Список источников и литературы


1) Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. сс. 392-419 (Тексты “A”, “B”, “C” и “D”)


1) Birket-Smith К. An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island. Copenhagen, 1969, 255 pp.

2) Bucková M. Millenarian Movements in Polynesia… Asian and African Studies, 14, 2005, 2, 228-242 pp.

3) Baddeley H. Melanesian Mission, Report of the English Committee, 1933, Church House, Westminster, London. [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://anglicanhistory.org/oceania/baddeley/report1933.html

4) Baddeley H. Melanesian Mission, Report of the English Committee, 1936, Church House, Westminster, London. [Электронный ресурс] URL : http://anglicanhistory.org/oceania/baddeley_report1936.html

5) Christiansen S. Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki). Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIII. 244pp.

6) Deck N. South from Guadalcanal : the Romance of Rennell island, Evangelical Publishers; First Edition, 1945. 124 pp.

7) Denoon D. The Cambridge History of the Pacific Islanders. Cambridge University Press 1997, 494 pp. ISBN0 521 00354 7

8) Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp.

9) Fangalea G. Spirituality: The Sous Seas Evangelical Church in the Solomon Islands, Melanesian Journal of Theology 26-1 (2010) 5-36 pp.

10) Feinberg R. Scaligon R. Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. ISBN: 978-0- 945428-15-2

11) Garrett J. Footsteps in the sea: Christianity in Oceania to World War II / John Garrett. - Geneva, Switzerland : World Council of Churches ; Suva, Fiji : Inst. of Pacific Studies, Univ. of the South Pacific, 1992, 512 pp.

12) Hilliard D. Protestant Mission in the Solomon Islands, 1849-1942, Unpublished PhD thesis, The Australian National University, 1966, 612 pp.

13) Hilliard D. God's Gentlemen: A History of the Melanesian Mission, 18491942. – University of Queensland Press (Australia), 2013.

14) Jersey S. Hell’s Islands : The Untold Story of Guadalcanal William-Ford Texas A&M University Miliary History Series, 2007, 536 pp.

15) Kiste R. Marshall M. American Anthropology in Micronesia, University of Hawai’I Press, 1999, 631 pp.

16) Kuschel R. Animal Stories from Bellona Island, The National Museum of Denmark, Copenhagen, 1975. 223 cc. ISBN 87-480-0076-0

17) Kuschel R. Monberg T. Tales from Rennell and Bellona, National Museum of Denmark, 1981, 80 pp

18) R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, 291 pp.

19) Lantry E. Broken Stick: Mission to the Forbiddend Islands. Review & and Harold Publishing, 2010, 112 pp.

20) Monberg T. Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals, Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp.

21) Monberg T. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society,vol. 71, 1962

22) Monberg T. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp.

23) Monberg, Torben. "Bellona and Rennell Islanders." Encyclopedia of World Cultures Supplement. 2002. Encyclopedia.com. 8 Jun. 2016 [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.encyclopedia.com

24) Robbins J. Becoming Sinners. University of California Press, 2004, London, England. 384 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-23800-8

25) Sahlins M. Islands of History, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. 180 pp.

26) Бутинов Н. А. Социальная Организация Полинезийцев, Издательство “Наука”, Главная Редакция Восточной Литературы, 1985. 222 сс.

27) Бутинова М. Миссионерство в Океании (историографический обзор), СОВЕТСКАЯ ЭТНОГРАФИЯ №1-1977 сс.150-159

28) Геннеп В. Обряды перехода, М: Изд. Фирма “Восточная Литература”: Ран, 1999. – 198 сс.

29) Григоренко А. Ю. Эсхатология, Милленаризм, Адвентизм: история и современность. Спб: Европейский дом, 2004 – 392 сс.

30) Религиоведение/Энциклопедический словарь. – М.; Академический Проект, 2006. – 1256 сс.

31) Тернер В. Символ и Ритуал. Под редакцией Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Издательство “Наука”, главная редакция восточной литературы, 1983. – 280 сс.

32) Уорсли П. Когда Вострубит Труба, Издательство Иностранной Литературы, под редакцией С. А. Токарева, Москва, 1963. - 358 сс.

