Лексическая тема: «Customs Areas».

Грамматическая тема: Система времен английского глагола. Страдательный залог. Времена группы Indefinite (Simple). Времена группы Continuous (Progressive).



The Customs areas include the following:

1. Duty collection.

The assessment and collection of duties and taxes have always been one of the main functions of Customs. In fact collection of the revenue is the responsibility with which Customs usually started. The Customs has always supplied the federal budget with the revenue necessary for investment in the economy and in the country’s basic infrastructure, i.e. new schools, roads, hospitals.


Merchandise classification is the foundation on which duty collection is based. All goods entering the country should be classified by use of numerical coding system. Errors in merchandise classification often result in improper amounts of duty to be collected. Most countries use the Harmonized System of Classification which helps improve the classification of goods and prevent losses of duty collection.


Cargo entering the country is to be supplied with the necessary documents, f. ex. commercial invoices. This cargo document is a basis for goods valuation. Commercial invoices should reflect the proper cost of imported goods because undervaluation can result in underpayment of duties

Cargo inspection

Cargo is to be inspected for duty collection and anti-smuggling purposes. Different inspectional techniques and devices can help release merchandise quicker with less damage and also result in increased seizures of prohibited items.

Passenger inspection

Effective passenger and baggage control is necessary to collect proper duty and to prevent smuggling (contraband). Baggage is checked for concealment by X– ray or/and opening it.

Free trade zones

Free trade zones are usually set up to encourage the development of the country and to promote its foreign trade. A free zone is regarded as being outside the Customs territory. Goods introduced into a free zone are not subject to the usual Customs control. Relief from import duties in respect of these goods is granted. The Customs carries out certain control within the free zone to ensure that the operations are on accordance with the Customs regulations.

Bonded warehouses

When the importer doesn’t pay the duty immediately on importation, the goods are stored in a bonded warehouse. The goods cannot be taken out of the warehouse until the importer pays the duties .He also has to pay storage charges.

Canine enforcement

Use of dogs specially trained to smell drugs helps speed upcustoms examination process with less damage than some more traditional methods of inspection may cause.

Smuggling information collection

Collection and analysis of information on smuggling results in better understanding of smuggling trends and the modus operandi of individuals/organizations breaking Customs laws.


Investigation of customs violations is performed to targetviolators of customs laws and regulations. The full range of customs violations can be investigated: the smuggling of merchandise, narcotics arms and ammunition, and other contraband; commercial fraud; currency violations and money laundering; internal corruption; infringement of intellectual property rights (IPR) etc.

11.Laboratory procedures.Laboratory analyses are to be performed in order to classify merchandise and collect the correct amount of duty. The Harmonised System of classification is much more dependent on laboratory analysis than most prior classification systems.

12. Training.

Practical and well-structured training is one of the keystones to building a more effective customs organization. Customs Service carries out training, retraining and improvement of the skills of specialists in the field of Customs practice for public bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations

13.Customs brokers.

Brokers must pass an examination and obtain a licence from the Customs central administration to do business. Brokers are to consult Customs to determine the proper rate of duty or basis for appraisement.


Упражнение 1. Прочтите текст, пользуясь словарем.

Упражнение 2. Ответьте на следующие вопросы.

1. What is the difference between «to assess» and «to collect» Customs duties?

2. What is the reason for merchandise classification?

3. Why is it necessary to appraise the goods properly?

4. Why are all cargo shipments subject to Customs control?

5. Why is “a free zone” set up?

6. What do you know about bonded warehouses?

7. What are the advantages of the use of drug detector dogs at the Customs?

8. What can collection and analysis of smuggling information result in?

9. Why is it necessary to investigate Customs violations?

10. What is the purpose of laboratory analyses at the Customs?

11. Why is training considered very important?

12. What do you know about Customs brokers?

Упражнение 3. Какие из следующих предложений соответствуют/не соответствуют содержанию текста? Обоснуйте свой ответ.

