Особенности перевода с листа (sight translation)

Переводящий получает незнакомый текст, иногда ему предоставляется несколько минут на ознакомление с ним. Затем он переводит вслух.

Факторы, усложняющие задачу (факторы-минус):

— необходимость сохранять ритм и равномерный темп говорения, избе­гая лишних пауз, повторов и исправлений, а также «мычания»;

— необходимость обеспечить повышенную скорость чтения (около 200 слов в минуту при средней скорости говорения 100 слов вминуту);

— необходимость одновременно читать, переводить и проговаривать свой перевод;

— необходимость членить текст или объединять фразы/предложения при чтении на такие отрезки, которые могут быть успешно переведены.

Факторы, облегчающие задачу (факторы-плюс):

— возможность получить несколько мгновений для подготовки;

— наличие зрительной опоры, позволяющей воспринимать следующий отрезок оригинала, самостоятельно определяя его величину;

— зрительное восприятие прецизионной информации, значительно об­легчающее перевод;

— возможность самостоятельно определять темп перевода.

Необходимые навыки и умения:

— быстрое переключение на язык перевода при широком использовании полуавтоматической подстановки готовых соответствий (клише, штампов);

— умение совмещать проговаривание перевода с чтением следующего от­резка оригинала;

— умение быстро читать про себя и видеть боковым зрением несколько следующих фраз.

{В.Комиссаров. «Теоретическиеосновы преподавания перевода». М., 1997г.)

Case Study – Plastic Surgery

Задание 1. Мнемотехника

1.1. Прочтите и повторите предложения с цифрами.

Plastic surgery rises by a third (2006)

1. The number of people having cosmetic surgery rose by more than a third last year, according to figures from BAAPS (British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons). Its members carried out 22,041 surgical procedures, up 35 per cent on 2004

2. The majority of procedures (89 per cent) were carried out on women, with 19,601 in 2005 compared with 15,019 in 2004

3. The number of men seeking surgical enhancement rose from 1,348 to 2,440 procedures

4. The top procedure for women was still breast enlargement, with 5,646 carried out in 2005, up 51 per cent on the previous year.

5. In men it was a nose job, with 735 compared with 462 in 2004

6. Anti-ageing procedures also continued to prove popular, with facelifts increasing 42 per cent to 2,279;

7. Eyelid surgery rising 50 per cent to 3,415 and brow lifts gaining by 34.8 per cent to 580.

8. Liposuction procedures — to get rid of unwanted fat — increased by almost 25 per cent to 1,436

Задание 2. Sight Translation.

Plastic Surgery in ancient times

1.Plastic surgery actually dates back to the 700s BC. In India, nose cutting off was very «popular» punishing action for those who dared to thieve, or make the unfaithful wife ugly or may be the faithful spouse as well to avoid the seduction for some neighbors to have affairs while the husband was away. Doctors began to use skin grafts for reconstructive work.

2.A well-known Physician named Sushruta Samhita documented detailed descriptions of rhinoplasty and otoplasty. In spite of the ancient time and wild customs, the mastership of the ancient Indian surgeons is of high appreciation and admiration, for the techniques they used two and a half thousand years ago are still used up to date.

3.The Romans were also involved in the beginning days of cosmetic surgery. There began performing surgeries to repair damaged ears around the 1st century BC. In 1st century A.D. there were first attempts noticed in Rome to perform liposuction, and yet they found a document in China dated back to X century A.D. depicting the procedure of surgery on correction of the hare lip.

4. Because of the dangers associated with surgeries of any form, especially those that involved the head or facial area, it wasn’t until the 19th and 20th centuries that this became more commonplace. World Wars I and II and post-war periods caused the procedure of plastic surgery improve. There were huge crowds of people injured and deformed during the wars who were ready for many actions to rehabilitate the natural appearance. Such surgery was available and affordable only to the wealthiest part of the world.


Задание 3. Подготовьте краткое сообщение на английском языке.

Text.1. Plastic Surgery in 20th century

First painkillers appeared to be the high-power pulse to improve the plastic surgery. This period is known for the fact that plastic surgery gradually turned from rehabilitation procedures into the cosmetic ones aimed to improvement of the esthetic appearance of the person, while the former procedure was assigned to rehabilitate the missing part of the body. It is strange now for us that the first patients who experienced the surgery were men in majority. The surgery to remove excess of fat from the mammas (gynecomastia) was highly demanded. Perhaps the minor number of women who risked having the services of plastic surgery is explained with the fact that such women were sharply accused by the society.

Today the demand for plastic surgery went to the heavens. Currently the plastic surgery is available not only to the skim of the society but to any average person with the average profit. The safety, high quality and a range of techniques available offer complete rehabilitation of any defect of the appearance giving confidence to the person and making them active in social life.

Plastic surgery has been around for ages and will continue to grow in popularity as new techniques are introduced. Some of the most popular procedures today include laser surgery, dermabrasion, liposuction, rhinoplasty (nose jobs), chemical peel, abdominoplasty (tummy tucks), rhytidectomy (face lifts), and breast augmentation (boob job).


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