По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи





По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи

на английском языке для студентов 1 курса

(2 семестр)


Москва 2014


Косычева М.А., ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП


Локтионова С.Н., к.ф.н, зав.кафедрой «Иностранные языки» МГУПП

Исаакиду К.В., к.ф.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки»МГУПП


What is food?









Active Vocabulary

food, foods/foodstuffs - пища, еда; продукты питания;

nutrition - питание,

nutrient – питательное вещество,

nutritive, nutritious - питательный,

nutritionist - диетолог;

to nourish, nourishment - питать; питание, еда, пища;

to eat (ate, eaten) - есть;

to take in, intake – принимать, потреблять;

to digest - переваривать,

digestion -пищеварение,

digestible – перевариваемый, усвояемый;

capacity, ability/capability - способность,

able, capable – способный, обладающий способностью;

to constitute - составлять,

constituent – элемент, составляющая;

to compose – составлять, создавать,

composition – состав (хим.), соединение,

component – составная часть, составной элементt;

to make up/to build up – составлять, создавать, формировать;

to meet the need/requirement – удовлетворять требованиям;

to make contribution – делать вклад;

amount, quantity – количество, величина;

to lose (lost, lost) – терять, отдавать;

to repair - восстанавливать;

to supplement – дополнять, восполнять;

to define – давать определение, описывать,

definition -определение,

definite - определенный;

to refer to - ссылаться;

to accept – принимать, признавать, допускать;

to regard – рассматривать, считать;

to list - перечислять;

essential – обязательный, необходимый, незаменимый,

adequate – достаточный, отвечающий требованиям,

complex – сложный, составной


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to stop the growth; to lose the capacity to work; to supply the body with food; to consume nutritive food; to define complex substances; to regulate body processes; to meet body’s needs for energy; to depend upon the ability of the body; to classify food constituents into se­veral groups; to make up/to constitute the largest quantity of food constituents; to list chief constituents; to eat/to take in various foods; to supplement the list of food constituents, to accept bread, milk, meat, eggs and vegetables as staple foods, to build and repair tissues; to regard as a particular function; to refer to substances.

Food is essential to the nutrition of any human being or any form of life. If there is no food there is no life; if the amount or kind of food is inadequate, growth is stopped and the capacity to work is lost.

The term “food” is commonly used to refer to those substances that form a part of the usual diet. Milk, eggs, tomatoes, and flour are accepted as foods. Scientifically speaking foods are not so much substances that we eat as substances that supply certain nutrients when eaten. Foods, then are defined as those substances which when taken into the body, supply energy, build and repair tissues, and regulate body processes. Foods, which we eat, are often complex substances, capable of meeting more than one of these body needs. One food may supply both energy and building material, another may regulate body processes and give energy. The contribution that a food makes to the body depends upon its constituents and the ability of the body to utilize them. The chief constituents of foods are classified into six groups: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water.

The body’s need for energy is met through carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Its need for building and repairing tissues is primarily met by proteins and minerals, though these are supplemented by the other constituents. The regulation of body processes is commonly regarded as particular function of water, proteins, vitamins, minerals, organic acids and cellulose. Though water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats make up the largest quantity of the food constituents used the others listed are also essential.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is food essential to the nutrition? 2. What are the chief constituents of foods? 3. What is the main function of food? 4. Why should people eat?

2. Переведите на английский язык.

потреблять питательную и разнообразную пищу; способствовать жизнедеятельности организма; ссылаться на вещества как основу диеты человека; зависеть от ежедневного питания; классифицировать составляющие пищи на группы; восстанавливать ткани; составлять наибольшее количество; терять способность работать; использовать питательную ценность продуктов; регулировать жизненные процессы организма



Active Vocabulary:

сarbohydrates- углеводы,

starch - крахмал;

grain - зерно,

cereals – злаковые культуры;

origin - происхождение;

plant - растение,

cell - клетка,

seed - семя,

stem - стебель,

leaf- лист,

root - корень;

to contain, content – содержать, содержание;

to dissolve - растворять,

solution - раствор,

soluble - растворимый,

solvent - растворитель;

to store, storage – хранить, хранение;

to utilize, utilization – использовать, применять, использование, применение;

source - источник;

bulk – вместимость, основной объем;

total- общий;

similar – аналогичный, подобный;

coarse– грубый (о пище);

surplus – избыток, излишек;

to be high in/to be rich in – быть богатым, иметь высокое содержание,

to be low in/to be deficient in – быть бедным, иметь низкое содержание;

Notes: cellulose– клетчатка acid– кислота

sucrose – сахароза

involved in (Part. II в функции определения) – связанный с


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

several sugars responsible for a sweet taste of certain foods, differ from each other, give sweet taste, more complex in nature, an intermediate step, vegetable origin, blood stream, plant body, as needed, to give bulk and provide material, regulatory processes, coarse fibered vegetables, considered together with carbohydrates, total solids.

The sugars, starches and cellulose are known as carbohydrates. These are composed of the chemical elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

The term “sugar” to most people means cane or beet sugar, which is sucrose. However this is only the most common of the several sugars responsible for a sweet taste of certain foods. Milk, fruit, vegetables contain sugars other than sucrose. The different sugars in foods differ from each other, but all give the foods in which they are present a characteristic sweet taste.

Starch is a carbohydrate more complex in nature than any of the sugars. Like sugar, it is built by the combination of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. The production of sugar by the plant is an intermediate step in the manufacture of starch.

Although carbohydrates are mostly of vegetable origin, sugar is found in the blood streams of animals and of man. Provision is made in the cells of the liver for storage of animal starch (glycogen) sufficient to meet requirements of the human body for carbohydrates for a comparatively short time. The animal body, like the plant body, synthesizes this more complex substance from sugar and later hydrolyses it to sugar as needed.

Cellulose is also a carbohydrate, containing the elements present in starch in the same proportion. Cellulose used in the diet is to give bulk and provide material for certain regulatory processes. Foods high in cellulose are bran, dried fruits and legumes, fruits with skins, seedy fruits, and leafy and coarse fibered vegetables.

The organic acids, found in a large number of foods are frequently considered together with carbohydrates. The utilization of organic acids in the body for energy is similar to that of starches and sugars.

Organic acids also have a part in stimulating and regulating body processes. Fruits and vegetables are the best sources of organic acids. Citric and malic acids are examples of those commonly found in these foods.

Only a few foods consist of pure carbohydrate. A well-known example of these is sugar. A food is considered high or low in carbohydrates according to the amount it contains in proportion to its total solids. Foods high in carbohydrates are: cakes, candy, cereals and cereal products, dried fruits, honey, potatoes, sugar.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What substances are known as carbohydrates? 2. What is sugar responsible for? 3. How is starch built? 4. What is the role of cellulose? 5. What do you know about organic acids? 6. What foods are high in carbohydrates?



Active Vocabulary:

fat - жир,

fatty - жирный;

to protect - защищать,

protection - защита,

protective - защитный;

to derive – происходить, производить (от чего-либо),

derivative - производный,

derivation - происхождение;

to deplete, depletion – истощать, истощение;

layer - слой;

amount - количество;

excess - избыток;

equipment - оборудование;

knowledge - знание;

essential - незаменимый;

extreme – крайность, крайний;

to include - включать,

to perform - исполнять,

to refuse - отказываться,

to call on - обращаться;

to prove - доказывать;


oil – масло/растительное или минеральное/

phospholipids– фосфолипиды

sterol– стерин

linseed- льняное семя

linoleic/linolenic acid - линолевая/леноленовая кислота


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to store the excess as fat, to be a characteristic of most living matter, including plants, when armed with all the equipment and knowledge in the world, our animal lives, to do without, to protect from shocks, extreme irritability, to be due to the depletion of fat, derived compounds, entire nervous system, for we make fat out of the carbohydrates we take in, unanswerable, observation of facts, to call on other animals, to manufacture itself, to get their names from linseed.

2. Пользуясь моделью, переведите данные словосочетания на русский язык.