1. The assessment of import duties and taxes and collection of revenue is a keystone in every Customs organization.

2. Errors in merchandise classification cannot result in improper amounts of duty to be collected.

3. Cargo shipments entering the country are to be supplied with a few documents excluding commercial invoices.

4. Cargo shipments are to be inspected for duty collection only.

5. Goods introduced into a free trade zone are not subject to the usual Customs control.

6. It is the Customs responsibility to pay storage charges

7. Customs brokers must pass an examination and obtain a licence from the Customs central administration.

Упражнение 4. Кратко изложите в письменной форме на английском языке, что вы знаете об:

1. основных функциях таможенных органов;

2. зонах свободной торговли;

3. таможенных правонарушениях;

4. классификации товаров и определении таможенной стоимости.

5. использовании служебных собак.

6. подготовке и повышении квалификации сотрудников таможни.

7. таможенных брокерах.

Упражнение 5. Подберите антонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:

to prevent smuggling

to break Customs laws

relief from duty


to grant

Упражнение 6. Подберите синонимы к следующим словам и словосочетаниям:


to set up



to be subject to

Упражнение 7. Подберите подходящее по смыслу окончание для каждого предложения.

1. The assessment and collection of import duties and taxes have always been… a) a basis for goods valuation.  
2. Errors in merchandise classification often result in… b) to collect proper duty and prevent smuggling (contraband).
3.This cargo document is… c) one of the main functions of Customs organization.
4.Effective passenger and baggage control is necessary… d) improper amounts of duty to be collected.
5. Free trade zones are usually set up… e) are not subject to the usual Customs control.
6. Goods introduced into a free trade zones… f) to target violators of Customs laws and regulations.
7. Investigation of Customs violation is performed… g) to encourage the development of the country and to promote its foreign trade.
8.Laboratory analyses are to be performed in order … h) to classify merchandise and collect the correct amount of duty

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие вопросы на английский язык и ответьте на них в письменной форме.

1. Почему начисление и сбор таможенных пошлин всегда являлись одной из основных функций таможни?

2. К каким последствиям могут привести ошибки, допущенные при классификации товара?

3. Какой документ является основным для таможенной оценки?

4.Какие задачи стоят перед таможней при досмотре пассажиров и грузов?

5. С какой целью создаются зоны свободной торговли?

6.Кто оплачивает расходы при хранении товаров на складе временного хранения?

7. Какие нарушения таможенного законодательства рассматривает отдел по расследованиям?

8. Какие функции выполняет таможенный брокер?


Упражнение 1. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. Revenue tariffs are aimed at protecting domestic production from foreign competition.

2. At present only temporary buildings are being used on both sides of the border while new facilities are under construction.

3. A distinction is made between commercial and industrial free zones.

4. Goods whichare imported outright for use or consumption within the customs territory are declaredfor home use.

5. A manwas jailed for 11 years for attempting to smuggle heroin $ 33 million worth.

Упражнение 2. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Past Simple Active или Past Simple Passive.

Я проверил - Меня проверили

Я спросил - Меня спросили

Он помог - Ему помогли

Она сказала - Ей сказали

Мы пригласили - Нас пригласили

Упражнение 3. Переведите на английский язык, употребляя глаголы в Present, Past или Future Simple.

Мне рассказали - Мне рассказывают - Мне расскажут

Мне показали - Мне показывают - Мне покажут

Нас спросили - Нас спрашивают - Нас спросят

Им дали - Им дают - Им дадут

Его проверили - Его проверяют - Его проверят

Упражнение 4. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice/

1. We will pay you in advance if you want.

2. We are delivering this equipment for the first time.

3. They showed him the shortest way.

4. After unloading we will store the cargo at the customs warehouse awaiting release from customs control.

5. Many people fill in customs declarations when leaving or entering the country.

6. Sophisticated equipment analyses certain imports to determine their appropriate classification.

7. They changed the figures in the invoice.

8. The government is spending too little money on reorganization of the Customs Service.

9. Most officers opposed this decision.

10. The law prohibits storage and sale of smuggled goods on the territory of the country.

Упражнение 5. Передайте следующие предложения в Passive Voice, обращая внимание на употребление предлогов.

Model: We oftenspeak of her. - She isoftenspoken of.

