А) замените русские слова в скобках их английскими эквивалентами из словарного минимума к тексту и переведите эти предложения на русский язык (0, 5 балла);
Japan is known as a small nation with high population density (плотность). Traditionally the Japanese government has to (разрешать) domestic producers export manufactured goods in order to (получить) additional foodstuffs. This policy (позволила) to maintain the low level of living standards of the country's population. In the late 1940s Japan was said to be close to bankruptcy and starvation (голод). But between 1965 and 1973 the country was able to maintain a real average growth rate of 10 percent per year. It is important that during the same period (участвуя в международной торговле) Japan increased it at a rate of 16.8 percent in real terms or twice the rate at which total world trade (расширилась). (Согласно) statistical reports, per capita income rose from $700 to over $2,400. The (принятие) of special trade policy and (стимулирование нововведений) in production (позволило) Japan to overtake (догнать) West Germany in terms of GNP by 1968 and to become the world's third (главным) producer after the USA and the Soviet Union. In contrast to Japan's earlier dependence on foreign (помощь), by 1971 Japan had become the second largest contributor, among non-communist nations, of long-term capital to underdeveloped countries. As a result of this amazing rapid economic growth Japan (усилила) its role in the world economy. It is well-known that (разнообразные) Japanese goods are highly (конкурентоспособны) and are popular with (покупателей) (повсюду) the world.
б) закончите следующие предложения в соответствии с содержанием прочитанного текста (0, 5 балла).
1. The population density in Japan is…
2. The least low level of living standards in the late 1940s was maintained due to…
3. The period of greatest economic growth in Japan came…
4. By the end of the 60s Japan had became … producer in the world.
5. As a result the role of the country…
Задание 10. Письменно переведите предложения на русский язык (0,5 балла).
1. The United States trade policy has passed through an era of self-sufficiency in which high tariffs, import quotas and other means were used to protect domestic industries and to maintain the country's economic security.
2. The acceptance of the principle of international cooperation means that the first and the most important thing any nation can do is to achieve and maintain a high level of domestic prosperity.
3. Direct or indirect subsidies are government payments to aid domestic industry if it is subjected to unfavourable competitive conditions in foreign trade.
4. In the "pure" economical theory of international trade economists discuss questions such as the determination of comparative advantage by examining the real resources (physical qualities of land, labour and capital) used to make diverse goods in various countries.
5. The international monetary system is supposed to provide a medium of exchange for foreign transactions in the world economy, the operation of the system of international payments being of special interest to economists.
6. Exports of manufactured goods produced in LDCs to industrial countries have led to complaints in developed countries that jobs are being threatened by competition from cheap foreign labour.
7. According to economic theory there always exists an exchange rate that will allow the country to produce at least one good more cheaply than other countries when all goods are valued in a common currency.
8. Through international exchange countries supply the world economy with the commodities that they produce relatively cheaply and demand from the world economy the goods that are made relatively cheaply elsewhere.
9. It has been proved that comparative advantage leads to specialization of different countries in different brands within the same industry, a country importing or exporting a good but not both.
10. Commercial policy is the government policy that influences foreign trade through taxes or subsidies or through direct restrictions on imports and exports.
Задание 11. Письменно переведите предложения на английский язык (1 балл).
1. Международная торговля, включающая обмен товарами и услугами между странами, привела к большей взаимозависимости между экономиками разных стран.
2. Важно, чтобы международная торговля позволяла стране специализироваться на тех товарах, которые она может производить дешевле и эффективнее, чем конкуренты.
3. Многие экономисты считают, что торговля, основанная на принципе относительного преимущества, дает возможность стране получать больше товаров, чем она может произвести, используя только свои ресурсы.
4. Принципы развития международной торговли, рассмотренные такими известными экономистами, как Адам Смит и Давид Риккардо, как полагают, являются основой современных экономических теорий.
5. Конкуренция, как на мировом рынке, так и внутри страны заставляет производителей улучшать качество товаров, проводить модернизацию и вносить новшества, чтобы привлечь больше потребителей.
6. Развитие международной торговли позволяет стране расширить рынок товаров, более рационально использовать сырье и трудовые ресурсы, а также помочь ослабленным секторам местной экономики.
