Inland Water Transport in Russia
Т.М. Николаева
Методические указания
и контрольные задания
по английскому языку
(для студентов технических специальностей
очно-заочной и заочной форм обучения)
УДК 802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ
У 93
Профессор, кандидат исторических наук
Ушакова Г.В.
Т.М. Николаева
Иностранный язык (английский): методические указания и контрольные
задания. – СПб.: СПГУВК, 2012. – 52 с.
Методические указания и контрольные задания предназначены для
студентов очно-заочной и заочной форм обучения специальностей 180100.62
«Кораблестроение, океанотехника и системотехника объектов морской
инфраструктуры», 140400.62 «Электроэнергетика и электротехника»,
190600.62 «Эксплуатация транспортно-технических машин и комплексов»,
270800.62 «Строительство», 280100.62 «Природообустройство и
водопользование», 230400.62 «Информационные системы и технологии»
Сборник включает 3 контрольные работы, методические указания,
список рекомендуемой литературы, учебные тексты по специальностям и
тексты общего технического профиля.
УДК 802.0
ББК 81.2 Англ
©Санкт-Петербургский государственный
университет водных коммуникаций, 2012
Целью курса «Иностранный язык (английский)» является развитие
практических навыков чтения и перевода литературы по специальности на
английском языке, владение иностранным языком для получения
информации профильного назначения. В результате изучения дисциплины
студент должен знать основные грамматические формы и структуры
английского языка, владеть словарным запасом в объеме 4000 учебных
лексических единиц общего и профильного характера.
Рекомендуемая литература
Для выполнения контрольных работ необходимо предварительно
изучить определённый объём грамматического и лексического материала.
В качестве основной литературы рекомендуется следующие учебные
1. Практическая грамматика английского языка (К.Н.Качалова,
Е.Е.Израилевич). М., ЛИСТ Нью, 2006. – 784 с.
2. Практическая грамматика английского языка (Т.М.Новицкая,
Н.Д.Кучин). М., Высшая школа, 1983. – 415 с.
3. Учебник английского языка (Н.А.Бонк, Н.А.Лукьянова). М., Высшая
школа, 1996. – 397 с.
4. Английский язык для технических вузов (Е.И.Курашвили,
Е.С.Михалкова). М., Высшая школа, 1991. – 426 с.
5. Английский язык для инженеров (Т.Ю. Полякова, Е.В. Синявская).
М. Высшая школа, 2009 – 463 с.
При подготовке к выполнению контрольных заданий можно
использовать любую другую литературу, соответствующую темам
контрольных заданий, учебники английского языка для неязыковых и
технических вузов, сборники грамматических упражнений.
Методические указания
Для выполнения упражнений контрольных заданий необходимо
проработать соответствующие разделы грамматики в рекомендуемых
учебниках, выполнить тренировочные упражнения в этих разделах для
закрепления материала и самоконтроля. Упражнения контрольных заданий
должны быть выполнены в письменном виде.
При работе с текстами контрольных заданий рекомендуется:
· первоначально прочитать текст без использования словаря для общего
понимания содержания текста;
· для детального понимания текста в полном объёме необходимо
использовать англо-русские словари (рекомендуется использовать и
отраслевые словари);
· выписать незнакомые слова и перевести их, обращая особое внимание
на выбор соответствующего значения слова в словарной статье;
· при работе с текстами следует выделять терминологическую лексику,
связанную с конкретной специальностью;
· перевод текстов должен быть выполнен в письменном виде.
Грамматические контрольные задания №1
Для выполнения контрольного задания №1 необходимо проработать
следующие разделы грамматики английского языка:
1. Существительное (множественное число; артикли и предлоги, как
показатели имени существительного; выражение падежных отношений с
помощью предлогов и притяжательной конструкции -‘s; существительное
в функции определения).
2. Местоимение (личное, притяжательное, указательное, относительное,
неопределённое). Наречие. Числительное (количественное, порядковое).
3. Прилагательное (степени сравнения, конструкции типа the more…the
4. Глагол to be. Оборот there + be. Многозначность глагола to be.
5. Глагол to have. Многозначность глагола to have.
6. Модальные глаголы can, may, must и их эквиваленты.
7. Повелительное наклонение и его отрицательная форма.
8. Времена группы Indefinite (Present Indefinite, Past Indefinite, Future
Indefinite). Их образование и употребление.
9. Порядок слов в предложении. Типы вопросительных предложений.
10. Основные способы словообразования.
