Appealing against decisions and actions of customs authorities and thir officials

The right of appeal ensures traders the right to appeal against Customs if this decision is not in compliance with the laws and regulations. The fundamental principlesand the right to appeal of administrative decision are in most countries regulated by Constitutional Law, whereas detailed appeal procedures are subject to administrative specific regulation. Chapter 10 of the revised Kyoto Convention outlines a number of standards concerning the right to appeal, the form and grounds of appeal, the consideration of appeals, for customs matters. The Customs Code of Russian Federation contains the following articles describing the right to appeal and appeal procedures on the territory of Russian federation.

Article 45. Right to Appeal Статья 45. Право на обжалование
1.Any person has the right to appeal a decision, action (inaction) of the customs authorities or a customs officer if, in the opinion of this person, said decision, action (inaction) has infringed upon his (or her) rights and freedoms, created obstructions for its realization, or unlawfully imposed a responsibility upon said person. 1. Любое лицо вправе обжаловать решение, действие (бездействие) таможенного органа или его должностного лица, если такими решением, действием (бездействием), по мнению этого лица, нарушены его права, свободы или законные интересы, ему созданы препятствия к их реализации либо незаконно возложена на него какая-либо обязанность.
2. A person’s waiver to appeal decisions, actions (inaction) of a customs office or a customs officer shall not be legitimate. 2. Отказ лица от права на обжалование решения, действия (бездействия) таможенного органа или его должностного лица недействителен.
Article 46. Appeal Procedures1. Decisions, actions (inaction) of the customs authorities and customs officers may be appealed to customs offices and/or in a court of justice or arbitration tribunal. A complaint to a decision, action(inaction) of a customs office or its officer does not preclude a possibility of lodging concurrently or subsequently an identical complaint to a court or justice or arbitration tribunal. The complaints to a decision, action (inaction) of a customs office or its officer(s) lodged to a court or justice or arbitration tribunal shall be considered by the respective court. Статья 46. Порядок обжалования 1. Решения, действия (бездействие) таможенных органов или их должностных лиц могут быть обжалованы в таможенные органы и (или) в суд, арбитражный суд. Подача жалобы на решение, действие (бездействие) таможенного органа или его должностного лица в таможенные органы не исключает возможности одновременной или последующей подачи жалобы аналогичного содержания в суд, арбитражный суд. Жалоба на решение, действие (бездействие) таможенного органа или его должностного лица, поданная в таможенные органы и в суд, арбитражный суд, рассматривается судом, арбитражным судом.
2. The procedures for lodging complaints and their adjudication by a court of justice or arbitration tribunal are set forth in the Russian legislation on civil court proceedings and on arbitration proceedings. 2. Порядок подачи, порядок рассмотрения и порядок разрешения жалоб, направляемых в суды и арбитражные суды, определяются законодательством Российской Федерации о гражданском судопроизводстве и судопроизводстве в арбитражных судах.
3. The procedures regulating the submission, consideration and adjudication of complaints lodged with customs offices with regard to actions (inaction) of customs offices or their officers are specified in this Chapter, and they pertain to the complaints against decisions, actions (inaction) of customs offices or their officers except the resolutions passed by the customs authorities (the customs officers of customs offices) with respect to the cases of administrative offences or other actions (inaction) of a customs office or its officer(s) who are liable for special appeal procedures. 3. Порядок подачи, порядок рассмотрения и порядок разрешения направляемых в таможенные органы жалоб на решения, действия (бездействие) таможенных органов или их должностных лиц устанавливаются настоящей главой и применяются в случае обжалования любых решений, действий (бездействия) таможенных органов или их должностных лиц, за исключением постановлений таможенных органов (должностных лиц таможенных органов) по делам об административных правонарушениях, а также иных решений, действий (бездействия) таможенных органов и их должностных лиц, в отношении которых предусмотрен специальный порядок обжалования.

