Structure, volume and content of the subject

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Department of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements

Agreed at the meeting of Scientific Board of the Faculty Protocol No 11 from 27th August, 2015 Dean of the Faculty ____________________Ongarbayev E.K. «_______»___________2015 Approved at the meeting of Scientific-Methodological Council of the University Protocol No 1 from 27th August, 2015 Vice rector for Academic Affairs _____________________Akhmed-Zaki D.Zh. «_______»________________2015


Problems of complex processing of rare metals and rare earth raw materials in Kazakhstan

Master specialty «6M072000-Chemical technology inorganic compounds »

Form of studyfull-time

Almaty, 2015

Educational-methodical complex of discipline is developed by the senior lecturer of analytical, colloid chemistry and technology of rare elements department Sailaukhanuly Y. PhD, based on experimental educational programs and specialty catalog of elective course of specialty “6M072000-Chemical technology inorganic compounds”.

Considered and recommended at the Meeting of the Department

Protocol No.1 from 25th August, 2015.

Head of Department________________Tasibekov H.S.

Recommended methodical bureau of faculty

Protocol No.1 from 26th August, 2015.

Chairman ________________________Rahmetullaeyeva R.K.

Al-Farabi Kazakh National University

Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Educational program for Master specialty "6M072000-Chemical technology inorganic compounds"


at the meeting of Scientific Board

of the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology

Protocol No1 from 27th

August, 2015

Dean of the Faculty _____________ Ongarbayev E.K.


Module No 2 “Theory and Practices of Chemistry”

MIKSRRE 5202 “Problems of complex processing of rare metals and rare earth raw materials in Kazakhstan”

1st year, English section, 1st Semester (autumn), 3 credits.

Information about lecturer:

SailaukhanulyYerbolat, PhD.

Tel.: +778 520 74 74

e-mail: [email protected]

room: 109

Passport of a subject:

Course contents: This course covers problems of complex processing of rare metals and rare earth raw materials in Kazakhstan (rhenium, molybdenum, tungsten, vanadium). Students also become familiar with the main principles of mineral processing.

Goal - study current issues of mineral processing, principles, methods, technological schemes purification and recycling enterprises chemical and metallurgical complex.

Prerequisites: chemical technology; actual problems of rare metal materials processing; physical and chemical methods of research; mineral resources of Kazakhstan.

Postrequisites: This discipline is necessary undergraduates for a deeper exploration of subsequent courses.

Structure, volume and content of the subject

Week Name of the topic Number of hours Max points
Module 1
  Lecture 1:The current state of processing of mineral resources of Kazakhstan.  
Seminar 1:Current problems in mineral processing technologies in Kazakhstan.
Lecture 2:Minerals and ores of rare metals and their methods of enrichment  
Seminar 2: Deposits of rare metal materials in Kazakhstan. General principles of the study of rare-metal raw materials.Methods of decomposition of rare metal materials, select the method of operation of decomposition.
Lecture 3:Modern technology in the processing of molybdenum and tungsten containing rare-metal raw materials.  
Seminar 3:Methods of waste-free processing of molybdenum.
  Lecture 4:Modern technology in the processing of tantalum and niobium containing rare-metal raw materials.    
Seminar 4:The main problems flotation of minerals. The loss of useful components in the flotation mineral processing.
Lecture 5:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing rhenium.    
Seminar 5:Technological schemes of rhenium from Zhezkazgan ore; Sources loss of rhenium; Methods to reduce losses.
Lecture 6: Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing vanadium.  
Seminar 6:The loss of rhenium in the waste during the flotation of copper ore.
Individual work 1.The extraction and ion exchange purification methods and obtaining rare metals.  
  Lecture 7:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing titanium.  
Seminar 7:Modern technology in the processing of zirconium and hafnium containing rare-metal raw materials.
  Intermediate control 1  
Module 2
  Lecture 8:Modern technology in the processing of selenium and tellurium containing rare-metal raw materials.  
Seminar 8:Extraction of selenium and tellurium from waste of industry.
Lecture 9:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing germanium.    
Seminar 9:Production of high purity germanium compounds.
Lecture 10:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing gallium.  
Seminar 10:Methods of obtaining gallium concentrate (several methods); Obtaining of pure gallium; Refining (or purification) methods of gallium; Production of gallium in Kazakhstan.
Lecture 11:Modern technology in the processing of indium and thallium containing rare-metal raw materials.    
Seminar 11:Methods of obtaining indium and thallium concentrates (several methods); Extraction methods of obtaining of indium and thallium; Refining (or purification) methods of indium and thallium; Production of indium and tallium in Kazakhstan.
Lecture 12:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing lithium.  
Seminar 12:Production of lithium metal; Electrochemical methods of obtaining lithium; Vacuum thermal methods of obtaining lithium and methods of lithium purification; Production of lithium in Kazakhstan.
Lecture 13:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing beryllium.  
Seminar 13:Methods of enrichment of beryllium ores and processing of bertrandite ore; Magnesium thermal and electrochemical methods of obtaining of beryllium; Refining (or purifiaction) methods of beryllium and obtaining of beryllium compounds (BeO, BeCl2, BeF2, etc); Production of beryllium in Kazakhstan.
Lecture 14:Modern technology in the processing of rubidium and cesium containing rare-metal raw materials.  
Seminar 14:Goals and objectives of the development of technological processes (the way without waste and low-waste processing).
Individual work 2.Modern physical and chemical methods of determination of rare elements (Re, Mo, W, V).  
Lecture 15:Modern technologies of processing of mineral raw materials containing scandium.  
Seminar 15:The contribution of scientists of Kazakhstan in the development of technology of mineral processing, non-waste and low-waste technologies.
  Intermediate control 2  
Final examination