Вариант I
I. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) во множественном числе
1. This hotel is very expensive.
2. There is a book on the table.
3. He has coffee for breakfast.
4. She speaks English well.
b) в единственном числе
1. My hands are dirty.
2. There are changes in the time-table.
3. They grow flowers in the garden.
4. They have much money.
II. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные:
a) в сравнительной степени
1. His poems are (popular) than his novels.
2. Her hair is (dark) than my brother’s.
3. Your results are (bad) than mine.
b) в превосходной степени
1. July is (hot) month of the year.
2. His brother is (talented) person.
3. This book is (good).
III. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) в вопросительной форме
1. He washed the car.
2. They will visit this city.
3. She waters flowers every day.
4. He wrote the test well.
b) в отрицательной форме
1. The performance starts at 7.30.
2. He swam well when a child.
3. They will open exhibition next month.
4. She left for the University.
IV. Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. Sometimes she speaks very quickly.
2. He understood the rule at once.
3. They like boiled potatoes.
4. He will work in the port.
5. My friend went abroad last month.
6. He drove four hours to that city.
V. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальные
глаголы can, may, must, should и have to.
1. Он мог хорошо бегать в детстве.
2. Тебе следует быть вежливее.
3. Вы должны переходить улицу на зелёный свет.
4. Нам придётся взять такси.
5. Ты можешь взять мой учебник.
VI. Переведите тексты письменно.
Waters of Russia
The territory of Russia is famous for an abundance of natural waters. A well-
developed river network belongs to the basins of three oceans: the Arctic, the
Pacific and the Atlantic. The length of the unique Russian coast is about 60
thousand kilometers.
However, rich natural resources are distributed non-uniformly over the
country territory. Mostly rivers flow in the northern and upland (гористый)
regions, the least number of them flows in the southern areas.
Russia is washed by 13 seas. The total sea area that is under the jurisdiction
of the Russian Federation is 7 million square kilometers.
About 60% of all Russian rivers run into the seas of the Arctic Ocean: the
Barents Sea, the White Sea, the Kara Sea, the Laptev Sea and the Chuckotskoye
Sea. Such river giants as the Ob, the Yenisei and the Lena belong to this basin. The
Pacific Ocean basin includes the Bering Sea, the Sea of Okhotsk and the Sea of
Japan. The Amur is the main river of the basin.
Rivers of the western part of the Russian Federation flowing into the Black
Sea, the Sea of Asov and the Baltic Sea belong to the Atlantic Ocean basin. The
Neva, the Don and the Kuban are the main rivers of this basin. The Volga and the
Ural run into the Caspian Sea.
The Neva River
The Neva begins from the Ladoga Lake, flows into the Gulf of Finland
forming a number of arms and branches near the mouth and a wide delta. It is the
third largest rivers in Europe in terms of average discharge (after the Volga and the
Danube). The river is navigable throughout.
The Neva is only 74 kilometers in length, but it is deep (8-11m) and very
full-flowing during the whole year. The width is about 500 m. In the downstream
the floods take place in spring and in autumn. They are registered when the water
rises above 160 cm. More than 300 floods occurred after the city of St. Petersburg
was founded in 1703.
The Neva belongs to the category of “moderately polluted” rivers. The
absence of waste water treatment plants at many industrial enterprises in St.
Petersburg results in unsatisfactory water conditions in the Neva River. A special
water cleaning program has been carried out since 1974 by the government of
Russia. Because of rapid flow and cold water the diversity of fish species is small.
Most bridges over the Neva are movable many-segmented and only one
bridge is cable-stayed (Big Obukhovsky Bridge).
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. В нашей стране много полезных ископаемых.
2. Россия имеет хорошо развитую речную сеть.
3. Какие реки впадают в Северный Ледовитый океан?
4. Нева судоходна на всем протяжении.
5. Наводнения в дельте Невы бывают весной и осенью.
6. Очистные сооружения построены на промышленных предприятиях
7. Нева – глубокая и полноводная река.
Вариант II
I. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) во множественном числе
1. There is a student in the room.
2. He is at home.
3. She has a photo camera.
4. He writes letters to his parents.
b) в единственном числе
1. Elephants are big animals.
2. We study at the University.
3. There are interesting programs on T.V.
4. They have many problems.
II. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные:
a) в сравнительной степени
1. My car is (expensive) than his.
2. She is (young) than my sister.
3. The weather is (good) today.
b) в превосходной степени
1. This film is (interesting).
2. This hotel is cheap.
3. Your work is (bad) in the group.
III. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) в вопросительной форме
1. He came to the party.
2. She studies at the University.
3. I will buy a new car.
4. They closed the shop earlier
b) в отрицательной форме
1. They met at the station.
2. She eats much sweet.
3. He will remember us.
4. We saw dark clouds in the sky.
IV. Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. She drinks three cups of coffee a day.
