IV. Find all the international (scientific and everyday) words in the text. Say what Russian words help to guess the meaning of these words.
V. Match these word combinations with their Russian equivalents.
1) scientific achievements | a) представлять результаты исследования |
2) to present the results of investigation | b) определенная научная цель |
3) to carry out great work | c) повседневный английский |
4) to cause many difficulties | d) достижения в науке |
5) everyday English | e) вызывать множество трудностей |
6) definite scientific purpose | f) проводить огромную работу |
VI. Read the sentences, substitute the underlined words by the synonyms from the box.
are examined, complicated, causes, research, researchers, vocabulary |
1. Modern scientists present the results of their investigations in the English language.
2. New discoveries are studied by the scientific public.
3. Any scientist should have an impersonal attitude towards the subject of his investigation.
4. Scientific terms often mean complex phenomena and processes.
5. One cannot discuss a research without knowing specific scientific words.
6. The problem of scientific vocabulary in English produces many difficulties.
VII. Translate the following words (word combinations), find their antonyms in the text “Scientific English”: mother tongue, particular, seldom, similar, isolated, complicated.
VIII. Read the sentences, insert the proper prepositions into them. Try to memorize some of these expressions.
11: for (2) from (1) in (2) into (1) of (2) on (1) to (1) with (1) |
1. Students who study economics have necessity to read various materials written … a foreign language.
2. When examining scientific English it is necessary to take … consideration vocabulary, grammar and style.
3. You should have the knowledge … ordinary sentences … their grammatical constructions, vocabulary and rules … word formation.
4. … this reason passive form is commonly used … scientific writing and speech.
5. Scientific language depends … a large extent … writing.
6. Many semi-scientific words are not made specially … a definite scientific purpose, but have simply been borrowed … everyday English.
IX. Match the words in column A with their definitions in column B. Define the part of speech the words in column A belong to.
A | B |
1) discovery | a) to show the essence or explain the meaning of something |
2) observer | b) the branch of knowledge or activity dealing with scientific and industrial methods and their practical use in industry |
3) define | c) something that is found out |
4) science | d) knowledge which depends on testing facts and stating general natural laws |
5) technology | e) someone who sees or watches something |
X. Answer the following questions and discuss the main points of the text “Scientific English”.
1. Why do students of economics have necessity to read scientific literature in English?
2. What are the three main factors which should be considered when examining the relation between ordinary and scientific English?
3. What features characterize everyday English?
4. What are the main characteristics of scientific English?
5. How does the attitude of a scientist influence his language (speech and writing)?
6. What can you say about English scientific terms?
7. Why is scientific vocabulary called specific?
8. Are there any international scientific terms in the text? Could you give examples of international scientific terms?
9. What does the word power mean in mathematics, economics?
XI. Translate the following Russian sentences into English using the vocabulary of the text Scientific English.
1. Множество ученых публикуют статьи о новых открытиях на английском языке.
2. Новые исследования в науке представлены в международных журналах, поэтому студенты заинтересованы в изучении научного английского.
3. Чтобы понять научный английский, необходимо знать общие особенности повседневного английского.
4. В науке обычно пишут о различных предметах, явлениях и процессах.
5. Основные тенденции развития языка науки обусловлены взаимосвязью разных наук.
6. Такие научные термины, как фактор, субъект, эффективность, являются частью обычного языка ученых.
XII. Look through the text in exercise III again, divide it into logical parts and entitle each of them. Speak on the topic “Scientific English” according to your plan.