Закончите предложения ответами из второй колонки.

1. Money is changed at... hairdresser’s

2. Films are shown at... studio

3. Teeth are filled at... grocery

4. Hair is cut at... cinema

5. Fruit and vegetables are sold at... launderette

6. Photographs are taken at... garage

7. Newspapers are sold at... bank

8. Cars are repaired at... dentist

6.Clothes are washed at... newsagent’s

3. Поставьте глаголы в скобках в правильное время (Present Perfect или Present Perfect Continuous)

1. I feel tired. I (work) all day, and I (not finish) yet.

2. She (live) in Kiev for a long time, but she (not see) many sights.

3. They (wait) for two hours, but nobody (come) yet.

4. I (read) letters and the light isn’t very good. I (have) a headache.

5. Somebody (take) my files. They (lie) here for ages, but now I can’t find them

Образец заказа

(Sample Letter of Order)

Men’s Clothes Dealers Ltd.

142 South Road

Sheffield S20 4HL


21th March, 1997

Dear Sirs,

Our Order for Silk Shirts

In response to your letter of 17th March, we thank you for sending us your catalogues of men’s silk shirts. We are sure there will be a great demand for them in Ukraine.

Yours faithfully, Закончите предложения ответами из второй колонки. - student2.ru

We are enclosing our Order No. 142, and would ask you to return its duplicate to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement.

Vladimir Smurov Export-Import Manager

Enc. Order No. 142

Образец подтверждения заказа

(Sample Letter of Acknowledgement)

Visteria Ltd.

P. O. Box 82 Kiev 253206 Ukraine

28th March, 1997

Ref: Order No. 142 of 21th March, 1997

Dear Mr. Smurov,

Thank you for your letter of 21 th March, 1997. We are pleased to acknowledge your order for 400 men’s silk shirts and enclose the copy of it, duly signed, as requested.

Delivery will be made immediately on opening a letter of credit with our bank for the amount of $4212.

We hope our shirts will be in great demand in Ukraine and you will be able to place large orders with us in the future.

Yours sincerely,

Alfred Smithers

Sales Manager

Клише и выражения писем-заказов:

— In reply (response) to your letter (fax) of (dated)..., we thank you for... — В ответ на Ваше письмо (факс) от..., мы благодарим Вас за...

— We are pleased to enclose our Order No.... — Имеем удовольствие приложить к данному письму наш заказ №...

— We enclose (are enclosing) our order for... — Мы прилагаем наш заказ на...

— We accept your offer and have pleasure in placing an order with you for... — Мы принимаем ваше предложение и имеем удовольствие разместить у вас заказ на..

Please confirm that you can supply... — Просим подтвердить, что вы можете поставить...

— Please send the copy of this order to us, duly signed, as an acknowledgement. — В качестве подтверждения заказа просим выслать нам подписанную Вами копию заказа.

— Please supply/send us... — Просим поставить...

Клише и выражения писем-подтверждений заказов:

— Thank you very much for your order No... of (dated)... — Благодарим Вас за Ваш заказ №... от...

— As requested we enclose (are enclosing) the copy of your order, duly signed, as an acknowledgement. — Как Вы просили, мы прилагаем копию заказа, подписанную нами, как подтверждение Вашего заказа.

— We confirm that delivery will be made by... — Мы подтверждаем, что поставка будет произведена к... (такой-то дате).

— We hope that you will have a good turnover, and that we will be dealing with your company in the future. — Надеемся, что вы будете иметь хороший оборот, и мы будем сотрудничать с вашей компанией и в дальнейшем.

— Delivery will be made in conformity (accordance) with your instructions. — Поставка будет произведена в соответствии с вашими инструкциями.

Клише и выражения, используемые при отклонении заказов:

— We are sorry (we regret) to let you know (to inform you) that we cannot execute your order because of... К сожалению вынуждены сообщить вам, что мы не можем выполнить ваш заказ по причине...

— The goods you ordered are no longer available. —Товара, который вы заказали, больше в наличии не имеется.

We can offer you a substitute. — Можем предложить вам замену.

Закончите предложения ответами из второй колонки. - student2.ru
. Training exercises

Структура компании

1. Вы — руководитель фирмы, схема которой представлена на рисунке. Расскажите о своей фирме, ответив на вопросы:

— How many departments are there at the company?

— How many managers work at the company?

— What is in your opinion the most important department?

— Are there any overseas branches?

2. Следующие пять функций являются основными в работе любого менеджера:

a) Planning

b) Organizing

c) Staffing

d) Directing i) Controlling

Выскажите свое мнение о том, какие три качества из перечисленных ниже в первую очередь необходимы менеджеру.

General education Motivation to work Foreign languages

Flexibility Can cope under pressure Ability to make decisions

Communication skill Punctuality Fantasy

3.М-р Браун записал в своем календаре-еженедельнике, что ему необходимо сделать. Вы — шеф м-ра Брауна. Спросите его, что он успел сделать за день?

Например: Have you met Mr Erickson? What did he tell you?

*Ask Mary to book flight and collect tickets Tell Mary to book hotel room

*Collect currency

* Hire car

*Meet Mr Erickson (2p. m. )

* Arrange an appointment with Mr Forster (tomorrow 10 a. m. )

*Call Mr Collins and make an appointement with him (Friday 3p.m. )

*Ask the embassy for a visa application form.

4.Познакомьтесь с содержанием телефонного разговора клиента и поставщика. Переведите его на родной язык.

— Sundel, Electrotech Sales Manager. Can I help you?