Appeal system

An appeal process typically consists of multiple stages. The administrative stage usually entails an initial right of appeal within the same administration which issued a decision, either at the same level of authority e.g. Customs office, or to a higher authority supervising the administration. This should be followed by the right to appeal to an independent authority, such as an arbitration procedure or a special administrative tribunal. At a final stage appeal to an independent judicial authority should be available to all individuals. Some administrations allow judicial appeal at any stage whilst others stipulate that all stages of administrative appeal have to be exhausted before the right to judicial appeal. National legislation has to provide for a right of appeal on Customs. The legislation should include the right of administrative and judicial appeal.


Упражнение 1.Прочтите текст. Переведите на русский язык слова и словосочетания, выделенные в тексте.

Упражнение 2.Сравните английский и русский тексты статей Таможенного Кодекса РФ, данные в таблице. Найдите в русском тексте эквиваленты английским выражениям.

Упражнение 3.Подготовьте краткое сообщение на тему «Appealing Against Decisions and Actions of Customs Authorities and Their Officials»

Упражнение 4.Поставьте 10 вопросов к тесту «Appealing Against Decisions and Actions of Customs Authorities and Their Officials».

Ответьте на них.

Упражнение 5.Составьте 10 предложений, используя слова и выражения, данные ниже.

the right of appeal

the fundamental principles

a subject to administrative specific regulation

a number of standards

the grounds of appeal

multiple stages

an initial right of appeal level of authority

an independent authority

an arbitration procedure

a final stage appeal

whilst others stipulate

Упражнение 6.Подберите подходящее по смыслу окончание для каждого предложения.

1. An appeal process typically ……………………………………………………..
2. The administrative stage usually………………………………………………….
3. This should be followed by the right to appeal to an independent authority, such .......................... .
4. At a final stage appeal to an independent judicial authority………………………
5. Some administrations allow judicial appeal at any stage whilst others stipulate that all stages of administrative appeal ……………………………………………..
6.National legislation has to provide………………………………………………
7.The legislation should include…………………………………………………
……………………………………..the right of administrative and judicial appeal.
……………………………………………………for a right of appeal on Customs.
…………………………………………………………..consists of multiple stages.
……………………………have to be exhausted before the right to judicial appeal.
……………………………………………….should be available to all individuals.
…………………………………………………………..entails an initial right of appeal within the same administration which issued a decision, either at the same level of authority e.g. Customs office, or to a higher authority supervising the administration.
……………………as an arbitration procedure or a special administrative tribunal

Упражнение 7.Прочтите и переведите статью на английский язык. Прокомментируйте содержание статьи по-английски.

Свой среди чужих

Дело следователя Зайцева стало одним из «ответвлений» нашумевшего дела по контрабанде мебели, реализуемой торговыми домами «Три кита» и «Гранд». Павел Зайцев вместе с коллегами из ФТС первым обнаружил нелегальные поставки мебели еще в 2000 году. По их версии, мебель завозилась в Россию по заниженным ценам через поставные фирмы. При этом сумма неплатежей таможенных пошлин составляла миллионы долларов.

Один из владельцев торговых домов Сергей Зуев сначала согласился уплатить штраф ФТС в размере 2,5 млн долл., но потом стал писать жалобы в Генпрокуратуру.

Прокуратура решила сама разобраться в деле о контрабанде и вскоре прекратила его, одновременно возбудив три новых дела, но уже в отношении самих участников расследования: сотрудников ФТС Александра Волкова и Марата Файзулина -- за неправомерное взимание штрафа с Зуева , а также Павла Зайцева -- за незаконное задержание и превышение должностных полномочий. В сентябре 2002 года Мосгорсуд оправдал Зайцева, но по протесту прокуратуры ВС вернул дело на новое рассмотрение.

Повторный процесс начался со скандала -- судья Мосгорсуда Ольга Кудешкина взяла самоотвод и заявила, что на нее оказывается давление со стороны замгенпрокурора Юрия Бирюкова и председателя суда Ольги Егоровой.

