Эта форма очень редко употребляется в художественной литературе и практически не используется в устной речи и научно-технической литературе.

Утвердительная форма I (we, they, he) will have been reading Отрицательная форма I won’t have been reading
Вопросительная форма Will I (we, they) have been reading?

Future Perfect Continuousиспользуется для передачи:

длительного будущего действия, которое, однажды начавшись, все еще будет продолжаться в указанный момент By next Christmas I’ll have been studying this problem for three years. By the time we get home we’ll have been driving for eight hours.

NB!Future Perfect Continuous переводится на русский язык глаголом несовершенного вида.

Exercise 142.Translate from English into Russian.

1. He’ll have been reading a book for two hours when I come.

2. By next summer we’ll have been living here for two years.

3. By tonight I’ll have been working for seven hours.

4. By the time you come they will have been playing for more than an hour.

5. By the 1st of June he will have been working here for twenty years.

Exercise 143.Translate from Russian into English.

1. К началу следующего года, мы будем работать над этой проблемой уже 10 лет. 2. В сентябре исполнится два года с тех пор, как мы учимся. 3. К 2016 году вы не будете жить в этой стране достаточно долго, чтобы принять участие в выборах (elections). 4. Сколько вы уже будете здесь работать к тому времени, как выйдете на пенсию (retire)? 5. В следующем месяце исполнится 25 лет, как мы живем вместе. 6. К тому времени, как мы закончим эксперимент, он будет продолжаться 72 часа.

  REVISION Exercise 144. Choose the correct tense.   1. We (vaccinate / have been vaccinating) this herd for three hours already. 2. She (was waiting / has been waiting) for the nurse since morning. 3. He (was working / had been working) as a vet for twenty years before he retired. 4. We (will be investigating / will have been investigating) this case for three months by the end of the year. Exercise 145. Put questions to the underlined words.   1. My mother has been suffering from a bad pain in the substernal area (за грудиной) for three hours. 2. The patient had been complaining of a considerable muscular painbefore he was taken to the hospital. 3. By three o’clock the professor will have been delivering the lecture for half an hour.   TEST A I. Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. The patient … of pain in the chest before the operation on his knee. a) had complained b) complained c) has complained 2. Although the patient … the injections of antibiotics for several days she showed little improvement. a) was receiving b) received c) had been receiving 3. By 3 o’clock tomorrow this young surgeon … his first operation. a) will perform b) will have performed c) performs 4. This scientist just … his book on the function of the pancreas. a) published b) had published c) has published 5. The blood count (анализ крови) …to normal since the operation. a) was returning b) is returning c) has been returning 6. By 2018 we … our diplomas. a) will have got b) will get c) get 7. The physician … lung cancer before X-ray examination finally confirmed the diagnosis. a) suspected b) had suspected c) suspects   II. Fill in the gaps with SINCE or FOR.   1. I’ve been reading a book … I got up this morning. 2. Jane’s father has been a vet … twenty years. 3. She has been working at the Academy … April. 4. I have lived here … I was born. 5. Jane has been my best friend … our study at the Academy.   TEST B   I. Choose the correct form of the verb. 1. The patient … already his health and he can walk. a) restored b) had restored c) has restored 2. The patient … numerous foci of inflammation (очаги воспаления) and discomfort in the chest before he underwent the course of treatment. a) has had b) had c) had had 3. We … the doctor yet. a) didn’t see b) hadn’t seen c) haven’t seen 4. The patient … of cough with purulent sputum since the time he applied to the hospital. a) complained b) has been complaining c) was complaining 5. I hope that we … this set of experiments by the end of this year. a) will have completed b) will complete c) complete 6. The physician … carefully all analysis before they started the first chemotherapy cycle. a) had checked up b) checked up c) was checking 7. My sick pet and me …. for a veterinary surgeon since 10 o’clock. a) have been waiting b) are waiting c) have waited II . Fill in the gaps with SINCE or FOR.   1. She has been working in the Academy … three months. 2. I love my cat! I’ve had had it … ages. 3. Have you been learning English … a long time? 4. My father has been the manager of a vet firm … 2010. 5. I have known Jane … I entered the Academy.    



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