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Text 3 Finding inspiration

Visits to museums, galleries, and exhibitions are an excellent way to begin. Even if you live far away from a major city with national museums, there is plenty of inspiration to be found by visiting your nearest town's own museum. Fragments of old pottery or glass displayed there can be tremendously interesting, as are images of local industry—whether it has been a major influence on the area in the past, or is

A Step-by-Step Guide to Annotating

- Familiarise yourself with the contents of the book or an article. Examining the table of contents, the foreword and the introduction can be helpful. - Read as much of the look or article as is necessary to understand its content. - Outline or make notes of the information you think you should include. - Write a paragraph that reflects the spirit of the book or article without emphasis on any of the points. The

Of the lost secrets of jewelry

Van Cleef&Arpels has been synonymous with the most exquisite jewelry in the world since 1906. At the beginning of the XXI century Van Cleef&Arpels Jewelry House is one of the most prestigious brands in the world of luxury. For years, the founders of the House have gathered historical jewels, trying to revive the lost jewelry craftsmanship. And they have succeeded in developing some old jewelry techniques.

Text 11 Stones and beads

At some point you will want to incorporate stones or beads into your work. Stones add color, depth, and focus to a piece of jewelry. There are many ways of setting stones into metal. The intention of any setting technique is to show a stone to its best advantage. It may be a very simple rub-over setting or a detailed claw setting, but in all cases a setting is made to fit an individual stone. Stones are available in

Irregular English Verbs

VERB PAST SIMPLE PAST PARTICIPLE ПЕРЕВОД be was , were been Быть beat beat beaten Бить become became become Становиться begin began begun Начинать bleed bled bled Кровоточить blow blew blown Дуть break broke broken Ломать bring brought brought

Диплом/СВІДОЦТВО першокласника

ПРАЙС1.Фото ламинированное на фотобумаге или самоклейке : (фото в рамке, дипломы, валентинки): 1)формат 10х15см - 15грн.; 2)формат 14,5х21см - 20грн.;Формат А4 21х29см - 30грн.2. Магнит ламинированный: 1)формат 6,7х9,6см - 15грн.; 2)формат 10х15см - 30грн.;

Форс-мажорные ситуации

Регистрация1.1. Регистрация проходит посредством заполнения заявки в Google документах, ссылка на которую публикуется непосредственно в группе "Hearthstone Café" в антикафе "Место" на сайте vk.com 1.2. Регистрция проводится для

Раздел 2 (задания по чтению)

Вы два раза услышите четыре коротких диалога, обозначенных буквами А, B, C, D. Установите соответствие между диалогами и местами, где они происходят: к каждому диалогу подберите соответствующее место действия, обозначенное

Ответ: Согласно правилам программы при заказе приза в первую очередь списываются Золотые баллы

Вопросы по программе AVON Клуб Вопрос 1. 31 балл будет засчитываться за один заказ или за все заказы в одну Кампанию? Например, первый заказ - 2000р. второй заказ - 5 500р., третий заказ – 1 600р. по базе для расчета скидки. Ответ: Количество

Make Your Data Meaningful

If you need to present numbers or some comparative analysis of algorithms for integration, use some visuals to present it. You can use charts, graphs or diagrams to make your data meaningful and visually attractive. Remember that pie charts are good for representing proportions, line charts to represent trends, column and bar charts for ranking. Useful phrases in English: "Here are some facts and figures"

Introduce Yourself and Set the Theme

At the beginning of the presentation, it's important to introduce yourself, giving your full name, position and company you represent. Some people also include their contact information on the first slide. That's in case you want someone from the audience to contact you after your presentation. After the introduction, don't forget to state the topic of your presentation. Useful phrases in English: "Hello,

Знаки препинания в сложноподчиненном предложении

Сложносочинённое предложение.Сложносочинённым называется предложение, которое имеет две или более самостоятельных грамматических основ, соединённых сочинительными союзами.Знаки препинания в сложносочиненном предложении.I.

Откр гр, 13 кп, 4.000 м

Ж10, 3 КП, 0.900 м№п/п Фамилия, имя Коллектив Квал Номер ГР Результат Место Прим 1 Зорина Соня Таганрог кадеты 262 2007 00:08:21 1 2 Коргина Александра Таганрог кадеты 263 2007 00:11:00 2 3 Даллакян Виолетта Таганрог кадеты IIIю 901 2006 00:15:20 3 4 Шатова Полина

Complete the first part of the sentences in column A with the right endings in column B

A 1 Government expect something in return 2 Every time Peter chairs a meeting 3 People are usually more productive 4 If you send someone an email, 5 If inflation rises, 6 When you have a high staff turnover, 7 If anyone from our Hamburg office visits, 8 We spend a great deal on promotion 9 I always fly Club Class   B a when I go on a long haul flight. b it normally arrives in seconds. c I usually look

Rewrite the sentences using mixed conditionals

1. We didn't order the parts at the end of June. They aren't here now. If we had ordered the parts at the end of June, they would be here now. 2. We felt we could trust each other. Now we are partners. ……………………………………………………………………………………... 3. He lost his driving license. Now he has to take taxis everywhere.

IV. Scan the text and find the sentences with infinitives and -ing forms in it. Translate these sentences into Russian

Exploring ideas Learn how to analyze what you see in your search for inspiration. Transpose ideas rather than taking them literally. Play with materials and effects to create something new and original. Create a design from the ideas around light and dark. Cut out shapes from thick black paper and place them onto a white sheet to show the contrasting tones and shapes. The shape of the black paper can then be cut

Construction methods. Ideas file

Smooth and flat: The piece can be cut from a flat sheet with a saw; it will be the same thickness throughout. The saw can also be used to cut any decorative patterns. Curved: Sheet metal can be annealed (softened) and then curved or shaped by the use of different stakes and metal or wooden blocks. Three dimensional: If the piece has some areas that will be thicker than others, it can be made using any casting

II. Rules and regulations

ContentsIntroduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Grammar workshop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Unit I Modals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Unit II The Passive Voice . . . . . . . . . . . .

Задания для самостоятельной работы. Учебный элемент 9: Четыре типа слога

Учебный элемент 9: Четыре типа слога. Основные правила чтения гласныхНаибольшую сложность при чтении вызывают гласные буквы. Одна и та же буква может произноситься по-разному в зависимости от типа слога или от сочетания с