Illustrative Situations

1. Tom is making a long-distance call to his girl-friend. His girl-friend is going to come to London tomorrow. Her train will get into Euston station at 10. She does not know London at all. Tom tells her this:

"Don't worry. I'll be there when the train gets in".

Questions: Where is Tom? What is he doing? When will his girl-friend's train get in? Will Tom be at the station? When? What exactly does he say?

2. It is a cold, foggy winter day. The weather report says the fog is going to get worse. Mrs Collins is phoning Mr Collins. He is at work. She is worried about him because bad accidents often happen on the roads especially after it gets dark.

"Don't worry", he says. "I'll get home before it gets dark" Questions: What is the weather like? What does the weather

report say? What is Mrs Collins doing and why is she worried?

What does Mr Collins say?

3. The director of a firm is waiting for an important customer The customer is going to arrive any minute, and the director do­esn't want to keep him waiting. His secretary knows this. She is speaking to the director now.

"Don't worry. I'll tell you as soon as he comes, sir" Questions: Who is the director waiting for? What doesn't he want to do? What are his secretary's exact words?

4. The Browns are going on a picnic at the weekend. But Mrs Brown is not sure if the weather will be fine on that day. Mr Brown says:

"We'll cancel the picnic if it rains".

Questions: What are the Browns going to do at the weekend' What troubles Mrs Brown? What does her husband say?

5. Julia is working late this evening. All the other typists left five minutes ago. The manager is leaving, too. He is worried about the lights.

"Don't worry! I'll turn them off when I leave", Julia is saying He will be very angry if she forgets.

Questions: What is Julia doing? Why aren't the other typists there? What is the manager worried about? What is Julia saying to him? Will the manager be angry if she forgets?

6. It is going to rain and Julia hasn't got an umbrella "I'm

going to get wet if that bus doesn't come soon!" she is saying to herself. She does not know it but the driver of that car is going to stop and he is going to offer her a lift.

Questions: What is the weather like? What is going to happen if the bus doesn't come soon? What is it that Julia doesn't know?

7. Arthur and Deborah are at the opera. The curtain is going to rise and the opera is going to begin in a few seconds. "I hope that woman is going to take off her hat!" Deborah is saying loudly. "We aren't going to see very much if she keeps it on!"

Questions: What is going to happen in a few seconds? What does Deborah hope the woman in front is going to do and why?

8. — How long must I stay?

— Stay here till I come back.

— But how long will that be?

— I shan't return till it's dark.

9. — Why isn't Betty going on holiday?

— She is waiting until she can afford it.

— How long will that be?

— Several months, I expect.

10. — Are you going boating tomorrow?

— I will if the weather keeps fine.

— What's the weather forecast for tomorrow?

— The forecast's all right, but you can't always rely on it, can you?

11. — I am going on an excursion tomorrow.

— But what will you do if it is raining?

— If it is raining I'll stay under cover.

— I think you'll have to.

12. — Bill is a very careless driver.

— Yes, I'm afraid so.

— He may have an accident if he doesn't take more care.

— That's what I am afraid of.

13. — Are you going to have a picnic tomorrow?

— I shall if it's not too wet.

— But if it is wet?

— Then I'll stay indoors instead.

14. — Will you go abroad for your holidays next summer?

— Yes, I will if I get a rise this year.

— Are you expecting one?

— Yes, I am and I shall be very disappointed if I don't get it.

15. — I'm going to the theatre with Tom tomorrow.

— What will you do if he can't come?

— If he can't come I'll probably go by myself.

16. — I don't know whether to move to London or not.

— If you move to London you won't see your parents so often.

— But if I don't I'll not get such a good job.

— I do not know about it.


/. Respond to the following questions:

e.g. - - Will you ask Peter to phone me tonight? (he, come home)

— All right. I'll ask him as soon as he comes home.

1. Will you ask Jack to translate this article for me? (he, do his homework) 2. Will you tell Mike my new address' (I, see) 3. Will you ask Mary to type these documents for me? (I, return home) 4 Will you ask your husband to repair my taperecorder? (he, have free time) 5. Will you ask your son to help me move the furni­ture? (he, pass his exam) 6. Will you tell John about the meeting? (he, phone) eg. — When are you going to the country? (be warm)

— I'll go to the country when it is warm.

1. When are you going to leave the office? (finish typing) 2. When is your brother going to France? (get a visa) 3. When are you going to talk to Mary? (see her) 4. When are you going away on business? (prepare the documents) 5. When are you going to post the letters? (the boss, sign them) 6. When are you going to play tennis? (the rain, stop) 7. When is Peter going to the seaside? (pass one's exams)

//. Make up short dialogues.

e.g. — You'll tell Tom, won't you?

— Well, if 1 see him I'll tell him. You'll ... , won't you?

Prompts: remind Mary speak to Helen

ask Peter give Harry this letter

tell them invite her

congratulate them discuss it with George

e.g. — What shall I do, I wonder?

— Wait until the boss comes back. What shall I do, I wonder? Prompts: Mike/phone

the lesson/be over Mary/be free Peter/send a telegram Jack/arrive e.g. — What are you going to do now?