2. He translated many English poems.
3. They will invite her to the party.
4. She left for the University an hour ago.
5. They always come home late.
6. Her sister knows German well.
V. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальные
глаголы can, may, must, should и have to.
1. Нам пришлось изменить наши планы.
2. Вы должны готовиться к каждому уроку.
3. Вы можете взять мой зонт.
4. Тебе следует помочь ей.
5. Я могу сварить кофе сам.
VI. Переведите тексты письменно.
Rivers originate from natural drainage or flow of water from the land to the
sea. The development of their beds and their direction depend on the character of
the soil, natural obstructions, erosion action of water, etc.
Sources of river waters are tidal water or rain water. High tides pass up the
mouth of the river and cause a flow of water up the river. This process is known as
flood. Deepening of the rivers by dredging or construction of embankments may
reduce the danger of flooding.
The supply of fresh or rain water is augmented by branches and rivulets and
the drainage from the banks. The rise and fall of rivers depend on the precipitation
of rain, melting of snow and ice, depth, width and slope of the river.
For efficient navigation it is necessary to monitor variations of water level of
rivers. It is very difficult to maintain a sufficient depth of water in the dry season.
The problem of shoals is very important for navigation. Shoals are resulted from
reduction of water flow velocity in the river. They must be removed by permanent
deepening the bed of the river.
Lakes of Russia
Russia possesses more than 2 million of fresh and salt water lakes with the
total water surface of over 3, 5 thousand square kilometers. More than 90% of the
lakes are the shallow reservoirs. Lakes are used for navigation, fishing and
tourism; they serve as sources of water supply for population, industry and
Lake Baikal is the deepest lake in the world (the maximum depth is 1,741
m). It is situated in the south-east of Siberia 456 m above sea level. Its age is 25-30
million years. The Baikal concentrates 20% of the world reserve of fresh water.
336 rivers run into the Baikal and only the Angara flows out of it.
Lake Ladoga is the greatest fresh water lake in Europe. Its average depth is
51 meters; the area is 18 thousand square kilometers. Ladoga is connected with the
lakes Onega and Ilmen by the Svir River.
Geography of Ladoga is very specific. There are 660 islands in the northern
part of the lake. The most famous of them is the Valaam archipelago.
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. Направление рек зависит от характера почвы.
2. Углубление рек может снизить опасность наводнений.
3. Почему необходимо контролировать уровень рек?
4. Мели возникают из-за снижения скорости течения реки.
5. Байкал – самое глубокое пресноводное озеро в мире.
6. Много рек впадает в Байкал, а вытекает только Ангара.
7. Озеро Ладога используется для судоходства и рыболовства.
Вариант III
I. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) во множественном числе
1. The boy is tall.
2. He has much time.
3. There is a theater in our town.
4. She works in the port.
b) в единственном числе
1. They are my favourite actors.
2. There are empty seats there.
3. The boys play football.
4. They have two children.
II. Откройте скобки, поставив прилагательные:
a) в сравнительной степени
1. He runs (fast) than his friend.
2. This article is (interesting) than that one.
3. Your report is (good) than mine.
b) в превосходной степени
1. Oil is (important) natural resource.
2. Friday is (busy) for me.
3. These seats are (bad).
III. Напишите следующие предложения:
a) в вопросительной форме
1. He broke his leg.
2. They will find the way out.
3. She received a definite answer.
4. They stay at home in bad weather.
b) в отрицательной форме
1. She recognized the danger.
2. They will get money tomorrow.
3. He taught her to play the guitar.
4. He waits her after the classes.
IV. Поставьте специальные вопросы к выделенным словам.
1. They go to the cinema every week.
2. This river flows into the North Sea.
3. He broke his leg yesterday.
4. She returned home because of rain.
5. They got money yesterday.
6. We always stay at this hotel.
V. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя модальные
глаголы can, may, must, should и have to.
1. Вы можете прийти позже.
2. Ему не следует оставаться здесь.
3. Ей приходится много работать.
4. Он должен держать слово.
5. Вы вполне можете сделать это сами.
VI. Переведите тексты письменно.
The Baltic Sea
The Baltic Sea is located in the Northern Europe. It is a brackish sea of about
1600 km long and 193 km wide. The depth of the sea is 55 km; the surface area is
more than 370 000 square kilometers.