33) Шрайтер Р. Дж. Формирование локальных богословий: Пер. с англ. – СПб.: Христианское общество “Библия для всех”, 2005. - 209 сс.

34) Мифология Древнего Мира, гл. Редакция Восточной Литературы Издательства “Наука”, 1977 г. Под ред. В. А. Якобсона.

35) Environmental Protection Agencey/Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service. “South Sea Islander Church and Hall”_ [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://web.archive.org/web/20070930055500/http://www.epa.qld.gov.au/projects/heritage/index.cgi?place=602052&back=1

36) Официальный сайт восточного Реннелла, ”History” [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://tegano-lake.com/History.html

37) Официальный сайт о. Беллона, “History” [Электронный ресурс] URL: http://www.bellona.dk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=13&Itemid=83

[1] М. Бутинова Миссионерство в Океании (историографический обзор) СОВЕТСКАЯ ЭТНОГРАФИЯ №1-1977 с.150-159

[2] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp

[3] Monberg T. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, 145-150pp.

[4] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp

[5] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 392-419

[6] https://www.facebook.com/groups/356748871051213/ (дата обращения: 13. 05. 2016)

[7] Григоренко А. Ю. Эсхатология, Милленаризм, Адвентизм: история и современность. Спб: Европейский дом, 2004 – 392 с.

[8] Robbins J. Becoming Sinners. University of California Press, 2004, London, England. 384 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-23800-8. Стр. 221

[9] T. Monberg. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, 145-150pp. Стр. 149

[10] Тернер В. Символ и Ритуал. Под редакцией Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Издательство “Наука”, главная редакция восточной литературы, 1983. – 280 сс. Стр. 169

[11] Sahlins M. Islands of History, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. 180 pp.+xx, стр. vii

[12] http://nzetc.victoria.ac.nz/tm/scholarly/tei-BucIntr-t1-body-d9.html

[13] K. Birket-Smith. An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island. Copenhagen, 1969, 255 pp. Стр. 138-207

[14] R. Feinberg, J. Macdonald, R. I. Lohmann “Religion”, “Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art”, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. стр. 1-2

[15] Monberg, Kuschel, Tales from Rennell and Bellona, National Museum of Denmark, 1981, 80 pp. стр. 54-69

[16] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр. 47

[17] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр.200-218

[18] Там же, стр. 394

[19] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр.49-51

[20] R. Feinberg, Socio-Spatial Symbolism and the Logic of Rank on Two Polynesian Outliers Ethnology, Vol. 27, No. 3 (Jul., 1988), pp. 291-310

[21] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 4-6

[22] K. Birket-Smith. An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island. Copenhagen, 1969, 255 pp. Стр. 84

[23] S. Christiansen. Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki). Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIII. 244pp.
стр. 147-157

[24] Там же, стр. 6

[25] R.C. Kiste, M, Marshall “American Anthropology in Micronesia”, University of Hawai’I Press, 1999, 631pp.
стр. 121

[26] R. Feinberg, W. Donner. Kinship and Social structure, “Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art”, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. стр. 16,21

[27] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр. 56

[28] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp. стр. 13

[29] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 10

[30] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp. стр. 164

[31] Там же, стр. 20

[32] R. Scaligon. Socio-Political Organization. “Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art”, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. стр. 22-24

[33] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 15-16

[34] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 29

[35] Там же, стр. 29

[36] Там же, стр. 59

[37] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр. 171-172

[38] Там же, стр. 224-228

[39] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 219-320

[40] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр.99

[41] R. Feinberg, J. Macdonald, R. I. Lohmann “Religion”, “Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art”, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. стр.35

[42] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр.99-100

[43] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp. Стр. 105

[44] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 29-39

[45] R. Feinberg, J. Macdonald, R. I. Lohmann “Religion”, “Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art”, ETHNOLOGY, Department of Anthropology University of Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15260 USA, 240 pp. стр. 24-26

[46] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 40-43

[47] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр 31

[48] Там же, стр. 52

[49] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 320

[50] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 71

[51] Там же. Стр. 64

[52] Там же, стр. 113

[53] Там же, Стр. 85-89

[54] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp. Cтр. 166

[55] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 194-213

[56] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. сс. 68-76

[57] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 266-269

[58] Там же, стр. 370

[59] J. Garrett, Footsteps in the sea: Christianity in Oceania to World War II / John Garrett. - Geneva, Switzerland : World Council of Churches ; Suva, Fiji : Inst. of Pacific Studies, Univ. of the South Pacific, 1992, 512 pp, стр. 86-87

[60] K. Birket-Smith. An Ethnological Sketch of Rennell Island. Copenhagen, 1969, 255 pp. стр. 16

[61] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 393-394

[62] N. Deck, South from Guadalcanal : the Romance of Rennell island, Evangelical Publishers; First Edition, 1945. 124 pp. 45 стр.