Ø fat-soluble - жирорастворимый/тот, который можно растворить/

water-soluble vitamins; water-soluble compound; acid-soluble material; alcohol-soluble substance; fat-soluble vitamin

semi-automatic - полуавтоматический

semi-stable; semi-solid; semi-dry; semi-lequid; semi-official; semi-frozen; semi-finishd goods; semi-synthetics; semi-starvation

3. Следуя модели, переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

One may say... можно сказать… One must know… нужно знать… One can see ... можно видеть… One might/could suppouse… можно было бы предположить... One should remember… следует (следовало бы) помнить…

1. 0ne can see that the results of this experiment are of great importance. 2. One might argue about the significance of their research. 3. 0ne must admit that fats play a great part in the human diet. 4. One may say that life without food is impossible. 5. One should know that all fats are divided into two kinds – those of plant and animal origin.

It is necessary.. Необходимо... It was impossible... Было невозможно... It should be noted... Следует отметить…

1. It is necessary to know that foods rich in carbohydrates, proteins and fats are essential to the nutrition of any living organism. 2. It was impossible for chemists of the past to understand chemical reactions in food taken in by a body. 3. It should be known that the excess of sugars and starches is stored as fat.

Animals, human beings included, take in sugars and starches and store the excess as fat. The ability to make fats from carbohydrates or similar materials seems to be a characteristic of most living matter including plants. But man hasn’t been able to perform this task in the laboratory, even when armed with all the equipment and knowledge in the world. The microscopic walls of plant cells are much better laboratories than our scientists have yet been able to make.

The fatty foods perform some very important function in our animal lives; to do without them can be dangerous. Fats form a protective layer around the nerves, apparently to protect them from shocks. One of the characteristic results of semi-starvation is extreme irritability. It has been suspected that this may be due to the depletion of fat around the nerves.

Fats in the form of their derived compounds – phospholipids – also play an important part in our brain and entire nervous system. Another class of compounds derived from the fats and known as the sterols is also essential for the living organism. So one may say that, in its higher forms, life without fat is impossible.

Even admitting these facts, however, one might argue that they do not prove that a diet should contain any large amount of fat, for we make fat out of the carbohydrates we take in, hence sugars might be all that would be necessary to supply energy. As an argument this is unanswerable – but as an observation of facts it is a hundred per cent wrong. There are some necessary fats that our bodies refuse to, or cannot, manufacture and we need to call on other animals, such as cows, to help us out. Moreover, without fats in the diet we could not get a sufficient amount of the fat-soluble vitamins A, D and E.

There are two fatty acids, linileic and linolenic, which the body must have and which it cannot manufacture itself. These fatty acids get their names from linseed: oil in which they were first discovered. There are several other fats and fatty acids which are essential and which we do not make in our bodies.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What functions do fats perform? 2. What kind of derived conpounds of fats are known? 3. What fatty acids are essential for a human body? 4. Out of what can a human body make fat? 5. Why must we call on animals to help us in fat manufacture?

2. Заполните пропуски и переведите предложения на русский язык.

a/ depletion, b/ depleted, c/ depleting

1. Inadequate diet may result in ... fat around the nerves. 2. The fat ... around the nerves cannot protect them from shocks. 3. The ... of fat in a body is extremely dangerous.

a/ performed, b/ perform, c/ performance

1. Fats ... different functions in the body. 2. The ... of the protective function by fats is very significant. 3. One of the function … by fats is the protectione of the nerves from shocks.

a/derivatives, b/derivation, c/derived

I. The word "vitamin" is ... from Latin. 2. It was necessary to study the ... of some compounds from fats. 3. They were given the task of finding some ... of fats.

3. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

both animals and human beings consume sugars and starches and keepthe surplus as fat; the capacity to make fats from carbohydrates is a property of most living matter; fatty acids carry out some very important function in our animal life; as an argument this is indisputable but as a noticeof facts it is a hundred per cent incorrect; fats in the form of compoundsobtained from them perform a significant role in our brain and entire nervous system; we are forced to appeal to other animals; we could not get an adequate quantity of fat-soluble vitamins; there are two fatty acids which the body cannot produce itself; several fats and fatty acids are necessaryfor the human body

4. Укажите номера пропущенных слов.