Дело передали другому судье, и в ноябре прошлого года был вынесен обвинительный приговор. Суд установил, что Зайцев провел десять обысков с нарушением закона -- без санкции прокуратуры, чем превысил свои полномочия.

При этом суд освободил Зайцева от ответственности по обвинению в незаконном задержании за истечением сроков давности и позволил ему остаться на своей должности. «Судья -- это специализированный субъект власти.

Если он заявляет о том, что на него оказывается давление, Генпрокуратура обязана была провести расследование и возбудить уголовное дело -- либо в отношении г-жи Егоровой за превышение должностных полномочий, либо в отношении г-жи Кудешкиной за клевету. Ничего этого не произошло. И это говорит о халатности прокурорских работников или дает основания полагать о заинтересованности Генпрокуратуры в исходе моего уголовного дела», -- заявил вчера г-н Зайцев.


Упражнение 1.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. The people is said … a new president (---, to have taken, to have chosen, to have given, to have found).

2. You might … me your hand when I was getting out of the car (---,to have taken, to have chosen, to have given, to have found).

3. I can't find the car keys anywhere. I … have dropped them on the road (must, can, should, ought to).

4. The important data have disappeared. It must … by enemies (---, have destroyed, have found, have been destroyed, have been found).

5. I was very lucky … this job (---,to have been given, to have been taken, to have given, to have taken).

6. He has not arrived yet. He is … to have caught that train (---, likely, unlikely).

7. I still haven’t got a letter from her. She must … my email (---, have left, have brought, have taken, have lost).

8. Our car has stopped. We seemed to have … out of gas (---, walk, go, run).

9. Jack looks very unhappy. He is sure to … the exam (---, have dropped, have lost, have failed, have passed).

10. The crew was reported to … from the sinking ship (---, have been rescued, have been brought, have run, have gone).

Упражнение 2.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. It must … since morning. The grass is very wet (---, have rained, have been raining).

2. The fire is reported to … to the south of the city(---, have spread, have been spreading).

3. All my problems seem to … in the past (---, have been left, have been being left).

4. My son is said to … very hard during the year. I think he will pass all the exams (---, have studied, have been studying).

5. Our team is reported to … the football championship. Hooray!!! (---, have won, have been winning).

6. Your eyes look red. You must … all night long (---, have read, have been reading.

7. The two lovers seem to … for several hours already (---, have talked, have been talking.

8. The expedition seemed to … in the jungle (---, have disappeared, have been disappearing).

9. He turned out to … all the important documents. Now he is a rich man (---, have copied, have been copying) .

10. Fedor Konuhov is reported to … around the world since the last year (---, have travelled, have been travelling).

Упражнение 3.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I … you to smoke in my room. I find it very unpleasant (want, hate, would like.

2. She … us to accept her offer, but we couldn’t (expected, saw, found).

3. The criminal … himself to be very kind(ordered, noticed, considered).

4. Our instructor … the tents to be put up as soon as possible(ordered, noticed, considered).

5. I … him to be the cleverest pupil of our school (expect, find, declare).

6. I saw them ... outside (fight, to fight).

7. We noticed … open (the door be, the door was).

8. I felt my shoulder … by somebody's warm hand (touch, touched).

9. She … us to be her friends (supposes, sees, notices).

10. The tourists thought the statue … of gold (make, makes, made).

Упражнение 4.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. This decision is not easy for me to … (do, make) .

2. We asked the manager for the tickets to … in time (book, be booked).

3. We cannot rely … him to finish this project (for, on).

4. I am counting … you to help me (for, on).

5. The sailors had to wait for the sky to …(clear, be cleared, clean).

6. It is necessary for us to … the others ( warn, be warned).

7. The milk is too cold for the children to …(drink, be drunk).

8. It is a bit difficult for this promise to …(keep, be kept).

9. This meal is very easy to … (cook, be cooked)

10. It is important for these boxes to … today (ship, be shpped).

Упражнение 5.Выберите правильный вариант.