— After I finish my homework, I'll go for a walk. What are you going to do now?

Prompts: cook supper/phone Mary

do the housework/write a letter to Mother clean the kitchen/go shopping translate the text/watch TV book a ticket/visit Helen send the parcel/go to the movies

///. Reply to the questions on the left choosing from the list on the right. Start with I'll/we'll ... as soon as ...

e.g. — When are we going to eat1

— We'll eat as soon as John gets back.

1 When are you going to do your a) 1 finish reading it homework?

2. Aren't you going to leave soon? b) I get a free weekend

3. When can you lend me that book? c) this programme finishes

4. When are you going to come d) I get my typewriter back and visit us?

5. When are you going to finish e) the babysitter arrives that report?

IV. Make the if-clause negative. Make any necessary changes to the main clause to keep the same meaning.

e g. If you work hard, you'll pass your exams.

If you don't work hard, you won't pass your exams.

1. If you go to the market early, you'll get some fresh fish. 2. If you hurry, you'll catch the bus. 3. If it is sunny, we'll go to the beach. 4. If we hurry, we shan't be late. 5. If the programme is interesting, I'll watch it. 6. If the weather is fine, we'll go to the country.

Look at the sentences in Exercise IV and change them using "unless". e.g. You won't pass your exams unless you work hard.

V. Respond to the following utterances:

e.g. — If I find her telephone number I'll phone her.

— But what will you do if you don't find her telephone num­ber? (visit)

— If I don't find it I'll visit her.

I. If I see James today I'll tell him the news, (leave a message) 2. If Roger is free this evening we shall play a game of tennis. (go boating) 3. If James repairs my TV set today I'll be watching TV the whole evening, (read) 4. If Helen phones me tonight I'll tell her about it.(send a telegram) 5. Jack will go to the Universi­ty if he does well in all his exams, (to a technical college) 6. If it snows today I'll go skiing tomorrow, (go to the skating-rink)

VI. Make sentences with the given patterns for these situa­tions:

e.g. You are going to see the boss.

You'll discuss your friend's problem.

I'll discuss your problem with the boss when I see him. i Your friend is going to arrive at Sheremetyevo Airport. You'll be there. 2. You are going to get some money from home. You'll pay your friend back then. 3. You know a telegram is coming. You'll tell me the news then. 4. The rain is going to stop. You'll go out then. 5. You are going to be in London. You'll send your friend a postcard. 6. You have to go to the post-office. You'll buy some stamps there. 7. You are going to see your brother. You'll ask him for help. 8. You are going to buy a new car. You'll sell the old one. 9. Arthur is definitely going to phone soon. You'll speak to him then. 10. You are going to come to Chicago next week. You'll phone your friend, e.g. The party is going to begin at 8.

You'll come earlier.

I'll come before the party begins.

1. The film is going to begin at 7. You'll get to the cinema ear­lier. 2. The train is going to leave at 9. You'll be at the station be­fore then. 3. Your boss is going home at 6. You'll finish all the letters earlier. 4. It's going to get dark soon. You'll leave the beach before then. 5. You are going to leave England. You'll buy some books first. 6. The lesson is going to end soon. You'll finish the dictation before that. 7. Your sister is going to New York next week. You'll give her your guide book before then. 8. You are going to Mexico. You'll learn Spanish first, e.g. Perhaps you are going to miss the bus. You'll take a taxi then.

If I miss the bus I'll take a taxi.

1. Perhaps the sun is going to shine. You'll sit in the garden then. 2. It is possible that you are going to get a rise. You'll buy a car then. 3. There is a chance you'll go to Boston. You'll visit your friend there then. 4. There is a chance you'll fail the exam. You'll take it again. 5. Perhaps you'll see John. You'll tell him about the match. 6. It might rain tomorrow. You'll stay at home then.

VII. Say what the people in these situations will be doing and what they will do. (2 sentences for each situation)

e.g. Bill's mother is watching television. He is going to phone her in a minute. She'll be watching television when he phones. She'll answer the telephone when it rings. 1 Richard is standing on the platform. The train will come in

a minute. 2. Janet is playing tennis but it is going to rain in a few

minutes. 3. Paula is trying to finish her exam. She is writing furiously but the teacher is going to shout "Stop" in a second. 4. Mr: Collins is standing outside Gate 10 at London airport. Her husband will come out soon. 5. The students always listen to the teacher until the bell rings. Then they all rush out. All this will happier tomorrow. 6. Mike is doing his homework. In half an hour his friend will come.

VIII. Match the two halves of the following sentences

1. If they find out about this a) if you catch the 9.00 train

2. I won't call a doctor b) there'll be trouble

3. It'll taste much better c) if they offer it to him

4. You'll arrive before lunch dj unless her temperature goes n

5. Will he take the job? e) if you add a little sugar

6. Please don't telephone f) as soon as they arrive

7. I'll cook the spaghetti g) unless it is urgent

IX. Make one sentence from two sentences: e.g. You are going to leave soon.

You must visit the museum. (... before ...) You must visit the museum before you leave.

