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The objective with the infinitive construction

In the objective with the infinitive construction the infinitive (usually an infinitive phrase) is in predicate relation to a noun in the common case or a pronoun in the objective case (hence the name of the construction). The whole construction forms a complex object of some verbs. It is rendered in Russian by an object clause. The objective with the infinitive construction is used in the following cases: 1. After

Первая мировая, революция 1917, гражданская война

1. Что стало одной из при­чин по­ра­же­ния Рос­сии в Пер­вой ми­ро­вой войне? 1) от­сут­ствие со­юз­ни­ков в войне 2) кри­зис в снаб­же­нии армии 3) до­го­вор о вза­и­мо­по­мо­щи с Сер­би­ей на слу­чай во­ен­ных дей­ствий 4)

Прямая и косвенная речь. Согласование времен

Тест 1 Выберите правильный вариант. 1. She said that she______keen on drawing. a) was c) has been b) is d) were 2.1______her that I______time to play the piano. a) told, have no c) told, did not have b) tells, did not have d) told to, had not have 3. Jane answered that she______very early, so she______ the news. a) went to bed, hadn't seen b) had gone to bed, hadn't seen c) has gone to

Придаточные предложения условия и времени. Типы условных предложений

Тест 1Выберите правильный вариант. 1 .When Mark arrived, the Johnsons_____dinner, but stopped in order to talk to him. a) were having c) had been having b) had d) was having 2. While Tom______a book, Marhta______TV. a) was reading, watched c) was reading, was watching b) read, watched d) read, was watching 3. The food that Ann is cooking in the kitchen______deli­cious. a) is smelling c)

Гирлянды из ленточек для Божеств

Размещено в разделе 4 Домашнее ателье, 4.2 Шьем Божествам | Думаю, на вайшнавских форумах уже есть описания как делать гирлянды для Божеств из атласных ленточек. По крайней мере сами гирлянды я встречала довольно часто. ) Но меня уже

III. Streitfragen in Wortarttheorie

Einleitung Gegenstand der Grammatik. Wechselbeziehung zwischen der Phonetik, Lexik und Grammatik. Synchronische und diachronische Grammatik. Gliederung der Grammatik. I. Gegenstand der GrammatikGrammatik: ‘ der grammatische Bau einer Sprache; ‘ Die Lehre dem grammatischen Bau. Die Aufgabe der theoretischen Grammatik: grammatischer Bau als ein System darzustellen. Die theoretische Grammatik

I. Grammatische Kategorie der Genera verbi

Die grammatische Kategorie der Genera verbi bezeichnet die Richtung der Handlung: die Handlung geht vom Satzsubjekt aus oder die Handlung auf das Satzsubjekt gerichtet; diese Kategorie ist nur den transitiven Verben eignet. II. Die Oppositionsverhältnisse zwischen Aktiv und Passiv Die Existenzform dieser Kategorie ist die zweigliedrige Opposition: Aktiv—Passiv; Aktiv: die Handlung geht vom Satzsubjekt aus;

The General Properties of a Verb

Verbs express events, processes, states, actions, activities, performances and achievements. It is an open class of words. Any word can be verbalized. Morphologically, syntactically and semantically it is a heterogeneous class of words, the most developed one, with the largest paradigm. The verb is a macrosystem of categories ( person. number, aspect, tense, correlation, voice, mood) which are microsystems. Each

III. Conversation practice. Act out the following situations:

Act out the following situations: - Buy something for yourself and a present for your friend in a gift store. - Discuss with your friend what sports you do in your free time. Watch Unit 9. Meetings of Video Conference.Unit 9. Meetings. Barbara Little, Daniel Conway, Charles Milbank, Ann Richards - Barbara: I think I’ve covered everything in detail. Now I’ve just like to summarize. You have a choice of two sites

