II. Guess the meaning of the international words.
Element, texture, principle, proportion, structure, monotony, balance, control, rhythm, harmony.
III Read and remember the following words and word combinations:
to page through просматривать, листать
to lack не хватать, испытывать недостаток
to judge судить, оценивать
oneness единство
to be in scale соответствовать
to achieve достигать, добиваться
IV. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations.
To lack style, to be nicely related to a figure, to cut on good basic lines, a well-related quality, garment with excessive trimming, unequal amounts of colour, huge prints, placement of lines.
V. Read and translate the text:
Design analysis
As you page through a fashion magazine or look at clothes in stores and shop windows do you ever wonder why one garment looks smart while another lacks “style”? When you try clothes on just some of them fit you perfectly and many others don’t look right on you. This means that a garment must be judged in two ways: it should have fine design qualities, and, it should be nicely related to the figure. As a rule, simple styles cut on good basic lines look well on most figures.
The elements of any design are: lines, shapes, textures, colours. It goes without saying that all these elements should be taken into consideration. A design has unity when all these elements seem to belong together. Each element should express a similar idea of giving the design a well-related quality – a feeling of “oneness”.
The principle of proportion concerns the relationship that exists between shapes, sizes and amounts in a design. First, the design of every garment should be related to the structure and proportions of the body; second, every article in the costume should be in scale with the figure (no huge prints for a tiny girl, for example). Third, a design is more pleasing when unequal amounts of colour are used. Equal amounts of anything produce monotony.
The principle of balance controls the placement of lines and shapes and the distribution of colours in design.
The principle of rhythm controls the “eye movement” in a design. When lines, shapes, textures and colours are well organized, the eye movement is smooth.
All these principles help one to achieve harmony among the elements of a design.
VI. Skim the text and answer the questions.
1. What should each element of a design express?
2. What should the design of every garment be related to?
3. When is a design more pleasing?
4. What produces monotony in a design?
5. What gives harmony among the elements of a design?
6. What controls the placement of lines and shapes?
7. Should the neckline be related to the figure and face?
8. Is the outline of the skirt related to the size and height of a person?
VII. Find synonyms of the words in the text.
Form, texture, unity, dress, decoration.
VIII. Give derivatives of the following words.
Structure, similar, to relate, monotony, colour, shape.
IX. Fill in the blanks using the words from the text.
1. Any garment should be ... in two ways.
2. It should have fine ... qualities.
3. A dress should be nicely ... to the figure.
4. Any design should have a ...
5. A study of the ... of the lines on the costume is very important, because they form the basis of attractiveness.
6. The outline of a costume makes it either up-to-date or ...
X. Work as an interpreter. Translate into English using the active vocabulary of the text.
Что является основой конструкции любой одежды? Основу любой конструкции одежды составляют линии, формы, структура и цвет. Необходимо соблюдать строгое соотношение между формой и размерами. Каждая деталь в вашей одежде должна соответствовать вашей фигуре. Например, маленьким женщинам не рекомендуется носить ткани с крупным набивным рисунком. Существует несколько принципов создания единства в одежде: принцип пропорции, принцип равновесия и принцип ритма. Все они способствуют достижению гармонии между деталями одежды.
XI Read and remember:
1 attractiveness – привлекательность
2. to determine – определять
3. appearance – внешность
4. decorations – украшения
5. to be spoiled – испортить
6. quantity – количество
7. length – длина
8. taking into consideration - принимая во внимание
XII Read the text and define the main idea of it:
Design in dress
The attractiveness of the design is determined by the construction lines and the decoration of the garment. The appearance of the figure may be influenced by: 1) the structural lines of the dress (i.e. the position of the armhole, the position and direction of the seams), 2) the shape of the neck line, 3) the amount of the fullness in dress, 4) the position of the decorations, 5) the length of the dress, 6) the width and position of the belt.
Structural lines should not be overlooked in their effect on the figure. They need to be considered much in planning a dress. In determining the right position for the armhole, the width of the shoulders must be considered.
As it is known any vertical line has a tendency of adding height because it carries the eye up and down the figure. Oblique lines will seem to take away some width and add a little height. The neckline is known to change the shape of the face.
A dress may be spoiled by the character or quantity of its decorations. The decoration should harmonize in colour and texture with the material. The length of the dress is considered to have a definite effect on the figure. A long clinging dress appears to add height. In determining the length of your dress you need to be guided both by the fashion and by the peculiarities of your figure.
Everybody knows colour to have a great effect in dress designing. You may have a dress which is pleasing in design, but if the colour combination is not attractive, the effect of the design may be lost.
Taking into consideration all these elements one can make a fine creation [25].