Лексическая тема: «Customs Conventions»

Грамматическая тема: Неличные формы глагола: причастие.



Since the beginning of the 20-th century, there has been a continuous effort to standardize and harmonize Customs formalities with the aim of simplifying and facilitating international trade.

In 1923 the League of Nations signed in Geneva the International Conventionrelating to the Simplification of Customs Formalities. In 1947 was signed the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. In 1950 the Convention establishing Customs Cooperation Council was signed. This Council is still the only intergovernmental organization competent on Customs matters.

Numerous studies carried out by the Council on the principal Customs procedures such as importation, exportation, duty-free admission, inward and outward processing, transit, warehousing, temporary admission etc., resulted in a series and recommendations designed to solve specific Customs problems.

The Istambul Convention gathers all existing temporary admission facilities under a single instrument and provides a framework for dealing with any new categories of goods needing temporary admission facilities.

The Kyoto Convention states that complex trade documentation and procedures act as barriers in international trade. The provisions of the Annex call to simplify Customs formalities in order to make these formalities efficient.

The Harmonized System Convention came into force in 1988.

Contracting partiesare obliged to ensure that their import Customs Tariffs and statistical nomenclatures for both import and exports are in conformity with the Harmonized system.Тhis System provides a systematic and methodical classificationof goods based essentially on technological data.


Упражнение 1.Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания, выделенные в тексте.

Упражнение 2.Найдите в тексте английские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

1. непрерывное усилие

2. упрощать

3. облегчать; содействовать; способствовать; продвигать

4. межправительственная организация

5. беспошлинное поступление товаров

6. транзит/перевозка

7. хранение на складе

8. разрешение на временное хранение

9. структура, рамки

10. обеспечение

11. приложение

12. войти в силу

13. партнеры, стороны, заключающие контракт

14. статистические номенклатуры

15. гарантировать

16. быть в соответствии

17. методологическая классификация

18. технологические данные

Упражнение 3.Найдите в тексте русские эквиваленты следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

1. continuous effort-

2. to simplify-

3. to facilitate-

4. intergovernmental organization -

5. duty-free admission-

6. transit-

7. warehousing-

8. temporary admission-

9. a framework-

10. a provision-

11. Annex-

12. to come into force-

13. сontracting parties-

14. statistical nomenclatures-

15. to ensure-

16. to be in conformity-

17. methodical classification-

18. technological data-

Упражнение 4.Поставьте 10 вопросов к тесту «Customs Conventions». Найдите в тексте ответы на них.

Упражнение 5.Подготовьте краткое сообщение на тему «Customs Conventions».

Упражнение 6. Переведите следующие вопросы на английский язык и ответьте на них в письменной форме.

1. Правда ли, что в начале 20 века началась работа по стандартизации и гармонизации таможенных режимов?

2. Какая конвенция была подписана в 1950 году?

3. В чем смысл конвенции подписанной в Стамбуле?

4. Что вы можете сказать о Киотской конвенции?

5. Какая конвенция была подписана в 1988 году?

Упражнение 7.Переведите статью на английский язык. Подготовьте краткий пересказ статьи по-английски.

Барьеры надо устранять

Сегодня главная задача достичь экономической эффективности перевозимых грузов как для Казахстана, так и для стран СНГ. Таким мнением с «Капитал.kz» поделился Абельгази Кусаинов, министр транспорта и коммуникаций Казахстана (МТК РК).

«В условиях стремительно развивающихся экономик обращать внимание на качество дорог и на барьеры, которые стоят на пути товаров, будут все чаще. И сейчас главная задача – достичь экономической эффективности перевозимых грузов на всем постсоветском пространстве, в том числе и в Казахстане, и тем самым развивать транзитный потенциал республики», – полагает г-н Кусаинов.

Кстати говоря, в конце прошлой недели Казахстан присоединился к Киотской конвенции о гармонизации и упрощении таможенных процедур. Республика стала 60-ой договаривающейся стороной конвенции, которая предусматривает внедрение мировых стандартов в области упрощения процедур таможенного контроля.

Целями документа являются упрощение и гармонизация таможенных процедур и правил. С одной стороны, конвенция направлена на стимулирование внешнеторговой деятельности путем упрощения и ускорения процедур таможенного оформления и таможенного контроля. А с другой – чтобы эти меры не привели к нивелированию интересов государства и общества в части взыскания пошлин и налогов, а также защиты внутреннего рынка. И чтобы таможенные администрации могли эффективно решать стоящие перед ними задачи путем перехода на применение средств контроля на основе методов аудита и управления рисками.


Упражнение 1.Выберите правильный вариант. Определите тип обстоятельства, который выражает выделенное причастие.

