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(сложное подлежащее)

Foods are known to be preserved by different methods of treatment. Известно, что продукты питания сохраняются посредством различных методов обработки. Foods appear to be preservedby heating or canning very well. Оказывается, продукты питания сохраняются путем нагревания или консервирования очень хорошо. Foods are certain to be preserved by canning for a long time. Несомненно, продукты питания сохраняются методом консервирования долгое время.

1. The most common methods of food preservation are known to be canning and heating as well as refrigeration and freezing. 2. Drying and salting appear to have been used in ancient times. 3. High temperature is said to turn food into sterilized or pasteurized products. 4. Acids are certain to hasten the destruction of spoilage agents. 5. Canning is likely to be widely applied in future. 6. Food value of this product seems to have been reduced due to long-term storage. 7. Heat treatment is certain to destroy various spoilage agents present in food. 8. To analyze this product they are likely to have made a great deal of preparatory work. 9. Perishable foods are known to be canned after heating. 10. The decrease of the nutritive value of this product was said to have been caused by improper conditions of storage.


(сложное дополнение)

We know heating and canning to be widely used for food preservation. Мы знаем, чтонагревание и консервирование широко используется для консервации пищи. They wanted the temperature to be controlled automatically in their experiment. Они захотели, чтобы температура регулировалась автоматически в их эксперименте.

1. The experiments have shown canned food to keep quality for a long time. 2. Scientists have found bacteria to be the principal spoilage agents of food. 3. We know food to become contaminated by microorganisms even after pasteurization. 4. They wanted the period of food storage to be prolonged. 5. I heard this laboratory carry out experiments in the field of food preservation. 6. During his experiment he saw the pressure have considerable increased. 7. They expected the application of this method to be successful. 8. The head of the laboratory ordered the assistant to prepare everything for the experiment. 9. They heard their enterprise be reconstructed in the nearest future. 10ё. Food technologists expect pre-cooked foods to make up a large portion of foods to be frozen.


FOR+ noun/pronoun + Infinitive
Функции: 1. подлежащее 2. дополнение 3. определение 4. обстоятельство Перевод – придаточным предложением
The temperature is high enough for bacteria to be killed. Температура достаточно высока, чтобы бактерии были уничтожены. For meat to be preserved it is frozen. Чтобы сохранить мясо, егозамораживают.

1. It is necessary for nutritionists to know all the methods of food preservation. 2. Refrigeration is not effective enough for vegetables to be stored for a long time. 3. We waited for the professor to begin his lecture on the method of drying foods. 4. One of the ways for people to destroy microorganisms in food is canning. 5. For perishable foods to keep quality some special treatment is required.

7. Контроль: переведите следующие предложения на русский язык.

1. To render food sterile requires its boiling for a long time. 2. In order to protect sterilized food from fresh contamination by microorganisms it should be canned. 3. The variety of fruit to be canned in our plant is rich in vitamin C. 4. Most bacteria present in food are known to be destroyed by heating. 5. Scientists believe chemical preservatives to be widely applied in food industry all over the word. 6. The temperature necessary for foods to be frozen depends upon a number of factors.


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