ТЕМА 2. Синтаксические замены в сложном предложении

Принято выделять следующие виды синтаксических трансформаций:

1)замену простого предложения сложным;

2)замену главного предложения придаточным и наоборот;

3)замену подчинительной связи сочинительной и наоборот;

4)замену сложного предложения простым:

5)замену союзного типа связи бессоюзным и наоборот.

Особым видом замены сложного предложения простым является членение предложения, т.е. разделение одного сложного(реже - простого) предложения на два или более простых или , иногда, сложных.В ряде случаев при переводе приходиться одновременно прибегать и к членению, и к объединению предложения.

ПРИМЕР: On October 18,1971 he took the heat alone in his office in New York.

Took the heat, cursed and despised, by those whom he helped rise to power.

18 октября 1971 года он принял весь удар на себя. Принял его, сидя

Одиноко в своем нью-йоркском офисе, проклинаемый и презираемый

всеми теми, кто получил власть из его рук.

В данном примере первое предложение членится, а затем объединяется со вторым предложением для достижения смыслового и синтаксического равновесия двух русских предложений.


1. The audience he addressed last night at the city hall may also have been less than enthusiastic about the government’s attitude towards raising the retirement age.

2. Up goes unemployment, up go prices, and down tumbles the Democratic vote.

3. Mr.Banga’s globe-trotting identity and animated personality are in jarring contrast to previous

MasterCard chief executives, who were typically buttoned up, American and, often, by League-educated.

4. Although competition to handle payments is intense in the United States, the wider battlegrounds are in countries like India and Brazil, which have vast numbers of people without bank accounts, and a growing middle class.

5. Not only was Visa more aggressive in pursuing the debit card market in the United States, which it has come to dominate, but it pushed ahead of MasterCard in the nascent prepaid-card market and in pursuing new business in developing countries in Latin America and Asia

6. Behind the scenes, under the energetic chairmanship of South Korea, the G20 has notched up a few notable accomplishments in recent weeks. With big players from the emerging and rich worlds around the table, the G20 has a legitimacy that is lacking in other economic clubs, such as the rich-country-only G7

7. The Irish bond market fell after Ireland announced on Thursday that is planned to nearly double its package of spending cuts and tax increases to try to rein in its huge deficit. Investors took it not as a sign of resolve but rather of Ireland’s desperation and uncertainty about the true extent of its problems

8. Before the market opened, Chrysler announced it would raise its full-year profit forecast despite losing $ 84 million in the third quarter. That loss was smaller than the $ 172 million the company lost in the second quarter.

9. Perhaps frustrated by what at times can seem like his own one man effort to bring his unwieldy country into the 21st century President Dmitry A. Medvedev on Monday turned to a seasoned fighter of government bureaucracy and other dark forces [Arnold Schwarzenegger]

10. Real modernization, critics say, will come when the government loosens its grip on the country’s key economic levers while battling corruption and diminishing bureaucracy.

11. Embarrassingly, similar criticism of Skolkovo and Mr. Medvedev’s modernization drive was recently leveled in the Russian news media by Andre Geim, a Russian-born scientist who fled Russia’s crumbling scientific establishment for the West after the Soviet collapse, and this year [2010] won the Nobel Prize in physics for his work at the University of Manchester, England

12. Twitter’s starting growth – it has exploded to 160 million users, from three million, in the last two years – is reminiscent of Google and Facebook in their early days. Those web-sites are now must-buys for advertisers online, and the ad industry is watching Twitter closely to see if it continues to follow the path.

13. When financial leaders gather at the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank meeting in Washington on Friday, there are three global players in particular - Russia, Brazil and the European Union – that need to act in concern to avert an escalation and help create a new global currency arrangement that promotes sustained growth

14. Incrementalism, however, even of the urgent sort, may not be grand enough for France, which takes over the leadership of the G20 on November 12th

15. Unfortunately, history suggests that big-picture debates on the future of the international monetary system rarely yield results, while diverting attention from smaller practical goals

16. Stocks on Wall Street declined in early trading on Monday, reversing the recent rally that pushed the market to its highest level this year, and the dollar gained strength as concerns resurfaced over financial struggles in Europe

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