По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru 1. Animals and human beings ... sugars and starch and store the excess as fats. 2. A characteristic of most living matter is the ... to make fats from carbohydrates. 3. Sugar is very important for the nutrition of our … system. 4. Carbohydrates and fats are ... for the living organism. 5. The sterols ... from the fats are also essential for the living organism. 6. Without fats in the diet we could not get a ... amount of fat-soluble vitamins. 7. … foods perform some very important functions in animal life. 8. Our body ... to manufacture some necessary fats. 9. Fats form a ... layer around the nerves. 10. We need to call on animals as a human body cannot ... some essential fats and fatty acids.

1. sufficient, 2. derived, 3. refuses, 4. take in, 5. brain, 6. protective, 7. manufacture, 8. fatty, 9. ability, 10. essential




Active Vocabulary:

protein (complete, partially complete, incomplete)белок (полноценный / частично полноценный/неполноценный);

to vary, variation –отличаться, разновидность;

to link – соединять, связывать,

to maintain, maintenance – поддерживать, поддержка,

to value -оценивать,

value -ценность,

valuable -ценный;

to support -поддерживать;

to classify -классифицировать;

to result in – приводить к чему-либо;

to base upon -основывать;

adequate -достаточный;

to be able, ability –быть способным, способность


nitrogen– азот

sulphur – сера

phosphorus– фосфор

iron - железо

essential amino acids - незаменимые аминокислоты

casein - казеин

lactalbumin['læk'tælbjumin] - лактальбумин/молочный белок


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to differ in the elements present in sugar; to contain also nitrogen and in most cases sulphur; the nitrogen content commonly varies from 10 to 18 per cent; foods of both animal and plant origin; foods high in protein; to contain the proteins, lactalbumin and casein, as well as others of lesser importance; to be complex in nature; to be composed of a number of amino acids; to vary in the kind and number of amino acids; variation in the quality of proteins; to result in the classification; a complete protein is one that …; an incomplete protein neither supports normal growth nor maintains life, even if it is the only protein in the diet

Proteins differ from carbohydrates in that, besides the elements present in sugar and starches, they also contain nitrogen and in most cases sulphur. Phosphorus and iron are also found in some proteins. The importance of nitrogen content commonly varies from 10 to 18 per cent. Proteins are found in foods of both animal and plant origin. Meat, eggs, milk, nuts and certain of cereal foods are high in protein. All those foods contain more than one protein. Milk, for example, contains the proteins, lactalbumin and casein, as well as others of lesser importance.

Proteins are complex in nature, they are composed of a number of amino acids or “building blocks”, linked together, and also of amino acids linked with other substances. Proteins vary in the kind and number of amino acids present. Certain amino acids the body is unable to build. These are known as essential amino acids and must be supplied by the foods eaten.

Variation in the quality of proteins has resulted in their classification as complete, partially complete, and incomplete, based upon their ability to support normal growth and to maintain life even if it is the only protein in the diet. A partially complete protein is one that maintain life but does not support normal growth. An incomplete protein, although valuable in the diet, will by itself neither support normal growth nor maintain life. Most animal proteins are complete. Plant proteins are more or less incomplete, although the soya bean and the wheat grain contain proteins that are complete. Valuable sources of protein are: cereals and cereal products, cheese, eggs, fish, meat, milk, nuts.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the composition of proteins? 2. What foods are valuable sources of proteins? 3. What is the basis of protein classification?

2. Найдите в тексте синонимы выделенных слов.

the significance of nitrogen is indicated by the fact; the nitrogen content usually ranges from 10 to 18 per cent; meat, milk ... are richin proteins; proteins are complicated in character; they are made up of very many amino acids tiedtogether; variationin the quality of proteins has ended in their grouping; if itis a single protein in the nutrition; a complete protein is one that is sufficient to maintain life; rich sources of proteins are cereals, fish, meat ...



