Современные средства передачи информации
Faxes (fax machine) are used for transportation business correspondences by telephone net. In business practice of nowadays the sending information by fax includes:
—business offers;
—price lists;
—advertising materials;
—press releases;
—written inquires, etc..
Usually the size of fax could not be more than one page and its structure is the same as in a business letter.
The information doesn't send by fax:
—original contracts;
—letters of credit;
— invoices and other important financial documents, which are sent by mail or
transport with courier.
The most popular Internet service is E-mail. Most of the people, who have access to the Internet, use the network only for sending and receiving e-mail messages. However, other popular services are available on the Internet: reading USENET news, using the World-Wide Web, telnet. FTP and Gopher.
The Internet, a global computer network, which embraces millions of users all over the world, began at the United States in 1969 as a military experiment. It was designed to survive a nuclear war. Information sent over the Internet takes the shortest path available from one computer to another. Because of this, any two computers on the Internet will be able to stay in touch with each other as long as there is a single route between them.
Most of the Internet host (узловой) computers (more than 50%) are in the United States, while the rest are located in more than 100 other countries. Although the number of host computers can be counted fairly accurately, nobody knows exactly how many people use the Internet, there are millions, and their number is growing by thousands each month worldwide.
In many developing countries the Internet may provide businessmen with a reliable alternative to the expensive and unreliable telecommunications system of these countries. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world andcan do it very economically. When they send e-mail messages, they have to pay for phone calls to their local service providers, not for calls across their countries or around the world.
E-mail is one of the most popular and easy taken service of the Internet. However, some problems remain. And th4e most important is security.
Следующие выражения помогут вам сделать телефонные звонки или ответить на них. Эти выражения делятся на две категории:
Outgoing calls(when you make the call)
Incoming calls (when you receive the call)
Outgoing Calls
Identifying yourself
My name is ____ (first introduction).
This is___ here.
This is___ .
Asking to speak to someone
Could I speak to ____, please?
Could you put me through to ____, please?
Could I have extension 4356, please?
I'd like to speak to____, please.
Giving further information
It's in connection with ____.
It's about ____ .
Explaining purpose of call
I'm calling to ask about ____ .
I'm phoning to let you know the details of ____ .
I'm ringing to tell you about ____ .
Showing understanding
I see.
I understand.
Leaving a message
Couldyou give ____ a message?
Could you ask ____ to call me (when he gets back)?
(Could you tell ____ ) I'll call back later.
Well, thank you very much for your help.
Well, thanks for the information.
I'm very grateful for your assistance.
I'm much obliged to you.
Ending the call
I look forward to seeing/hearing from/meeting you.
Incoming Calls
Identifving your company (from the switchboard)
Compact Systems. Good morning/afternoon.
Identifying yourself when you pick up the phone
Hilary Beacham.
Hilary Beacham speaking.
Helping the caller
Can I help you?
Who would you like to speak to?
Which department is he/she in?
Who's calling, please? Which company are you from?
Asking for further information.
What's it in connection with, please?
Connecting the caller. Asking for the caller's identification
Who's speaking, please?
Just a minute/moment/second/ please.
Hold/hang on, please.
Hold the line, please. I'll put you through.
I'm putting you through now.
I'm connecting you now.
You're through now.
Explaining that someone is not available
I'm afraid ____ is not available this morning/afternoon.
I'm afraid ____ is out at the moment.
I'm sorry, but ____ is on holiday/in a meeting at the moment.
I'm sorry, but ____ is on the other line at present.
I'm afraid his/ her line's engaged. Do you want to hold?
Alternative actions
Could you ring/phone/call back later?
Would you like to leave a message?
Can I take a message?
Responding to thanks
Not at all. Don't mention it. You're welcome.
Ending the call
I look forward to seeing/hearing from/meeting you.
Thanks for calling.
Booking a Hotel Room
There are several types of hotels:
—luxury and five star hotels - include almost everything
—four star hotels - very good
—three star hotels - standard facilities
—one or two star hotels - cheaper, basic accommodations
Accommodations are also classified as follows:
—motel - for motorists, normally situated on main roads
—commercial hotel - in the town centre, for business people
—conference hotel - which includes meeting and exhibition facilities,
audio-visual equipment, banquet rooms, etc.
