Assignments. I. Answer the questions

I. Answer the questions.

1. Who was Management by objectives first described by?

2. What did Peter Drucker emphasize in his book “The Practice of Management”?

3. What are the benefits of Management by Objectives?

4. What should an MBO programme lead to?

5. What does MBO make the individual think of?

6. What are the main limitations of the system?

7. What must an organization pay careful attention to using the MBO approach?

8. What do goals serve for?

9. What are kinds of goals differentiated by?

10. What are goals closely related to?

11. What does the company decide at the strategic planning stage?

12. Who is tactical planning normally done by?

13. What does tactical planning involve?

14. What is contingency planning?

II. Translate into Ukrainian:

to provide guidance and direction, to inspire motivation and commitment, to promote evaluation and control, goal-setting process.

III. Translate the sentences into English:

1. Всі менеджери організації повинні бути залучені у процес визначення мети.

2. Плани визначаються в межах часових горизонтів, включаючи довгострокові, проміжні та короткострокові часові рамки.

3. Менеджери мають звертати особливу увагу на важливість досягнення числених цілей через оптимізацію та інші підходи.

4. Планування дій на випадок непередбачених обставин – це визначення альтернативного курсу дій, які мають бути здійснені, якщо намічений план виявиться нераціональним.

5. Цільове управління привернуло до себе величезний інтерес ділового світу і його принципи були застосовані у багатьох з найбільших світових компаній.

IV. Find proper definitions.

Terms Definitions
1.goal-setting process   2.long-range planning   3.contingency planning   4. optimization     5.operational plan a) a systematic procedure for directing and controlling future activities of a firm for periods longer than a year. It predicts the future and establishes a strategy of action and expected results; b) establishing steps to meet the objectives of an individual or firm; c) combining elements in just the right balance, often to secure maximum profit; d) a short-range plan (less than one year) that relates to the scheduling of internal operations or processes; e) the process of developing a set of alternative plans to fit a variety of future conditions.

V. Fill in the following table.

1 …………… 2 …………… 3…………... 4 …………… 1 …………… 2 …………… 3…………... 4 …………… 1 …………… 2 …………… 3…………... 4 ……………

VI. Correct any mistakes in the following. Two sentences are correct. Rewrite the wrong sentences.

1.He suggested me to go to Cairo.

2.You should listen to the staff.

3. How about we have a new system?

4. Will we have a break now?

5.I recommend to you to think about our offer.

6. He advised us to wait.

7.I suggest you to visit us next week.

8. I suggest to having a new meeting.

VII. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate forms of the Participle or the Infinitive:

1. He didn’t wish himself (criticize).

2. Nobody expected any measures (take).

3. Nobody heard the door (open).

4. How he got himself (elect) is a mystery.

5. And I want everything (deliver) at my hotel.

6. When do you want the letters (type)?

VIII. Sum up what the text says about the goal-setting process.

Text 7

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