Видовременные формы глагола: обобщение

Видовременные формы глагола Образование видовременных форм Обстоятельства времени
S I M P L E Обычное, последователь-ное или повторяющееся действие Present   I, we ask you, they he, she, it asks often always usually seldom sometimes every day
Past I, we you, they asked he, she, it yesterday last week long ago in 2009 in May When …?
Future I, we you, they will ask he, she, it tomorrow next week soon in summer in 2016 in a year
C O N T I N U O U S Длительное действие, происходящее в точно указанный момент Present to be + -ing I am he, she, it is asking we, you, they are now still at the moment at present today nowadays
Past I was he, she, it asking we, you, they were at 5 o’clock, this time yesterday
Future I he, she, it will be asking we, you, they at 5 o’clock, the whole day
P E R F E C T Действие, совершившееся к определенному моменту времени Present to have + V3 I, we have you, they asked he, she, it has ever just yet already lately before
Past I, we you, theyhad asked he, she, it by 5 o’clock before after in advance beforehand
Future I, we you, they will have asked he, she, it by tomorrow by that time before
C O P N E T R I F N E U C O T U S Действие, длящееся в течение определенного периода времени Present to have been + -ing I, wehave you, theybeen asking he, she, ithas for two hours all day long since morning How long…? Since when…?
Past I, we you, theyhad been asking he, she, it for two hours all day long since morning
Future I, we you, theywill have been he, she, itasking for 2 hours all day long

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. I am studying law at the Academy of Public Administration, and so … my colleague.

a. is c. was

b. does d. were

2. Inflation … at the rate of 7% at the moment.

a. has run c. has been running

b. is running d. runs

3. The legislation … into force on 1 January 2005.

a. comes c. had come

b. came d. has come

4. Belarus and Italy … close cooperation in the sphere of trade and economy.

a. have enhanced c. had enhanced

b. were enhancing d. enhances

5. We had many difficulties but we successfully … them.

a. have overcome c. overcame

b. had overcome d. will overcome

6. I … a meeting with the Personnel Officer on Monday at 10 a.m. sharp.

a. will have c. have

b. am having d. will have had

7. The parties … the contract specifications for a long time now.

a. are discussing c. discuss

b. have discussed d. have been discussing

8. Could you lend me $50? I … you back tomorrow.

a. pay c. will pay

b. am paying d. am going to pay

9. At present Taylor … of leaving his job and going into business for himself.

a. is thinking c. was thinking

b. thinks d. has been thinking

10. The economic situation was already very bad and it … even worse.

a. is getting c. got

b. gets d. was getting

11. It’s the first time I … on a marketing trip abroad.

a. was c. am being

b. have been d. am

12. Because of the recession, many businesses … solid investments in foreign countries over the last two years.

a. has not made c. have not been making

b. were not making d. didn’t make

13. The company … for office managers now.

a. advertises c. has advertised

b. is advertising d. advertised

14. In the older days, workers … their employers with great formality.

a. treated c. had treated

b. had been treating d. were treating

15. More than 6.5 million Americans … out of work in the last few months.

a. were c. have been

b. were being d. had been

16. I … if I am asked questions about what I do for a living.

a. am not minding c. have not minded

b. do not mind d. did not mind

17. Consumers in the industrialised world … increasingly concerned with healthy living.

a. will be becoming c. are becoming

b. used to become d. become

18. What time … you … at work this morning?

a. had; arrived c. did; arrive

b. were; arriving d. do; arrive

19. I won’t make a decision until I … to the director.

a. won’t speak c. have not spoken

b. will speak d. speak

20. The wives of the first three US presidents … many unique contributions to the country’s early history.

a. had made c. made

b. were making d. have made

21. More and more people … social media sites to get the latest news and connect with others.

a. have used c. use

b. are using d. used

22. According to the timetable, the train for Frankfurt … at 10.15 a.m.

a. will leave c. leaves

b. is going to leave d. is leaving

23. Road traffic … in Belarus, as it … in every other country in Europe.

a. increased; had c. will increase; is

b. is increasing; does d. has increased; has

24. The chairman … some introductory remarks and then … the talk.

a. made; gave c. was making; was giving

b. had made; gave d. had made; had given

25. My subordinates usually … five days a week, and this week they … six days.

a. work; work c. are working; are working

b. are working; work d. work; are working

26. I’m sure that by 2030 Chinese … the language of international scientific communication.

a. will become c. will be becoming

b. will have become d. will have been becoming

27. We … hi-tech equipment to Brazil since the government … export regulations.

a. have been exporting; relaxed c. had exported; relaxed

b. exported; has relaxed d. are exporting; has relaxed

28. Hopefully, the economic recovery package, that the lawmakers … , … the current situation.

a. are preparing; will improve c. prepare; improves

b. had prepared; will be improving d. have prepared; is improving

29. I … about your proposal, and I think we … it.

a. was thinking; are accepting c. thought; will accept

b. have thought; accepted d. had thought; have accepted

30. The senate … an important energy bill on Wednesday. The bill ensures that companies … their customers.

a. has passed; haven’t overcharged c. had passed; won’t overcharge

b. was passing; aren’t overcharging d. passed; don’t overcharge

II. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в подходящей видовременной форме:

