There are a number of genitive constructions in English which are classified according to different criteria: 1. dependence {Dependent and Independent (Absolute) Genitive ( a student’s answer, This student’s was the best answer); 2. the number of the constituents ( a single word Genitive: a boy’s bike, a double Genitive( my father’s friend’s pipe), a triple Genitive( my brother’s friend’s bride’s
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Стили слоя являются мощным инструментом в Photoshop, которые позволяют быстро создавать эффекты, которые можно применить к дополнительным объектам. Сегодня мы покажем, как использовать стили слоя для создания эффекта заполнения
I know that he played tennis yesterday.I know he will play tennis in summer.2) a past tense in the principal clause is followed by a past tense in the subordinate object clause: I knew that he played tennis well.I knew that he was playing tennis in the park.I knew that he had played two games that day.I knew that he had been playing tennis since morning.I knew that he had played tennis the day before.I knew that he
Требования к выполнению контрольных работ и их оформлению Контрольная работа предлагается в четырех вариантах. Прежде чем приступить к выполнению контрольной работы, следует изучить грамматические темы, которые перечислены
3.1. Act out the following situations: Ask the information clerk in the hotel about the following: - The services the hotel provides - How to get to some place in the city 3.2. Watch Unit 6. Eating Out of Video Conference.Unit 6. Eating Out.Daniel Conway, waitress. - Waitress: Shogun Restaurant, good morning. - Daniel: Good morning. Could I make a reservation for tonight, please? - Waitress: Certainly, sir. For what
Person calling: - This is a special introductory offer. We’d like a lot of new customers to try our drinks. - Is this February price list still valid? - We usually get a better discount on a repeat order. - Is that your best quote? I thought prices would be coming down now. - Are you still running that late summer special on office equipment? Person called: - Those are the best terms we can offer, I’m afraid,
Пауэрлифтинг без экипировки с применением наколенных бинтов с прохождением ДКЖенщиныВесовая категория 52 № п/п Фамилия, Имя Соб.вес Звание Gloss коэфф. Город Присед Жим Тяга Сумма Тренер Разряд
Der Komplexer Satz ist jeder Satz, deren Bestandteile eine Subjekt-Prädikat-Struktur haben, d.h. der Komplexer Satz besteht mindestens aus zwei Elementarsätzen. Die Elementarsätze können nicht immer explizit eine Subjekt-Prädikat-Struktur besitzen: Das ist gut, das du mich verstehst; Gut, dass du mich verstehst. In der traditionellen Deutschen Grammatik unterscheidet man nach der Art der
1.Das prädikative Verhältnis: verbindet das Subjekt und das Prädikat; sie kongruieren bei der Person, Zahl und beim prädikativen Substantiv auch im Geschlecht: der Junge schreibt. Sie ist Lehrerin. 2.Die Unterordnung: es gibt drei Arten der Unterordnung: Rektion Bei der Rektion regiert das grammatisch-führende Wort eine bestimmte Kasusform des abhängigen Gliedes; durch die
3.3. Scan the vocabulary below. Make sure you know the meaning of the words and word-combinations.Vocabulary List 7- What are you planning to do this afternoon? - I want to / I am going to / I’d like to………. . How about you? - What about going together? / Shall we go together? - Great / I’d love to. - What time shall we … - (I’d like to) Make an appointment. - Is she expecting you? Do you have an
The infinitive has a double nature : nominal and verbal. The nominal character is manifested in its syntactical functions: 1) It can be a subject. (To smoke is harmful) 2) It can be a part of the predicate. (We should not leave him alone) 3) It can be an object. (He asked to change the ticket) The verbal characteristics are as follows: 1) It can be a direct object. (I wanted to know all about her life) 2) It can be
ЗММТнб-14 (22.03.01)Контрольная работа № 3.Вариант 1.1. Вычислить неопределенный интеграл: а) ; б) ; в) ; г) ; д) ; е) ; ж) . 2. Вычислить определенный интеграл: а) ; б) . 3. Исследовать на сходимость несобственный интеграл: а) ; б) . 4. Найти
Тест1 1.а) 2. с) З.Ь) 4.Ь) 5. а) 6. с) 7.d) 8. с) 9.Ь) 10. с) 11. а) 12. Ь) 13. Ь) 14. а) 15. с) 16. d) 17. а) 18. Ь) 19. а) 20. с) 6. а) 7. с) 8.d) 9. с) 10. d) И. а) 12. с) 13. Ь) 14. а) 15. с) 16. а) 17. с) 18. Ь) 19. а) 20. а) 12. Ь) 13.Ь) 14. с) 15. Ь) 16. с) 17. Ь) 18. с) 19. а) 20. а) 18. а) 19. с) 20 d) 24. d) 25. Ь) 25. c) Тест7
Tест IВыберите правильный вариант. 1. There is______sand in my shoes. a) — c) the b) a d) an 2. The news was______very depressing. a) a c) — b) the d) an 3.______man and______woman were sitting opposite me. a) a, the с) а, а b)the, a d) -, - 4. Paris is______capital of France. a) the c) an b)a d) - 5. Chinese eat______rice every day. a) the с) а b) - d) an 6. There were______very
Тест 1 Выберите правильный вариант. 1.1 have seen the film.______. a) I am to c) Neither have I b) So am I. d) So have I. 2.1 haven't seen the film.______. a) Neither have I c) So have I b) So I have d) Neither I have 3. I'm tired.______. a) So do I c) Neither I am b) So am I d) Neither am I 4.1 am not tired.______. a) So am I c) Neither am I b) Neither do I d) Neither I am 5. I've been
Вариант 1I. Перепишите следующие предложения, определите в каждом из них видо-временную форму и залог сказуемого. Переведите предложения на русский язык. 1. They were testing the apparatus when I came. 2. The students are given a lot of work to do every day. 3. They have already done their
Model: to read – a) reading – читая, читающий;b) having read – прочитав 1) to replace 2) to travel 3) to carry 4) to drive 5) to paint 6) to freeze 7) to spread 8) to increase 9) to find 10)to transport VI. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление Participle I в функциях
We have seen that there exist several syntactic ties within a sentence. Very peculiar is the secondary predicative tie. It is implicit, formally unexpressed. It is concealed in infinitival, gerundial, participial constructions, predicative constructions with nouns, adjectives, statives. In a predicative construction we can distinguish a secondary subject and a secondary predicate. A secondary subject can be