

Words and expressions

shop магазин
to do / go shopping делать (ходить за) покупки
store магазин
department отдел
department store универмаг
supermarket супермаркет, магазин самообслуживания
boutique бутик, магазин
stall киоск
fruit- shop фруктовый магазин
the greengrocer’s овощной магазин
the baker’s булочная
the butcher’s мясной магазин
dairy shop молочный магазин
grocery shop / store бакалея
to call on заходить
to wear носить
for summer / winter wear для лета / для зимы
ready-made clothes готовая одежда
to buy clothes покупать одежду
to sell продавать
seller, salesman, shop-assistant продавец
buyer покупатель
goods товары
to fit well хорошо сидеть, подходить, быть в пору
to match smth. подходить к чему-либо по цвету, тону
to suit подходить, соответствовать, идти к лицу
to go with подходить по фактуре, стилю
fitting-room примерочная
to try on smth. примерять что-либо
to be loose / tight on smb. быть свободным / узким на ком-то
size размер
How much is it? Сколько это стоит?
(What is the price of it?  
What does it cost?)  
cheap дешевый
expensive дорогой
fashion / style мода
fashionable, stylish модный
old- fashioned несовременный, старомодный
made of сделанный из
cashier кассир
cash-desk касса

Read and translate the text.


SUPERMARKETS. Supermarkets are primarily food stores which carry all kinds of food: fresh, frozen and canned meat, fish, vegetables and fruit as well as dairy foods and bread. They also carry a small selection of pots and pans for cooking, baby clothes and supplies, dish cloths and towels, paper products such as facial tissue, paper napkins and toilet paper, soaps and cleaners of all kinds, simple medicines such as aspirin, toiletries, etc. Almost everything needed to set up housekeeping can be found in a supermarket except sheets, pillowcases, blankets and draperies. In supermarkets, the customer serves himself and pays the cashier on leaving the store.

DEPARTMENT STORES. Department stores carry clothing for men, women and children, household linens, materials for making clothes, pots and pans, hardware, china and glassware, silverware, household electrical appliances and some furniture. Department stores do not sell fresh food.

DRUGSTORES. Drugstores, or pharmacies, sell many things besides medicinal drugs. All of them carry common medicines such as aspirin and cold remedies. A registered pharmacist is on duty to fill prescriptions given you by a doctor. Camera equipment, cosmetics, magazines, candy and greeting cards are also available. Most drugstores carry alcoholic beverages. Some drugstores are open on Sunday.

DISCOUNT STORES. Discount stores claim to sell their merchandise at a discount, or cheaper, price than other stores. This claim based on the fact that they use fewer sales personnel to wait on customers: less money for displays and buy in very large quantities thus cutting overhead and passing this saving on to the customer.

SMALL INDEPENDENT STORES. The majority of the grocery, dress, shoe, jewellery, drug and book stores in town are small independent stores owned and operated by local businessmen. They will give you more personal attention and will deliver your purchase to your home.

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