1. We expect that this decision (cause) a lot of controversy.

2. I assure you that this was the first time we (receive) a complaint.

3. You can hardly expect a pay rise until you (start) working harder.

4. He (lose) his job last month and since then he (be) unemployed.

5. High-school teachers often (use) web-based assignments to engage students in e-learning.

6. I (deal) with enquiries while my workmate was away on holiday.

7. We (not make) a final decision until we (consult) the associate director.

8. These shares lately (give) me a good return on my investment.

9. I (write) to you concerning the email I (receive) on October 11.

10. Our market share (fall) by over 20 % and it still (look) rather risky.

11. The purpose of keeping accounts is to see if the enterprise (make) a profit or a loss.

12. No formal qualifications are required for this work – you (get) on-the-job training.

13. A half-century ago many people (scoff) at the idea that women could rise to positions of importance.

14. Because of the Euro / Dollar exchange rate, EU exports (not do) very well at the moment.

15. As soon as you (come), I (introduce) you to Mrs Houston, our Production Manager.

16. Our PR manager is away on sick leave, so I (organise) the meetings and staff conferences instead of him.

17. Unfortunately, I (not see) the Chief Executive himself today, but I (speak) to his deputy.

18. If you (need) to contact me sometime next week, I (stay) at the Sheraton in San Francisco.

19. When you (delegate) authority in business, you (lose) a degree of control over certain functions.

20. The level of unemployment gradually (decrease) ever since the present government (come) to power.

21. IBM is one of the largest computer companies in the world; it (manufacture) mainframes and PCs, and (sell) its products all over the world.

22. I (work)at Belarusbank from 2000 to 2003. Currently I (work) at Technobank. I (work) here for 7 years.

23. Over the past years, the Internet (bring) a world of information into people’s homes, and it also (create) new ways of doing business.

24. The latest economic statistics (show) that both unemployment and inflation (grow) in the Eurozone countries.

25. My flight from Toronto arrived late because there (be) a bomb alert before the plane (take) off. When we finally left we (wait) for over five hours.

26. The Managing Director just (announce) that there (be) an additional bonus if the sales managers (exceed) their sales by more than 10%.

27. We already (make) the hotel reservations for our stay in Bangalore when we (learn) that our trip (be) postponed.

28. Glen always (take) charge of the office while Miss Richards (be) away and he (ensure) that everything runs smoothly.

29. Did you hear that Ben (be) fired last month? He (work) for that import company for more than ten years. Nobody knew the company like he (do).

30. I (apply) for a transfer to our Moscow subsidiary, but I don’t know if I (be) successful. It all (depend) on whether or not they (have) any vacancies.

III. Дополните следующие предложения таким образом, чтобы употребить глагол в видовременной форме, указанной в скобках:

Например: Our sales are improving because … (Present Perfect)

Our sales are improving because we have introduced some new product lines.