The Baltic Sea is ice covered for about 45% of its surface area. The ice
reaches its maximum extent in February and March. Ice formation depends on
whether the winter is mild, moderate or severe. Navigation in this period is
impossible without icebreakers. The wave height is much lower than that of the
North Sea but violent and sudden storms often take place in the Baltic Sea.
About 85 mln people live on the coasts of the Baltic Sea. Russia contains
12% of the Baltic basin. The Baltic is called a sea of waste because many cities
pour their waste into this small sea and it becomes polluted very easily. All the
countries of the Baltic basin cooperate actively in solving ecological problems.
The Baltic Sea is the main trade route for the North West. Shipbuilding is
highly developed around the Baltic. Tourism is served by passenger ferry
operators, such as Silya Line, Viking Line, etc.
The Thames River
The Thames River flows through southern England; it is one of the main
waterways in Great Britain. It runs through London, Oxford and Windsor. The
Thames has a length of 215 miles (346 km). The river is navigable even to large
ocean–going ships as far as London Bridge. There are 45 locks on the River
About 55 miles from sea the Thames begins to exhibit tidal activity from the
North Sea. At London the water is slightly brackish with sea salt. The average
discharge of the Thames is about 66 cubic meters per second.
In ancient times the Thames River froze in severe winters but only seven-
nine weeks. Today the river has never frozen completely. The building of the
London Bridge in 1825 prevented the river from flowing slowly to freeze in cold
winters. In 1980s a Flood Control Barrier was constructed. It is closed several
times a year to prevent water damage to London’s low areas upstream.
By the 18th century the Thames was one of the world’s busiest waterways, as
London became the centre of the vast merchantable British Empire. Today London
itself is no longer a port of any note and the Port of London has moved
downstream to Tilbery. The question of water pollution of the Tames River is very
important. All measures are taken to make the water in the river to the standard
level of ecostate.
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. Зимой Балтийское море покрывается льдом на 45%.
2. На Балтийском море бывают сильные штормы.
3. Ледоколы обеспечивают навигацию зимой на Балтийском море.
4. Загрязнение моря – главная экологическая проблема Балтийского
5. Сколько шлюзов на Темзе?
6. Темза не замерзает зимой из-за сильного течения.
7. Принимаются все меры, чтобы предотвратить загрязнение воды в
Грамматические контрольные задания №2
Для выполнения контрольного задания №2 необходимо проработать
следующие разделы грамматики английского языка:
1. Времена группы Continuous (Present Continuous, Past Continuous, Future
Continuous Active). Их образование и употребление.
2. Времена группы Perfect (Present Perfect, Past Perfect, Future Perfect
Active). Их образование и употребление.
3. Страдательный залог. (Времена Indefinite, Continuous, Perfect Passive).
4. Согласование времён. Прямая и косвенная речь.
Вариант I
I. Поставьте стоящий в скобках глагол в нужном времени. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. Heavy trucks always (to make) a lot of noise.
2. When he came home his mother (to cook) dinner in the kitchen.
3. The child’s face is clean, I just (to wash) it.
4. They (to meet) us at the station yesterday.
5. Look! She (to cross) the street under red light.
6. Before he wrote a reply he (to read) the letter carefully.
7. She (to have) music lesson from 10 to 11 next Sunday.
8. I (to take) medicine in half an hour.
9. He (to finish) the work by tomorrow evening.
10. They (to work) at this problem for two months.
II. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. He told us a very funny story.
2. The secretary will mail these letters tomorrow.
3. He has passed the exam today.
4. People drink much tea in Great Britain.
5. She can make nice objects of paper.
6. He is repairing the in the garage.
7. When I came they had already finished the work.
III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя формы
страдательного залога.
1. Этот театр построили в прошлом году.
2. Ей продиктовали несколько писем.
3. Словарь можно использовать при переводе текста.
4. Туристам показывают новые районы города.
5. Его отправят в командировку на Дальний Восток.
6. Коктейль готовится для вас.
7. Тест только что проверили.
8. Ошибки будут исправлены.
9. Им пожелали хорошего здоровья.
10. Деньги были взяты в банке.
IV. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени.
1. I think he is tired.
2. I have no idea why he did not come.
3. We hope she will recover soon.
4. They are sure that children are playing in the park.
5. Everybody knows that they won the game.
6. He said that they have passed the exam.
7. She is afraid that we will loose the way.
8. He is glad that there is a chance to meet with them.
9. I am happy that you will arrive.
10. She is sorry that she was not right.
V. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
Example: She said to me, “My brother is learning to drive”.
