A B Word combination Translation


Unit 1. Stone and Rocks.

Active vocabulary

1. Adaptability [əˌdæptə'bɪlɪtɪ] пристосовність

2. Availability [əˌveɪlə'bɪlɪtɪ] наявність, доступність

3. Basalt ['bæsɔːlt] базальт

4. Brick [brɪk] цеглина, цегла

5. Brittleness ['brɪtlnɪs] крихкість, ламкість

6. Cement [sə'ment] цемент

7. Chalk [ʧɔːk] крейда

8. Coarse-grained [ˌkɔːs'greɪnd] грубозернистий

9. Concrete ['kɔŋkriːt] бетон

10. Crushed rock [krʌʃt'rɔk] щебінь

Crushed stone [krʌʃt'stəun]

11. Diorite ['daıəraıt] діорит

12. Dolerite ['dɒləraıt] долерит, кристалічний базальт

13. Dolomite ['dɔləmaɪt] доломіт

14. Dressing ['dresɪŋ] обробка, облицювання, обтісування

15. Durability [ˌdjuərə'bɪlɪtɪ] стійкість, тривалість

16. Fire resistance ['faɪə rɪ'zɪstəns] вогнестійкість

17. Gabbro ['gæbrəʊ] габро

18. Gneiss [naɪs] гнейс

19. Granite ['grænɪt] граніт

20. Granular ['grænjələ] зернистий, гранульований

21. Gypsum ['ʤɪps(ə)m] (природній) гіпс

22. Hardness ['hɑːdnɪs] твердість

23. Igneous rock ['ɪgnɪəs'rɔk] вулканічна порода

24. Lime [laɪm] вапно

25. Limestone ['laɪmstəun] вапняк

26. Marble ['mɑːbl] мармур

27. Metamorphic rock метаморфічна порода


28. Mortar ['mɔːtə] будівельний розчин, вапняний розчин

29. Natural material природній матеріал

['næʧərəl mə'tɪərɪəl]

30. Parapet ['pærəpɪt] парапет, перила, поруччя

31. Quarry ['kwɔrɪ] видобувати (камінь із кар’єру); кар’єр

32. Quarrying ['kwɔrɪŋ] видобування (каменю)

33. Quartz [kwɔːts] кварц

34. Rock [rɔk] гірська порода

35. Rubble ['rʌbl] бут

36. Sandstone ['sændstəun] піщаник, пісковик

37. Schist [ʃɪst] сланець

38. Sedimentary rock осадова порода


39. Slate [sleɪt] сланець

40. Steel [stiːl] сталь

41. Stone [stəun] камінь

42. Strength [streŋθ] міцність, сила

43. Substance ['sʌbstəns] речовина, субстанція

44. Syenite ['saɪɪnaɪt] сієніт

45. Synthetics [sɪn'θetɪks] синтетичні матеріали

46. Tensile strength ['tensaɪl'streŋθ] межа міцності на розтяг (розрив)

47. Timber ['tɪmbə] лісоматеріал; будівельний ліс, деревина

48. Travertine ['trævətɪn] травертин, вапнистий туф

49. Tuff [tʌf] (вулканічний) туф

50. Weathering ['weð(ə)rɪŋ] вивітрювання, руйнування під впливом атмосферних дій

Pre-reading task

Exercise 1. Read the information below and match the names of the materials with photographs.

  glass stone brick timber steel cement
A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 1.______________ A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 2. _______________ A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 3. ______________
A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 4. ________________ A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 5. _______________ A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru 6. ______________

Building materials can be divided into two main groups: natural and man-made. Stone and wood (timber) are natural materials, used by man since ancient times. Man-made materials include brick, cement, concrete, steel, glass, metal and more modern materials including plastic and synthetics.


Exercise 2. Read, translate the text and write a list of advantages and disadvantages offered by stone.


A B Word combination Translation - student2.ru The history of mankind began with the Stone Age marked by the use of tools and weapons made of stone. Before that, the difference between animals and homosapiens was largely physical. But once human beings started using stones, the world of both changed entirely.