Active Vocabulary:

vitamin - витамин;

health – здоровье;

well-being – здоровье, благосостояние;

to expose, exposure – подвергать, выдержка;

to aid, aid – помогать, способствовать, помощь;

to constitute, constituent – составлять, составная часть;

to destroy – разрушать, уничтожать,

destruction - разрушение,

destructive - разрушительный;

available - доступный;

extent – степень, мера;

to exceed - превышать;

to remain - оставаться,

to recognize - признавать,

to convert (to transform, to change into, to turn into) – превращать, обращаться,

to affect (to influence, to act upon, to have effect) – влиять, затрагивать,

to prevent - предотвращать;

to occur (to happen, to take place) – происходить, случаться;

stable- устойчивый;

readily – охотно, легко


yeast; alkali   дрожжи; щелочь
egg yolk; carotene   яичный желток; каротин
ergosterol   эргостерин
reproduction; fertility   воспроизводство; плодородие
clotting of blood   свертывание крови
ultra-violet light   ультрафиолетовый свет


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to be exceedingly important; generally recognized as; still remains the best source; to occur as such; to any appreciable extent; to be especially stable to; to be really a "stored sunshine" in food; due to the presence of a fat-like substance; under direct exposure to the sun or ultra-violet light ;unlike most of the other vitamins; like the other fat-soluble vitamins; to be easily/readily destroyed; thus transformed into the vitamin; to have little effect upon vitamin K; to go on oxidizing.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why are vitamins essential in our nutrition? 2. In what form may vitamins be available? 3. What is the best source of vitamins?

2. Заполните пропуски и переведите словосочетания на русский язык.

a) exposing; b) exposure; c) to be exposed

1. … vitamins to the sun or ultra-violet light 2. under direct … to air 3. the substance … to sun light

a/destroying b/destroyed c/destruction

1. foods … through oxidation 2. the way of … vitamins 3. the … of vitamins due to long heating

a/having recognized b/recognition c/recognized

1. the … of the significance of vitamins 2. the process generally … as an extremely complex one 3. … the existence of vitamins scientists began to study their properties

a/to be converted b/conversion c/converting

1. a provitamin … into a vitamin 2. … provitamin D into vitamin D under direct exposure to ultra-violet light 3. the necessity of the … of provitamin D into vitamin D within the body

a/affected b/to be affected c/having been affected

1. … by heat the substance changed its properties 2. vitamin A … by light, especially by ultra-violet light 3. the substance … by light in order to destroy it

2. Укажите номера синонимичных пар.

1. convert 2. exceedingly 3. occur 4. expose 5. aid 6. reproduce 7. essential 8. affect 9. constituent 10. easily

1. help 2. readily 3. transform 4. influence 5. happen 6. lay open to 7. vital 8. generate / multiply 9. component 10. extremely

3.Укажите номера антонимичных пар.

1. stimulate 2. presence 3. include 4. strong 5. destroy 6. rapidly 7. rich in 8.stable 9. soluble 10. appreciable

1. deficient in 2. exclude 3. create 4. insoluble 5. inconsiderable 6. changeable 7. weak 8. prevent 9. slowly 10. absence

4.Назовите пропущенные предлоги.

1. most of vitamins are stable ... heat. 2. under the direct exposure ... light. 3. to be converted ... vitamin A. 4. to be rich ... vitamins 5. to oxidize readily ... the presence of acids. 6. to be able to transform carotene ... vitamin A. 7. necessary ... normal clotting of blood. 8. provitamin D is converted ... vitamin within the body. 9. essential... the development and maintenance of bones and teeth. 10.a fat-soluble vitamin is not soluble ... water

1. into 2. in 3. to 4. for


1. Прочитайте текст и скажите, какое открытие было сделано польским ученым.