She told me that her brother was learning to drive.
1. He said to his father, “I hope to pass the exam well”.
2. They said to us, “We will stay here”.
3. She asked me, “Where did you put my books?”
4. I asked the waiter, “Can you bring me another cup of coffee?”
5. We said to her, “Don’t worry”.
VI. Переведите тексты письменно.
Water Transport in Russia
Water transport plays an important role in transportation of cargoes and
passengers. Millions tons of cargo are carried by inland waterways of Russia
(rivers, lakes, water reservoirs and canals); their total length is over 400 thousand
In the use of rivers and other water bodies for navigation it is necessary to
maintain sufficient depths and other conditions for regular work of water transport.
But the country’s geography and climate limit the capacity of shipping. Many
Russian rivers run from south to north rather than from east to west, constraining
their use during the Russian winters.
Russia’s major ports providing access to the Baltic Sea are St. Petersburg and
Kaliningrad, and Novorossiysk and Sochi are the main Black Sea ports.
Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Magadan and Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy account for the
bulk of maritime transportation on the Pacific coast. The largest Arctic port,
Murmansk, maintains an ice-free harbor despite its location on the northern shore
of the Kola Peninsula.
Navigable inland waterways extend 101,000 kilometers, of which 16,900
kilometers are man-made. Ships of the Russian River Fleet do most of the inland
shipping, which accounted for millions tons of cargo.
Water Transport Problems
Water transport is very important for the development of national economy.
It does not demand high water quality, but is one of the most significant sources of
water pollution with oil-products and suspended substances.
Timber-rafting affects negatively ecological conditions of water bodies as it
changes the natural state of beds and pollutes water bodies with sunk timber.
In some cases the interests of water transport conflict with the interests of
other water users and consumers, such as water supply, irrigation and hydropower
For instance, hydro construction, on the one hand, increases the depth and
the width of a water way, but, on the other hand, it hinders water transport
activities due to the compression of the navigation period duration, sharp day and
week fluctuations of water discharges and levels in the bay of the hydro power
Monitoring of water bodies is widely used nowadays. The system of control
over water areas in Russia is based on the formation of monitoring in all basins of
navigable rivers. Scientific principles of water area monitoring help to develop the
strategy of control, usability and protection of water resources and inland
waterways of Russia.
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. Большое количество грузов и пассажиров перевозится по внутренним
водным путям России.
2. В реках поддерживается достаточная глубина для эффективной работы
водного транспорта.
3. Почему грузоперевозки ограничены на реках России?
4. Российские порты имеют доступ к 13 морям.
5. Водный транспорт является источником загрязнения рек.
6. Необходимо защищать водные ресурсы Росси от загрязнения.
7. Постоянный мониторинг судоходных рек повышает эффективность
водного транспорта.
Вариант II
I. Поставьте стоящий в скобках глагол в нужном времени. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. When they came to the station the train already (to go).
2. Sometimes he (to speak) too quickly.
3. The weather (to become) worse tomorrow.
4. Please, be quiet! I (to listen) to the music.
5. At this time tomorrow they (to fly) to Paris.
6. He is not hungry. He just (to eat) a sandwich.
7. We (to pass) all the exams be next month.
8. She (to make) a lot of mistakes in the last test.
9. He (to repair) his car in the garage from 10 to12 yesterday.
10. You (to talk) this nonsense all day long.
II. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. People eat much rise in Asia.
2. They built houses of brick.
3. The girl is ill, so they are teaching her at home.
4. You must return these books within a fortnight.
5. They have offered my brother a very good job.
6. He said he had thrown away the newspaper.
7. Another teacher will teach our group.
III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя формы
страдательного залога.
1. Читальный зал проветривают несколько раз в день.
2. Эти правила должны строго соблюдаться.
3. Ему предоставили необходимую информацию.
4. Эти данные будут проверены.
5. Её всегда приглашают на конференции.
6. Новая линия метро строится в нашем городе.
7. Контракт подписали сегодня.
8. Машину продали по хорошей цене.
9. Их накажут.
10. Мне сообщили об этом.
IV. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени.
1. I am afraid that he is angry with us.
2. He says that he will read this book later.
3. I think that he calls his parents every day.
4. He is glad that he will work with his father.
5. She has no idea where the key was forgotten.
6. I hope they are waiting for me.
7. Everybody knows that they have quarreled.
8. I am happy that they will get married at last.
9. We are sorry that they have lost the game.
10. I am sure that he told me the truth.
V. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
Example: She said to my sister, “I will go home by tram”.
She told my sister that she would go home by tram.
