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Что такое эмоция? Мозговые механизмы эмоций..........5
Нейробиология индивидуальности. Темперамент.........27
Потребности человека и высших животных.
Личность и характер.................................................41
Осознаваемое и неосознаваемое в деятельности мозга.
Сознание и сопереживание..........................................65
Нейробиология творчества: доминанта и
функциональная асимметрия мозга............................77
Рекомендуемая литература.......................................91
Дополнительная литература......................................91
The First Lecture.
Emotion as a function of an actual need and probability (possibility) of its satisfaction. Classification of emotions. Brain structures realizing the reinforcing, com-pensatory-substitutional and communicative emotional functions. Asymmetry of the brain mechanisms of positive and negative emotions as the result of peculiarities of informational (cognitive) functions of the left and right hemispheres. The availability of the negative and positive emotions as a result of the tendencies aimed at preservation and development of the living systems.
The Second Lecture.
The individual specificity of the interaction of the frontal parts of the neocortex, hippocampus, amygdala and hypothalamus as the basis of ancient temperaments, Pavlov's types and Eysenck's parameters. Testing of the individual behavioral peculiarities: the choice between the probability and reinforcement value, delay in the motor reaction for the sake of more significant reinforcement, comparative efficiency of the artificial and zoosocial aversive stimuli. Typological peculiarities of the functional brain asymmetry.
The Third Lecture.