[63] S. C. Jersey. Hell’s Islands : The Untold Story of Guadalcanal William-Ford Texas A&M University Miliary History Series, 2007, 536 pp 336 стр

[64] D. Hilliard, Protestant Mission in the Solomon Islands, 1849-1942, Unpublished PhD thesis, The Australian National University, 1966, 612 pp. стр. 391

[65] http://tegano-lake.com/History.html (Дата обращения: 30. 04. 2016)

[66] T. Monberg. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, стр. 145

[67] Lantry E. Broken Stick: Mission to the Forbiddend Islands. Review & and Harold Publishing, 2010, 112 pp. 43 p.

[68] D. Hilliard, Protestant Mission in the Solomon Islands, 1849-1942, Unpublished PhD thesis, The Australian National University, 1966, 612 pp стр. 391-394, 448-452

[69] (Дата обращения: 01. 07. 2014)

[70] Григоренко А. Ю. Эсхатология, Милленаризм, Адвентизм: история и современность. Спб: Европейский дом, 2004 – 392 с. 192 с.

[71] http://www.adventist.org.au/site_data/90/assets/0001/3652/No29VlnaJuapaRane-1.pdf (Дата обращения: 01. 07. 2014)

[72]Там же, стр. 28

[73] Григоренко А. Ю. Эсхатология, Милленаризм, Адвентизм: история и современность. Спб: Европейский дом, 2004 – 392 с. Стр. 234-235

[74] Религиоведение/Энциклопедический словарь. – М.; Академический Проект, 2006. – 1256 с. Стр. 19-20

[75]http://web.archive.org/web/20070930055500/http:/www.epa.qld.gov.au/projects/heritage/index.cgi?place=602052&back=1 (Дата обращения: 30. 04. 2016)

[76]Григоренко А. Ю. Эсхатология, Милленаризм, Адвентизм: история и современность. Спб: Европейский дом, 2004 – 392 сс 162-163 стр.

[77] http://anglicanhistory.org/oceania/baddeley/report1933.html (Дата обращения: 30. 04. 2016)

[78] http://anglicanhistory.org/oceania/baddeley_report1936.html (Дата обращения: 30. 04. 2016)

[79] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 406

[80] Там же, стр. 46

[81] D. Hilliard, Protestant Mission in the Solomon Islands, 1849-1942, Unpublished PhD thesis, The Australian National University, 1966, 612 pp стр. 230, 393

[82] T. Monberg. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, стр. 145, 149

[83] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 396-397

[84] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. стр. 416

[85] Там же, стр. 400

[86] Там же, стр. 413

[87] Там же, стр. 401

[88] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 418

[89] Там же, стр. 414

[90] Saul Togaka Sau’eha: what happen in october 1938,was the reaction of power btween God and the sky gods of rennell people gather and the message of God was preached and all people convicted and accept the new God.however,rennellese gods disagreed when people accept the new God so people possesed with different spirits and they spoke differently and act disrespect by naking them and even having sex with their own women.people were likely mentally affected

[91] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр. 89-95

[92]Saul Togaka Sau’eha: According To Our Traditions, there Were certain People Who Can Mediate Or Communicated With Death People And They Can Tell What Happen To The Soul Of A Death Man Like Most Souls Of People Were Taken By Their gods to their place.except the soul of those who believed jesus and died were not seen. when living people asked about soul of believer who died, they(ancestors) said that they did not see him. The God In Heaven Took Them

[93] It Is Impossible...Most People Today Are Doing Other Things Like Go To School, find Jobs Etc. Few People They Longing To Get Communicate With Their Ancestors. They Stood Beside Old Graves And Meditate But Nothing Turn On Good. Sometimes People Doing Such Practises Are Mentally Affected...But There Were Certain Requirements Before Someone Can Communicate With Ancestors Like People Need To Have Ritual Temple To Offer Sacrifices.

