

5. Эти судоводители ответственны за вахту на мостике.

6. Ваше судно в море или на якоре в порту?

7. Его часы в порядке или в ремонте?

8. Я не прав. Они присутствуют на лекции. Они не опоздали.

9. Вы увлекаетесь компьютером. Я прав?

10. Вы не несете ответственности за курсантов, если (if) они не присутствуют на уроке.


1. Этот человек – судомеханик.

1. Мой товарищ – не капитан. Он – второй помощник.

2. Вы заняты сегодня? – Да, я очень занят. Я на вахте.

3. Он свободен вечером? – Нет. Он на вахте на судне, которое (which) стоит на якоре в порту.

4. Вы готовы к занятиям? – Нет, я не готов, к сожалению. – Почему вы не готовы к занятиям? – Я не готов к занятиям, потому что я плохо себя чувствую.

5. Они – друзья? – Да, они – хорошие друзья. Где они сейчас? – Они – на большом судне в море.


1. Это – машинное отделение. Машинное отделение находится на судне. Это – моторист. Он находится в машинном отделении. А это – старший механик. Он не в машинном отделении. Он в своей каюте.

2. Боцман в каюте? – Нет, он – на палубе.

3. Капитан – на мостике. Радиооператор тоже на мостике? – Нет, он в радиорубке.

4. Где кок? – Он на камбузе. Лоцман – на палубе? – Нет, он на мостике. Где матросы? Они в трюме? – Нет, матросы у мачты (mast).

5. Что это? – Это двигатель. Двигатель в машинном отделении. Он не на палубе.

The verb have got (have)/has got (has)


I have got / I've got a sister.

I haven't got / I've not got a sister. ButI have no sister.

13. Write sentences with the correct form of have got (have).

Example:Jo / + / a bicycle

Jo's got a bicycle. (Jo has a bicycle.)

Bill / – / a dictionary

Bill hasn't got a dictionary. (Bill has no dictionary.)

Sara / ? / a computer

Has Sara got a computer? (Has Sara a computer?)

+ / she – / she

Yes, she has. No, she hasn't.

1. Gemma / + / long hair.

2. Sophie and her sister / + / curly hair.

3. We / – / a house. We / + / a flat.

4. they / ? / cousins in Australia. / – / they. They / + / cousins in New Zealand.

5. you and your brother both / ? / green eyes. / – / we. I / + / green eyes. My brother / + / brown eyes.

6. you / ? / a computer. / + / I.

7. Ben / ? / a cassette player in his car. / – / he. He / + / a CD player.

8. they / ? / a video camera. / + / they.

9. What / you / ? / in the bag. I / + / a new jacket.

10. Who / ? / a pen. I / – / a pen. I / + / a pencil.

14. Answer the questions using have got (have) with and or but. Remember to put in a/an where necessary.

Example:Has Maria got a computer? – Yes / she / CD player

Yes, she has, and she's got a CD player.

Has Robert a bicycle? – No / he / motorbike

No, he hasn't, but he's got a motorbike.

1. Has Sam got a football? – No / he / basketball

2. Have you got the new Ricky Martin album? – Yes / I / his new video

3. Has Jack got a dog? – No / he / cat

4. Have they got new T-shirts? – Yes / they / new jeans

5. Have you got a new motorcycle? – No / I / new bicycle

6. Has she got blue eyes? – Yes / she / long blond hair

7. Have you got a computer in your classroom? – No / we / computer in the library

8. Has your school got a gymnasium? – Yes / it / swimming pool

9. Have we got tickets for the concert? – Yes / we / good seats

10. Have I got your pen? – Yes / you / my pencil

11. Have you got Laurence's phone number? – Yes / I / his e-mail address

12. Has the hotel got a swimming pool? – No / it / sauna

Write descriptions using the information in the charts.


Hakan (boy)

age height hair eyes
tall short black blue

Hakan is fourteen. He's tall. He's got short black hair and he's got blue eyes.

1. Melissa (girl)

age height hair eyes
quite tall long red green

Melissa …

2. Darren and Samantha (boy and girl)

age height hair eyes
medium height very short blond brown

Darren and Samantha …

3. Ryan (boy)

age height hair eyes
short medium length, fair blue

Ryan …

4. Write a similar description of yourself.

I …


I. There is, there are:positive, negative, questions and short answers

1. Complete the sentences with there is or there are.

Example: There are ten computers in our computer room.

1. ... two ships in the port.

2. ... three lamps in this room.

3. ... an AB on deck next to the railings.

4. They've got a big vessel. ... five decks in it.

5. ... a safety equipment on board the ship.

6. ... seven days in a week.

7. ... a photo of my boyfriend in the newspaper.

8. ... many ratings in the messroom.

9. ... two big main engines in the engine room.

10. … an engineer in the pump room.

2. Make sentences using there is or there are. Remember to use the correct preposition–in, on, at.

Example:a big elephant / zoo – There's a big elephant at the zoo.

1. three apples / bag

2. five students / garden

3. two books / table

4. twelve plates / cupboard

5. two lamps / desk

6. a small mouse / cage

7. a painting by Monet / wall

8. two big dogs / garden

9. only one clean cup / kitchen

10. many ships / at sea

3. Complete the sentences with there is, there are, there isn't, there aren't, is there or are there.

Example:A: Is there a big sofa in your sitting room?

B: Yes, there is.

1. A: ... a table in your room? B: No, but ... a chair.
2. A: How many rooms ... in your house? B: ... six.
3. A: ... a carpet in your bedroom? B: No, ... .
4. A: ... a Chinese restaurant near here? B: Yes, ... . ... one in the next street.
5. A: How many students ... in your class? B: ... 30.
6. A: Excuse me, ... a post office near here? B: Yes, ... .
7. A: ... two flights from Istambul to Paris on Sunday? B: No, ... . ... only one.
8. A: ... thirty days May or thirty-one? B: ... thirty days. ... thirty-one days.
9. A: ... a good film on TV tonight? B: Yes, ... .
10. A: ... lots of clothes shops in the new shopping centre? B: Yes, ... .

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