Active Vocabulary:

to link, link (to connect)– связывать, соединять, связь;

to trace– прослеживать,

trace- микроэлемент;

to assimilate - усваивать,

assimilation - усвоение,

assimilable – усвояемый, способный к усвоению;

to perform, performance – выполнять, выполнение;

to occur, (to happen) – случаться, происходить;

occurrence – наличие (признака);

to lack, lack – испытывать недостаток, недостаток, дефицит;

deficiency – отсутствие, нехватка,

to be deficient in – содержаться в незначительном количестве;

to ruin, ruination – разрушать, уничтожать, ;

outer- внешний, наружный;

inner – внутренний,

coat, covering – покров, слой, оболочка;

layer - слой;

vital – жизненно важный, насущный,

exacting - точный;

to remove, removal – удалять, удаление


tuber – fruit – germ – to peel – peelings – ore – calcium – клубень плод зародыш очищать (фрукты) очистки руда кальций to strip – fine milling – to sprinkle – iron – copper – leafy – снимать, обдирать мелкий помол посыпать железо медь покрытый листьями, листовой


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

minute traces of copper; to perform various functions; minerals present in our food; to make up the deficiency of iron; to sprinkle fine grains of copper; to be exacting in the specification; minor constituents of plant and animal life; to оссur most frequently; by stripping cereals of all their outer coats; to make a good start; completely replaced about every six years; insufficient intake; to make adjustment; to go on excreting calcium; fully twice as great as; to turn over our body’s total supply; the greater need comes from; to be plentiful in; a striking similarity; energy-promoting or absorbing mechanism; higher animals; iron bearing hemoglobin; to be substituted for.

The minerals which we have in our system are very important links in our vital processes. The most important minerals are iron, calcium, iodine. Iron we must have in our blood to get oxygen from the air, and we must have minute traces of copper or the iron cannot be assimilated. Calcium and phosphorus must be present to make our bones and teeth, as well as to perform various other functions.

Minerals not only must be present in our food, but they must occur in a form which can be assimilated by the body. If our diet is lacking iron, you cannot make up the deficiency eating iron ore, for such a material is not assimiable. You must have copper but you cannot get it by sprinkling fine grains of copper-bearing rock on your salad. The body is not only very exacting in the specifications of what it must have, it also lays down strict rules regarding the form in which the material must be presented.

For the most part these materials are only the minor constituents of plants and animal life and, unfortunately for our good health, they occur most frequently in what we ordinarily do not like to eat. The outer layers and germ of the grains, the peelings of the tubers and fruits, the coarser, leafy, parts of vegetables. These are the materials that contain the minerals and often the vitamins. By stripping cereals of all their outer coats and refining sugar until it is whiter than the whitest snow, we have made a good start on the road to the ruination of human health, for fine milling removes 75 per cent of the minerals.

Calcium is a very important mineral in animal life. All of our calcium is completely replaced about every six years, and the only way to maintain the balance in the body is to take in a sufficient quantity in the food. If there is insufficient intake the body tries to make adjustment, but it is never completely successful. It goes on excreting calcium, taking it from bones and teeth. The calcium requirements for the growing young is fully twice as great as that of the average adult.

Phosphorus is to calcium as thunder is to lightning; the two together are required to make our bones and teeth. We must have our phosphorus and plenty of it, twice as much as calcium (about 1.4 grams per day) for we turn over our body’s total supply in less than three years. The greater need comes from the fact that phosphorus is required by some of the body proteins, phospholipins and phosphatases. Fortunately most foods are more plentiful in phosphorus than in calcium, the notable exception being milk. Meat and egg yolk are high in phosphorus.

Iron. If we had no iron, we should have no blood. There is a striking similarity in the energy-promoting or absorbing mechanism in all branches of life. Higher animals all have blood containing iron bearing hemoglobin, to act as an oxygen carrier. The green chlorophyll of plants, which promotes the reactions of photosynthesis which make all life possible, has a chemical composition quite similar to our own hemoglobin but magnesium has been substituted for iron in the molecule. Iron is found in egg yolks, in liver, meat, spinach.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What minerals are most important? 2. In what form must minerals be presented? 3. What are main characteristics of the given minerals?



