Exercise 25 Read the article about Tehran International Film Festival. Open the brackets

And use participles I, II and passive structures.


1. The role ... (to play) by a very famous actor.

The roleis playedby a very famous actor.

2. Theactor ... (playing/played) this role is very famous.

The actorplayingthis role is very famous.


Tehran International Film Festival ... (to organize) more than 20 years ago by the Iranian Ministry of Culture and Art. It ... (to approve) by the International Federation of Film Producers' Associations.

The aim of the festival was to present and to point out films of high quality from the West and the East. Asian film-makers ... (to give) the chance to discuss different problems ... (existing / existed) in film-making and to exchange films on an international level.

The official programme of the festival and its sections haven’t ... (change) for

these 20 years.


Not more than 23 features and 28 shorts ... (to admit) for competition of each festival. They must not ... (to present) in competition in other international festivals. Besides they shouldn’t ... (to release) in Iran before the festival, As for short films, their participation at non-Asian international film festivals will not disqualify them from taking part in competition.

Festival of Festivals.

Entries in this section will ... (to choose) by the festival’s Selection Committee from the films of high quality ... (presenting/ presented) in other international film festivals.

Cinema has Eyes and Ears.

Feature-length documentaries or films (revealing/revealed) through their content or form important aspects of contemporary life ... (to present) in this non-competitive section.

Retrospectives and Panoramas.

These programmes ... (to organize) by the festival in order to draw attention of the audience to a talented artist, a group or an organization ... (using/used) some unusual film language. Films ... (emphasising/emphasised) the importance of a school, a style or a new genre of film-making in the history of cinema ... (to include) in this section.

Film Market.

The film market ... (to organize) to give an opportunity to exchange and distribute films in the different territories of the world. A separate set of regulations ... (to publish) for film market. Film market is open to all producers, exporters, importers and distributors.

The Selection Committee, whose members ... (to choose) by the festival, establishes the list of films ... (participating/participated) in the Competition section.

More than 3 features and 3 shorts ... (to accept) from any country.

If entries (proposing/proposed) by a country ... (to reject) for competition, the country has the right to submit a new proposal within time limits (setting/ set) by the festival.

Films ... (offending/offended) the national feelings of any country can not ... (to accept) for presentation in the festival.

The order in which the films ... (to show) in the different sections of the festival ... (to decide) by festival’s Secretary General.

After the festival programme ... (to establish), no film can ... (to take out) of the programme.

All the films in the festival ... (to screen) in their original versions. The prints ... (to provide) with English or Persian subtitles.

Films in competition ... (to judge) by an international jury whose members and president ... (to select) by the festival.

No personality ... (connecting/connected) with the production or the distribution of any feature or short film in competition cannot be the member of the jury.

The following prizes ... (to award) by the international jury:

A. Feature films.

1. Grand Prix ... (giving/given) for the best film.

2. Special Jury Prize ... (awarding/awarded) for the artistic qualities of the film.

3. Three Golden Prizes:

The prize ... (giving/given) for the best direction;

The prize ... (awarding/awarded) to the best actor;

The prize ... (awarding/awarded) to the best actress.

B. Short films.

Grand Prix and Special Jury Prize ... (to give) to the best short film.

Films ... (presenting/presented) to the festival may be in black and white and in colour, in 70 or 35 mm, and of any ... (running/run) time. For short films the ... (running/run) time should be less than 60 minutes, but prints may be in 16 mm format.

Exercise 26 Read the article below

Film Production


In this stage, the project's producer selects a story, which may come from a book, play, another film, a true story, original idea, etc. After identifying a theme or underlying message, the producer works with writers to prepare a synopsis. Next they produce a step outline, which breaks the story down into one-paragraph scenes that concentrate on dramatic structure.

The producer and screenwriter prepare a film pitch, or treatment, and present it to potential financiers. If the pitch is successful, a major film studio, film council, or independent investors offer financial backing. Next, a screenwriter writes a screenplay over a period of several months. A film distributormay be contacted at an early stage to assess the likely market and potential financial success of the film.

The parties involved negotiate a deal and sign contracts. Once all parties have met and the deal has been set, the film may proceed into the pre-production period. By this stage, the film should have a clearly defined marketing strategy and target audience.


In pre-production, every step of actually creating the film is carefully designed and planned. The production is storyboarded and visualized with the help of illustratorsand concept artists. A production budget is drawn up to plan expenditures for the film. For major productions, insurance is procured to protectagainst accidents.


When the film reaches the shooting stage the shooting script is developed into a cross plot.It is a very elaborate schedule of each day’s work which shows the dates for shooting each scene, its location, cast, equipment needed, etc. More crew will be recruited at this stage, such as the property master, script supervisor, assistant directors, stills photographer, picture editor, and sound editors. These are just the most common roles in filmmaking; the production officewill be free to create any unique blend of roles to suit the various responsibilities during the production of a film.

The settings and details for every scene in the film are provided by the art director and his team: production designers, construction manager, and a number of craftsmen (carpenters, grips, etc.) The type, size and shape of each set is discussed by the art director with the producer and other directors. The lighting of the set, the position f the camera, shots for each scene and the sequence of shots are determined and supervised by the director of photography. The costume department is responsible for the wardrobe of the cast, while make-up and hairdressing experts attend to the appearance of the actors and prepare them for shooting.

The film is shot in a studio and on location. Location shooting is the practice of filming in an actual setting rather than on asound stage or back lot. Before filming on location it is generally wise to conduct a recce. Most films do a bit of both location shooting and studio shoots, although low budget films usually do more location shooting than bigger budgetfilms because the cost of shooting at someplace that already exists is much cheaper than creating that place from scratch.


The film is edited; production sound (dialogue) is concurrently(but separately) edited, music tracks (and songs) are composed, performed and recorded, sound effects are designed and recorded; and any other computer-graphic 'visual' effects are digitally added, all sound elements are mixed into "stems" then the stems are mixed then married to picture and the film is fully completed ("locked").

This is the final stage, where the film is released to cinemas or, occasionally, to consumer media (DVD, VCD, Blue-ray) or direct download from a provider. The film is duplicated as required for distribution to cinemas. Press kits, posters, and other advertising materials are published and the film is advertised and promoted.

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