Text A. Steve Jobs – Founder of Apple

Jobs guided Apple to be a major player in the digital revolution. The introduction of the iMac and other cutting-edge products made Apple a powerful brand with a loyal following. Jobs also enjoyed considerable success at Pixar. He created Oscar-winning movies such as ‘Toy Story’ and ‘Finding Nemo’. Jobs’ advice for success is: “You’ve got to find what you love." He died in October 2011, aged 56.

Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. and former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He was the largest individual shareholder in Walt Disney. Jobs’ name is associated with innovative products like the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad. He was a much-respected corporate leader whose management style is studied worldwide. His attention to design, function and style won him millions of fans.

Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. He became interested in computers when he was a teenager and attended lectures after school at Hewlett Packard. In 1974, Jobs got a job as a technician at the video game maker Atari. He saved enough money to backpack around India and then returned to Atari, where he met Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Jobs and Wozniak founded Apple in 1976. Jobs persuaded Wozniak to make a computer and sell it. Together, they developed the Mac. It was the first small computer with a user-friendly interface to be commercially successful. Jobs also built the computer on which the World Wide Web was created. He developed a passion for style and functional perfection, which became Apple trademarks.

Sources: http://www.wikipedia.org/ and assorted biographies.


a cutting-edge product инновационное изделие

to enjoy success иметь успех

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) президент компании

a shareholder акционер

worldwide во всем мире

to win fans прибрести последователей

to get a job as (a technician) получить работу в качестве


to save money экономить деньги

user-friendly простой, удобный в употреблении

a trademark торговая марка

I. Read the following international words. Guess their meaning. Look them up in a dictionary to make sure you are right:

nouns: revolution, product, leader, design, function, style

adjectives: individual, innovative, commercial, functional, corporate

II. Read the text. Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

появление простых, удобных в употреблении изделий; один из основателей; стиль управления; посещать лекции; быть коммерчески успешным; функциональное совершенство.

III. Translate the text “Steve Jobs – Founder of Apple”.

IV. Match the words on the left with their synonyms on the right.

1. CEO a. followers

2. individual b. Chief Executive Officer

3. fans c. went to

4. attended d. went back

5. backpack e. single

6. returned f. travel

7. persuaded g. innovative

8. passion h. characteristics

9. trademarks i. love

10. major j. lots of

11. cutting edge k. big

V. Match the following phrases from the article.

1. former CEO a. a passion for style

2. the largest individual b. as a technician

3. innovative c. to make a computer

4. Jobs got a job d. with a loyal following

5. backpack e. of Pixar

6. Jobs persuaded Wozniak f. find what you love

7. a user friendly g. around India

8. He developed h. shareholder in Walt Disney

9. made Apple a powerful brand i. products like the iPod

10. You’ve got to j. interface

Text A. Steve Jobs – Founder of Apple - student2.ru VI. Choose the correct word. Delete the wrong word in each of the pairs in italics.

Steve Jobs was the co-founder and CEO of Apple Inc. and formed / former CEO of Pixar Animation Studios. He was the largest individually / individual shareholder in Walt Disney. Jobs’ name is associated / association with innovative products like the iPod, iPhone, iTunes and iPad. He was a much-respected corporate leader whose management style is studied worldwide. His attention to design, function and style / stylish won him millions of fans.

Jobs was born in San Francisco in 1955. He became interesting / interested in computers when he was a teenager and attended lecture / lectures after school at Hewlett Packard. In 1974, Jobs got a job as / was a technician at the video game maker Atari. He saved enough money to backpack / backpacking around India and then returned to Atari, where he met Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak.

Jobs and Wozniak find / found Apple in 1976. Jobs persuaded Wozniak to make a computer and sell it / them. Together, they developed the Mac. It was the first small computer with a user-friendly interface to be commercially successful. Jobs also built the computer on / into which the World Wide Web was created. He developed a passion for style and functional perfection, which became Apple trademarks / landmarks.

Jobs guided Apple to be a major / media player in the digital revolution. The introduction of the iMac and other cutting-edge produce / products made Apple a powerful brand with a loyal / royal following. Jobs also enjoyed considerable success at Pixar. He created Oscar-winning movies such as ‘Toy Story’ and ‘Finding Nemo’. Jobs’ advise / advice for success is: “You’ve got to find what you love." He died in October 2011, aged 56.

VII. These jumbled words are from the text. Spell them correctly.

1. co-freduno and CEO of Apple Inc.
2. He was the atrsgel individual shareholder
3. He was a much-respected corporate rldeae
4. His attention to iegdsn
5. when he was a tereange
6. teatdedn lectures after school
7. a job as a ianeinctch
8. packacbk around India
9. Jobs and Wozniak duofend Apple in 1976
10. they peevoeddl the Mac
11. a ssipnao for style
12. Apple kmtsrderaa
13. a major player in the itadlig revolution
14. other cutting edeg products
15. a powerful brand with a yolla following
16. Jobs’ ieavdc for success

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