You have 20 seconds to ask each question

Task 2 Variant 1

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question -

You are considering joining the Yoga Club and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to askfive direct questions to find out the following:

1) address of the club

2) opening days

3) if they offer classes for the aged people or for the young

4) fee per week

5) morning training programs

Советы по выполнению задания:

— Чтобы успешно выполнить данное задание, необходимо повторить темупостроения вопросов в английском языке: все подробности здесь

— Вопрос должен соответствовать поставленной задаче.

— Вопрос должен произноситься с интонацией, соответствующей типу задаваемого вопроса, например — повышаться в общих вопросах и понижаться в специальных вопросах.

— Вы можете задать все пять вопросов одного типа (например, специальные вопросыSpecial questions); это не повлияет на вашу оценку.

Примерный ответ:

После пробного экзамена по устной части ЕГЭ по английскому языку в 2015 году, стало очевидным, что возможности начать условный диалог-расспрос нижеприведенными фразами не представляется возможным!!!

Hello! My name is Jane. I'm calling to ask you some questions about your advertisement. / Hello! My name is Nick. I would like to ask you some questions about ...

На экране компьютера поочередно будут появляться каждый из пяти пунктов задания. У Вас будет всего 20 секунд, для того чтобы построить ПРЯМОЙ ВОПРОС, поэтому, не отвлекаясь, приступайте к заданию.

1)What is the address of the yoga club?/Where is the club situated?

2) What are the opening days?/What days is the club open?/When is the club open?

3)Do you offer classes for the aged people or for the young only?

4) How much is the training program per week?/What is the training fee per week?

5) You have got morning training programs,haven't you?/Are there any morning training programs? / Have you got any morning programs?

Task 2 Variant 2

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question -

You have decided to celebrate your birthday in the restaurant and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to ask five direct questions to find out the following:

1) availability of table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon

2) if booking is free

3) kinds of meat dishes on the menu

4) variety of dessert they serve

5) place to dance

Sample answer:

1) Is a table for 10 people available for Sunday afternoon? / Can I book a table for 10 people for Sunday afternoon?

2)Is booking free? / Should I pay for reservation? / Is booking free or should I pay for reservation? / Booking is free, isn't it?

3)What meat dishes do you have on the menu in your restaurant?

4)What do you serve for dessert? /What desserts do you serve?

5) Where can we dance? / Is there any place to dance? / Do you have any place to dance? / You've got some place to dance, haven't you?

Task 2 Variant 3

Study the advertisement.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question.

You have 20 seconds to ask each question -

You are going to visit the fashion show and now you are calling to find out more information. In 1.5 minutes you are to askfive direct questions to find out the following:

1) how to get there

2) if you can book tickets on-line

3) price of the tickets

4) information about the clothes

5) opportunity to buy any items of clothing

Sample answer:

1) How can I get to the college?

2) Can I book tickets on your website?/ Can I book tickets on-line? / Is there any possibility to book tickets on-line? /Are the tickets available online?

3) What is the price of the tickets? / How much are the tickets? /How much do the tickets cost? / The price of the tickets is not very high, isn't it? / The tickets are not very expensive, are they?

4) Where can I find information about the clothes at the show? /Is there any information about the clothes on your website? / I can find some information about the clothes on your website, can't I?

5) Will I have the opportunity to buy any items of clothing after the show?

Task 2 Variant 4

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