[94] Lindsay Tamaika, 22 years. People of Rennell and Bellona province talk about October 1938 because it was a time where people show the power of God really work on them and most importantly, it shows how God in heaven are really wanting his people to come back to him.

[95] T. Monberg. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, стр. 150

[96] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. 419 pp. Стр.406

[97] N. Deck, South from Guadalcanal : the Romance of Rennell island, Evangelical Publishers; First Edition, 1945. 124 pp. стр. 98

[98] Christiansen. Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki). Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIII. 244pp. стр. 154

[99] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp. Стр. 566

[100] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp. Стр. 568

[101] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр. 232-233

[102] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp., Cтр. 570.

[103] Там же, сс. 571-572

[104] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp. Стр. 572-575, 580

[105] Там же, стр. 579

[106] R. Kuschel. Vengeance is Their Reply. Blood Feuds and Homicides on Bellona island, Part 1, 1988, стр. 233

[107] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp. Стр. 576, 581

[108] T. Monberg. An Island Changes its Religion: Some Social Implications of the Conversion to Christianity on Bellona Island. Polynesian Culture History: Essays in Honor of Kenneth P. Emory, Vol 56. Honolulu, HA: Bernice P. Bishop Museum Special Publications, 565-589 pp. Стр. 583-586

[109] Christiansen. Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki). Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIII. 244pp. Стр. 147-157

[110] Lantry E. Broken Stick: Mission to the Forbiddend Islands. Review & and Harold Publishing, 2010, 112 pp. стр.

[111] Christiansen. Subsistence on Bellona Island (Mungiki). Folia Geographica Danica, Tom. XIII. 244pp.
стр. 147

[112] Lindsay Tamaika: “The changes involves,People are no longer building traditional houses for shelter,they are not wearing their traditional wears like leaves, tapa clothes, and so forth. People are no longer live on caves. they are not using their traditional tools for farming,fishing,hunting,cooking, and so on. Those things are no longer used because their traditional way of living and practices was mostly effective only with the power of their custom gods but when they are do away with them (Custom gods), their traditional practices and living are no longer effective as it was in the past. Therefore, that was the really cause or reason of why the people in the 2 Island rapidly change on their Villages and culture”.

[113]Saul Togaka Sau’eha: “people live together in village with their own church like SSEC,SDA,Baptist, Aglican have their own separate villages.few family move out from main villages and setup new settlement when logging and mining operate in rennel.people expose to western lifestyle like interest with music,sport,drugs,fashion.most people own permanent house,video,vehicle etc”.

[114] Bucková M. Millenarian Movements in Polynesia… Asian and African Studies, 14, 2005, 2, 228-242, стр 229

[115] Уорсли П. Когда Вострубит Труба, Издательство Иностранной Литературы, под редакцией С. А. Токарева, Москва, 1963. - 358 сс. Стр 15.

[116] Уорсли П. Когда Вострубит Труба, Издательство Иностранной Литературы, под редакцией С. А. Токарева, Москва, 1963. - 358 сс. Стр. 94-114.

[117] Там же, стр 112

[118] Там же, стр. 116-121 и 125-128

[119] Lindsay Tamaika, Rennell, 22 years: In this event, every people in the village are getting married to each, Children are getting married with old people and even they are not worried about the custom.eg, they walk around the village without clothes and even they are having sexual activities publicly. Those activities are totally not good to the eye of the custom of the Island and even for every human races in the world

[120] SE: "Did you go bathing with the group?" Luke: "Yes, I was there. The men and women wore no calico. They were not in the least ashamed." (Ordinarily, places for bathing and defecation are separate.)

[121] Westermark G. “History, opposition and salvation in Agarabi Adventism”, Pacific Studies, Vil.21, No.3 – September 1998, pp 51-71.

