Choose the correct answer.

1) you please help me with this exercise?

a) could c) should b) must d) would

2) Is there soup left?

a) a c) no b) some d) any

3) this building designed by Utzon? a) was c) has b) did d) will

4) If you any help, ask your teacher.

a) need c) will need b) needs d) needed

5) You passed the exams, ?

a) haven’t c) aren’t you

b) didn’t you d) weren’t you

6) There to be a small cinema where this supermarket is now.

a) was c) use b) used d) had

Total mark 0.5 × 6 = 3 points

Fill in the missing word.

1) Thankfully the fire brigade managed to out the fire. a) put, c) carry,

b) make, d) hold

2) The river has been polluted by waste. a) industrial c) disease

b) environment d) endangered

Choose the correct answer. - 44 Тестові та перевірочні завдання з англійської мови. 2–11 класи

3) did you see her picture the front page?

a) in, c) on, b) at, d) of

4) Simon works for a foundation that helps people with dis­


a) service c) physical b) training d) natural

5) lovely dress!

a) How c) Such b) What a d) So

6) This job requires a university .

a) license c) certificate b) degree d) paper

Total mark 0.5 × 6 = 3 points



A self­conceited American visited london where he hired an Eng­ lishman to show him around the city “How long were they building that?” he asker his guide as they passed a large hotel.

“About six months, I think”, answered the guide.

“Six month!” exclaimed the American.”It wouldn’t take us more than six weeks to build a hotel like that in New York”.

They passed building which was quite new

“And how long were they building that?” asked the American. “About four weeks”, answered the guide.

“Four weeks!” exclaimed the American. “In New York we should build a house like that in six days”.

Nothing more was said until they reached the Houses of Parlia­


“Well that’s not a bad looking place”, said the American.”How long were they building that?”

“Well you may not believe me “answered the guide”, but that building was not there when I crossed the bridge last night

Listen to the text and answer true or false.

1) An Englishman visited America.

2) In America it would take people about a month to build a hotel.

3) People were building a new house during four weeks.

4) A house is build in one day in America.

Choose the correct answer. - TESTS. 7th form 45

5) The Houses of Parliament was a bad­looking place.

6) The Houses of Parliament was build last night.

Total mark 0.5 × 6 = 3 points


4. Your teacher has asked you to write a short story entitled “A bank robbery”. Write your story in 120–180 words. use the prompts.

Total mark 3 points


(Para 1)

• walk into the bank

• wait at the queue

• happy — going on holiday

Main Body

(Para 2)

• masked man enter

• point gun at cashier

• tell us to lie down

• give cashier a plastic bag to fill with money

(Para 3)

• robber trip over my arm — fall to the ground

• cashier press alarm button

• robber run toward doors — ride away on motor bike

• police arrive­chase and arrest man


(Para 4)

• police take statements from witnesses

• reporters interview me

• next day my picture on front of newspaper

Total mark for the test: 4 × 3 = 12 points

Variant B


1. Choose the correct answer:

1) Excuse me, you tell me the way to the post­office?

a) may c) shall b) should d) could

Choose the correct answer. - 46 Тестові та перевірочні завдання з англійської мови. 2–11 класи

2) I don’t know as people as you do.

a) many c) more

b) much d) very much

3) They won’t be having English at 2 p. m., they?

a) won’t c) shan’t b) will d) shall

4) They are looking forward going on holiday. a) for c) to

b) in d) after

5) Polly the flat every Saturday.

a) cleans c) cleaning b) is cleaning d) cleaned

6) Mary was talking to me when Mr. Hall her into his office. a) calls c) called

b) was calling d) will call

Total mark 0.5 × 6 = 3 points

Fill in the correct word.

1) The policeman is patrol now.

2) People who work at night work the night .

3) Tom was cleaning the kitchen the doorbell rang.

4) Carol talking on the phone at the moment.

5) William is shy and doesn’t like speaking public.

6) The cashier was calm so he was able to press the button when he saw the robber.

Total mark 0.5 × 6 = 3 points



Yasmin has short golden hair and enormous brown eyes. She is just seven years old and she lives in Kent, England with her owners, david and Rachel. (1) . In fact, she is his eyes.

Yasmin sleeps on her own mat which is next to david’s bed. (2) . david washes and gets dressed then they go downstairs together. They have breakfast, then Yasmin fetches david’s keys and wallet and she takes him for a walk in the park. (3) .

Going for walks with david is hard work but Yasmin doesn’t mind. She has to concentrate hard on the traffic and all the other

Choose the correct answer. - TESTS. 7th form 47

people in the street. (4) . When they get to work, Yasmin’s job is much easier. She just sits in her place, under david’s computer desk. But she can’t relax completely. She has to remain alert in case david needs her!

When david Finishes work, Yasmin escorts him home where he makes her dinner. He doesn’t need Yasmin’s help so much in the house, because he knows where everything is and, of course, he has Rachel to help him when necessary. Yasmin tries to stay out of his way so that he doesn’t fall over her! (5) .

After dinner, Yasmin and david usually go for another walk in the park. When they get home he always thanks her for her help du­ ring day and they play for a while. (6) .

“It’s hard work being someone’s eyes, but I know Yasmin loves working for me and she knows that I appreciate all her help”, says dav­ id. “She makes it possible for me to live a normal life”.

3. Read the article and fill in the sentences A–G for each paragraph.

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