1. The group spoke to the Customs office chief yesterday.

2. Handlers look after their dogs with great care.

3. They looked for the invoice everywhere.

4. Everybody listened to the customs inspector with great attention.

5. They were waiting for the customs control in the arrival lounge.

6. They sent for the representative of the customs administration.

7. The senior students laughed at the freshman.

8. The passenger asked for the customs declaration form.

9. They often refer to this classification of merchandise.

10. This department deals with currency control.

Упражнение 6. Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Passive Voice.

1. What (to hide) inside the padded covers of an address book?

2. An interesting case (to investigate) by the Customs Investigation

Division now.

3. Traditionally, Customs (to concern) with collecting revenue, exercising

control on imports and exports and catching smugglers.

4. The General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (to sign) in Geneva in


5. A Technical Committee on Customs Valuation (to establish) under the

auspices of Customs Cooperation Council.

6. The passenger’s luggage (to check) by the customs officer now.

7. The smuggler (to arrest) because 1 kg of cannabis (to discover).

8. The World Customs Organization (to establish) in 1952 as the Customs

Cooperation Council.

9. These dogs (to train) to work among passengers.

10. Most fruit and vegetables (to prohibit) from entering the country.

Упражнение 7. Переведите текст на русский язык в письменной форме.

A man was jailed for four years for smuggling 192 gr of cocaine 21 000 pounds worth into the U.K. The cocaine was hidden inside the padded covers of an address book sent by courier mail from Jamaica. Officers at Heathrow airport found the drugs. The parcel was delivered to an address in Hackney where 38-year-old Briton Albert Vassel was arrested by investigation officers from South London and Thames.

Упражнение 8. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Где обычно хранятся задержанные предметы?

2. Нам предложили пройти в зал досмотра.

3. Какие меры принимаются таможней в настоящее время в связи с выпуском товаров?

4. Для чего создаются зоны свободной торговли?

5. Какой новый метод работы с контейнерами был разработан в этом порту?

6. Когда был основан Международный институт статистики?

7. Завтра на встрече будут обсуждаться условия платежей.

8. Какие меры были приняты правительствами в ответ на постоянный рост злоупотребления наркотиками и их нелегальной торговли?

9. Сейчас в аэропорту Пулково строится новый терминал.

10. Ему не дали разрешение на вывоз этой картины.


appraisement (n) оценка
to assess (v) определять сумму пошлины, налога
assessment (n) оценка, начисление
bonded warehouse (n) склад временного хранения (СВХ)
bond (n) 1)залог,закладная 2)облигация, бона
to break Customs rules syn.to infringe, to violate нарушать таможенное законодательство
broker (n) брокер
canine (adj) кинологический
to classify (v) классифицировать
classification (n) классификация
commercial fraud экономическое правонарушение
to conceal (v) скрывать, утаивать, маскировать
concealment (n) 1)сокрытие 2)тайные места, убежище
damage (n) повреждения, ущерб
to declare (v) декларировать
declaration (n) декларация
free trade zones зоны свободной торговли, свободные экономические зоны
to grant (v) давать, предоставлять
to grant a discount предоставить скидку
inspection (n) syn.examination, control проверка, досмотр
investigation (n) расследование
to investigate (v) расследовать
invoice (n) счет-фактура
loss (n) убыток, потеря, трата
merchandise (n); syn. goods, commodities товар
modus operandi образ действия
money laundering отмывание денег
to obtain (v) получать
to obtain a licence получать лицензию
to prevent (v) предотвращать, предупреждать
prohibit (v) запрещать
prohibited запрещенный
rate of duty ставка таможенной пошлины
relief (n) освобождение от уплаты
relief from duty освобождение от уплаты пошлины
to relieve (v) освобождать от уплаты
responsibility (n) 1)ответственность 2) обязанность, обязательство
to be responsible to smb. for smth. быть ответственным перед кем-либо за что-либо
revenue (n) доход, годовой доход
to set up(v) syn.to establish учреждать, создавать
to smuggle (v) провозить контрабандой
smuggling (n); syn. contraband контрабанда
to speed up (v) ускорить
storage charges syn.bond dues расходы по хранению товара на складе
to be subject to; syn.to be liable to подлежать
undervaluation (n) занижение таможенной стоимости
violator (n) нарушитель (закона, договора)
to violate (v) нарушать (закон, договор)
violation (n) нарушение (закона, договора)


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