Evaluation of knowledge scale:

Alphabetical equivalentofmark Numerical equivalentofmark Points, % Mark according to conventional system
А 4.0 95-100 Excellent  
А- 3.67 90-94
В+ 3.33 85-89 Good
В 3.0 80-84
B- 2.67 75-79
C+ 2.33 70-74 Satisfactory
C 2.0 65-69
C- 1.67 60-64
D+ 1.33 55-59
D 1.0 50-54
F 0-49 Poor
I (incomplete) - - «Course is not completed»
P (Pass ) - 0-60 65-100 Passed
NP (No Рass) - 0-29 0-64 Not passed
W (Withdrawal) - - «Course withdrawal»
AW (Academic withdrawal)     Academic withdrawal
AU (Audit) - - «Course audit»
P/NP (Pass/NoPass) - 65 -100 «Passed» /«NotPassed»

Recommended literature


1. Drzymala J. Mineral Processing. Wroclaw University of Technology. 2007. 510 p. ISBN 978-83-7493-362-9

2. Habashi F. Handbook of extractive metallurgy. – Wiley-VCH, Vol. 1-4, 1997. ISBN 3-527-28792-2.

3. Зеликман А.Н., Коршунов Б.Г. Металлургия редких металлов. М.: Металлургия . – 1991. 432 с.

4. Сонгина О. А. Сирек металдар Алматы, Қазак университеті, 2005

5. Шарипова Н.С., Мұсабекова А.А. Сирек элементтердің минералдары мен кендерін талдау, Алматы, Қазақ университеті 2010

6. Химия редких и рассеяных элементов. Под. ред. И.А. Большакова. Т. 1,2, 3. Изд. «Высшая школа», 1965, 1969, 1976.

7. Серебренников Ю.В. Химия редкоземельных элементов. Изд. Томского университета, т. 1,2. 1959, 1969.

5. Шарипова Н.С. Сирек элементтердің сапалық анализі. Алматы. «Қазақ уневерситеті», 1999.

6. Анализ минерапьного сырья. Под. ред. Ю.Н.Книпович, Ю.В.Морачевского, Госхимиздат, 1959.


1. Seetharaman S. Fundamentals of metallurgy. – Woodhead publishing limited. 2005. 589 p. ISBN 978-1-84569-094-6.

2. Skuse D.R. Speciality chemicals in mineral processing. – The Royal society of chemistry. 2002. 156 p. ISBN 0-85404-831-6.

3. Шеллер З.Р., Поуэлл. А.Р. Аализ минералов и руд редких элеметов, Госгеолтехиздат, 1962.

4. Чарыков А.К. Математическая обработка результатов химического анализа. Л: Химия, 1984.

5. Дорохова Е.Н., Прохороав Г.В. Аналитическая химия. Физико-химические методы. М.: ВШ, 1991.

The following criteria are taken into account during evaluation of student knowledge and work during semester:

- Active and efficient attendance of seminars and lectures;

- Knowledge of lecture materials, main and additional literature;

- Comprehensive and accurate preparation of individual tasks;

- Timely submission of all the tasks.

If at least one individual task is not done, student gets AW mark.

Policy of academic behavior and ethics.

Please be tolerant, respect other people’s views. Express your objections in correct form. Plagiarism and other forms of unfair work are not acceptable. Prompting and copying off during various tests and examinations is totally forbidden.

Assistance and help: All the questions and problems appeared during study of the course should be addressed directly to lecturer verbally, by phone or via e-mail.

Considered at the Meeting of the Department

Protocol No.1 from 25th

August, 2015.

Head of Department TasibekovH.S.

Lecturer SailaukhanulyYe.

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