Тема 3.6 Письмо-заявление о приеме на работу


Dear Prof. Watson,

Dr. Sherlock Holmes recommended that I contact you and request an interview.
I have recently graduated from Moscow State University with a degree zoology. I am very interested in Zoology and would appreciate having the opportunity to discuss any vacancies that you can have in this specialty.
I am enclosing my resume for review and will look forward to meeting you.
Thank you for your consideration.

Nick Belov,
[email protected]

Уважаемый профессор Ватсон,

Доктор Шерлок Холмс посоветовал мне обратиться к Вам и просить о собеседовании.
Я недавно закончил Московский госудсрственный университет по специальности зоология. Я очень интересуюсь зоологией и был бы признателен, имея возможность обсуждать любые вакансии, которые вы можете иметь по этой специальности.
Я прилагаю свое резюме для рассмотрения и буду ждать встречи с Вами.
Благодарю вас за внимание.

Ник Белов,
[email protected]


Helen King

123 Small Road,


WI 12345

Tel 123-555-1234

27th March 2007

Mr Peter Smith

Travel Together

Central Office

123 Millway Road


WI 12345

Dear Mr Smith,

1__________ your advertisement for crew members in The Times. I would like to apply for the post, and enclose a copy of my CV for your attention.

2__________ my personal qualities and experience make me an excellent candidate for this post. 3__________ , I have three years’ experience of working on charity projects in developing countries. On these projects, I worked with people from different backgrounds, both independently and as part of a team. I learned to carry out my responsibilities but also to look after the needs of others in the team.

4__________ very much sailing experience, but 5__________ learn. I am highly motivated, hard-working and very well organized. These are all qualities which enabled me to succeed in my charity work. I am sure they will make me a key member of your crew.

I hope you will consider my application. 6__________ contact me if you need more information.

7__________ hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,

Helen King

Helen King

Match the gaps (1-7) in the letter with the phrases (a-g).

a) As you can see from my CV

b) I am willing to

c) I believe that

d) I look forward to

e) I do not have

f) I am writing in response to

g) Please do not hesitate to

Complete the definitions with the words from the advert and the advice.

Enthusiastic Summary Unique Experience Formal Essential

1. ____________ means very unusual.

2. ____________ means very important or necessary.

3. _____________ is a short description of something, with no detail.

4. ____________ means serious and businesslike.

5. ____________ is what you have done in your life or work.

6. ____________ is interested and excited.

Раздел 4. Путешествия и выдающиеся места.

Тема 4.1 Путешествие – как любимый вид развлечения молодежи.


People like to travel…

  • один
  • с друзьями
  • с родителями
  • с собакой
  • с дедушкой / бабушкой
alone with friends with parents with a dog with grandparents

Usually they travel…

  • по делам
  • для удовольствия
  • в поиках приключений
  • ради интереса
  • что б увидеть красоту природы
on business for pleasure in search of adventures from curiosity to see the beauty of the world

When they travel they like to…

· ходить по магазинам · встречаться с новыми людьми · заводить новых друзей · осматривать достопримечательности · изучать традиции других стран go shopping meet new people make new friends go sightseeing learn traditions of other countries

Because travelling is…But sometimes it can be…

· - волнительное - полезное - великолепное - приносящее удовольствие - полезно для здоровья - exciting - useful - fascinating - enjoyable - good for health
•приносящее разочарование •дорогое •опасное •хлопотное •утомляющее disappointing expensive dangerous troublesome tiring

And still travelling…

• расширяет кругозор • дает жизненный опыт • оставляет незабываемые впечатления • помогает исследовать мир •позволяет лучше понять других людей broadens our mind/outlook gives us life experience leaves unforgettable impressions helps us explore the world allows us to understand other people better


Travelling by air -It's more comfortable, more convenient and of course, far quicker than other method. -There is none of the dust and dirt of a railway or car journey. -There is none of the trouble of changing from train to steamer and then to another train. -This way of travelling is the most comfortable for young people who is flying on business, and for those who want to be on time everywhere. -If you feel hungry, you'll be provided with an excellent lunch. -It's the most thrilling method of travelling when you leave the earth behind you seem to belong to another world, a bigger freer world than one you left. -You can see the most wonderful scenes below and they are of indescribable beauty. On foot - It’s the cheapest method of travelling. -The walker leaves the dull broad highway and goes along little winding lanes where cars can't go. -You can see real country, the wild flowers, the young birds in their nests, the deer in the forest. -You're closer to the nature and feel its quietness and calm. -You com observe the flora and the fauna of this or that part of our beautiful earth and then use this experience later in your study or work. You become more intellectual, wiser. -You may travel on foot for the purpose of discovering something new or in search of pleasure and adventure. -You can write a book about it.-It's a way of travelling which gives one a chance to see much without spending anything.
By sea -It's lovely to feel the deck of the ship (boat) under your feet. -It's more existing journey when you see the rise and fall of the waves and fell the fresh sea wind blowing in your face and hears the cry of the sea-gulls. -There are many beautiful beaches of the coast and it is so nice to have a swim there or visit some paints of interest there. -Cruise premises more interesting impressions for a long time. -It's fascinating thing for me to look at a huge white floating city. -On board they offer all modern convince and a wide choice of entertainment facilities In the evening you have an opportunity to enjoy the sunset, the beautiful sunset at sea. -It's simply marvelous. By train -With a train you have speed, comfort pleasure combined. -You have a splendid view of the whole country side from the comfortable corner seat. -If you're hungry, you can have a meal in the diming-car. -If the journey is a long one can have a wonderful bed in a sleeper. -Besides do you know any place that is more interesting than a big railway-station the gaiety of people going away or waiting to meet friends?

Раздел 4. Образование и работа

Наши рекомендации