Active Vocabulary:

cell – клетка;

tissue –ткань;

to consume –потреблять, использовать, расходовать;

to increase –увеличивать, повышать, усиливать;

fluid –жидкость, жидкая среда;

to waste –расходовать;

wastes –потери, отходы;

to ooze out – проступать наружу, испаряться;

latent – скрытый, неактивный;

strenuous –трудный, требующий усилий, усердный, энергичный;

produce По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru – продукция ( плодоовощная), овощи и фрукты;

medium (media) – среда;

to excrete –выделять, выводить шлаки из организма;

to dehydrate –терять воду, обезвоживать;

lubrication -смазка, смазывание;

mucus По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru По развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи - student2.ru - слизь


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

an inorganic substance; to be considered a food; an essential part of a man’s diet; to help in preparing food for assimilation; cell protoplasm; blood plasma; intercellular fluid; to place an important role; to be the solvent for all the salts; to be absorbed or digested by the body; to act as a solvent; from the digestive tract to the blood; to provide a good medium for excreting body wastes; the process of sweating and evaporation; to ooze out through the skin; latent heat; the skin cools down; survival time; to take into account a person’s medical condition, exercise habits, and living environment; altitude location; during strenuous exercise; a huge source of wasted calories in our diet.

Water is an inorganic substance made up of hydrogen and oxygen. Water is not considered a food because it does not give energy like carbohydrates and fats or builds body tissues like proteins. Water is, however, an essential part of a man’s diet because it helps in preparing food for assimilation by the body. Water is present in the cell protoplasm, blood plasma and in the intercellular fluid in the tissues. In fact, about two – third of a man’s body weight is the water in the tissues of his body. Water places an important role in a large number of process like digestion, transport and helps in regulation of body temperature.

Water is the solvent for all the salts in the body and it is the medium which all chemicals reaction take place in the body. Water is a good solvent so it dissolves the food nutrients which can then be absorbed or digested by the body. Water acts as a solvent for transporting dissolved food materials from the digestive tract to the blood. Water also dissolves the waste material of our body and hence provide a good medium for excreting body wastes. An important role of water in our body is to regulate the body temperature, the process of sweating and evaporation. When the outside temperature is high, the water oozes out through the skin in the form of sweat. When this water evaporates from our body, it takes the latent heat of vaporization from skin. By losing heat, the skin cools down a little and we feel comfortable. The survival time without water is very short. Without water, the body cells cannot function and they die.

The amount of water needed by body depends on one’s age, type of work, and the climate. Generally speaking, people should consume approximately 2 to 3 liters of fluid each day. This does not take into account a person’s medical condition, exercise habits, and living environment (high altitude location or extremely hot area). Day-to-day activities may also increase ones need for fluid. For example, water requirements are increased when flying or during strenuous exercise.

Besides drinking water, we take in a lot of fluids in the food that we eat. Many fruits and vegetables have a high water content, another reason why we should eat a lot of fresh produce. One hundred percent fruit juice also contributes fluid to our diet, as do other beverages such as coffee and soda, though in small amounts. Caffeine, however, is dehydrating and can cause you to lose water. Soda and many fruit juices are a huge source of wasted calories in our diet. Try seltzer water with a splash of 100% fruit juice instead of soda for flavor without as much of a caloric punch.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is water essential in our diet? 2. What are the functions of water in our body? 3. What are the daily requirements of water? 4. What are the sources of water in our body?

2. Укажите номера пропущенных слов.

Water is a major component of every body … , … and … . It plays an …role in almost every body function, including:

  • Temperature …
  • Transportation of … through the blood
  • Acting as a necessary component of … reactions
  • Aid in … of waste through urine and feces
  • … of joints
  • Acting as a major component of body fluids such as mucus and tears
  • Giving the cells their shape and stability


1.important, 2.tissue, 3.cell, 4.organ, 5.regulation, 6.shape and stability, 7.elimination, 8.chemical, 9.oxygen and nutrients, 10.lubrication, 11.mucus and tears.


Water Content

The moisture content or humidity of a food is the amount of water lost by the substance when brought into balance with a true vapor pressure of zero (relative humidity of 0%). The amount of water lost is made up of water fixed by hydrogen bonds (water sorption, water held by capillary or osmotic, water solutions, water in occluse mesh and crystal water of crystallization); water chemically linked by covalent bonds is excluded.

