Типичные ошибки, допускаемые при строительстве стен
При возведении стен проблемы возникают довольно часто. В первую очередь нужно внимательно отнестись к материалу и подходить к его выбору основательно и не торопясь, поскольку в зависимости от этого вы можете получить тот или иной букет «случайностей».
Предположим, вы всегда мечтали иметь деревянный дом и наконец-то приступили к постройке. Учли ли вы, что дерево требует дополнительной обработки во время и после возведения из него стен? Если не применить специальные препараты, то ваши стены станут прибежищем насекомых, которых вытравить будет довольно трудновато, а ведь они не будут мирно радоваться новоселью, а станут поедать древесину. Ещё более важной проблемой может стать горючесть дерева как материала, поэтому его так же стоит обрабатывать уже другими специальными препаратами.
Кирпичные стены таят в себе другие неприятности. Примером таковых может служить появление белых разводов соли на стене, явления, связанного в основном с частыми и значительными перепадами температур. Прежде чем закупать кирпич для постройки, стоит основательно вникнуть в «разнообразие видов». Предлагаемый ассортимент довольно велик, и у каждого вида есть свои достоинства, впрочем, как и недостатки, а верный подбор минимизирует возможные проблемы. Оштукатуривание фасада здания сложенного из кирпича также таит в себе несколько проблем, которые упорно не замечаются до их явного проявления, хотя большинство из них можно избежать на стадии планирования. Например, фасады покрытые штукатуркой по мокрой технологии могут быть долговечными разве что в южных краях. Следствием чего станет необходимость не просто постоянного подновления, а конкретно основательного ремонта. Не забывайте соблюдать пропорции приготовления цементно-известкового раствора: стены не должны быть ни сырыми, ни пересушенными, толщину штукатурного слоя нужно рассчитывать, а не просто наносить и т.д.
( www.domaderevo.ru.)
19 Read the text. Discuss the problem raised in the text with your partner. Use the linking words/phrases from Appendix 1:
Load-bearing walls often run perpendicular to the run of floor or ceiling joists that rest on top of the wall. However, beware of walls that run parallel with floor joists. They can obscure hidden posts or columns. One can create an opening in a bearing wall much the same as openings are created in exterior walls for large windows or doors. A beam is placed over a new opening and accepts the load from above and concentrates it onto columns or posts at either end of the beam. The new columns or posts that support a new beam must rest upon solid bearing material. The weight of the structure above the beam will then be transferred to a spread footer, thickened slab, steel or wood beam, or possibly some other structural member below.
Sizing the beam and posts that support the beam should be done by a professional. A structural engineer is trained to calculate the current floor, ceiling and roof loads and possible added loads caused by snow, attic storage, and additional roof coverings. If to undersize a beam, portions of the house may sag and even in extreme cases collapse.
There are several different ways to install a new beam in a load bearing wall. In some instances the beam can be hidden within the ceiling above. This works if the beam height does not exceed the height of the floor or ceiling joists and there are no utilities that must pass through a new beam location. If to choose this method, the floor/ceiling joists above are attached to a new beam using metal joist hangers.
The most common approach is to install a new beam bellow the floor/ceiling joists. To install a beam one need to build a temporary support wall on either side of the wall which is being removed. The temporary walls should be held back about 30 inches from each side of the old wall. Be sure to build a new beam and slide it up against the old wall before to build a last re-support wall. If to fail to do this, it is often impossible to get a new beam into position.
(By Tim Carter; ©1993-2012 Tim Carter)
20 Study the information bellow, find additional information and speculate on the problem raised in the text. Use the linking words/phrases from Appendix 1:
The arch has long been used in masonry structures. In fact, a brick masonry arch found in the ruins of Ur in Mesopotamia dates back to 1400 B.C. Today, the brick arch is used in construction to span over wall openings and add aesthetics, as the arch is the consummate definition of form and function.
This information addresses design considerations for brick arches in veneer construction. Common arch terminology is shown in Figure 1. below. The first important consideration when designing a brick arch is whether the arch is structural or non-structural. That is, will the arch be required to transfer vertical loads to abutments or will it be fully supported by a steel angle. While this may seem obvious, confusion often develops because of the many configurations of arch construction.
To answer this question, one must consider the two structural requirements necessary for a brick arch to adequately carry vertical loads. First, vertical loads must be carried by the arch and transferred to the abutments. Second, vertical load and lateral thrust from the arch must be resisted by the abutments. If either the arch or the abutment is deficient, the arch must be considered as nonstructural and the arch and its tributary load must be fully supported by a steel angle or plates. Alternately, reinforcement may be used to increase the strength of either or both the arch and the abutments.
21 Topics for projects and presentations:
1. Modern tendencies in interior wall construction.
2. Modern tendencies in exterior wall construction.
3. Wall construction types: advantages and disadvantages.
4. Decorative exterior walls.
5. Walls in popular culture.
“The two most important keys to effectively organizing a floor plan are
managing solid-void relationships and resolving circulation.”
MatthewFrederick (architect)
Unit 11
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a) concrete floor | b) wooden floor | c) suspended timber floor |
Figure 11.1 Types of Floor
1 Match the idioms with the definitions and use them in your own situations:
1) to take a floor | a) to become involved in something from the beginning |
2) to get in on the ground floor | b) to leave one's party entirely and join another party |
3) to floor someone | c) to pace nervously while waiting |
4) walk the floor | d) to stand up and address the audience |
5) to cross the floor | e) to surprise and astound someone |
2 Explain how the following words and expressions are connected with “floors”:
ground, upper, suspended, raft foundation, shrinkage gaps, plywood, growth of vegetation, air bricks, proportion, sleeper walls, damp-proof membrane.
One who cannot dance blames the floor. (Hindi proverb) |
One pebble doesn't make a floor. (Nigerian proverb) |
• Write a paraphrase.• Say whether you agree or not, and why.
4 a) Transcribe the following words:
barrier, shrinkage, honeycomb, membrane, awkward, chequerboard pattern, bituminous, a damp-proof course, floor joists, circulate, dampness, length, availability.