1. A public administrator is a person who … (Present Simple)

2. In ten years’ time, the Internet and e-commerce … (Future Simple)

3. The meeting room isn’t free … (Present Continuous)

4. I hopes that, by the time I am 30, … (Future Perfect)

5. When I got to work this morning … (Past Continuous)

6. The company decided to take legal action as … (Past Perfect)

7. I’m afraid the Managing Director is busy now as … (Present Continuous)

8. This time next week … (Future Continuous)

9. The World Bank is an international organisation that … (Present Simple)

10. I am under so much stress at the moment as … (Present Perfect Continuous)

11. I don’t like taking unnecessary risks with money, so … (Present Perfect)

12. The company had two loss-making subsidiaries. To remedy the situation the management … (Past Simple)

13. I’m fairly sure that I will get promoted as soon as … (Present Simple)

14. She felt that a change of job would be good for her, for … (Past Perfect Continuous)

15. At the moment the government is very unpopular because … (Present Perfect)

16. My trip to the airport to collect Mr. Scott was a waste of time. When I got there I found that … (Past Perfect)

17. We got a new manager a few weeks ago. Since he arrived … (Present Perfect Continuous)

18. I’m afraid that I can’t meet you for lunch on the 30th. … (Present Continuous)

19. There’s no point trying to get to the meeting now. By the time you do … (Future Perfect)

20. They realised that none of their confidential information was safe because … (Past Perfect Continuous)

Страдательный залог

Видовременная форма Форма глагола (to be + V3) Примеры
S I M P L E Present   Past     Future am is asked are   was asked were   will be asked English is spoken by two billion people. – На английском языке говорит 2 миллиарда человек. The contract was signed in May. – Контракт был подписан в мае. The goods will be sent on time. – Товары отправят вовремя.
C O N T I N U O U S Present   Past   Future am is being asked are   was being asked were     ─ What is being built here now? –Что строится здесь сейчас?   The meeting was being held in my office. – Собрание проводилось в моем кабинете.
  P E R F E C T Present   Past   Future have been asked has     had been asked   will have been asked The booking has been confirmed by fax. – Заказ был подтвержден по факсу. It was reported that several people had been arrested. – Сообщалось, что несколько человек были арестованы. The work will have been done by 6. – Работа будет сделана к 6 часам.
M O D A L S   can may must be asked have to need to The problem must be solved. – Проблема должна быть решена.

I. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. Various institutions (are being involved / are involved) in public administration.

2. At present our department (is being reorganised / is reorganising).

3. Almost 1,000 employees (have been made / were made) redundant in the past four years.

4. The application must (be signed / be signing) by your immediate supervisor.

5. Another deadline for delivery (will be set / will have been set) next week.

6. The first stock exchange (was founded / has been founded) in London in 1773.

7. Orders usually (are being processed / are processed) within five working days.

8. How can this problem (be solved / is solved)?

9. You (won’t be elected / won’t elected) unless you decide to run a very active campaign.

10. Why (has he being given / has he been given) a promotion?

11. When did John start working here? ~ He (has been hired / was hired) six months ago.

12. As a rule, political executives (are appointed / have been appointed) by the president of country.

13. He complained that he (has been treated / had been treated) unfairly in his workplace because of his age.

14. Do you know which workers (will be affected / will have been affected) by the layoffs?

15. When is the meeting going to (have been held / be held)? ~ On Monday.

16. Some additional clauses of the agreement (was negotiated / were being negotiated) during the talks yesterday.

17. I hope the documents (will be received / will have been received) by tomorrow afternoon.

18. Only a few large deals (were concluded / have been concluded) by our company last year.

19. These days some training programs to improve staff performance (are designing / are being designed).

20. Highly qualified specialists in the sphere of economics and law (are trained / are being trained) at the Academy of Public Administration.