Stone (Fig. 1.1) is the natural, hard substance formed from minerals and earth material which are present in rocks. Rock is the portion of the earth’s crust without definite shape and structure. Almost all rocks have a definite chemical composition and are made up of minerals and organic matter. Some of the rock-forming minerals are quartz, dolomite, etc. The various types of rocks from which building stones are usually derived are granite, basalt, marble, slate, sandstone and limestone.

Use of stone in building construction is traditional in the places where it is produced, although even there its high cost limits its use. Stone has been used in the construction of most of the important structures since prehistoric age. Most of the forts all over the world, the Taj Mahal in India, the famous pyramids of Egypt and the Great Wall of China are only a few examples. Stone has also been extensively used in almost all the elements of building structures, as load carrying units and for enhancing the beauty and elegance of the structure. But stone has gradually lost importance with the advent of cement and steel. The major disadvantages of stone which overshadow its use are the difficulties in its quarrying or transportation and dressing which consume a lot of time. The quarrying process is the only operation involved in the production of natural stone. The open part of the natural rock from which useful stone is obtained is known as quarry.

The advantages of stone are its durability and strength, hardness, resistance to fire and weathering, and its adaptability to sculptural treatment. But stone has poor tensile strength.

Use of stone as building material depends on the nature of the work, type of the structural element in which it is used and its quality, availability and transportation cost. For structural purpose granite, sandstone, limestone, marble and slate are most useful. Stones are used to erect the foundation and walls of buildings, dams, bridges, etc. Tunnels and above-water elements of bridges are built of granite, diorite, gabbro and basalt. Elements of stairs and parapets are manufactured from granite, marble, limestone, tuff, etc. Marble is used in construction industry for aesthetic purposes and strength.

Stone walls are one of the oldest construction methods known to mankind. The first stone walls were made laying up stones without any mortar. With this method stones are held together by gravity. These walls are usually larger at the base. In Ireland and north-eastern UK counties this kind of wall was made by farmers to create fences. It was quite a long and labour-intensive method, but with no costs. When cement appeared, the first mortared stone walls were created, where cement paste fills the gaps between the stones (from “Building Materials”).

Advantages Disadvantages
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.     1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Exercise 3. Match the terms in the box with the appropriate definition.

Tensile strength Dressing Weathering Transportation Strength Quarry Rock Durability Mortar Stone

1. ___________ – a) a place where stone is dug out of the ground; b) to obtain stone from a stone pit by cutting, digging, etc.

2. ___________ – hard substance that rocks are made of, often used as a building material.

3. __________ – a mixture of cement or lime or both with sand and water, used as a bond between bricks or stones or as a covering on a wall.

4. ___________ – the solid mineral material forming part of the surface of the earth and other similar planets, exposed on the surface or underlying the soil.

5. __________ – the ability to withstand wear, pressure, or damage.

6. ___________– the conversion of a rough material into the one ready for use.

7. ___________ – the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure.

8. __________ – the act or process of moving people or things from one place to another.

9. __________ – the mechanical and chemical breakdown of rocks by the action of rain, snow, cold, etc.

10. __________ – a measure of the ability of a material to withstand a longitudinal stress, expressed as the greatest stress that the material can stand without breaking.

Exercise 4. Match the words in columns A and B to make word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.

A B Word combination Translation

Stone paste __________________ _____________

Chemical treatment __________________ _____________

Construction stone __________________ _____________

Sculptural mineral __________________ _____________

Quarrying purpose __________________ _____________

Natural construction __________________ _____________

Organic age __________________ _____________

Building strength __________________ _____________

Earth’s cost __________________ _____________

Transportation matter __________________ _____________

Aesthetic process __________________ _____________

Cement industry __________________ _____________

Rock-forming crust __________________ _____________

Tensile composition __________________ _____________

Exercise 5. Look for words in the text above to complete each of the groups of synonyms.

1. Completely, utterly, fully, wholly, _________________.

2. Part, _________________.

3. Form, _________________.

4. Different, diverse, _________________.

5. To restrict, to bound, _________________.

6. Widely, largely, to a great extent, _________________.

7. Arrival, coming, beginning, _________________.

8. Shortcoming, drawback, _________________.

9. To construct, to raise, to build, _________________.

Exercise 6. A) Match the nouns 1–6 with the correct adjectives a–f.