Задание 12. Заполните пропуски в предложениях словами из таблицы в соответствующей форме. Переведите эти предложения на русский язык (0, 5 балла).
to allow, to emphasize, to compete with, to compete in, to compete for, to participate, to enable, to promote, to gain, gain, to expand, major, relatively, diverse, competitive, innovations, throughout |
1. In 1992 US exports totalled about $447 billion, ... US exports including chemicals, grain (зерно) or grain products, soybeans (соя) and coal (уголь).
2. The Industrial Revolution which began in the mid-18th century,... a few economies to develop and similar (похожий) goods.
3. Adam Smith ... that businesses within each nation produced what was most suitable to their region, and individual producers as economic units ... from trading certain goods.
4. Nowadays some countries with ... similar free market economies
customers in each other's home markets.
5. World trade ... very rapidly since 1950, at an average rate of 8 percent per year.
6. In the 1960s the USA lost its dominant position in world trade as Japanese companies began successfully American ones.
7. It is known that an exchange based on ... advantage appeared late in the 19th century when several countries had reached the stage of industrialization.
8. Many countries depend especially on foreign trade of... raw materials for their plants, factories and other industries.
9. Strong competition in the world market... producers to look for... in order to dominate in the world's economy.
10. The membership in the European Economic Community ... member countries to import goods and services from others on favourable terms (на льготных условиях).
11. Exploiting international differences in opportunity costs, countries ... in foreign trade can get a net... .
12. Various degrees of socialism exist... the world, such as those in Egypt, Burma, Sweden and Denmark.
Задание 13. Прочитайте текст без словаря и озаглавьте его. Письменно закончите предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста (1 балл).
Foreign trade being an essential part of a nation's economy, governmental restrictions are sometimes necessary to protect national interests. Government actions may occur in response to the trade policies of other countries or in order to protect specific depressed industries. Since the beginnings of foreign trade, nations have tried to maintain a favourable balance of trade - that is, to export more than they import.
Foreign trade being an essential part of a nation's economy, governmental restrictions are sometimes necessary to protect national interests. Government actions may occur in response to the trade policies of other countries or in order to protect specific depressed industries. Since the beginnings of foreign trade, nations have tried to maintain a favourable balance of trade - that is, to export more than they import.
Products are known to be bought and sold in the international market with national currencies. Seeking to improve its balance of international payments, that is, to increase reserves of its own currency and reduce the amount held by foreigners, a country may attempt to limit imports. The aim of such policy is to control the amount of currency that leaves the country.
One method of limiting imports is simply to close the channels of entry into a country. Usually maximum allowable (разрешенный) import quantities known as quotas may be set for specific products. These may also be used to limit the amount of foreign or domestic currency that is allowed to cross national borders. Having been imposed, quotas serve as the quickest means of stopping or even reversing (зд. изменять) a negative trend in a country's balance of payments as well as of protecting domestic industry from foreign competition.
Another common way of restricting imports is by imposing tariffs or taxes on imported goods. A tariff paid by the buyer of the imported product makes the price higher for that good in the importing country. The higher price reduces consumer demand, effectively restricting the import. Tariffs also serve as a subsidy to domestic producers of the goods taxed because the higher price resulting from a tariff is an incentive for the competing domestic industry to expand production.
In recent years the use of non-tariff barriers to trade has increased. It may result in some administrative regulations that discriminate against foreign goods and in favour of domestic ones. These regulations may include various measures such as adopting special domestic tax policies or strict standards on imported goods, delaying imports at the country's boundaries, ordering government officers to use domestically produced goods. Direct government support of depressed domestic industries is considered as a non-tariff barrier to trade, as such support puts the aided industries at an unfair (несправедливый) advantage among trading nations. However, these barriers are not necessarily imposed by a government, for example an organized public campaign "buy only American" or "don't buy beef of mad cows" may be effective as well.
1. Governmental restrictions in foreign trade can be imposed…
2. To increase the amount of national currency…
3. Quotas are known to be…
4. Both tariffs and taxes are used…
5. It is important that non-tariff barriers are…