II. Выберите один из предложенных вариантов ответа:

1. It’s a large enterprise. Over three thousand people … here.

a. are employed c. had been employed

b. are being employed d. are employing

2. In some EU countries citizens may … if they do not vote in the elections.

a. fined c. be fining

b. be fined d. have been fined

3. At this very moment Mark … for a new job.

a. is interviewed c. is being interviewed

b. is interviewing d. is being interviewing

4. The basic principles of democratic legitimacy … in the middle of the 20th century.

a. have been worked out c. were being worked out

b. were worked out d. had been worked out

5. The financial status of an enterprise … in its financial account.

a. is reflected c. is being reflected

b. has reflected d. was being reflected

6. The contract was signed after the terms of payment and delivery … .

a. are discussed c. were discussed

b. have been discussed d. had been discussed

7. Will you finish this report by the end of the day? ~ Yes, it … on time.

a. will be finishing c. will have been finished

b. will be finished d. is going to be finished

8. A new government … to overcome the economic slump.

a. formed c. was formed

b. has formed d. have been formed

9. A discount may … to make a consumer pay immediately.

a. have been offered c. will be offered

b. is offered d. be offered

10. The details of the deal … at the board meeting now.

a. are finalised c. have been finalised

b. are being finalised d. are finalising

11. Under this treaty, companies … to engage in unfair trade practices.

a. are not being allowed c. are not allowed

b. had not been allowed d. will not have been allowed

12. Promotional gifts … at the end of the presentation.

a. are being handed out c. have been handed out

b. will be handed out d. have handed out

13. The papers … by the Chief Executive yet. He is on a business trip.

a. haven’t been signed c. haven’t signed

b. aren’t signed d. weren’t signed

14. When an individual or a company borrows money from a bank, the money must … back by a specific date.

a. to be paid c. being paid

b. be paid d. have been paid

15. The round table talks … from 9 till 11 a.m. yesterday.

a. have held c. had been held

b. were held d. were being held

16. The stuff don’t know if the time-table for the following week … .

a. had been changed c. will be changed

b. will have been changed d. was being changed

17. A satisfactory solution to this problem … yet.

a. was not proposed c. has not been proposed

b. had not been proposing d. has not proposed

18. Do you know who is going … to the opening ceremony?

a. to be invited c. to have been invited

b. to be inviting d. to invited

19. By six o’clock, all the preparations for the conference … .

a. will have completed c. will completed

b. will be completed d. will have been completed

20. The meeting organised by the marketing department … to be at 10 a.m. but later it … back to 11 a.m.

a. is supposed; is pushed c. had been supposed; was pushed

b. was supposed; was pushed d. was supposed; is being pushed

III. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в форме страдательного залога:

1. They say that questions (guarantee) in life, answers aren’t.

2. A press release just (issue) to announce the Senator’s resignation.

3. Most of the flights (cancel) because of yesterday’s snowstorm.

4. Further information can (obtain) from your direct superior.

5. Contract negotiations (expected)to continue into the following week.

6. The news (broadcast) daily from 6 a.m. to midnight.

7. When I arrived at the scene of the crime, witnesses (question) by the police.

8. He (report) to have resigned from his post as deputy finance minister.

9. A lot of money already (spend) on promotional campaign.

10. The central office of this joint-stock company (locate) in Minsk.

11. At the moment his claims (examine) by the Chief Executive.

12. The employees should constantly (encourage) to display initiative.

13. The Board of Directors usually (elect) by stockholders.

14. The documents (send) to you by courier first thing tomorrow.

15. Inflation (say) to be getting out of control these days.

16. Why people (not allow) to smoke in public places any more?

17. The problem of the ageing population presently (discuss) by many governments.

18. A personal file (keep) on every member of staff from the moment they are taken on.

19. City officials (criticise) so far for their plans to build a logistics centre in an area of natural beauty.

20. During 2010–2013 a number of e-government services (implement) and made accessible to public.

IV. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в соответствующей форме действительного или страдательного залога:

1. It was evident that the order couldn’t (control) by authorities. A

2. The flight (delay) by two hours due to accident threat.

3. In the past two years I (involve) in a number of challenging projects.

4. The traffic lights are not working today, so the traffic (control) by police officers.

5. Sometimes there are special situations that (require) individual attention and solutions.

6. An international exhibition of industrial science (hold) in Berlin at the moment.

7. Rooms must (vacate) and made available to the hotel no later than 12.00 noon on the departure date.

8. The number of police officers on road traffic duties (double) over the last decade.

9. My research is not going very quickly, but I hope by the end of the year all my data (analyse).

10. Employees of government-financed organisations recently (give) a new pay rise.

11. Mick is a sales manager. He is in the office Monday to Friday and can (contact) by phone or e-mail.

12. The talks (suspend) and no one knows when they (resume).

13. It (announce) yesterday that the lawmakers (decide) not to raise income tax.

14. You (make) to pay a huge fine if they (catch) you smoking.

15. The Academy of Public Administration (establish) in 1990 and (receive) its presidential status in 1991.

16. There was a notice on the board saying that the meeting (cancel). Another date for the meeting (set) next week.

17. The agreement (annul) because one of the parties (fail) to meet several key specifications.

18. Some manufacturers (accuse) of dumping – selling goods abroad at a lower price than they (sell) domestically.

19. Marissa Mayer (be) in the news ever since she (appoint) Yahoo’s President in July 2012.

20. Development projects currently (discuss) and (announce) in the coming months.

V. Ответьте на следующие вопросы, используя указанные в скобках слова и употребляя глаголы-сказуемые в форме страдательного залога:

Например:When should we submit the report? (in two days)

The report should be submitted in two days.

1. Why did you spend so much time at the superior’s office? (point out some mistakes)

2. How is it possible to know a man? (the company he keeps)

3. What do we request customers to refrain from? (smoking)

4. You are receiving foreign visitors tonight. How many people are you waiting for? (seven people)

5. The boss was busy and Sally had to wait. How long had the boss kept her waiting before she managed to see him? (forty minutes)

6. How much have the police fined you for illegal parking? ($50)

7. Are you going to do the work together with your colleagues? (joint efforts)

8. Do they never say «no» to his suggestions? (object to)

9. How long were they holding the shareholders’ meeting yesterday? (all day long)

10. Both parties have been discussing the terms of the contract for two hours. When will they arrive at any agreement? (by midday)

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