1. She asked me, “What did mother say?”
2. I said to her, “I am tiered of all these problems”.
3. He sad to the doctor, “I fell and hurt myself”.
4. They asked the agent, “When will we sigh the contract?’
5. She asked her friend, “Do you want to go to the cinema?”
VI. Переведите тексты письменно.
Cargo Transportation by Sea
Transport by sea is comparatively slow, but it is also comparatively cheap. A
typical ship’s speed is about 25 knots, so it can take about six days for a cargo ship
to cross the Atlantic Ocean. One of the problems associated with carriage by sea is
that the cargoes can be landed only in ports, so trains and trucks may be required
only as support transport. This adds to both the cost and the time taken.
The great advantage of sea transport is that tens and even hundreds of
thousands of tones can be carried at one time. Bulk oil tankers can deliver three or
four thousand tons in a single journey. The amount of the fuel required by the
vessel and the size of the crew does not increase in proportion to the capacity of
the ship.
One of the original defects of long sea voyages was that cargoes were
harmed. Perishable goods deteriorated, especially when ships had to cross the
tropics. Modern refrigeration has changed that. Containerization also reduces the
damage likely to be caused in the process of loading and unloading.
Of course, ships of all kinds have to run storms at sea. Many ships still sink
with their cargoes and insurance against loss is covered by Lloyd’s of London.
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. Система водного транспорта России включает более ста судоходных рек.
2. Реки России связаны каналами и шлюзами в единую систему внутренних
водных путей.
3. Какие грузы перевозятся судами?
4. Возможности водных путей России ограничены суровым климатом.
5. Морские грузоперевозки недорогие, но медленные.
6. Преимуществом морских грузоперевозок является большое количество
грузов, перевозимых одновременно.
7. Использование контейнеров снижает время обработки грузов в портах.
Вариант III
I. Поставьте стоящий в скобках глагол в нужном времени. Переведите
предложения на русский язык.
1. They (to take) the exam next week.
2. Hurry up! We (to wait) you in the hall.
3. I am very glad, I just (to find) my keys.
4. She (to have exams) at this time next month.
5. The Sun (to set) in the West.
6. When he arrived everybody already (to go) to the party.
7. At 5 yesterday he (to drive) his friend home.
8. I hope it (to stop) snowing by tomorrow morning.
9. Yesterday they (to win) the game.
10. He ((to play) football since his childhood.
II. Напишите следующие предложения в страдательном залоге.
1. She has just swept the room.
2. You may take my tools for a while.
3. He told me the whole truth.
4. We will solve this problem at the meeting.
5. They ask students many questions at the exam.
6. She is playing a beautiful melody.
7. He said that the agent had shown him nice flats.
III. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя формы
страдательного залога.
1. Это блюдо готовится очень быстро.
2. Обещание будет выполнено.
3. Его давно не видели.
4. У него украли коллекцию марок.
5. Письмо можно отправить завтра.
6. Сейчас в зале лекцию читает известный профессор.
7. Документы должны быть получены на этой неделе.
8. Ей обещают хорошую работу.
9. Посуду вымыли быстро.
10. Его не учили хорошим манерам.
IV. Напишите следующие предложения в прошедшем времени.
1. I am afraid that there is no time left.
2. She is sure that something has happened.
3. He thinks that she is talking to her friend.
4. They are glad that they will visit this city again.
5. I believe they lived in happiness all their life.
6. Everybody knows that it is very difficult to talk to him.
7. She has no idea why they changed their plans.
8. I am sorry she refused to follow his advice.
9. She is happy that she will meet with them again.
10. They hope that he is getting on well.
V. Напишите следующие предложения в косвенной речи.
Water Transport of Siberia
The length of navigable river and lake waterways of Russia is about
146.000km, a considerable part of them being in Siberia. Most of Siberian rivers
belong to the sea basins of the Arctic Ocean. The rivers are ice-bound for 5 months
in the south and 8 months in the north.
Rivers can be used for navigation or timber-floating (rafting) for a distance
0f 100.000 km. A convenient geographical position of the rivers makes it possible
to build large trans-shipping ports in the junction of railways and waterways.
A considerable amount of oil, gas and timber is transported up the Irtish and
the Ob. Cargo-handling in this basin is concentrated in the main ports:
Novosibirsk, Omsk, Tumen, Tomsk, Nizhnevartovsk and Tobolsk. Different kinds
of cargo (timber, construction materials, grain) arrive here; coal, raw materials,
metals are dispatched.
