I. Прочитайте и переведите текст с помощью глоссария
II. Ответьте на вопросы по содержанию текста.
1. Who do cardiac care nurses work primarily with?
2. Where can they work?3. What must cardiac nurses be able to perform?
3. What must the cardiac nurses have?
4. Must the cardiac nurses collaborate with other health care professionals?
5. What can the conditions they treat include?
III. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих фраз:
Suffer from, in a wide variety of settings, to perform electrocardiograms, changes to the EKG waveforms, that effective care, the necessary skills, specialized equipment, cardiac health, a patient's vital signs, caring for wounds, to devise and implement, perform stress test evaluations, vascular monitoring, health assessments.
IV. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.
1. Медсестер в кардиологии работают с пациентами, которые страдают от сердечных – сосудистых заболеваний.
2. Они также могут работать в частных клиниках и реабилитационных центрах.
3. Медсестра должна иметь необходимые навыки, чтобы оказать помощь во время процедур.
4. Медсестра должна быть компетентными в мониторинге жизненно важных функций пациента.
5. В случае необходимости она должна сотрудничать с другими специалистами .
V. Перечислите основные функции, которые выполняет медсестра в кардиологии.
Текстовой глоссарий:
community health – об-щественного здравоох-ранения local government officials - местные органы влас-ти care facility - детское уч-реждение viable – жизнеспособное make the decision - принимать решение check-ups - осмотры | chronic illnesses – хро-нические заболевания disabilities of various degrees of severity – ин-валидности различной степени тяжести stomach ache - боли в животе medical aid – мед. помощь vision health – визуальное здоровье |
There are public health nurses or PHNs that work for in the public sector. They generally specialize in community health. They pay more focus to community services and help implement health plans that will target the general public. They would work with local government officials and the community people to make policies and programs regarding health.
In addition to providing the standard RN functions within their hospital or care facility, PHNs frequently travel to patients' homes, schools or community centers, where they work with families and individuals to find viable, accessible solutions to community health concerns.
School Nurse
Chances are that when you were a child, you made several trips to the school nurse due to stomach aches, headaches, or a bad cold. School nurses are an integral part of keeping schoolchildren healthy. They are responsible for caring for students who get sick or injured during school hours. School nurses who work at universities may even be available at all hours of the day just in case a student needs medical attention on campus. They perform the same duties as any other nurse, including taking vital signs such as the patient's temperature, recording symptoms, and administering basic medical aid. School nurses can handle common illnesses and injuries, though if the case is severe, they may make the decision to send the student home or to a hospital. In addition, school nurses educate students about health care and growth development. They also often administer routine check-ups, such as testing the auditory health of students and examining vision health.
The school nurse has a unique role in the provision of school health services for children with special health needs, including children with chronic illnesses and disabilities of various degrees of severity. As a leader of the school health team, the school nurse must assess the student's health status, identify health problems that may create a barrier to educational progress, and develop a health care plan for management of the problems in the school setting.