—resort hotel - at tourist resorts, for people on holiday
—health spa - offers medical treatment, exercise programmes and other
recreational facilities
—holiday village - a number of small cottages or bungalows with cooking
—bed and breakfast (B&B) - accommodation in private homes
—dormitory (youth hostel) - sleeping facilities, usually with cooking facilities
Every hotel has different rooms:
—a singleis a bedroom for one person
—a doubleis a bedroom for two people
—a twin-bedded roomhas twin beds
—suiteis a set of rooms
Hospitality Industry
The hospitality industry is booming at present. More 5-star hotels are being built, more existing de luxe hotels are being renovated now than in the previous decade. High-tech and multimedia companies bring a lot of corporate travelers and give convention opportunities for hotel owners in fast-growing megapolicies.
Some of these business travelers prefer world-known chain hotels, such as Hilton and Sheraton Hotels, others stay at smaller, luxury hotels occupying buildings of historical value.
All these hotels differ in size and interior design, but they have one thing in common. Through feds and fashions their personnel never forgets its first and foremost mission — making the customer at home. They try to cater to different tastes. Most grand hotels offer their guests single and double rooms, suites and penthouses. Sometimes you may find beautifully decorated suites for newly-wedded couples and president suites. More expensive rooms usually have a lovely view of the sea (of the park). The cheaper ones overlook an inner yard or a noisy street. The guests have a choice of either having their meal in one of the restaurants or having it delivered to their rooms. The room service also takes care of some other wishes of the guests (like fresh flowers, souvenirs, postcards). Those visitors who are short of time can drop in a cafe or in a bar for a quick snack.
Rooms in fashionable hotels are usually fitted in with cable and satellite television, telephones, sometimes even in a bathroom, and with amenities such as a combination printer/photocopier/fax. Rooms in top-class hotels are now upgraded with high-speed Internet access.
For corporate travelers, many hotels now offer dedicated multimedia conference suites. Designed for small- to mid-sized corporate meetings, conference centers feature state-of-the-art technology, including high-performance sound systems with wireless microphones and high-speed ISDN lines for Internet connections.
Hotels' health clubs feature fitness centers, salt water pools, whirlpools, steam rooms, outdoor saunas. You can book theater tickets, air and railway tickets at the registration desk.
According to forecasts the average daily room rate will rise dramatically in the next few years. Fortunately for those, who are involved in hospitality industry, many business travelers are ready to accept an increase in prices on condition it guarantees them better service.
Amenity удобство
Hospitality industry гостиничное дело
Industry in booming отрасль процветает
Suite номер-люкс
Multi-media company компания владеющая средствами массовой
1.Произнесите вслух по-английски следующие телефонные номера:
578-44-32 401-08-09
489-00-01 274-83-68
457-36-99 988-01-00
2 .Представьте, что Вам звонит из Англии Ваш деловой партнер, который собирается приехать к Вам в командировку. Выполните следующие действия:
- спросите по-английски, какого числа он собирается к Вам приехать;
- спросите, когда прибывает его рейс, и пообещайте встретить его в аэропорту;
- спросите, не заказать ли ему номер в гостинице, и пожелайте ему приятного пути;
- сформулируйте фразу для заказа для него двухместного номера в гостинице сроком на четверо суток со вторника, 18 ноября, по пятницу, 21 ноября, включительно.
3. Представьте, что Вы покупаете в Лондоне билет на самолет в Москву. Сформулируйте по-английски свои ответы на реплики агента по продаже билетов:
Travel agent: Good afternoon. Can I help you?
You: (Поздоровайтесь. Спросите, можно ли купить один билет
Экономического класса до Москвы на вторник, 7 октября).
Travel agent: Let me see… I’m very sorry, sir. There are no seats left for Moscow
on Tuesday.
You:(Спросите, остались ли билеты на тот же рейс на среду).
Travel agent:Just a minute, sir… Yes. There are some seats left for Wednesday.
You:(Скажите, что среда Вас устраивает. Спросите, сколько стоит
билет и включены ли в стоимость билета сборы в аэропорту).
Travel agent:It’s 198 pounds, sir, including airport taxes… Here you are.