The water content of a sample of food is expressed as% of water is reported to the mass of dry matter contained in the sample, ie the total mass of the moist of the sample.






по развитию навыков и умений чтения и устной речи

на английском языке для студентов 1 курса

(2 семестр)


Москва 2014


Косычева М.А., ст. преп. кафедры «Иностранные языки» МГУПП


Локтионова С.Н., к.ф.н, зав.кафедрой «Иностранные языки» МГУПП

Исаакиду К.В., к.ф.н., доцент кафедры «Иностранные языки»МГУПП


What is food?









Active Vocabulary

food, foods/foodstuffs - пища, еда; продукты питания;

nutrition - питание,

nutrient – питательное вещество,

nutritive, nutritious - питательный,

nutritionist - диетолог;

to nourish, nourishment - питать; питание, еда, пища;

to eat (ate, eaten) - есть;

to take in, intake – принимать, потреблять;

to digest - переваривать,

digestion -пищеварение,

digestible – перевариваемый, усвояемый;

capacity, ability/capability - способность,

able, capable – способный, обладающий способностью;

to constitute - составлять,

constituent – элемент, составляющая;

to compose – составлять, создавать,

composition – состав (хим.), соединение,

component – составная часть, составной элементt;

to make up/to build up – составлять, создавать, формировать;

to meet the need/requirement – удовлетворять требованиям;

to make contribution – делать вклад;

amount, quantity – количество, величина;

to lose (lost, lost) – терять, отдавать;

to repair - восстанавливать;

to supplement – дополнять, восполнять;

to define – давать определение, описывать,

definition -определение,

definite - определенный;

to refer to - ссылаться;

to accept – принимать, признавать, допускать;

to regard – рассматривать, считать;

to list - перечислять;

essential – обязательный, необходимый, незаменимый,

adequate – достаточный, отвечающий требованиям,

complex – сложный, составной


1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

to stop the growth; to lose the capacity to work; to supply the body with food; to consume nutritive food; to define complex substances; to regulate body processes; to meet body’s needs for energy; to depend upon the ability of the body; to classify food constituents into se­veral groups; to make up/to constitute the largest quantity of food constituents; to list chief constituents; to eat/to take in various foods; to supplement the list of food constituents, to accept bread, milk, meat, eggs and vegetables as staple foods, to build and repair tissues; to regard as a particular function; to refer to substances.

Food is essential to the nutrition of any human being or any form of life. If there is no food there is no life; if the amount or kind of food is inadequate, growth is stopped and the capacity to work is lost.

The term “food” is commonly used to refer to those substances that form a part of the usual diet. Milk, eggs, tomatoes, and flour are accepted as foods. Scientifically speaking foods are not so much substances that we eat as substances that supply certain nutrients when eaten. Foods, then are defined as those substances which when taken into the body, supply energy, build and repair tissues, and regulate body processes. Foods, which we eat, are often complex substances, capable of meeting more than one of these body needs. One food may supply both energy and building material, another may regulate body processes and give energy. The contribution that a food makes to the body depends upon its constituents and the ability of the body to utilize them. The chief constituents of foods are classified into six groups: carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins and water.

The body’s need for energy is met through carbohydrates, fats and proteins. Its need for building and repairing tissues is primarily met by proteins and minerals, though these are supplemented by the other constituents. The regulation of body processes is commonly regarded as particular function of water, proteins, vitamins, minerals, organic acids and cellulose. Though water, proteins, carbohydrates, and fats make up the largest quantity of the food constituents used the others listed are also essential.


1. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. Why is food essential to the nutrition? 2. What are the chief constituents of foods? 3. What is the main function of food? 4. Why should people eat?

2. Переведите на английский язык.

потреблять питательную и разнообразную пищу; способствовать жизнедеятельности организма; ссылаться на вещества как основу диеты человека; зависеть от ежедневного питания; классифицировать составляющие пищи на группы; восстанавливать ткани; составлять наибольшее количество; терять способность работать; использовать питательную ценность продуктов; регулировать жизненные процессы организма

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