— Good afternoon, Mr Sundel. This is Mr Hart from Santina Hotel speaking. Have you got any refrigerators IPD Model 245?

— Yes, we have, but we have had a lot of orders for this model.

— What is its price?

— Its retail price is $460 per unit.

— What is the discount for a lot of 100 units?

— Usually we give a 5 % discount..

— Is there a discount if I pay cash?

— I am not sure. I should consult with our Financial Manager.

— What is the minimum time for delivery?

— A month.

Lexical minimum №3

-Let’s discuss the commercial side of our transaction. We were inclined to consider the prices today.

-You find them attractive, don’t you?

-Unfortunately, no. Comparing them with those of your competitors they are 5-10 % higher.

- I’m afraid I can’t agree with you there. Don’t you know that we’ve made some modifications and reduced the power consumption of our equipment?

- Sure, I know that, but you can’t say that the power consumption of your equipment is very low. And if we were that interested in power consumption we would have turned to, say, Central Installations. However, our main requirements are reliability and trouble-free performance of the equipment. It involves the problem of Test and Guarantee.

- We can assure you, Mr Klimenko, that we won’t let you down. On our part, we expect the Release Note for Shipment to be signed immediately after the tests are carried out and the Test Report is submitted.

- I see, but in the circumstances could we discuss the matter of Test and Guarantee a little later? As we are in close touch with the market now we are informed that other companies can quote lower prices. We expect your understanding of our good will and of die fact that our company is rather new and intends to have long-term relations with yours.

- Right, but business is business. What are your reasons for a discount?

- I’ve already mentioned your competitors’ prices. Besides, your price must depend on the amount of the Contract.

- Well, if you increase your order to... pounds we will be able to give you a 2 % discount.

- It’s better, but we expected at least a 4 % discount.

- Let us make some calculations.... 3 % and no more, Mr Klimenko. Even this concession leaves only a very small profit for us.

- But I’m afraid, Mr Rogers, that at this time we can’t raise the sum of the Contract. Would you take risks and sign our first contract at this price if we find you new customers in CIS countries in the nearest future?

- Well, that’s reasonable. We always give our partners a square deal. But this price is final. CIF Odessa, isn’t it? Now the terms of payment. We accept: Cash, Letter of Credit, Telex Transfer, Certified Check.

- Unfortunately, cash is out of the question. It isn’t allowed in our country for foreign trade, and, it’s a problem for us too. The Letter of Credit appears to be the most acceptable. As to the others they are not so widespread in our country.

- All right. What currency can you pay in: sterling or dollars? We insist on pounds sterling.

- It’s possible. Go ahead, please.

- What we need is freedom of shipment from any UK port. We must have a choice in case of a strike.

-No objections. But we need a Bill of Lading, an Invoice, a Packing List, a Certificate of Origin, a Certificate of Quality and an Insurance Policy to be faxed within 2 days after the cargo is ready for shipment.

—Good. To sum it up let me show you the sample of the other company’s L/C but without any figures and names (it’s our commercial secret). We could meet tomorrow after you look through it closely.

to pay платить, выплачивать, оплатить; payon demand — оплатить по первому требованию, pay at sight — оплатить по предъявлению, pay to order — оплатить по требованию/приказу, pay in kind — оплатить натурой; payable — подлежащий оплате; payment — платеж, оплата, part-payment — частичная оплата, progress payment — поэтапная оплата, payment in advance, prepayment — предварительная оплата, payment by results — оплата по результатам
price asking ~ attractive ~ reasonable ~ acceptable ~ cost ~ quoted ~ cut ~ best~ final ~ Цена запрашиваемая (первая) цена привлекательная разумная приемлемая себестоимость предлагаемая/ назначенная со значительной скидкой самая низкая / высокая окончательная
make modifications модифицировать; to make calculations (amendments)— производить расчеты (вводить поправки)
to be inclined намереваться, склоняться к чему-то. I am not inclined to talk to Mr Stanely now. Синоним: to intend
to assure   уверять, заверять. She assures me of her innocence — она уверяет меня, что невиновна. Assuring you of my highest esteem. — Примите уверения в глубоком почтении к Вам.
to let smb down подводить, ставить в неприятное положение.
in the circumstances при данных обстоятельствах. Синоним: under the circumstances
long-term relations долгосрочные, рассчитанные на длительное время отношения. Антоним: short-term
To take risks брать на себя риск. Синоним: to run a risk; at the owner’s risk — на риск владельца; risk, кроме того, 1) страховая сумма; 2) застрахованное лицо или вещь
to be out of the question это исключается. Идиома с близким значением: It doesn’t hold water — это не выдерживает критики
square deal честная сделка, порядочное обращение с клиентом. К этому выражению близко по значению gentleman's agreement
to trust 1) доверять; 2) давать в кредит. То trust a person up to... pounds — разрешить кому-то кредит до... фунтов. It is an equal failing to trust everybody and to trust nobody — Одинаково плохо — доверять всем и никому. Trustee — опекун, попечитель, с том числе и государство, осуществляющее опеку; trusteeship — опека, truster — кредитор
system of payment способ платежа. Синонимы: mode of payment, manner of payment
to sum it up подводя итог; в общем; подытоживая. Синоним: summing it up
go ahead продолжайте; давайте; говорите (разговорный побуждающий момент). Синоним: come on

Training exercises

1. Составьте рекламу, подобно следующей.- Напишите вопросы к каждому пункту информации. Например:

What sort of car is it?


Blue, One owner. Excellent condition. 20, 000 miles.

No accidents.

J 2800

Наши рекомендации