You:(Узнайте у агента номер рейса, спросите, когда самолет
отбывает из Лондона и когда прибывает в Москву.
Поблагодарите агента).
4. Расставьте предложения в правильном порядке, чтобы получился телефонный разговор. Разыграйте его с партнером по разговору, обменяйтесь репликами.
a)Hold the line, please.
b)Could you leave a message?
d)Thank you. Goodbye.
f) Would you tell her Steve rang and asked her to ring back as soon as possible?
h) All right.
i) Hello, Steve. White speaking. May I have a word with Sheila?
j) Yes, of course.
k) I'm afraid she's gone out.
5. Ответьте на вопросы. Сравните ваши ответы с ответами вашего собеседника
Have you got a phone at home? Can I have your phone number? How many telephone calls do you usually make in a week? How many of them are private calls? How many of them are local calls? How many of them are long distance calls? Do you usually make quick calls or long calls? Have you ever received very unpleasant calls? Could you live without a phone? | Есть ли у вас дома телефон? Можно ваш номер телефона? Сколько телефонных звонков вы обычно делаете в неделю? Сколько из них ваших личных звонков? Сколько из них местных звонков? Сколько из них междугородных звонков? Вы обычно долго говорите по телефону? У вас когда-нибудь был очень неприятный звонок? Вы могли бы жить без телефона? |
6. Приведите в соответствие термины и их определения.
a) Message b) Feedback c) face-to face d) irritation e) efficient f) confirm | 1)feeling of annoyance when something you do not like continue to happen 2)the message 3)to say that something is now definite 4)a person who does a job well and successfully, without wasting time or energy. 5)being in someone's presence 6)a piece of information that you send or leave to someone when you cannot speak to them directly |
7. Работайте в парах. Что вы скажете по телефону.
1) When someone asks for your boss, and he is out? 2)When your friend is not in and you want him to call you back? 3)When you call the wrong number? 4)When you call and want to speak Mrs. Wanda Jones? 5)When someone calls and asks for you? 6)When someone calls and asks for your colleague who is in the next room? | 1) Если кто-то спрашивает Вашего директора, а его нет? 2) Если Вашего друга нет и Вы хотите, чтобы он перезвонил Вам? 3) Если набрали неправильный номер? 4)Если Вы хотите поговорить с Миссис Ванда Джоунс? 5) Если кто-то звонит и спрашивает Вас? 6) Если кто-то звонит и спрашивает Вашего коллегу, а он в соседнем кабинете? |
8. Вы получили факс от делового партнера с просьбой забронировать номер в отеле. Отель должен отвечать ниже перечисленным требованиям.
a) Прочитайте диалог и отметьте в таблице каким требованиям соответствует отель.
1) Room available on 5th, 6th and 7th May 2) Telephone 3) Near Lancaster Road 4) Meeting room 5) Restaurant |
L: Lancaster Hotel.
HB: Hello. My name is Hilary Beacham from Compact Systems. I'd like some
information, please.
L: Sorry. You'll have to speak up: it's a very bad line.
HB: OK. Can you tell me if you have any single rooms available on the 5th, 6th and
7 th May?
L: Sorry. I didn't quite catch those dates.
HB: The 5th, 6th and 7th May.
L: Yes, we still have rooms for those dates.
HB: And does every room have a telephone?
L: Oh yes.
H В: And the location is very important. Are you near Lancaster Road?
L: Well, we're actually about two miles from Lancaster Road.
HB: And the next question is: do you have any meeting rooms?
L: Can you repeat that please?
HB: Meeting rooms. Do you have any?
L: We do. I'll just check that we have one available for those dates ... Yes, we do. HB: Good.
L: Is there anything else?
HB: Oh yes. Is there a restaurant in the hotel?
L: Did you say " restaurant "?
HB: That's right.
L: No, I'm afraid not; just a snack bar. But there are a number of excellent ones
just round the corner.
HB: OK. Thanks very much. Goodbye.
L: Goodbye.
b) Воспроизведите диалог в парах, добавив несколько требований, например:
1. Conditioner
2. A lovely view of the park
3. Satellite television
4. PC with high-speed Internet access
Lesson 4