90% of all the transportations fall on the Yenisei, the Angara and the Baikal
Lake. Sea vessels go up the Yenisei to the port of Igarka. The Yenisei river fleet
exports and imports a great amount of cargo to the Trans-Siberia railway.
Krasnoyarsk river port with powerful mechanized piers carries out transshipment
of cargoes: oil products, coal, cement, machinery, food-stuffs, etc.
The total length of navigable waterway of the Lena River with its tributaries
is 7000 km. The Lena is a connecting link with the remote Northern regions.
Water Transport Projects
Each form of transport has its sphere of application. Technical and economic
features determine the scale of passenger and cargo traffic. The navigation quality
of the inland waterways transport is a key technical and economic approach. The
sphere of utilization of water transport determines the problems of the navigation
regularity, transportation means, possibilities of mixed traffic, etc.
Measuring the economic benefits of transport projects is more difficult then
measuring their economic costs. There are some reasons for this. First, some
benefits are difficult to express in monetary terms. Then, many benefits are
indirect, such as the stimulation to the economy from improved transportation.
The most important benefits from transport projects include reduced
operating expenses to the users of the new facilities, lower maintenance cost, fewer
accidents, saving in time for passengers and vessels, increased comfort and
stimulation of economic development.
The most direct benefit from a new or improved transport facility is the
reduction of transport costs. The first step is to estimate the future use of facility.
Transport costs vary according to the transportation distance, kind of transport,
type of cargo, variations in the economic situation, etc. The shipping rates (зд.
тарифы на перевозки) are very sensitive to changes in economy.
VII. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя лексику
изученных текстов.
1. Большинство рек Сибири впадает в Северный Ледовитый океан.
2. Навигация на сибирских реках ограничена из-за сурового климата.
3. Какие грузы перевозятся по рекам Сибири?
4. Речные порты имеют современные грузообрабатывающее оборудование.
5. Водный транспорт Сибири обеспечивает доставку грузов в отдаленные
северные районы.
6. Преимуществом водного транспорта является низкие эксплуатационные
7. Эффективная работа водного транспорта обеспечивает развитие
Грамматические контрольные задания №3
Для выполнения контрольного задания №3 необходимо проработать
следующие разделы грамматики английского языка:
1. Причастие I, Причастие II (формы, функции, особенности перевода).
Независимый причастный оборот.
2. Герундий (формы, функции, особенности перевода).
3. Инфинитив (формы, функции, особенности перевода). Инфинитивные
4. Типы придаточных предложений.
5. Три типа условных предложений.
Внимание! Каждый вариант контрольного задания №3 включает выполнение
грамматических упражнений и текстов по специальности.
Тексты для перевода выбираются студентами в соответствии со
специальностью (Смотреть шифры и название специальности в
разделе «Тексты для перевода»).
Вариант I
I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия.
1. Reading the text he wrote out many new words.
2. Having read the book I learnt a lot.
3. A man talking to clients is our manager.
4. You can get recommended books in the library.
5. When asked she did not say a word.
6. The room being dark, I could not see him.
7. They moved to a new flat, the house being near the park.
II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. I apologize for being so awkward.
2. There was no chance of winning.
3. He gave up smoking a year ago.
4. They are interested in developing a new project.
5. We appreciate your helping us.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив.
1. To walk in the garden was very pleasant.
2. The problem is to find a good specialist in this field.
3. The text to be translated is difficult.
4. To understand the rule better I read it several times.
5. She is known to be honest and kind.
6. I want you to stop worrying.
7. They are likely to have lost the way.
8. He was the first to cross the finish line.
Вариант II
I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия.
1. Crossing the street he got into an accident.
2. Having crossed the river they had a long rest.
3. We saw a man waving a flag.
4. The answer received from her surprised all of us.
5. When repaired the engine operated well.
6. The letter having been written, he checked it carefully.
7. There are many lakes in Russia, Baikal being the deepest.
II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. He was accused of having broken the law.
2. You have no reason to say such a thing.
3. They kept on interrupting me.
4. She was afraid of falling.
5. Do you mind my smoking?
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив.
1. To discuss this question with her is useless..
2. Our task is to finish the work on time.
3. The river to be crossed was very dangerous.
4. I stayed there to see what would happen.
5. The first experiment is said to be a success.
6. We expect them to arrive very soon.
7. He is unlikely to know her address.
8. She was the only one to recognize the danger.
Вариант III
I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на причастия.
1. Translating the text he used a dictionary.
2. Having translated the text they discussed it.
3. There are many books describing the nature of the North.
4. The facts mentioned in this article are very interesting.
5. When translated the text did not seem so difficult.
6. The professor being ill, the lecture was put off.
7. They visited many ports, Hamburg having been the last.
II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий.