1. Durability a) resistant to …

2. Strength b) hard

3. Hardness c) strong

4. Resistance to… d) adaptable

5. Adaptability e) durable

6. Brittleness f) brittle

B) Complete these sentences by choosing the correct words in bold.

1. Modern materials such as steel, concrete and composites are now used to build bridges that are strength/ strong and durability/ durable.

2. For maximum strength / strong and durability/ durable, the stones should be fit together in an arch with no mortar because mortar before stone, reducing the lifespan of the bridges.

3. Asphalt is used in road construction because it is strength / strong.

4. Granite,an igneous rock formed from magnum, is hardness / hard and brittleness / brittle.

5. Because of itshardness / hard, granite is frequently used for buildings and monuments.

6. Granite is resistance / resistant to most acids, such as soft drinks and juices, as compared to marble.

7. Lightweight stone is adaptability / adaptable for use in yachts, elevator cabs, aviation and other locations.

8. The strength / strong of the material is very important.

C) Write a paragraph about the main properties of stones using the words from exercise 6A.

Exercise 7. Translate the following word combinations and phrases into English. If you have any difficulties look for them in the text ( exercise 2).

1. природна тверда речовина _________________________

2. без певної форми і структури _________________________

3. складатися з мінералів _________________________

4. різні типи гірських порід _________________________

5. обмежувати використання _________________________

6. фортеці у всьому світі _________________________

7. широко використовувати _________________________

8. поява цементу і сталі _________________________

9. залежати від характеру роботи _________________________

10. зводити фундамент і стіни _________________________

11. зроблений із граніту _________________________

12. без будівельного розчину _________________________

13. трудомісткий метод _________________________

14. заповнювати щілини між каменями________________________

Exercise 8. Answer the questions to the text in exercise 2.

1. When did mankind start using stone?

2. What is stone?

3. What is rock?

4. What is the difference between stone and rock?

5. What rocks do you know from which building stones are derived?

6. How is stone used in construction?

7. Is stone the most popular building material today?

8. What limits the usage of stone as the building material?

9. What are the main properties of stone?

10. What types of stone are the most popular for structural purpose?

11. What types of stone are used for building tunnels and above-water elements of bridges?

12. What types of stone are used for the elements of stairs and parapets?

13. What is marble used for?

14. How were the first stone walls made?

15. When were the first mortared stone walls created?

Exercise 9. Complete a dialogue with questions or answers.

Q: ______________________________________________________?

A: The history of mankind began with the stone age.

Q: What is stone?

A: ______________________________________________________.

Q: ______________________________________________________?

A: Rocks include granite, basalt, marble, slate, sandstone and others.

Q: What examples of stone constructions all over the world do you know?

A: ______________________________________________________.

Q: ______________________________________________________?

A: Stone is durable, strong and resistant to fire, and weathering.

Q: Was mortar used in the first stone walls?

A: ______________________________________________________.

Q: ______________________________________________________?

A: Stone is used to make foundations, walls of buildings, dams, bridges, etc.

Exercise 10. Read the text below and complete it with clauses a–g.

a) granite, basalt, diorite, dolerite and syenite are

b) igneous or sedimentary rocks

c) a result of solidification of molten mass

d) on the basis of geological classification,

e) metamorphic rocks include

f) are stronger and more resistant

g) have become pressed


Natural stone materials include different rocks. _____________, rocks are classified as igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic.

Igneous rocksare of volcanic origin and are formed as _______________ that lie below or above the earth’s surface. Igneous rocks are formed from liquid rock from volcanoes that becomes solid as it gets cold. The specific characteristics of this rock type is a full-crystalline and uniform granular structure. They are cracked, crushed and polished quite well. _______________ examples of igneous rocks.

Sedimentary rocksarerocks that are formed from substances that have been left by water, wind, or ice and ___________________ together through time. This group includes sandstone, limestone, dolomite, gypsum, chalk and others. As compared to limestone, dolomites ________________________ to weathering.

Metamorphic rocksare formed from _____________________ as a result of the action of the earth movements, temperature changes, liquid pressures, etc. _______________________ slate, marble, gneiss and different schists, the latter being used mainly for making crushed rocks.

Exercise 11. Place the following rocks which were mentioned in the text above into the correct spaces.

Limestone, Gypsum, Slate, Granite,

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