Debated Problems within the Theory of the Phrase

There are several debated problems within the theory of the phrase. Most essential are the predicative character of the phrase, the problem of criteria of classifying phrases, the number of elements within a phrase. Most scholars hold that every combination of two or more words which is a grammatical unit constitutes a phrase: hot weather, very hot, at least, on account of. We can distinguish phrases comprising

Второй тип чтения – гласная в закрытом слоге

PRACTICAL PHONETICSR u l e s of reading – Правила чтения I. READING OF VOWELS – Чтение гласных(только ударных гласных*) * Безударные гласные обычно произносятся . Буква ‘e’ в безударных слогах часто произносится . Первый тип чтения – гласная в открытом

Debated Problems within a Simple Sentence

1. Debated is the status of a simple sentence with expansion. 1.1. Expanded are the simple sentences with homogeneous parts. Any member of the sentence can be homogeneous (The beauty of the lakes, the forests, and the stretches of the tranquil blue skies gently took the army out of Alessandro. M.Helprin. He came awake with a jerk, turned towards the window and almost screamed. St. King). 1.2. Expanded are the simple

The Category of Number

The category of number is represented by the opposition of the singular and the plural (table:: tables). Paradigmatically the singular expresses oneness, the plural expresses more-than-oneness (multitude, quantity, numerosity). Some scholars believe that the meaning of the singular form is that of indiscreteness (нерасчленённость), while the meaning of the plural form is that of discreteness. It is a

The Notion of a Syntactic Paradigm

A syntactic paradigm is a set of syntactic structures, one of which is a kernel, it is invariable, and others are variables received by various transformational procedures, this process being called syntactic derivation. In the paradigm of the sentence we distinguish the morphological sphere and the syntactical sphere. In the morphological sphere we find all possible changes of the constituents of the kernel (The

IV. Перепишите и переведите предложения, обращая внимание на употребление модальных глаголов их эквивалентов. Подчеркните модальные глаголы в английских предложениях и в переводе

1) Many old artifacts can be seen in the museum of transport. 2) Any passenger should be able to board the train without a difficulty. 3) One must understand that the work of an engine driver requires much experience. 4) You need notgo to the railway station to buy tickets because you canbook them at the nearest travel agency. 5) It is a non-smoking carriage. You are not allowed to smoke here. V. Образуйте

IV. Kategorie des Numerus

Kategorie der Zahl: diese Kategorie drückt quantitative Beziehung aus und die Existenzform der Kategorie ist Gegenüberstellung von unzählbaren und zählbaren Substantive. Die Kategorie der Zahl ist für die unzählbaren Substantive nicht charakteristisch, weil sie keine Kategorie der Zahl kennen: ‘ die meisten Unika (die Sonne), ‘ Kollektive (bei Sachnamen: Eltern, Geschwister),

Первая мировая, Революция, Гражданская война

Источники.1. Про­чти­те от­ры­вок из те­ле­грам­мы во­е­на­чаль­ни­ка. «Все от­лич­но со­зна­ва­ли, что при со­здав­шей­ся об­ста­нов­ке и при фак­ти­че­ском ру­ко­вод­стве и на­прав­ле­нии внут­рен­ней по­ли­ти­ки

The Category of Time Relation (or Correlation)

The debated questions within the category of correlation are: 1.the existence of this category; 2. the character of this category; 3. the paradigmatic meaning of perfect forms; 4. the interrelations between correlation, tense and aspect. There are several interpretations of the perfect form. 1. According to the tense view, the perfect is a peculiar tense form (H. Sweet, O. Jespersen, M. Ganshina, G. Curme, M.

Выбор верного или неверного утверждения

Задание 2. Числовые неравенства. Координатная прямая.Неравенства.А) О чис­лах и из­вест­но, что . Среди при­ве­ден­ных ниже не­ра­венств вы­бе­ри­те вер­ные: В от­ве­те ука­жи­те номер пра­виль­но­го ва­ри­ан­та. 1) 2) 3) 4)