[122] Westermark G. “History, opposition and salvation in Agarabi Adventism”, Pacific Studies, Vil.21, No.3 – September 1998, pp 51-71, стр. 56

[123] Там же, p.53

[124] Там же, стр. 62

[125] Westermark G. “History, opposition and salvation in Agarabi Adventism”, Pacific Studies, Vil.21, No.3 – September 1998, pp 51-71, стр. 60

[126] Bucková M. Millenarian Movements in Polynesia… Asian and African Studies, 14, 2005, 2, 228-242, стр 231-232

[127] Там же стр 232-233

[128] Bucková M. Millenarian Movements in Polynesia… Asian and African Studies, 14, 2005, 2, 228-242, стр 236-238

[129] Bucková M, стр 239: “Hear me, Israel! These are words of Abraham’s, Isaac’s and Jacob’s God! We are lost and persecuted jewish tribes! Look here! Listen to me, people! This eye is the English parliament and the other eye the low of New Zealand”

[130] Там же: стр. 240

[131] Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. C 406

[132] Saul Togaka Sau’eha: “SDA church which is the second mijority church apart from SSES the majority church base their doctrine on The Old Testament book whereas Baptist church the third majority church read Old Testamet book as what they brlieve had done away compare to New Testament teaching which Jesus had fulfiled during His personal ministry.”

[133] Bucková M. Millenarian Movements in Polynesia… Asian and African Studies, 14, 2005, 2, 228-242. Стр. 241

[134]Elbert, Monberg. From Two Canoes. Honolulu : University of Hawaii Press ; Copenhagen ; Danish National Museum, 1965. Стр. 418, Taupongi and Paul: “When daylight came, they looked for the Lord [Jesus] but [He] could not be seen. 11. But the sun rose and was red just like the moon. And the people here said: "Maybe tomorrow." When daylight came, [the Lord] was not seen. People here went and cleared off [new] gardens to replace their gardens.”

[135] T. Monberg. Crisis and Mass Conversion on Rennell Island in 1938, Journal of the Polynesian Society, vol. 71, 1962, стр.148

[136] Там же, стр. 149

[137] Robbins J. Becoming Sinners. University of California Press, 2004, London, England. 384 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-23800-8 стр. 29-30

[138] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр.386-388

[139] Тернер В. Символ и Ритуал. Под редакцией Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Издательство “Наука”, главная редакция восточной литературы, 1983. – 280 сс. Стр.20

[140] Тернер В. Символ и Ритуал. Под редакцией Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Издательство “Наука”, главная редакция восточной литературы, 1983. – 280 сс. Стр. 33

[141] Там же, стр. 168

[142] Там же, стр. 169

[143] Тернер В. Символ и Ритуал. Под редакцией Е. М. Мелетинского. Москва: Издательство “Наука”, главная редакция восточной литературы, 1983. – 280 сс. Стр.184

[144] Ассман, Ян; Культурная память: Письмо, память о прошлом и поли­тическая идентичность в высоких культурах древности / Пер. с нем. М. М. Сокольской. - М.: Языки славянской культуры, 2004. - 368 с. - (Studia historica) стр. 93

[145] Мифология Древнего Мира, гл. Редакция Восточной Литературы Издательства “Наука”, 1977 г. Под ред. В. А. Якобсона. Стр 453-454.

[146] Robbins J. Becoming Sinners. University of California Press, 2004, London, England. 384 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-23800-8. Стр. 221

[147] Robbins J. Becoming Sinners. University of California Press, 2004, London, England. 384 pp. ISBN 978-0-520-23800-8. Стр. 282

[148] http://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/A/bo3621424.html (Дата обращения: 02. 06. 2016)

[149] Sahlins M. Islands of History, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. xx + 180 pp. Стр. vii

[150] Sahlins M. Islands of History, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. xx + 180 pp. стр. xiv

[151] Там же, стр. 2

[152] Там же, стр. 54

[153] Sahlins M. Islands of History, The University of Chicago Press, 1985. xx + 180 pp. стр. 74

[154] Там же, стр. 60-64

[155] Там же, стр. 62

[156] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр. 372

[157] Monberg T. “Bellona island: Beliefs and Rituals” Honolulu : Universith of Hawaii Press. Pacific Islands Monograph Series, No 9. 1991. Xix + 449 pp стр.83

[158] Fangalea G. Spirituality: The Sous Seas Evangelical Church in the Solomon Islands, Melanesian Journal of Theology 26-1 (2010) 5-36 pp. Стр. 8

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