1. I'll find somewhere to live. Then I'll give you my address. (... when ...) 2. I'm going to do the shopping. Then I'll come stra­ight home. (... after ...) 3. You'll be in Moscow next month. You must come and see me then.(... when ...) 4. We'll make our decision. Then we'll let you know. (... as soon as ...) 5. I'm going to finish reading this book. Then I'll get the dinner ready. (... after ...) 6. Perhaps I'll need some help. Then I'll ask you. (... if...) 7. George will come soon. We shan't start dinner without him. (... until ...)

8. I'll arrive tomorrow. I'll phone you at once. (••• as soon as ...)

9. She's going to Sweden. She'll learn Swedish first. (... before...)

10. Perhaps she'll be sleeping when you come. Don't wake her up then. (... if ...) 11. Jane's working day is over but she isn't going to leave the office. She is typing an important document. (... until ...)

X. Complete the following sentences:

1. I'll stay at home until ... 2. If I see Mike tomorrow ... 3. If you hurry ... 4. I'll visit my friend after ... 5. She will help him when ... 6. We shall go for a walk after ... . 7. He won't leave until ... . 8. ... when the rain stops. 9. ... I'll ring you up. 10. As soon as Mike passes his exams ... 11. I shall cook dinner before ...

XI. Put the phrases in this list into the right column (J or 3). Write at least 5 sentences.

you come, I'll be there, you arrive on time, the weather is fine, we 11 meet you, I'll be very pleased.

1 2 3


XII. Make up short dialogues. Observe the difference in the use of tense forms in the clauses introduced by the conjunctions "when" and "if".

e.g. — When will Lucy come?

— I don't know when she will come. But when she comes I'll

let you know. Prompts: Mike/phone me

Susan/come to Minsk John/write to me Helen/send a telegram Jack/translate the article The boss/sign the documents Mary/type the letters Jim/buy the tickets e.g. I wonder if Gemma will phone me today. But if she phones

me today I'll invite her to my birthday party. Prompts: 1. Jack/call on me

we/play a game of chess

2. Mary/visit us we/tell her the news

3. I/see Peter I/tell him about it

4. Alice/come to class I/remind her

5. Father/return home early I/ask him to take me to the circus

XIII. Write a short list of Dos and Don'ts. Give explanations for your advice.

e.g. Do

Wear comfortable shoes.

If you don't, you'll get blisters, e.g. Don't

Don't be late.

If you are late, the teacher will be angry.

XIV. Answer the questions using "when" and "if" sentences.

1. When will you go home? 2. How long will you stay at the Institute today? 3. When will you go to the cinema? 4. What will

you do on Sunday? 5. When will you visit your friend? 6. When will you go for a walk? 7. What will you do this evening? 8. Will you go shopping today? 9. Will you watch TV tonight? 10. When will you go skiing?

Fluency What a Cheek!

Jane: I'll clean the car later on this afternoon. Do you want to

help me? David: Well, I don't have a lot of time at the moment, but I'll wash

the windows for you if you want. Jane: Good If we work together we'll finish it by 3 o'clock. That

means I'll have time to change for the party. David: Party? What party? Do you mean that I have to help you

so that you can go to a party without me? What a cheek!

/. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions:

What is Jane going to do this afternoon? What does she ask Da­vid to do? Where is Jane going in the evening?

//. Listen to the conversation again and reproduce the phrases with the Simple Future.

III. Read and act out the conversation

An Appointment

Jill and Steve are going to Netting Hill Gate. They are still at


Jill: Hurry up, Steve, it's 10 o'clock. We'll be late! The appoint­ment is for 10.30!

Steve: Damn! We'll never get to Netting Hill Gate in half an hour.

Jill: Oh, yes, we will. We'll go in the car. I'll get it If we leave immediately, we'll get there at the right time.

Steve: It'll be quicker if we take the Underground.

Jill: No, it won't. Now, where are the car keys? Have you got them?

Steve: I hope we'll like the flat.

Jill: I'm sure we will.

Steve: I expect it'll have some disadvantages.

Jill: Where are the car keys?

Steve: Well, if you don't find them soon, we won't be there until 11 o'clock. I suppose they'll be in your handbag after all.

Jill: Oh, bother! Let's take the Underground.

/. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions:

Where are Jill and Steve going? How will they get there? Why can't they go by car?

//. Listen to the conversation again and reproduce the if-sentences.

III. Read and act out the conversation.

Harry is Going to Greece

Harry: I've arranged a holiday abroad this year. I'm going to

Greece for six weeks. I fly there on June 5th. James: June 5th? That's the day I begin my new job. Just think,

as you fly out of England I'll be putting on my new suit

and trying to look like a real banker! Harry: Well, you'll earn plenty of money. But just think! When

you're sitting behind your desk I'll be lying on a beach in

twenty-seven degrees of sun. James: Well, at least send me a postcard.

/. Listen to the conversation and answer the questions:

Where is Harry going to spend his holiday? When is he flying to Greece? What will James be doing on June 5th?

//. Read the conversation and analyse the use of tenses expres­sing a future action.

III. Act out the conversation.

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