1. I want ____ the house where Pushkin was born.
to see

2. I would like you ____ his invitation.
to accept

3. Teachers make me ____ homework well.
to do

4. The child was made ____ to bed at 9 p.m.
to go

5. Please, let me ____ the news and then we’ll go out.
to watch

6. I used ____ a lot when I was younger.
to smoke

7. You mustn’t ____ to me like that.
to talk

8. I think, we’d better ____ of here.
to get

9. So, why not ____ there right away?
to go

10. This bag is too heavy for her ____ .
to carry

11. May I ____ in? – Yes, please.
to come

12. Will you help me ____ this box?
to move

13. It is better ____ sure than sorry.
to be

14. It is up to you ____ all these rules
to learn

15. We decided ____ extra risks.
to not take
not to take
not take

16. We got the girls ____ dinner.
to make

17. The students ____ this project by the end of May.
to finish
are finish
are to finish

18. I am sorry ____ you, but your marks are not very good.
to disappoint

19. We could ____ tomorrow.
go fishing
to go fishing

20. Our class need ____ the test.
to rewrite

Упражнение 6.Выберите правильный вариант ответа:

1. Teddy’s words made me ______ uncomfortable.
to feel

2. Mrs. Pottson allowed her guests ______ in the living room.
to smoke

3. Has the secretary come yet? I want to have my papers ______.
to type

4. I watched my cat ______ with her kittens. I couldn’t tear myself away from that funny sight.
to play

5. Granny didn’t want my Mom ______ my Dad.
to marry

6. Our English teacher told us ______ shy and speak English as much as possible.
not to feel
not feel

7. I have to get my photograph ______ for a new passport.

8. There wasn’t much traffic in the street. I saw a little girl ______ the road
to cross

9. I have never heard Helen ______.

10. Mary would like her brother ______ Tom’s company.
to avoid

11. We expected the Harrisons ______ later than usual.
to arrive

12. What makes you ______ such rash actions?
to do

13.The rain seems ______. Call the children. I don’t want them ______.
to be, to be got wet through
to be starting, to get wet through
to have started, to have got wet through
to have been started, to be getting wet through

14. The English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts, is known ... by the Piligrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.
to be established
to have established
to have been establishing
to have been established

15. Look, they are likely ______ to the news. They seem ______.
to be listening, to be excited
to listen, to be excited
to have been listening, to have excited
to have listened, to be being excited

16. He is sure ______ a liar. Everybody heard him ______ that in so many words.
to be, to say
be, say
to be, say
be, to say

17. When I came in, the discussion seemed ______ to an end. They appeared ______ patience because they turned out ______ for it.
to have been coming, to have been losing, be ready
to be coming, to be losing, not to be ready
to come, to lose, to be ready
to have come, to have lost, not to be being ready

18. Jack, you seem ______ too fast. The speed is already 100 miles. I am afraid. I want you ______ the speed till 40 miles.
to have driven, slow down
to drive, to slow down
to be driving, to be slowing down
to be driving, to slow down

19. He is likely ______ on Sunday.
to come

20. He is thought ______ now.
to study
to be studying
to have been studied


право обжалования в соответствии с законами и постановлениями основные принципы административное решение Конституционное право процедуры обращения пересмотренное Соглашение Киото мотивы обращения рассмотрение обращений апелляционный процесс многократные стадии Административная стадия начальное право обжалования более высокие органы контролирующие администрацию независимые органы арбитражная процедура административный трибунал независимая судебная власть должны быть исчерпаны Национальное законодательство Законодательство the right of appeal in compliance with the laws and regulations the fundamental principles administrative decision Constitutional Law appeal procedures revised Kyoto Convention grounds of appeal the consideration of appealsаn appeal process multiple stages The administrative stage an initial right of appeal a higher authority supervising the administration an independent authority an arbitration procedure administrative tribunal an independent judicial authority have to be exhausted National legislation The legislation


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