1. They stood together quietly holding each other's hands. (образа действия, причины, времени)

2. Knowing English well he had no language problems in London. (образа действия, причины, времени)

3. The two lovers sat on the bench looking up at the stars. (образа действия, причины, времени)

4. When writing the book he came across many interesting facts. (образа действия, причины, времени)

5. Having no friends the boy kept silent all the time. (образа действия, причины, времени)

6. The woman was walking alone the road crying loudly. (образа действия, причины, времени)

7. Her drunken husband lay on the sofa smoking. (образа действия, причины, времени)

8. Sitting in the cafe she spilt some juice on her new blouse. (образа действия, причины, времени)

9. Reading many books he often takes part in quiz shows. (образа действия, причины, времени)

10. A stranger ran up to me saying something nervously. (образа действия, причины, времени)

Упражнение 2.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. (Question being discussed, Being the question discussed) …… is a serious one.

2. There are several new houses ……….(are being built, being built) on our street.

3. ……………..(Being used, Is being used) quite often our car often breaks down.

4. When ……(is to be asked, is being asked, being asked)about his future plans he only smiled.

5. If …….(being read, to be read, is being read) attentively this book will tell you about life of the Universe.

6. Though ………… (is being distrusted, being distrusted) John attended our meeting.

7. ………..(Is being found, being founded, being found)not long ago the new residential area is almost built.

8. The man was permanently looking back as if ……. (being followed by, following)someone.

9. ……..(As if, Though) being healthy the children often felt tired.

10. Though …..(dressing, being dressed)very well the girl didn't want to go the party.

Упражнение 3.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. We saw Jack ……(go, going) home, but did not come up to him.

2. My boss was so excited, that I noticed his hands ……. (shake, shaking) .

3. I did not see him …..(jump, jumping) off the bridge. It must have happened very quickly.

4. Brazilian carnival is a great festivity! It was absolutely fantastic to watch all those people…….(dance, dancing).

5. They heard their favourite song ………. (be played. being played)on the radio.

6. The boy did not notice his friend ……… (hit, hitting) the ball and it broke the window.

7. Last year I saw the Niagara. It was amazing to see so much water …… (fall, falling) down.

8. I felt his anger …… (grow, growing) slowly.

9. We hear him ……. (drop, dropping) something heavy on the floor.

10. The citizens saw the plane ……. (crash, crashing) on the edge of the town. Then there came a big explosion.

Упражнение 4.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The pupil was seen ……. (smoke, smoking, smoked) cigarettes on the street.

2. The tornado was believed ………. (finish, finished, finishing).

3. She was thought happily ……… (married, marrying, marry) .

4. They were watched …………. (buy, buying, bought) drugs.

5. The town was found ……… (ravage, ravaging, ravage) .

6. The fire was watched …….. (spread, spreading).

7. The planes were …………. (heard, thought) approaching.

8. The purse was found ……. (lying, laying, lie) on the grass.

9. The war was considered ……….. (finish, finishing, finished).

10. The car was ……….. (thought, seen) crashed.

Упражнение 5.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. Boss wants this letter …. (spent, sent, done, taken, put) immediately.

2. I believe this war ….. (disappeared, lost, gone) to us.

3. Let’s get all the windows …… (closed, broken, opened, painted). It is rather stuffy here.

4. Your room looks so boring! Let's have the walls ….. (broken, painted, drilled)orange.

5. I would like this old furniture …… (put, sent, given, taken) out of my room.

6. He thought the gas ….. (turned off, burned, fired) and left the house.

7. My wife wants to have her hair ….. (made, done) before going to the party.

8. I think we should get the car …… (corrected, fixed, reformed) and hit the road.

9. Mother wants the flat ……. (cleaned, cleared, delivered) before the guests arrive.

10. He got all his things …..(trapped, hacked, packed) . He was ready for the journey.

Упражнение 6.Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. That night, ______ up to his room he thought of his unpleasant duty.
having go

2. She smiled ______ the joke.
to remember

3. ______ so little in the country, I am afraid I cannot answer all your questions.
Having seen
To see

4. A new road ______ the plant with the railway station will soon be built.
having connected

5. ______ two days before the conference he had a lot of time to see Edinburgh.
To arrive
Having arrived

6. I felt very tired ______ the whole day in the sun.
being worked
having worked

7. He speaks like a man ______ his opinion of everything.

8. ______ that she could trust them she didn’t know what to do.
Not having known
Knowing not
Didn’t know
Not knowing

9. ______ a pair of gloves we moved to the shoe department.
Having bought

10. She left ______ us all she had found out.
having told

11. And ______ this he threw himself back in the armchair.
have said
was saying

12. ______ what he wanted he took his hat and left.
Having got

13. By this time ______ to the atmosphere of the big city, he no longer felt a stranger.
getting used
having got used
got used

14. I spent about ten minutes ______ over the sixteen pages of The Guardian before I found the main news and articles.
having turned

15. I felt refreshed and rested ______ for eight hours.
having slept

16. ______ so far away he still feels himself part of the community.

17. The boy came out of the water ______ from top to toe.
was shaking
having shaken

18. ______ all our preparations we hired a taxi and hurried off.
Having completed
Having complete

19. ______ her by the arm he helped her out of the taxi.

20. ______ such difficulties she was at a loss.
Never experienced
Having experienced never
Never have experienced
Having never experienced


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