1. She insisted on coming with us.
2. There are different ways of solving this problem.
3. They think of going abroad.
4. He is good at doing sums.
5. I was surprised at his appearing there.
III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на инфинитив.
1. To go on with this discussion is a waste of time.
2. The question is to settle this matter quickly.
3. Here are the books to be read.
4. I will write down her address not to forget.
5. You are expected to know these things.
6. I know him to be right.
7. He was the last to have known the news.
8. She is unlikely to agree with you.
Тексты для перевода
1) 180100.62 «Кораблестроение, океанотехника и системотехника
объектов морской инфраструктуры» (только для профиля
океанотехника и системотехника объектов морской инфраструктуры)
Diesel Engine
A diesel engine is a form of internal combustion engine. The main
characteristic of a diesel engine is the method of igniting the fuel. In a diesel
engine the fuel is injected into the cylinder containing highly compressed air.
During compression of the air the temperature goes up, the fuel in the form of a
fine spray comes into contact with hot air and ignites.
Diesel engines have high thermal efficiency and use not much fuel. One of
the important advantages of the diesel engine is its adaptability to different fuels.
But there are some disadvantages, such as great weight, roughness in operation,
rather high cost.
The power put out by the diesel engine is expressed as break horse power
(bhp).Effective horsepower is the power developed by the piston in the cylinder,
but some of this is lost by friction within the engine. The power is expressed in
Large diesel engines may have cylinder 9000 mm in diameter and turn at
slow speed of about 145 rpm. Most merchant vessels are powered by medium-
speed diesel engines.
A Ship
The main parts of a ship are a hull, some decks and deck superstructure. The
hull is the body of the ship. It is painted grey, white and black. There are two lines
on the sides of each ship. One line shows the draught with a full cargo. The other
line shows the draught without cargo in her holds. These lines help to control the
degree of submergence and to avoid overloading.
Inside the hull there are frames and beams that make the ship stronger and
help to withstand pressure from outside and from inside. The forward part of a ship
is called her bow, the after part – the stern or aft. The lowest part is called a
bottom. The space under the bottom is a double bottom for carrying fuel, oil, fresh
water and water ballast.
The part of the hull below water is ship’s quickwork. The part above the
water is ship’s freeboard. Many ships have three decks: the main deck, the upper
deck and the lower deck. There are some openings in the deck: ventilators, scuttles
and skylights. They are used for free passage of air and light.
Cargoes are loaded into holds through hatchways which are closed with
hatch covers. There are cargo-handling appliances and machinery on deck, such as
winches, derricks, windlasses, capstans.
Deck superstructures are accommodation for the crew.
Types of Cargo Ships
Modern ships deliver cargoes all over the world. They carry general cargo,
bulk and liquid cargoes. Dry cargo ships transport packed cargo in boxes, bags,
barrels, bales, container; they can carry heavy weights, timber logs. Containers are
loaded and discharged by ship’s own derricks or by shore-based cranes.
Bulkers carry unpacked cargo, such as grain, ore, coal, fertilizers, wheat etc.
The holds of bulkers are self-trimming. Tankers are specially designed to transport
liquids: crude oil, liquefied gas, petroleum. Tankers are equipped with pipes,
valves and pumps to handle cargo.
There are special vessels that do auxiliary service. Tugs assist ships when
entering or leaving the ports and take part in salvage operations. Salvage vessels
rescue ships, their cargoes and passengers, if any. Icebreakers sail in northern icy
areas. Dredgers deepen port fairways, anchorages, roadsteads.
Ro-Ro ships load and unload cargo via a ramp placed on the berth. Liners
carry cargo between fixed ports. Tramps have no fixed schedule, fixed ports of
destination and fixed ports of call.
3) 270800.62 «Строительство»
A Port
A port is a protected place where ships can load, unload and ride at anchor.
There are commercial ports, military, industrial, fishing and ports of refuge. By
their geographical situation ports can be ocean and inland waterway ports.
Ocean ports are usually located in natural harbours, in bays, tidal estuaries
and river mouths. They also may be formed on an unprotected shore line by the
construction of breakwaters. Inland waterway ports are constructed on navigable
rivers, canals and lakes. River ports have no wave-protecting structures.
Every port should be readily accessible, provide good shelter and
accommodation. The accessibility of a port depends on the depth of water in the
approach channel. This channel is deepened by dredging. The configuration of the
coast line influences the amount of shelter